MTL - Emulator: Opening Talent Super Gigolo-Chapter 167 , superimposed perception

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[You waited for a long time, but she didn't appear. 】

[The official began to focus on cultivating Su Qingqing, I hope she can quickly become a three-level or above to help you. 】

[You did not immediately advance to the third realm, but you still want to wait. 】

[Nangong Rong appeared hesitantly and struggled, and you found that the power of emotions in her body was even more mixed. 】

["Have you not broken through the three realms yet..." She looked at you, hoping that you were waiting for her, but she didn't want that. 】

[You don't know how to answer, seeing her emotional power swaying: "Well, I think... wait."]

[When the words come out, the emotional power in her body is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and the changes are so fast that you don't even have time to speculate or make any reaction. 】

[She is self-appointed again, and the power of emotions surges through her. 】

[You waited for a long time, but you still haven't seen her appear. 】

[You have been delaying successfully in the Second Realm for too long, and you have been criticized by high-level officials for so long, and you are not willing to pay so many resources. 】

[You can only choose to break through. 】

[Combining with Su Qingqing, they form three realms, condensing the dazzling star core. 】

[Nangong Rong finally appeared, you can see that the emotional power in her is still complicated and seems to be more profound. 】

[Su Qingqing doesn't mind what happens to you at this time: "You are already mine, that's enough. If you want to talk to my mother, just tell me~"]

[She sold everything about Nangong Rong to you in every detail. 】

[You know her better, but you also feel more incomprehensible to her mind. 】

[You practice step by step, Nangong Rong often comes to see you, and seems to be ashamed. 】

[You will soon enter the three realms of consummation, and Su Qingqing seems to have entered the four realms as if she was destined to do so. 】

[During the coincidence, your attempt to impact the four realms again failed, the galaxy collapsed, and the star nucleus did not exist. 】

[The manic power is pouring out, and the dean of Huaxia Cultivation Academy didn't have time to save you. 】

【you are dead. 】

Lin Changxin thought that he was finally alive.

It cost millions to simulate so many times.

"But the heart didn't get it."

Are you really out of touch with yourself?

I was a little unwilling, but the result was not bad, all the risks were avoided, and I and Nangong Rong had a further turn for the better.

Look at the system reward.

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards. 】

[1. Innate mood perception (A-level talent: After superposition, you can see the emotional representation corresponding to her emotional texture.)]

[2. Realm at the time of death (spiritual strength 1999999, pure yang attribute)]

[3. Combat experience at the time of death (Slaying Immortal Sword Artistic Conception...)]

[Fourth, the experience of practice at the time of death (the experience of failure to break through the four realms)]

[V. Some memory fragments. 】

Without hesitation, choose talent.

A strange thought came again, and Lin Changan looked at Nangong-jun not far away.

The power of emotions was entangled in her body, but Lin Changan looked at it and found that he understood it!

That kind of emotional power represents coldness.

Lin Changan said, "Student Nangongjun, there is something I want to ask."


When the power of emotion changed, Lin Changan's mind naturally poured out the symbol corresponding to the texture - impatience.

"Oh it's fine, I suddenly remembered." Lin Changan smiled happily.

This talent can be called perverted, how can spiritual sense detect such a level?

"Heh..." Nangong-jun shook his head gently.

The color and texture of the Emotional Force has again changed slightly, but the mental representation is still impatience.

Obviously this kind of impatience is not the same as before, but the talent has not yet flowed to the point where such subtle differences can be detected, just generalized.

Even so, Lin Changan was very satisfied.

After experimenting in silence for a while, I chatted with Lao Wen, and found that this talent is very useful for verifying the truth of things.

Through emotional changes, it is easy to determine various aspects of an event.


"Old Wen, do you have an affair with the vice president?"


The reaction of emotional power is panic.

"Do you have an affair with the president?"

"Fuck off!"

The response of emotional power is peace of mind.

Lin Changan silently praised, and Z-919 flew quickly at this time, and soon came to the city of chaos.

This is the southwestern border of China, located in the 100,000-strong mountain, secluded and desolate.

At this time, with the surging of the city of chaos, the surrounding space has cracked and weird deconstruction.

The aircraft came far away, and you could see several airships on the opposite side, also suspended there.

There are shadows that are monstrous and devilish, there are shadows that are gloomy and treacherous, and there are people holding a blood streamer and standing quietly in the void.

"Chang Weiwen!"

At this moment, the powers hidden in the void made their move!

The monstrous power surged wildly, the sword shadows swept across the sky, the giant axe opened the sky, and a strike of sword light fell from the sky, as if to separate the heaven and the earth, breaking it into two pieces!

However, in the face of such power, the demon cultivators on the other side didn't even make a move.

Then I saw the manic power fall into the space, and then disappeared without a trace!

"The nurturing power of the chaotic city, you are also worthy of interrupting?" Someone sneered.

"You and I seem to be only a few hundred meters apart, but they are actually two spaces." The space is already chaotic, and it is not visible to the naked eye. com~Chang Weiwen Dandan said: "The so-called righteous way, or this will only bully the less with more."

Several powerful people sighed in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

Looking ahead, the birth of Chaos City is about to take shape.

Thirty-two people in the group stood quietly, and the vice president of the practice association gave the final explanation.

However, Lin Changan saw that she silently handed Wen Renqian something, and his eyes were full of emotional worry.

The power of emotion overflowed in her.

"Old Wen is really an extraordinary means!"

In the silent sigh, the underground city rumbled and shook, an inexplicable aura that seemed to come from the nether world shook, and some kind of power that made people seem to lose all reason in an instant.

The City of Chaos, completely conceived and formed, is open!

The thirty-two people standing by the imperial utensils all sighed and swayed, and finally stood firm.

"Don't be stubborn, let's go inside." The vice president of the practice association finally warned.

Filed in one by one, you can see that the other side is also emitting space ripple-like fluctuations, entering it.


Lin Changan only felt that endless chaos was coming, and he was almost uneasy.

When I opened my eyes again, there was a vast and barren scene, with blood flashing in the sky.

He faintly felt the fierceness of the blood in his body, vibrating.

He calmed down for a moment and looked at the induction ring.

Before entering here, each of the thirty-two people distributed an induction ring to facilitate the convergence as soon as possible to form a joint force.

Seeing Nangong-Jun's position at this time, Lin Changan flew away with a slight movement.

He is going to do the preparatory work step by step.

"To survive, Nangong-kun is indispensable."