MTL - eSports Has No Live Stream-Chapter 14 Teach me hanzo

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It's sad and sad.

I wholeheartedly think that the new gold master must be as soft and cute (arrogant and arrogant) as the predecessor Moon, and it feels greatly hurt.

However, the big brother is the big brother, and with the Northeast accent Genji, he started his Hanzo teaching.

"Genji, come here." Shouting at Shimada Genji, then he saw a half-hiding of tacitly running over.

He felt that this feeling was quite novel. He had always existed as the only Hanzo in the team, or was standing with another Hanzo for the first time.

"Generally you can see the resurrection room opposite here, and you can safely pick up energy here when you start."

出 Across the exit, a split arrow came out. The blue light reflected off the forbidden area, forming a tight attack net.

"The arrow ran away quickly, otherwise it would be easy to get caught." Xu decisively returned to the small room and quickly turned over the right-hand cargo box. To prevent being hooked from above. "

He taught very carefully, and Kang Ming learned very seriously.

Simple Gibraltar, they spoke from the resurrection point of the attacker, one place after another, to the bridge in front of the end gate.

This is a very clever terrain. Using climbing, Hanzo can simply walk from the bridge to the back of the attacker innocently.

The teaching of Shadowblade is more complicated than Kang Ming imagines. He does not teach how to aim or kill the enemy in 1v1. He directly teaches the actual positioning and the escape methods applicable to maps.

"Because the marksmanship and hand feel are the feeling of a person, the practice methods are very simple, but how to use Hanzo, I will never teach." Shadow Blade answered his question very straightforwardly, "The only thing I can What I do is to tell you the experience gained in actual combat of each map. As for how to attack each hero, about 50 hours of playing in Hanzo, you can understand. "

Fifty hours of Hanzo.

Kangming played only 50 minutes of Hanzo, four quick games, and the voice channel was all occupied by the group of sprays. No one would feel refreshed with this experience, even with a barrage.

"Aren't you going to broadcast?" It's already 7pm, but the Blade's live room didn't start.

Shadowblade was silent for a while and said, "The teaching stuff is boring. It's boring to start a live broadcast. On the contrary, many viewers who only like to watch the game feel bored but because they want to support me, they watch it dryly. I always feel very I'm sorry for them. "

"You are really ..." Kang Ming couldn't help laughing or crying with his serious explanation. "In fact, if these things are recorded as tutorials, they can raise a lot of fans. So many people who want to learn Hanzo skills. They watched your video, yours. There will be a lot of fanfare between live broadcasts. "

Shadowblade just climbed up the platform silently, saying: "This position is very suitable for winding around. When the fire in front is dense, Hanzang can steal people here."

"Hey, don't ignore my advice."

"I'm not good at making that kind of thing." Shadowblade's voice was very light, and he rarely enthusiastically talked about the showman during the live broadcast.

"Just open your live broadcast room, talk to me, record, and delete the nonsense."

Shadow Blade did not speak, but after half a minute, his live broadcast room suddenly lit up.

The girls who received the notification from the group entered the live broadcast room and began to say hello.

I never planned to do a tutorial. Many things he knows, as long as players who use this hero for a long time, they should know. In his opinion, Shimada Genji would find these things useful, but simply because he hadn't touched Hanzo at all.

"Good evening everyone, we will start the competition later." After seeing that the audience in the group was almost there, he closed the custom mode directly.

After the audience listened to this sentence, the barrage brushed a sentence: "You are quietly doing a strange transaction with God 0.0".

He smiled and said, "I'm teaching my brother to play with my brother."

Again. Kang Ming can clearly distinguish between the appearance of the shadow blade when it is broadcast and when it is not. It is completely two kinds of personality.

At the beginning of the broadcast, it was full of taking advantage, and he must call his younger brother, which caused the barrage to be in full bloom.

After closing the broadcast, not only did he talk a little, but he seemed a bit indifferent to keep his distance and shouted at Genji.

He smiled and answered the question of the barrage excitement, and then heard Shimada Genji suddenly asked, "What was the first time you played Hanzo?"

I can't remember.

Speaking of, Overwatch has been playing for about half a year, but I haven't felt as long as half a year. I repeat the same thing every day, open the client for live broadcast, chat with a familiar audience, say good night to each other, and wait a new day.

Day after day, time flies.

He couldn't even remember the feeling of picking up Hanzo for the first time.

郧 昀 replied: "I can't remember clearly. It is probably very novel and very excited. I think this hero is wild and cool, and it is especially suitable for someone like me."

After speaking, he laughed himself, and was rightly rejected by the barrage.

"I went to play Hanzo today." Genji said, "Basically I will be questioned when I pick it up. This is just a quick game, and some people scold me."

His voice was accented, looking aggrieved and cute.

"QAQ, distressed younger brother was scolded" "Dahan-style grievances>. <", Barrage likes Shimada Genji, even if he doesn't talk at all in the chat group.

郧 昀 Watching the distress of the barrage, he said, "The environment was not so bad at the time, and no one would play any heroes, so I was fine when I practiced, and at the beginning I was not playing Hanzo."

At that time, the test was just started. After joining Overwatch, he was as fresh as all players. Each hero played a few games and then considered his best hero.

The best feel is McRae and Widowmaker, even if he picks up Widowmaker in each fast game, the voice channel is quiet.

No matter what indifferent heroes appear in the team, teammates will not comment too much, everyone plays their own games and does not care about winning or losing.

That time was simple and happy, and picking up a much-maligned Tobion could reap a lot of heads.

Then a lot of simple and kind little angels flooded into the live broadcast room, and their favorite was the Shimada brothers.

There will always be only two voices: play Hanzo, play Genji.

Then she decisively started practicing these two most popular heroes.

Only after he slowly increased the game time and took the lead to practice Hanzo first, he discovered that players in the national costume gradually became more like finger-painting. Whether it was Hanzo, Genji, Kururi, Tracer, or Tobian, they were all circled Cohort of tumors.

Until Genji was rescued from the quagmire by his master, his brother Hanzo still did not break the shackles on his body, and even became heavier.

It is a pity that until now, the cricket has not become a powerful Genji, but has numerous experience of killing Genji.

After all, such a hero like Hanzo is very rare in competitive games. No one will deliberately guard against him. As long as he kills the opponent a few times, his rivals Genji and Tracer will rush towards him and keep close to him. Let it go.

So, after countless killings, I learned how to fight back the two crispy skins.

More proficient than killing other heroes.

Today's Shimada Genji loves chatting more than usual.

"Do you have class during the day?" He asked.

I was surprised that he would ask such words, and answered, "No."


"Well." That's true if you're graduating from high school.

"How old are you then?"

"you guess."

"Graduated from college, twenty-three?"


Genji asked a lot of questions, and I answered casually. Even the barrage can see that Genji was asking himself.

The barrage felt that his brother was confused by his brother, and Kang Ming glanced to see what they were talking about.

This guy is very alert.

After a series of questions, Shadow Blade became very silent, but the voice of answering the barrage during the live broadcast did not stop.

"My brother is right, I'm pretty much the same." I lied without guilt. "Don't you so conspiracy theory, don't broadcast live during the day because of something to do, not to read."

"Ha, what a ghost is betrayal during the day, I'm serious!"

Although the tone was light, neither Cuming nor the audience got real information.

I don't know how old he is, I don't know what he is doing during the day, and I don't even know if he has a bigger goal in Overwatch, as it is really interesting to watch the live broadcast room where one or two thousand people visit every night.

Alas, only nineteen years old. He was exposed to FPS games at the age of ten, joined SecretTask (ST) at the age of fifteen, became a professional player at the age of sixteen, returned to school at the age of seventeen, and began broadcasting live at the age of eighteen.

Now, it has been retired for two years.

His short career is no longer than the time since his retirement, and this time is still meaningless.

He used to like to read the experience of idols carefully. At the age of 14, he became famous for his FPS talent. After reaching the team's age standard, he became the youngest professional player. Ten years later, he is still the world's most famous FPS top Player.

He imitated the original trajectory of genius, but had a different ending. He did not continue his career path. He had no job except live broadcast, just like a unemployed vagrant, looking for the thrill of victory in the game.

Even he hates himself and doesn't want to be motivated.

"I've been very busy at work recently, so it's going to disappear for a few days." After two games, Genji said, "But I will watch the live broadcast. Don't miss me too much."

"Okay, I know you're reminding me, remember to miss you." He replied casually.

"I'm talking to your sisters in the studio."

"Don't explain, you're telling me."

Then the barrage was right, right, don't be shy, brother, warmly send off the most popular Shimada Genji in the live broadcast room, and continue to watch the single row of the shadow blade.

And Cumming started the inhumane pigeon again.

Cumming Coming: Because I have to prepare for the World Cup commentary, I live broadcast pigeons for a week.

All the grieving call sounds hovered perfectly in the authorized live broadcast room of the World Cup.

——Commentary Kang Ming was bereavement, I co-existed with China. 2k novel reading network