MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 917 contact

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"This may be there, and it is not small."

"Wait a minute." Yang Guanfeng ordered a cigarette.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for that person."

Since someone gave them an amazing message at night, he is likely to give them a second time.

"Oh, that?"

"Yes, that."

Night, quietly, the entire stockade is very quiet, most people have entered the dream, except for a few people, such as Lu Xiufeng and Yang Guanfeng, who are lying in bed to discuss things, waiting for people, that The one who gave them the message that night.

"I guess he won't come back in the middle of the night, I will sleep first, you listen." Yang Guanfeng said.

"Oh, no, this sentence should be right for me!"

"I see you are quite spiritual, I am a little tired."

"That line, you should sleep first."

After a while, Yang Guanfeng made a snoring, fell asleep, not why, he felt a little tired today, lacking, just like sleeping.

"Why haven't come yet, I will sleep if I don't come." Lu Xiufeng was lying in bed, bored, picking up the phone and watching the novel.

When it was more than ten o'clock, the bell rang, then a small iron ball flew in from the outside and landed on the ground. He hurried out of bed, picked up the small iron ball and found a blank note inside. .

"What does it mean?"

"Write our contact information." A voice came from behind him.

"I am going, Lao Yang, when did you wake up, get rid of the sound of a good voice, scare me, this will scare people!" Lu Xiufeng was really shocked.

"Just woke up."

"Look at you sleeping so hard, I didn't expect such a sound to wake you up."

"Don't be so crap, just write and throw it out, and estimate that the other party is waiting outside." Yang Guanfeng said.

He just fell asleep just now, but how many years have developed his professional habits, no matter how much he sleeps, he can immediately react to a little bit of noise.

Lu Xiufeng did not say more nonsense, quickly wrote two phone numbers, and then stuffed them into a small iron ball, and then threw them out of the window, and then listened quietly for a while.

"Strange, why didn't you hear anything?"

"He is gone." Yang Guanfeng lay back on the bed again.


"Hey, old Yang, you are patient." Lu Xiufeng smiled.

"The key step is to sell it. Next, let's see what kind of useful news we can send." Yang Guanfeng said, and after a while, he made a buzz.

"Yes." After a long time of love, Lu Xiufeng fell asleep.

The first message was sent in the early morning of the next day. At this time, most of them were sleeping, and Lu Xiufeng was awakened by the vibration of the mobile phone. Picking up the phone and looking at it is a message.

"The stockade is studying the elixir of the immortality, hosted by Miao Xihe, and several people are involved. They are conducting human experiments."

"Human experiment?" Lu Xiufeng thought for a while, turned to look at Yang Guanfeng on the side, he did not wake up.

"Old Yang?" he screamed softly.

"What's wrong?" Yang Guanfeng immediately opened his eyes and then touched his waist.

"Look." He handed the phone to Yang Guanfeng.



"The evidence, the place."

Lu Xiufeng returned to him, and after a while the other party returned.

"After the southwest of the mountain."

"Not in the stockade?"

The two looked at each other.

“Southwest of Houshan, this position is a bit fuzzy?” Lu Xiufeng frowned.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the position is fuzzy, but it is just a mountain. As long as you want to find it, you can always find it. It can't be done for two days a day, but the key question they want to find, others may not let them find it, just like the Miao Qingfeng. I stayed behind them all day, from morning till night, went out to the bathroom and went to sleep. It was basically inseparable, and they appeared right beside them. They were in the same position. They wanted to go alone to investigate the place. It is impossible.

"How to do?"

"Go and see it tomorrow." Yang Guanfeng said, this problem is really not a good way, this is on the site of others.

"What reason?"

"You think, you are doing this." Yang Guanfeng said.

The next morning, as it turned out, Miao Qingfeng came early.

"Do you have any plans for today?" he smiled.

"That, I want to ask, are there more wild animals on the mountain?" Lu Xiufeng screamed.

"Wild things, Captain Lu means to go hunting in the mountains?"

"Oh, yes, that's what it means." Lu Xiufeng smiled.

"Perfect!" Yang Guanfeng said in his heart. In the past few days, Lu Xiufeng has given them the impression that they are so happy, they like food and wine. In fact, the impression he left in other places is also true. Many people reported to the provincial government that he was a fake public, but several leaders in the provincial office knew his true ability and did not listen to rumors. Therefore, even if the people in this stockade have a message outside, the evaluation of the two of them is also true.

"Okay, no problem." Miao Qingfeng smiled.

Then he prepared the bow and arrow.

"Use this?" Looking at the bow and arrow in his hand, Lu Xiufeng was a little surprised.

"Yes, we use this for hunting here."

"Oh, okay, how do you teach us how to use it first?"

"no problem."

The two of them got up very quickly, and then they took the bow and arrow up the mountain.

"What kind of beasts are there in this mountain?"

"There are many kinds of deer, hare, wild boar, pheasant." Miao Qingfeng.

"There are no beasts like tigers and wolves?"

"There are leopards and wolves, but there are no tigers." Miao Qingfeng.

"No, are they eating people?"

"Under normal circumstances, they will not actively attack people, especially three people like us, but in special circumstances, such as we are near their nests, and they happen to have cubs, this time they are very Aggressive. If we are close, they will take the initiative to attack." Miao Qingfeng.

"Can you deal with it?"

"I? Yes." Miao Qingfeng pondered after a while. "Moreover, even if I can't, both of them don't have guys, even if they are fierce, they can't match the guns. In fact, these The beasts that can be seen are not the most terrible. The most terrible thing in this jungle is the little things that are easily overlooked."

"such as?"

"For example, poisonous spiders, cockroaches, poisonous snakes and other poisons, a considerable part of them are highly toxic, and they are bitten by a bit, which is a fatal danger."

"Listen to you, we don't seem to be here." Lu Xiufeng said, as he spoke, he went in the general direction.

"It doesn't matter, there is me, you will not have problems." Miao Qingfeng smiled.

Shashasha, just at this time, there was a sudden sound coming from afar.

"Hey." Lu Xiufeng made a snoring action, looked up and saw a wild boar, and it was dark, and there was no idea what was arching.

"Wild pig!"

"Does this use our bow and arrow?" Lu Xiufeng whispered.

"No, wild boars are typically thick and thick. The bows we bring can pierce its skin even if it happens, but it can't cause fatal damage unless it happens to hit a weak part of its eyes. It will only make it crazy."

"What if you encounter such a wild boar while hunting?"

"We usually apply a special poison on the arrow of the bow and arrow. After shooting it, it will be unconscious and then kill it." Miao Qingfeng said, "But today I didn't bring that poison."

"Or I have collapsed it!" Lu Xiufeng took out the pistol directly.

"Put it up!" Yang Guanfeng gave him a look.

"Look at a joke, make a joke." He laughed cheerfully.

"It's a little bit reluctant, the taste of this wild pork is definitely good?"

"Yes, you have eaten." Miao Qingfeng.

"Yes, what about the two nights?"


"That's it, let's go, that it won't take the initiative to attack us?"

"Yes, in the case of fright, the temper of the wild boar is very violent. Let's go, let's make a small noise, don't disturb it, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Miao Qingfeng.

The three of them quietly left, and then continued to find the next prey, and soon they found a pheasant.

"Don't move, this is me!" Lu Xiufeng said.

He bowed his arrow and then shot an empty arrow. The pheasant flicked his wings and wanted to fly. The feather arrow hit the body. After a few strokes, he no longer moved.

"Good arrow method!" Miao Qingfeng raised her thumb.

"Over the award, practice this from an early age." Miao Qingfeng smiled.