MTL - Emulator: Opening Talent Super Gigolo-Chapter 166 , transfer

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Lin Changan knew that these plans to hide the powers were doomed to fail.

While thinking about getting up, I went to the square.

Thirty-two people in the group arrived quickly, and the most eye-catching ones were naturally Nangong Jun and Lin Changan.

Nangong Jun has a heroic face, and there is a handsome look between his eyebrows.

At this time, the black hair spread out like a waterfall, and the delicate face had a beauty that was completely different from other women, which made many people a little stunned.

Lin Changan heard Wen Renqian hiss: "Grass, she's pretty, this girl."

A group of 32 people boarded Huaxia's latest Z-919 aircraft.

Nangong Jun and Lin Changan were naturally arranged together, and they were specially guided by the vice president of the Cultivation Association.

"The association has recently studied the spiritual skills of the two of you. This is some advice for you to cooperate and fight. You can comprehend it on the way."

Scenes flashed on the big screen.

Nangong Jun looked coldly: "I can do it myself."

Lin Changan glanced at her and shook his head in his heart: "This is the disease of young girls..."

With the dream of being a chivalrous person and serving the country and the people in my heart, I naturally look down on ordinary people.

He didn't care, watched the screen silently for a while, and soon his heart flashed with horror.

All his methods were dismantled to the extreme, and every slight deviation and omission appeared before his eyes.

In the process of comprehending and digesting, I only feel that my combat skills are getting an amazing improvement.

After a while, a lot of enlightenment came into my mind.

There was a flash of lightning in the palm of the hand, and a flash of electric light, and the air in front of him instantly showed signs of scorching.

This electric light seemed to be more subtle than any previous one, but the level of power seemed to have jumped a step.

The crackling thunder shocks are extremely solid!

After observing for a long time, I digested and absorbed these gains.

Nangong Jun left his seat, as if he didn't want to be in the company of ordinary people.

Lin Changan silently summed up the simulation again.

Then continue.

【The simulation starts! 】

[City of Chaos opens, you enter it. 】


[You rescued Nangong Jun with difficulty and told her your plan. 】

[Although she doesn't believe it, she has no other choice but to agree. 】

[You found Shen Qihua first, and Nangong Jun temporarily put aside his prejudice of good and evil. 】

[You start looking for opportunities to sneak attack on the blood streamers. 】

[At the first chance, you chose to give up, knowing that it was not feasible. 】

[Four days later, you have another chance. 】

[Shen Qihua was the first to take action, and he was seductive and wanted to cholera his heart. 】

[Nangong Junyuxiao resounded through the peerless killing, almost seriously injuring him. 】

[The main soul escaped, and in addition to being angry, I didn't realize that you were hiding behind, and found a good opportunity. 】

[The grievances in the sky are not as fierce and manic as your sword. 】

[Cut on the blood flag, leaving a ferocious sword mark. 】

[The main soul was so angry that he mistakenly thought that twenty-two years of hard work had been destroyed, and this trip fell short. 】

[The monstrous blood banner shook and swept the three of you into the banner to torture you. 】

[Your plan was successful. 】

【Your Immortal Killing Sword is like a fish in water in the banner, you can create a realm by yourself and kill the spirit of the banner! 】

[Nangong-Jun is shocked, his emotions are agitated, he just thinks that you are a character who should appear in the book. 】

[Looking at your heroic profile, I thought to myself that it is the same as a man. 】

["I have the common people in my heart, don't be stubborn and rigid, I'll still send Lin Changan a little bit."]

[You will soon become a **** vortex, annihilating the power of refining the wronged soul. 】

[After a long time, the main soul finally realized that the soul flag was ill. 】

[The boat is done, he is powerless to change. 】

[In the rage, the canths of the eyes are about to split, shaking you off the blood streamer. 】

[The power of the blood flags is one in ten, and Nangong-jun can almost block the main soul alone. 】

[The sound of the jade flute has endless killing intent, the purple palm shadow falls into the sky, and the **** sword shadow is a bit deeper, to kill everything between heaven and earth...]

[You killed the main soul together, he was full of astonishment and unwillingness. 】

[You went deep into the center and finally gave up your heart to Shen Qihua. 】

[Shen Qihua was so moved that he couldn't add more: "I...I will give you all the techniques that Qiongqi has when I return to the organization!"]

[She looked at her body without much hesitation: "If you want my body, I will give it to you..."]

[You shake your head and refuse, making Nangong-jun take a high look again. 】

[You sensed the change in her mood, and probably guessed the meaning, but didn't think much about it. At this time, in her eyes, you almost met all the conditions for the person she imagined. 】

[The city of chaos returns to nothingness, and you are rejected and teleported out. 】

[Chang Weiwen's descendant died inside, Shen Qihua claimed that she killed and got the heart. 】

[This does not prevent you and Nangong-kun from getting a heroic tsunami. 】

[The president of the Huaxia Cultivation Association has sent you an invitation to enter the sequence. 】

[You didn't agree immediately, leave Kyoto to try first. 】

[Chang Weiwen did not take action. 】

[You went to a remote town again, and Chang Weiwen didn't make a move. 】

[You die, go to the place where Chang Weiwen once appeared in the simulation. He sensed your existence and was about to shoot you to death like shooting an ant to death. 】

[This power is very slight, so you were rescued by the guardian of the city. UU reading]

[You realize that you finally survived. 】

[You found the president of the Cultivation Association, accepted the invitation gladly, entered the base, and became Sequence 02. 】

[The base wants you to choose the extremely yin body for promotion, and you made a difficult decision to choose Nangong Rong. 】

[Bodyguards shouted: "His Royal Highness is for the country and the people, a role model for my generation!"]

[The senior management is very happy and promises to help you as much as possible. 】

[The base has opened permissions to Nangong Rong, you chat often, and you realize that Nangong-jun has indeed helped you. She said that Nangong-jun has bright eyes when he mentions you. 】

[You see that there are also complicated emotions in Nangong Rong's eyes. 】

[The power of emotions is so complex in her, and every time she comes into contact with you, she is almost wrapped up thickly. 】

[She wants you to choose Su Qingqing, but she also wants you to choose her. 】

[You will often find that the emotional power in her is showing a completely different trend, but you can't tell what it is. 】

[You try to guess based on these trends, and sometimes you will find that your own words can make all the emotions in her disappear. 】

[You realize that you have indeed ushered in a turning point. 】

[You are not in a hurry and slow down your pace. 】

[The higher-ups are helping you and at the same time urging Su Qingqing to practice. 】

[She seems to be jealous of her mother and doesn't want you to date. 】

[Nangong Rong has never been able to take that step in the eyes of the world. 】

[While hesitating and struggling, one time, you found that the emotional force in her body was mixed, so strong that it almost crushed her. You knew that she was in the final tangle, but you could not make more judgments. 】

[Nangong Rong chose to self-proclaim, looking for an answer. ]