MTL - eSports Has No Live Stream-Chapter 15 .Chinese team

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Before the World Cup matches in China, there was not much attention. One was because of jet lag. The other was teams from many countries. There were no attractive and famous players.

Alas, I got up at six in the morning and sat in front of the computer, waiting for the first game of the Chinese team.

Recently, he always set aside time to practice gun shooting in the morning to watch the domestic cup video. Starting from the games of the more famous first-line teams, he slowly saw some well-known clubs with higher win rates. Those teams with higher voices found that they all There are different tactical systems.

However, DeGR, Laur and other teams are not a style at all.

DeGR is playing in the game and is quite satisfactory. He is good at taking out the strongest version of the hero. Genji pulls his sword and kills four times. McRae nods his gun. His personal output is outstanding and he is often praised by commentators.

Laur is playing fast. This game is double-tank, double-c double-auxiliary, and the next game will become three-assist, one-tan, two-output. The light of order, mad rat, fortress, and even Tobion are all their standard configuration. Cuming doesn't boast, and even looks forward to seeing them engage in trouble.

Other teams are playing the ladder. Whether it is the conventional configuration or the routine, often because of the cooperation of various mistakes and the big moves of promiscuity, they are crushed. Today, a team still has a trend to become a star. The next day, he Rubbed on the ground by a new star.

This is an obvious difference. Every team that plays against DeGR and Laur is like the competition between a diamond player and a grandmaster. There is always a master in the middle.

Even the same front-line teams like Str.7 and RTK, after undergoing personnel adjustments, are far behind the previous two teams.

Now, very powerful DeGR and very spiritual Laur have temporarily formed a Chinese team and embarked on the journey of the World Cup.

Play against Brazil.

In the introduction animation unique to the World Cup, you can see the members of the Chinese team unveiled a strange back-and-forth. Everyone knows that this is a pose unique to rabbit dance.

World Cup, will play.

The six were just as he had heard before. The hero pool given was all three assault heroes.

I wasn't the first to hear Kang Ming's voice, but for the first time, I felt that his pronunciation and bite writing were more standard than when he was broadcasting live.

Especially compared with his partner Dongyue, Kang Ming is more like a Mandarin teacher, even N and L are clearly distinguished.

The World Cup only had a live broadcast, and no commentary was inserted. Everyone looked at the English commentary invited by the World Cup and talked, but listening to the voices of Kang Ming and Dong Yue.

"In terms of my interpretation experience, since the first map was officially selected by Eichenwald, then the light of order should be the hero of choice for the Chinese team. After all, Laur's several battles on this map, and order is theirs. Standard. "

Dong Yue's voice sounded beside: "As far as I know, only Laur's members in the Chinese team have actual experience in front row and auxiliary. In the case of DeGR, the 222 lineup always played in this map, which is double-tanner double-double Double assault, suddenly a little looking forward to the Chinese team's lineup, whether it is based on Laur or DeGR. "

"It depends on whether Laur and DeGR use lottery or grab red envelopes to decide whether it is order light or 222."

I heard this sentence, and was suddenly stunned in surprise. The picture did not show Cumming's expression, but the barrage was already a meowing question mark.

Dong Yue said, "You must have got some inside information."

"The intensity of the Chinese team's match against Brazil may be a little easier than the usual training match between the two teams. At least what I learned is that the position of Laur's training match players generally depends on the mood of Lao Zhou, either Red envelopes, or draw lots. "

"Last time I Bao said that XD took the sledgehammer because he didn't grab the red envelope." "NIN is miserable. Good Genji, was drawn as an angel." "Why don't they roll the dice directly."

And after seeing this barrage, Kang Ming agreed: "Thank you for the suggestion of rolling the dice, I will tell Lao Zhou."

"What do you say if you throw the same number?" Dong Yue asked.

"A large number of points hit the front row, a center point hits the assault, a small point hits the assist, and the same number of points plays the assault, the front row, and the assist together. For them, there is no difference in how many heroes in similar positions. After all, they often play three front row single assists in this strange configuration. Then, now they enter the game screen. "

"Hmm." Dongyue looked at the configuration and was silent. "I was the first time I saw DeGR's Windreiner Reinhardt."

Cumming stared at the light of order in that strange row of heroes, and rightfully said: "It seems DeGR lost to Laur."

XD took McRae. And it was the only assault in the team.

The Brazilian team was quite satisfactory, and it was a hero with double output and double output.

The Eichenwald in this game is very similar to every game played by DeGR and Laur in China. It is unilateral and ruthless.

A NIN light of order guarded the bridgehead. Even if the opposite Genji flew in, Anna would immediately fall asleep. Even if teammate Reinhardt came to protect him from the wind and rain, he would immediately suffer the inhumane electrotherapy of the camera behind the bridge.

The Brazilian team was stuck at the bridgehead's offensive and successfully made a big move for NIN's order.

Aichenwald's ancient buildings full of vines, the target points are empty rooms and corner corridors, and ambush can be encountered in places where you turn around and pay attention. NIN hid the most important portal of the light of order behind the target point that no one paid attention to. If it could not penetrate the enemy line, it would be impossible to dismantle it.

After repeated attempts to attack the main goal, the opposite lineup was replaced with a four-fly.

Dva, Winston, Pharaoh's Eagle, and Angel, each hero can cross the line of defense without hindrance, and even if Moon's Anna wants to target anyone, it is firmly blocked by Dva who raised the defense barrier.

The four heroes crossed the bridge head of the Order Light defense, and Winston covered a defensive barrier on the Order Light camera to protect subsequent Lucio and Anna from entering the target point.

At this moment, the light of order's defensive strategy failed, and the two sides engaged in fierce fighting at the target point.

Dongyue's speaking speed became fast, and when the battle was fierce, the commentary voice would always be different.

"The Brazilian team ’s double-fly combination directly controls airspace. Winston ’s barrier blocked the attack of the Light of Order on the ground. Now the target point is in fierce competition. Anna of Moon has fallen asleep! Pharaoh's Eagle was shot by XD Nodded but failed to kill, and now the field is still anxious ... Anna of Brazil dropped first! "

OB's McRae perspective can be seen, standing in a narrow room as a bunker, raising his head and shooting down the blood pharaoh eagle, Moon Anna's biological hand. Ray brought out a forbidden purple, wind thunder in the field Reinhardt was killed by Winston while chasing Dva.

"NIN's portal played a vital role. Allen's Zarya returned to the battlefield. The Brazilian team used the four flights in this game beautifully but still couldn't stand the goal."

The advantage on the field is very obvious. Even if the four-fly combination rushed directly into the target point, facing the Chinese team's aggressiveness, they still could not clean up the enemy quickly.

"Then the end of the first round, this is sad news for the Brazilian team, but it undoubtedly represents an absolute advantage for the Chinese team." Dongyue made a judgment between the rounds.

The World Cup pictures put the lens on the members of the Chinese team. These young faces, three of them faced the camera, began to compare with scissors hands. Such a cute and cute pose has won praises from the barrage. The other three glanced up and continued to look back at the computer screen.

The simple and concise style of painting made me laugh out loud. The team's combat style is really very similar to the members. Even if there is no need to explain who these are, he can distinguish between Laur and Steady DeGR.

"It seems that everyone's expression is very relaxed." Kang Ming looked at the row of familiar faces, and one of them deliberately held up his cheeks for malicious selling. "However, if there is an accident in the Chinese team, please let Laur do the cooking directly, not with DeGR. relationship."

"Oh, Kang Ming started to fight again, cursed and loved" "Envy Laur is focused on" "Old Week's team is my team series" The barrette ridiculed happily, but knowing nothing, just found The relationship between Laurent and Cumming is actually better than expected.

However, such things as "accidents" are impossible to appear under the obvious gap of strength.

From the second round offense, I was able to see the Chinese team's tactics more clearly: kill.

They will not waste time outside the gate and let the opposite side smash energy, directly accelerate the attack of all members, directly break up the formation of the defending side, drag the battlefield to the target point, and face off in an open and honest manner.

Even in the case of residual blood, the members of the Chinese team will never shrink back, attack directly with their faces, and use the cruel and inhumane momentum to bring the biological hand Lei Anna thrown behind, and directly receive the **** McRae.

This is a very shocking picture. OB is watching the overall situation from the perspective of the Brazilian team McRae, but found that a Reinhardt decisively killed over, ignoring the hand. The threat of a gun, a huge body full of shots, and a hammer, Kill McRae alive.

"Pretty!" Even with a commentary, he was extremely excited and praised, "Fenglei's Reinhardt got Anna's strong support in the case of blood loss, and directly killed the main force on the opposite side. Now she has an absolute advantage of 4 to 6 on the field ... Kill! XD McCree kills three! "

After resolving the final struggle on the court, Zarya, the Chinese team occupied the target without accident.


Furious Reinhardt, Lucio riding a face, Genji close to the dart head, keen on the light of order after going round, the strange McRae, Anna who was addicted to output, and Zarya who accumulated energy quickly.

The Chinese team won with ease in this battle. He really believed in Kang Ming's theory of grabbing red envelopes and drawing lots, because Reinhardt was the sledgehammer he had liked to be close to.

The most interesting thing is that Feng Lei finally lifted his shield. When he attracted the favor of OB, the camera suddenly rose and found from the perspective of global observation of the battle situation-there was no one behind him.

Teammates spontaneously stayed away from his area, looking for a reliable bunker, and did not consider the need for his barrier protection.

"Don't worry friends, you don't have a shield." Kang Ming was thinking about the spit of the barrage, which caused Dongyue's laughter. "I believe Moon will definitely not be in the next game after experiencing the tragedy of being easily killed by the opposite McRae. Will let Windleiner Reinhardt. "

"It won't work if you lose the red envelope."

Everyone was immersed in the cheering cheers of the Chinese team. The game against Brazil was pushed all the way to successfully complete this duel with a crushing attitude.

with no doubt.

A barrage of songs and dances rose and flourished. The praises of the Chinese team thieves continued, and even some onlookers who did not know the truth asked: Can we make it to the finals if we are so stingy?

"Don't blow it, the Chinese team is nothing at all in front of the gun **** McGrace."

"It's more interesting to get OW from ST's guns?"

"God of guns is in Team USA, are you guys in the mountains?"

I stared at the barrage of quarrels for a moment and felt that I had read it wrong.

Gun God McGrace.

He only knew one gun god, one McGrace.

That was his belief. 2k novel reading network