MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 77 take a bow

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"Boss, someone invited you to dinner."


"Pompeii's private dinner. He invited a private chef who is good at cooking puffer fish."

Luo Yin was noncommittal and glanced at the current time.

"Olivia, what do you think?"

"He wants to trade the holy corpse in our hands in exchange for some kind of technology to safely use the holy corpse."

"How are you going to reply?"

"Ask to postpone the dinner, you need to adjust the schedule. You want to kill the Gattuso family's plan, you may have already done it."

"A salary increase."


The Royal Opera House of Turin, Italy.

Mozart's classic "The Marriage of Figaro" is being played in the theater.

The stage is set with a luxurious Earl's Court scene, and the hall is carefully decorated for the evening wedding.

The maid Suzanne handed a letter to Count Almaviva and asked him to have a tryst in the garden at night.

The Count, who had been coveting Suzanne for a long time, was overjoyed that Figaro's wedding was finally green, and he had no idea that this was a plan negotiated by Countess Rosina and Suzanne.

This opera Pompeii has been watched more than ten times, and every time he is with a different woman.

There were only Pompeii and a Latin girl in the suspended box, and Parcy was waiting outside as usual.

The harmonious and beautiful trio was interrupted by a sudden noise, and the surprised audience turned their attention to the source of the sound with a bit of anger.

Caesar cut off the bolt and pushed open the heavy box door. The security guard of the opera house was politely stopped by Parsik.

Pompeii whispered a few words to his female companion, and soon, only the father and son were left in the box.

He wasn't angry or flustered, he seemed to be used to this kind of small conflict between father and son.

"The family approved my marriage with Chen Motong."

"Yes, you are a good match, there is no reason not to pass. This has been a long time ago."

"It's been a long time indeed. It's been almost three years."

It is recommended to choose Chen Motong as the bride of Caesar Gattuso. It says so on the document.

Time August 2008, signed Pompeii.

At that time, Caesar didn't even know Nuonuo, she was just entering school.

Pompeii didn't ask how Caesar got the document, it doesn't matter.

"Then you should have seen the reason why I recommended Chen Motong.

Her bloodline is excellent and stable, and she is the daughter of the Chen family.

We did deceive you. From the beginning, Chen Motong is the bride chosen by the family for you. "

"What I want to know is the real reason."

Caesar took out a document again. Pompeii's expression gradually became serious, and this time it didn't seem so simple.

"According to genetic identification, the two sons of Nuonuo and Chen Jun are not related by blood. She is not Chen Jun's daughter."

"Who knows. Maybe she's an adopted daughter, maybe, haha."

"Nonuo told me that she was born through surrogacy, and the surrogate mother died of illness when she was very young."

"You don't know the situation of the Chen family. In order to obtain a stronger and more diverse offspring, Chen Jun will buy eggs from women with excellent pedigree. Many children of the Chen family are born through surrogacy."

Caesar made no secret of his disgust.

"The test-tube baby made by Chen Jun has no blood relationship with him.

There is a possibility that someone replaced the embryo in the process. "

This time, Pompeii didn't answer right away, leaning back on the crimson velvet sofa. He clapped approvingly.

"You replaced it."

"Your speculation is very good. Go on, what else can you come up with."

Caesar took out the third document. Pompeii's mouth twitched.

"This is a plan that has been rearranged, and its original owner is Jung von Herzog.

The three brothers and sisters of Genzhisheng are all artificial emperors. Genzhinu and Uesugi Eri Yi have undergone pontine split surgery.

The White King Sacred Skeleton can allow a very high bloodline race to complete the evolution, but it will destroy the host's consciousness. "

Caesar paused.

"Caesar, Parcy, Chen Motong. Yuan Zhisheng, Yuan Zhi's daughter, Uesugi Ei Liyi.

Black King Sacred Skeleton. White King Sacred Skeleton. "

"It's so similar."

Pompeii nodded affirmatively. Like, very similar.

Caesar deliberately put the photos of Nuonuo and Uesugi Eri Yi together. The facial features of the two are very similar as a whole, but the differences in details make it easy to distinguish.

Many people in the academy often use "red-haired witch" to refer to Huiliyi, but the witch is not a beautiful word in the culture of the dragon tribe.

A witch is an existence that serves the gods, presides over the sacrifices of the gods, and is relied on by the gods.

Nuonuo's "profile" is essentially a strong spiritual vision ability. In the dragon civilization, psychic is the exclusive authority of priests and witches.

"Pompeii, I will not sit on the throne prepared by others like a puppet."

Contrary to Pompeii's expectations, Caesar's eyes became indifferent, and a strange light surged in the depths of his ice-blue pupils.

"I was born to step on the throne, but the throne must be decided by me.

I decide my own path, I decide the future of the family, and I decide what to do with Chen Motong... not you.

You can't expect me to be emperor and your marionette. "

"It seems that you have a lot of feelings about this trip to the North Pole."

Pompeii smiled at Caesar, not caring at all about the aggressiveness of the other party. That's fine.

"Luo Yin gave me a lot of important information. He wants me to destroy the Gattuso family's plan."

Pompeii: "Of course it's him."

There was anger in Caesar's eyes, and the muscles on his cold face trembled slightly.

"The family has been preparing plans for nearly ten years, from monitoring the Leviathan to tracking the holy corpse... The ultimate beneficiary is him.

If we bow to him too, there will be no force among the half-bloods to contend with him. "

"Yes, we must act to preserve Gattuso's glory..."


Caesar interrupted his father angrily.

"You didn't discover the true value of Behemoth, it was your misjudgment of the situation that led to the loss of the Arctic.

It was your conceit and paranoia that brought the family into the current situation! "

Pompeii's expression darkened, his tense facial muscles twitched, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Because Caesar was right. He believed that the black snake was no different from other first-generation species, and used it as a sacrifice to revive the White King's holy corpse, and the subsequent egg recovery operation failed again.

"I need to know everything about the family. I will take back the lost throne with my own hands."

Pompeii's expression changed indefinitely, and he finally laughed. He took a Chianti from the ice bucket and poured a third of the deep red wine into two goblets.

"That's right, my goal has always been the Black King Sacred Skeleton. After knowing the existence of that kind of power, what is the attraction of their thrones for the four monarchs, and even the incomplete White King?

Only the power of the Black King is the strongest, and only the strongest can have absolute freedom. "

"Nuo Nuo... Where's Chen Motong? Does she have the aptitude to fuse the holy corpse?"

"That's right. Her genetic information is rich in the genes of the White King and the Black Snake, and she is the best sacrifice to complete the holy corpse.

Wait for the moment when the holy skeleton occupies the body and completes the evolution, and draws out the blood of the Black King, which is the least toxic when it was born, and allows you to complete the evolution. "

Caesar calmly digested the message.

"But Chen Motong's bloodline is not strong, and he doesn't even have the spirit of words."

"She is a product of a new generation than Uesugi Eriyi. A sacrifice with too much power, but it can easily get out of control."

"Why don't you use it yourself?"

"Baptists who have received the blood of the Black King must have the qualifications to fuse holy corpses themselves.

Looking at the fusion cases in history, the direct descendants of the ocean and water kings have the highest success rate, followed by the blood descendants of the white king, and the others are pitifully low.

And I have already injected Fengwang fetal blood, and using other fetal blood will definitely get out of control. "

Pompeii could only pin its hopes on future generations. The bloodline of the Gulweiger family not only allowed Caesar to break free from Li Wuyue's control, but also greatly improved his compatibility with the holy skeleton.

"Success rate, which means not absolute success. What if I fail and die?"

"You've always known."

Percy. His saber was Caesar's pair, named Augustus, or Octavian.

If Caesar dies, Passy in the shadow will be baptized in his place, just like Octavian inheriting the Roman Empire.

"However, Passy needs some simple surgery before the baptism."

"So, Percy is my brother."

"You are the only two left, and he is a second-hand inferior."

Caesar's icy expression turned into a cheerful smile, and he put down his guard against Pompeii.

"We still have a chance to get the holy corpse, which is the ticket to the throne..."


Pompeii's face twisted unexpectedly, and his muscular body slammed into the outer wall of the box.

Everyone in the Turin Royal Opera House suddenly looked at him, and even "Figaro" on the stage couldn't help looking at the box.

Caesar smashed the floor and punched the stallion's abdominal muscles with a heavy punch, smashing the outer wall of the box, sending wood chips flying.

Gattuso and his son crashed into the golden glass chandelier, and the slender, fringed glass prisms were shattered by hundreds, and the fragments were blown by a gust of wind in front of the stage.

With the heavy muffled sound of the two landing, the well-dressed audience fled far away in a panic.

Caesar and Pompeii stood up like nothing else, and sorted their clothes.

Caesar tore off his tie, threw away his coat, and unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt.

Pompeii spat out the blood in his mouth and suddenly sneered.

"I thought the legendary Major Bondarev would be smarter."

"I did step back. Bondarev wouldn't make such a low-level mistake."

Caesar stepped on the red velvet seat and rushed towards Pompeii, jumping and punching like a swooping falcon.

Pompeii blocked the attack with his arms, and the two were entangled, approaching the stage.

"I like this show, you shouldn't spoil it."

"Figaro's never compensated her for a decent wedding!"

Caesar will definitely plan the most grand and beautiful wedding with his bride, and she will definitely see it.

The father and son jumped on the carefully arranged stage, and the opera singers kept their distance from these two lunatics.

Caesar undid the buckle of the scabbard, discarded the hunting knife Dick Tuddo in the glass slag, and raised his fists in a boxing stance.

Pompeii moved the joints of his whole body, stood in place casually, with contempt in his complicated eyes.

"I want to have a fight with you. I've been thinking about it for many years."

"Me too."

The two clenched their teeth and punched each other in hot silence, again and again.

The fist and the fist collided without hesitation, the flesh of the fist split open, and the phalanx cracked in the repeated heavy blows.

Neither of them used their words. Caesar's bloodline is a little higher, with better defense and strength, while Pompeii is faster.

Pompeii changed his routine, relaxing the joints of his body abnormally to the extreme, his attack angle was strange and changeable, and his pace was erratic.

His movements are flexible and graceful, like stepping on a tango dance, and when attacking, he shows the tricky and ferocity of KGB fighting techniques, and he has a very deep grasp of Sistema.

Caesar was hit to the torso by fists one after another, but his center of gravity was as stable as a rock.

Pompeii stepped forward and hit Caesar on the bridge of the nose. But Caesar counterattacked without hesitation, hitting the right uppercut to Daddy Bastard's disfigured cheek.

He subconsciously blocked, and it was too late when he saw that it was a fake, and Caesar's fist hit his chest.

"You value your face too much."

Caesar sneered in a low voice and pursued with great strides.

Pompeii pressed his arms down, and Caesar grabbed his waist and fell to the ground. The two fell heavily on the set props, smashing the piano of the Earl's Palace into several pieces.

Before his joints were strangled, Pompeii nimbly broke free from Caesar's arms and jumped up to avoid Caesar's pursuit.

The audience in the opera house was dazzled, and at this time they didn't care much about whether Figaro would be bullied. Everyone knows that his wedding will not be yellow.

The speed of the two on the stage is extremely fast, and the sense of strength and skill is even more amazing. Many people could not help but violated the rules of the opera house and turned on their mobile phone cameras.

The continuous crunching sound of bones further heated the atmosphere. The father and son entered the keel state at the same time, and their offensive and defensive capabilities were greatly improved.

Wherever the two passed, the stage set was destroyed like a tornado destroying the parking lot, and the mansion of the Count of Almaviva was forcibly demolished.

Caesar punched Pompeii hard, clamped his arm, smashed the wall, and entered the backstage through the curtain.

The blood-filled golden pupils of the two radiated a dangerous light, and they kept punching, punching, punching again.

He was so unsteady standing, his brain was dizzy, and his sight was blocked by blood stains.

"Is it enough?"

"Never enough!"

Caesar's body swayed, and a crooked right swing punched Pompeii's big arm.

The walls and ground in the backstage seemed to have been plowed through by machine guns, and the senses of the two of them were blurred, and they staggered on the potholes and continued to punch.

"Don't you have any love for her?"

"Will you fall in love with a tool?"

Two uppercuts hit each other's chins at the same time, and the two backed up to the wall to support their bodies.

"You are my son! You are going to be the emperor of the new world. Nothing can restrain you. The freedom and glory of the whole world belong to you alone!"

Pompeii roared hysterically and walked towards the person he loved the most.

Suddenly, his mind went blank, and he fell to the ground in a daze.

After completing the fatal blow, Nuonuo withdrew his right foot and ran across Pompeii to Caesar.

"What are you doing!"

"I did something I've wanted to do for a long time."

Nuonuo helped Caesar get up and wiped the blood from his face with his cuff.

"Do you know that too?"

Nuonuo nodded. After reading the information sent by Caesar, she quickly understood her background and guessed what she would do with Caesar's character.

"Where did the embryo come from?"


Pompeii, who was lying on the ground, replied.

Nuonuo felt a little incredible, can the high-level mixed race easily handle even the next three moves?


"Secret, I swore never to reveal the identity of the seller."

"I'm tired of never-ending secrets."

The blood from Behemoth came into play, and Caesar gradually regained his senses.

"Don't ask any more."

Caesar looked at Nuonuo in surprise.

"What other people want me to do, and which two people or dragons my bloodline comes from, has nothing to do with me. Nono is Nono."

He was silent for a few seconds, then nodded. Continue to dig deeper, nothing more than more dirty.

"Fuck Gattuso. Fuck the Dark Lord. Fuck the Black King.

My name is Caesar, and there is no Gattuso or Gulwig after it. Mom, she won't be cursed by this surname again. "

Caesar said to Pompeii word by word.

Nuonuo put on a black motorcycle helmet and stepped on the Harley's accelerator. The two rushed out of the theater with the roar of the engine.


In front of the stage, Pasian stroked the actors and the audience, using a large check to extinguish the staff's anger.

"Do you know what I want to do most at this moment?"

Pompeii leaned against the wall dejectedly, with bruises all over his face.

"Take a curse on the Turin Royal Theater and have a grand funeral."

On the other end of the phone, a gray dragon answered in a playful tone.


"Unfortunately, the Damocles satellite can only carry 12 tungsten rods at a time, which is only enough for two launches."

He cut one with his own hands in Siberia and was very familiar with it.

"When the reloading is completed, the anger should almost disappear.

At the final table, there is no place for Gattuso. Dear Mr. Pompeii, I wish you good health. "

After the communication was interrupted for a long time, Pompeii laughed until tears mixed with blood.


The secretary of the Persian cat's eye walked to Pompeii and respectfully waited for his order.

Pompeii stared at him, and there was nowhere to hide all of Parcy's little actions, as if his heart was seen through.

"You were kicked out of Gattuso's house. Get out."

A trace of waves flashed in Percy's pupils. He bowed deeply to Pompeii, saluted respectfully, and turned to the door of the theatre.

Pompeii called Frost and walked to the center of the stage.

"You are the owner of the house. There is no proxy. Yes."

Pompeii Gattuso, smiling, bowed three times to the audience. The curtain fell.


"It's a pleasure to work with."

"Before you change jobs, you always have to make a good impression on the new owner. You will have to rely on you for decades of serum drugs."

Passy strolled in the sunshine of Turin, and there was a hint of joy in her peaceful tone.

"Have you ever considered being a free man?"

"I'm used to being a secretary and lack the courage to try other ways of life."

"Welcome to the Samaritans, Percy."

"My pleasure."

Luo Yin rubbed the dragon scales on his chin, thoughtfully.

"Olivia, don't you feel nervous at all? The newcomer is very strong, and it seems to be a little... dark."

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. Many colleagues work less overtime. There are too many people to manage. I often recall the days when there was only one small workshop. It's really good."

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