MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 916 a show

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Jia was cheerfully asked into the hospital hall with a smile.

"Is there something?"

"I just got a wild animal today, a hare, looking very fat, I want to ask Mr. to taste it at night."

This morning, he saw a hare on the mountain, and then came to the interest. The rabbit chased the rabbit in the wild and finally knocked him to death by a stone. The rabbit in winter was really fat.

"Hare? No, you can eat." Wang Yao smiled. He had just eaten one a few days ago.

"I still have a lot of wine at home, go drink it."

"No, I have it there." Jia was in a hurry.

After talking about the conversation, he left.

Near the evening, a guest came, Sun Yunsheng, who had just returned from the outside and was a servant.


"Hey, come, sit." Wang Yao smiled and gave him a cup of hot tea.

"Just came back outside?"

"Yes, at the end of the year, find some old customers, move around, talk about cooperation next year, and turn a big circle in China." Sun Yunsheng said with a smile.

"People, watching me lose weight recently, pay more attention to the body!" Wang Yaodao.

"Hey, is Mr. very good lately?"

"pretty good."

After staying here for a while, Sun Yunsheng went back and took the bus. He took a look at the road and went back to the island city at night. He went back to these days to discuss with his father. A lot of important things have involved the development of the group for some time to come.

The sky outside gradually darkened, and the lights in the mountain village were a little bit, but half of them, when it came to the lantern at night, I realized that the mountain village had already been empty.

The mountain village in the darkness is extraordinarily quiet.

“Is the pharmaceutical company in the town still selling the medicine?” Wang Fenghua asked about the pharmaceutical company when he was eating. Wang Yao told his parents that he was also a shareholder in the town’s pharmaceutical company. The amount is not small, it is considered a major shareholder, so the two things about the company are very concerned about the mainland. After all, the money that the son earned in these days is basically invested.

"Fortunately, they are all sold out, ready to produce the next batch of drugs." Wang Yao smiled.

"It’s good to sell it." Zhang Xiuying smiled after listening.

"This medicine is not something else, we must pay attention to the quality!" Wang Fenghua said a word.

"Oh, I know." Wang Yaodao.

In recent years, the problems of food and medicine have emerged in an endless stream. Food, milk powder, and vaccines, some people dare to do anything to make money. They don’t take the health of the Chinese people seriously. It seems that he wants him to be okay, as long as he It is a good thing to make money by yourself, whether others are healthy, how to live or die, and how to have nothing to do with him. But now the state is paying more and more attention to this aspect.

Parents say this, Wang Yao has considered one thing, that is the issue of anti-counterfeiting.

He is sure of the efficacy of this medicine. Over time, after having withstood the test of the market, he will definitely have a good sales volume. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will copy it. After all, everyone knows medicine. It is a profiteering industry.

"This is going to be discussed with Zheng Wei." After all, he is not very professional in this respect.

In the town of Lianshan County, one family.

"Old man, it's time to take medicine."

"Oh." A 60-year-old man walked out of the house and his face was not very good.

"Not comfortable yet?"

"It's the same."

"The medicine gives you a good heat, just on the table."

"Got it."

The old man came to the table in the living room and took the warm medicine and took it according to the amount.

The medicine is bitter.

"Oh, what about my eyes?"

"In the drawer, just let go and let go." In the kitchen, the woman is brushing the bowl.

"Ah." The old man opened the drawer and took out the reading glasses from the inside. After wearing it, he began to read the instructions for this medicine.

"What are you looking at?" his wife asked from the kitchen.

"I look at the instructions for this medicine, this is the medicine produced in our county."

“Yes, do we have a pharmaceutical factory in the county?” The old man was a little surprised. In her impression, this medicine is a high-tech thing. They are just a small county, they just get a mechanical processing. Something can be, and when is this high-tech industry built.

"Well, this year, it is not accurate to say that it was just opened this month. In the past few days, the news in the county and the city has been played. Many leaders have gone. This is the first creature in our city. Pharmaceutical company." Men's Road.

"Is this reliable? Is there any problem with this medicine?"

"What problems can you have? Look at these medicines Angelica, Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, can these things eat dead?" The old man looked up and looked at his wife.

"In the end, it is a new field, don't worry," his old man said.

"Nothing, Xiao Pan recommended, I believe him."

"Well, you try it, if you feel uncomfortable, stop immediately?"

"Got it."

The old man carefully read the bottle of instructions called "Xiao Pei Yuan Tang" twice.

"Look at these medicines, nothing."

After watching the TV, the old man burned his feet, washed, and went to bed.

People say that when people get older, they feel less and less. The time of sleep is inversely proportional to the age of the person, but the old man is not. In fact, because his body is poor, he is somewhat sleepy. It didn't take long to fall asleep in bed, then got up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom. When I was old, there was always something wrong with it.

The next morning, the old man got up earlier and his wife got up.

"How, do you feel uncomfortable there?" She never thought that the medicine she had drunk yesterday would work, as long as there were no abnormalities.

"Nothing, very good." The old man said.

"Hey, I thought about it last night, that medicine, don't drink."

"Nothing, try again, we have to support local businesses."

"Support, that health support?" His wife listened to him and gave him a look.

The old man waited for a while after eating breakfast, and took the medicine according to the amount, then went out and bent.

In the mountain village, Wang Yao did not go down in the morning because he found that some of the herbs in the medicine field were abnormal. They were ordinary herbs, not "spirits". Among the medicine fields, quite a part of the medicines bloomed overnight, red. , powder, purple, very beautiful.

"Aura" has become more intense, just a night's time.

"Strange, what happened last night?" Wang Yao looked carefully. These herbs were very good. It should be because they suddenly became rich and a lot of "Aura" let them bloom overnight.

"Sanxian, what did you find abnormally last night?"

"Wang Wang." The soil dog called twice.

It was very good last night, and no abnormalities were found.

"Well, that's weird."

Then Wang Yao took a dog around the Nanshan Mountain and turned around. As a result, the breath of the surrounding area changed and became richer.

"Why would it be like this?" For a time he could not think of a suitable reason.

"Forget it, take a closer look."

He went from Nanshan to Xishan and came to those "dead places". It was still like that. The place was not big, but the breath was very uncomfortable. It was a feeling of incompatibility, as if the rice was mixed with sand. Those foxtails and dandelions that have fallen underneath have been withered for the sake of winter.

"It seems that no one has been here for a long time." There are many dry weeds around, and the small road that was trampled out is also covered with withered weeds.

"No one is the best."

Avoid what is going on.

"What can be done?" In the Thousand Medicine Valley, Lu Xiufeng asked with a cigarette.

"When you didn't find out to eat with us, did Miao Qingfeng eat very little?"

"Old Yang, are you worried that he will poison us?"

"Yeah, don't forget, they are professional."

"Why, what is the purpose?" Lu Xiufeng said.

"Maybe just to take me for us. We haven't found anything yet. We haven't found any evidence, but it doesn't mean we can't find it in the future. Take precautions."

"Your worry is not unreasonable, but we can't find anything useful here for a while, so it's a little unwilling to leave it. If you stay here, you can't stop eating or drinking. We really have to pack it. If the food comes over and doesn't eat what they offer here, isn't it a doubt to doubt people? What do you think people think and give us convenience?"

"The suspects are in their stockade, slipping away from my eyes. At that time, Miao Xihe and Miao Qingshan were present, and there were other people. I think they should be able to stop, but they did not stop, let him Run away, this may have been a play. The people in this stockade have self-directed a play, just to fool us and let us leave early."