MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 66 Ann can tell if I'm male or female 9

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King Yue is the son of the current empress, the younger brother of the crown prince, and the only prince other than the eldest prince who has been enshrined personally. Now that King Yue is here in person, even if the decree has not yet been announced, everyone has already understood His Majesty's joy and importance.

Shao Jingyu won this battle tragically but beautifully. He wiped out more than 30,000 enemies with a loss of 7,000. When His Majesty heard the battle report, he lavishly praised Shao Jingyu as a genius general in front of all the ministers. The Shao family is now an extremely powerful minister. After the emperor rewarded the Shao family with countless treasures, he immediately made him the second-rank general of Fuguo, and also made his Shiyi 5000 households Anguohou.

As soon as the imperial decree came out, everyone in the court was shocked, but no one dared to say a word of injustice.

At the beginning, who would have expected that a brat would have such ability.

The Shao family is a well-known scholarly family. They have never been a warrior before, but they don't want to become a blockbuster. On the contrary, the Cao family, which everyone thought would have great achievements, lost this battle and made such a low-level mistake as getting lost, which angered His Majesty Longyan. .

This crime should be executed according to the law!

In the end, for the sake of Ning Guogong, the emperor ordered that he be redeemed with property and be directly demoted to a commoner. General Zuo was fined for half a year and demoted two levels.

Aside from Cao Meng, the emperor was still very happy about this battle. Shao Jingyu's aunt, who is now a noble concubine, is even more beautiful for a while.

The king of Yue came in person, and everyone went out to greet him in person. Shao Jingyu often went to the palace since he was a child, and he was about the same age as the king of Yue, Nan Gongye, and had a very good relationship. Now that the king of Yue came here, Shao Jingyu was happy, not as serious and frightened as others.

He walked out of the manager's tent with a happy face and smoothed his hair crown. After walking two steps, he turned his head and saw Yan Yiming who was standing still for some reason. Asked for a reward from you."

Shao Jingyu is very protective of his weaknesses, trying every means to help his own people get rewards, regardless of what others say.

"Yes", Yan Yiming answered in a low voice following Shao Jingyu's footsteps, "Thank you, General."

Shao Jingyu's handsome eyes were flying, and he cast a teasing glance at her and leaned over to ask her in a low voice, "How would you like to thank me?"

Yan Yiming said sternly, "I don't know what you are talking about," said the general, "I will follow the general to the death to repay the general's kindness!"

"...", Shao Jingyu was a little disappointed, his heart was itchy as if a grain of sand had rolled into it, and he gritted his teeth looking at the delicate facial features that were so close at hand.

It was hard to accept the fact that I was attracted to a man, but I had to accept the tragic fact that this "man" was too straightforward.

Forget it, Shao Jingyu went along with it, I can't remember this matter, it needs to be discussed in the long run.

After walking out of the commander's tent, the rest of the generals had already packed up and waited for him to go with him. Shao Jingyu coughed to cover up his evil deeds of dawdling for a moment for personal affairs, twisted his wrist, and then walked out in a serious manner.

Fortunately, the King of Yue came down in no hurry, Shao Jingyu and the others waited for a while, and the stern face of the King of Yue slowly appeared in front of the crowd, and they all met His Highness the King of Yue in salute.

Nangong Ye came easily, a good horse and hundreds of soldiers came to the North Camp just like that, wearing a robe embroidered with golden dragon patterns looked extraordinarily dignified.

Xu said that this big victory was really worth celebrating, Nangong Ye ordered everyone not to be too polite with a smile on his lips, and turned to say goodbye to Shao Jingyu for a long time, Shao Jingyu smiled heartily, and the two joined hands to reap the rewards.

Although now one person is respected as a prince and the other is already a minister, but after all, when friends meet, there is no need to be very polite.

The generals didn't dare to say a word, they could only watch the speculation they said, Cao Meng and the others tensed up nervously.

Shao Jingyu seemed to have just seen Cao Meng's embarrassment, and coughed lightly, "Since the prince is here, why not stay here for a few more days, you might as well announce the decree first."

Nangong Ye chuckled and waved his hand, the palace servants around him hastily bowed and took out the imperial decree, kneeling all over the ground in an instant.

The imperial decree was almost the same as what Shao Jingyu had expected. His Majesty first expressed that he was very happy after hearing about the battle, and then began to reward him for his merits.

Shao Jingyu was conferred the title of marquis and promoted again, and everyone present gasped when they heard that the right general was conferred the title for his meritorious service in this battle, Cao Meng was defeated in the battle and demoted to a commoner, the left general's salary was demoted twice in half a year.

Cao Meng's kneeling body swayed, but fortunately he was supported by the right general next to him.

After the merits and demerits of several generals, a group of people who were specially mentioned by Shao Jingyu in this battle were also rewarded.

When the palace people read Yan Yiming's name, Nangong Ye's leisurely look suddenly froze.

I don't know how many times he thought of this name in the year since he left Beijing. No one around him dared to mention it, but he never forgot it.

Now it's just the same name, but Nangong Ye suddenly thought of countless things, and he was willing to turn his attention to the young general who was also called Yan Yiming.

With just one glance, Nangong Ye was startled again.

The little soldier and Ah Ming had no similarities in appearance, but they were generally identical, with the same small red mole in the same position.

Nangong Ye's hands hidden in his sleeves trembled slightly, and once again his eyes fell on Yan Yiming's body, and after a long time, he suddenly gave a wry smile.

What was he thinking about.

Ah Ming is dead, the person in front of him is not Ah Ming, he is even a man.

Shao Jingyu didn't notice Nangong Ye's gaffe, his mind was all on His Majesty's reward for Yan Yiming, His Majesty really gave him face, he just gave Yan Yiming a fifth-rank school lieutenant, but His Majesty directly He was given the position of the fifth rank.

After the imperial decree was announced, some were happy and some were sad, and the group left slowly. Nangong Ye looked away when he saw the strange thin figure walking out of the tent. Shao Jingyu paid attention and asked him casually, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing", Nangong Ye smiled, "I haven't raced horses with you for a long time, let's try?"

"I'll stay with you until the end", Shao Jingyu readily agreed, and casually called Yan Yiming in, "Yiming, bring His Royal Highness King Yue to change clothes."

Nangong Ye was about to say that he didn't need to lead the way, but when he heard the word "Yiming" again, he suppressed the words, "Trouble."

Yan Yiming shook his head with the same indifferent expression as usual, "My lord speaks seriously, please."

King Yue's tent was packed early, and it was more luxurious and complete than the coach's tent. Little Apple screamed excitedly in his ears along the way, "Sura Field, Shura Field!"

"Where is the Shura Field?" Yan Yiming gave it a helpless look, "I have the same name and the same mole, why did I forget that Xiao Wu is nearby."

"Sinful," Little Apple sighed, "You sinful woman!"

Please shut up, Yan Yiming stopped talking to Little Apple, and stood at the door waiting for Nangong Ye to come out in a new outfit.

Nangong Ye turned his wrist, straightened the wristband casually and asked her, "What are the three characters of your name?"

"The color of color, the blockbuster blockbuster", Yan Yiming said concisely.

It's really the same, Nangong Ye sighed, "It's a good name."


The two walked for a while, Nangong Ye happened to see the red mole at the end of her right eye out of the corner of his eye, and felt a pain in his heart, so he changed the subject, "I heard Jing Yu said that you saved his life in this battle?"

"The last general is just following orders."

Seeing her still indifferent appearance, Nangong Ye smiled, "You don't take credit for being young."

"It's just a matter of time."

Nangong Ye was stunned, he was very appreciative of this kind of silence but straightforwardness, but it was nothing like Ah Ming at all.

Shao Jingyu had been riding for a while, and finally saw the figures of Nangong Ye and Yan Yiming. From a distance, he saw that King Yue, who didn't like to talk to people, was actually talking with Yan Yiming.

If he had known that Yun Xiao could go, he would still be able to talk and flirt with Yiming.


Fortunately, Yan Yiming brought the King of Yue here and retreated to the side like other soldiers, staying bored in the barracks, and now the King of Yue is racing horses with the general, and the crowd is surrounded by three layers of people watching the horse race.

Yan Yiming was accidentally squeezed outside because of his small stature, seeing that he couldn't squeeze in, he simply went back to the tent to sleep.

When she woke up, the sky outside was already full of stars, and the soldier outside the door saw her coming out and smiled, "It's considered awake, if you don't wake up, there will be no excitement."

Yan Yiming turned his head, seeing the flames in the distance, and the smell of barbecue wafting from far away, Yan Yiming touched his stomach to find the scent and went away, only to find a delicate purse dropped on the ground.

Yan Yiming picked up the purse and opened it by the light of the fire, only to find that there were several familiar candies inside.

It was the candy she personally gave Nangong Ye before leaving.