MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 78 the beginning of the story

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Luo Yin looked down at the dead sea of ​​ice below. There is nothing between the sky and the sea except the quiet sailing of Nigalfa.

He once again entered the kingdom of the Black King, with only Hela accompanying him.

"Where is the second door you said?"

Yemenga was a little annoyed. Royin borrowed the boat of Nigalfa and roamed the savage and dead ice sea for several days. Every time I asked him, it was fast, and I found it soon.

"It's not yet time, I'm here to find another thing.

Oh, found it. "

"Then what is it this time?"

"It's free labor."

Before Lord Ye had a high blood pressure attack, Luo Yin was like an arrow piercing the sea of ​​ice, without causing any waves.

Ten minutes passed, but there was no movement under the ice. Must have drowned.


Yemenga heard a crisp sound, and a long and thin gap opened in the ice.

Cracks in the ice are growing at an exaggerated rate, and dangerous undercurrents are surging in the sea.

Yemengarde drove the bone ship away from this sea in time. The cobweb-like ice surface collapsed from the center to all sides, pouring into the giant vortex below.

The waves surged into the sky, and the central sea sank, like rolling mountains and basins.

The sea water continued to drop, and it was more than 200 meters lower than the surrounding sea level, and a hole the size of a lake appeared.

The dark reefs emerge from the sea, revealing their full picture as the sea sinks.

Ice Sea Copper Column Watch!

Here is actually a broken copper pillar, the history book of the collapse of the dragon family.

After thousands of years, the section of the bronze column has been severely corroded, and the dragon inscriptions on the surface have also been worn in a large area, but some parts still have a faint metallic luster.

Luo Yin stood on the section of one of the copper pillars, and there was no trace of water on the broad dragon wings.

He will not slowly collect the copper pillar fragments. Since you can enter the kingdom of the black king, of course you have to find a big one at one time.

Yemengarde is full of curiosity now. Why did he find it here? What does he want to do with the copper pillars?

Thousands of years have passed, the Longwen circuit on the copper pillar of the ice sea has been completely destroyed, and all the life has been dissipated. The only thing left is the value of antique collection and recycling.

The pale-golden dragon's blood seeped into the ancient bronze pillar, silently.

Luo Yin once restored the alchemical circuit of copper pillar fragments in Siberia. Although the surface layer has been damaged, the inner circuit still has the potential to repair and activate.

Although this "fragment" is a bit big, his blood is also worth more than before.

The dragon's blood was continuously consumed and regenerated, and the holy skeleton became dishonest, Luo Yin couldn't help frowning.

He manipulated the dragon's blood to flow and spread in the broken copper pillars hundreds of meters long, repairing the broken circuit, and giving the metal a soul again.

The copper column trembled slightly, fine ripples appeared in the swirling sea water, and the gray-black and turquoise rust debris peeled off the column and sank into the deep sea.

The cold and dead sea water reflects the faint blue fluorescence, thousands of large and small light spots.

I really miss it.

Luo Yin touched the core part of the bronze pillar, and found a simple and indispensable dragon-text structure in it. He generally calls it, "Permanent Memories."

Because of its existence, the Bronze Pillar has always recorded the real history, which cannot be tampered with by any creature except the Black King.

Even Kungunnir can only erase a small amount of the information.

Thousands of years after the death of the Black King, the alchemy field of the Ice Sea Copper Pillar awakened again, and a ring-shaped arc of flickering light bloomed in the dark and dead world.

Luo Yin vaguely saw a gate in that light. Longwen was like a river flowing over the gate, and like a prosperous evergreen tree.

The door was locked, but Luo Yin knew that the door would be opened for him.

He closed his eyes, and astronomical information flowed in front of his eyes.

Luo Yin must hurry up. This terrifying alchemy formation should have been carried by the sky-high copper pillar, and he couldn't maintain it for long.

The broken copper column has been silently recording history for thousands of years, but no priests have organized it anymore. No one has read the information in it, nor has the qualification to read it.

Countless times, countless places, countless lives. Luo Yin seemed to have stepped into the recycling bin of the world, and all kinds of mixed information were randomly piled up on the ruins.

The good news is that he is getting permission to organize information.

Luo Yin tried to sort the information according to the moment of time, but the surrounding was still terrifyingly chaotic.

His time is limited. Only by finding a suitable entry point can he obtain useful information.

Search: Shilan Middle School in X City, Lu Mingfei.

Luo Yin saw a bad boy using a red dot to hit the stars in an Internet cafe, opposite an American netizen named Lao Tang.

Bad boy received a letter from Kassel College.

Cui Zai confessed that Chen Wenwen had failed.

Thousands of time slices jumped forward in front of Luo Yin's eyes, like a movie.


The movie was interrupted, and the surroundings turned gray.

Luo Yin understood that neither he nor the Ice Sea Copper Pillar could only maintain the Alchemy Array for so long.

He continued to move forward in the gray world and saw a statue of a dragon. Wearing a white robe, holding a codex and a scepter.

Luo Yin quickly walked past one white sculpture after another, until the end.

In the second position, there is nothing. And the original statue, only a residue left.

There are three things on the high platform at the end: a white robe, a law code, and a scepter.

"I do not need."

Luo Yin said without hesitation.

[Dragons and hybrids no longer need priests. There will be no new black kings and no need for servants of the gods.

It is not the prophecies of the gods that make history, but the living beings of the world. Including you, you.

You will continue your duties in the future—in the new world, documenting its future. 】

He meditated in his heart.

The alchemy field collapsed. Luo Yin opened his eyes, his mind still immersed in the information he read.

After a long time.

[The main quest has been completed. The base dragon library is unlocked. Please explore the world on your own. 】

Luo Yin smiled and flew to the ship of Nigalfa.

The broken bronze pillar became darker than before after a short period of brilliance, the Longwen Circuit was broken and peeled off in large areas, and the surface of the copper pillar was submerged in the rising sea water again.

Lord Ye was secretly suspicious. What did Luo Yin see? He was so happy, why didn't he kill him.

And the way this person looked at her was very strange, and it seemed to contain many different meanings.

[There is no malice, but there is definitely ridicule. A little sympathy, and admiration? 】

[Xami, go to play with Fenrir! 】

Luo Yin figured out a lot of doubts, and his confidence in his next plan increased. It didn't come in vain this time.

Moreover, he really saw Yemengaard right, it was useless to give her many chances.


Luo Yin was walking in the vast virtual world, and Lu Mingfei looked at the surrounding scenery with some curiosity.

This area has not yet been launched in "Origin", only the two of them are alive.

The game has not been officially updated for two or three months, and the majority of players complained and called for a refund.

"The chapter of the Wind King is almost done, but it involves confidentiality issues and is still being revised."

Luo Yin explained with a smile that he didn't have time to deal with "Origin" recently.

In fact, Lu Mingfei was also offline for a long time because of the mission.

Recently, he spent all day talking with doctors in the health and medical department, repeated physical examinations, and was utterly bored, so he went to "Origin" to kill time again.

Luo Yin clapped his hands, and music sounded all around. Strong and powerful male voice, incomprehensible opera.

"How is the test result? Does the medical department have a solution?"


Lu Mingfei was a little stuck. To this day, he is still not used to the concern from others.

"I have to sleep for more than 16 hours a day, and sometimes I can't wake up. I often have inexplicable pains on my body, and I can't find the reason.

The doctor said that my body is sometimes twenty years old and sometimes eighty years old. There is no reliable cure, let me rest more and don't practice blindly. "

Luo Yin's heart sank, he has already reached this point.

How long does he have left to live? Five years, ten years? If he turns into a dragon again, his body will inevitably fail.

"Take care of yourself. There are no dragon kings to kill anymore, and the history of dragon slayers has turned over.

Take care of your body and take care of your health. "

"I'm not really eighty!"

The Tucao machine automatically spit out.

"If there is no way here at the I should go to my parents.

They contacted me and said that there are also top medical experts over there who might be able to solve my problems. "

Luo Yin: "When is it?"

"There's still a while, they seem to be busy with decoration."

"That's good. Although the doomsdays have a relatively negative attitude, there are many excellent talents among them. You haven't seen your parents for a long time, right?"


When the music progressed to the most exciting part, Luo Yin also hummed in a low voice.

He recited in a low voice:

"There is a devil standing beside you, the appearance of a child/

He wants everything about you, you were born just for him/

He is by your side day and night/

One day, it will kill you/


How to get rid of the shadow of self, how to say no to fate/

How to live out oneself, how to regain a new life/

If you don't know yourself, if you don't break free from the shadow of yourself/

How to be free/”

Lu Mingfei stopped and looked at Luo Yin in disbelief.

"How did you know?"

"Look at the translation, I hardly understand German. The lyrics are really well written."

Luo Yin hummed a little tune and continued walking.

You must know your own past for yourself. You will surely break free from your shadow.

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