MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 67 Ann can tell if I'm male or female 10

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In order to welcome the King of Yue to come here today, Shao Jingyu allowed the whole army to relax for a day. At night, the bonfire was ignited, and it was unprecedentedly lively.

Since Yan Yiming passed away a year ago, Nangong Ye's personality has changed a lot, and he is not at all as lively as before. Now that he is with Shao Jingyu of the same age, it seems that Shao Jingyu is more youthful.

However, the man's ambition is everywhere, and the love of his children has made him unable to let go of it for a long time. Now, the major events of his family and country are enough to make his blood boil. The Wanmeng Army, telling how Yan Yiming's reinforcements arrived at the critical moment, and how Yan Yiming tied Cao Hui and other easter eggs, is more exciting than what the gentleman said in the teahouse.

Nangong Ye was very interested in hearing this, on the one hand, he praised Shao Jingyu for being really good at using soldiers, and on the other hand, he was surprised that Yan Yiming was thin and thin, but he acted decisively and decisively.

These words can always arouse the blood in a man's heart. Both Shao Jingyu and Nangong Ye drank a little too much. Nangong Ye probably felt that sitting by the fire was a bit hot, so he got up and walked elsewhere in the grassland to sober up , When I came back, I found that the purse I had been carrying around my waist was gone.

For a while, he was fully awake.

For more than a year, Nangong Ye could only confirm what Yan Yiming had promised him when he left when he saw the things in his purse, and could believe that Yan Yiming had really visited him that day.

No matter how good the wine was, Nangong Ye suddenly lost interest in drinking it, and before he had time to think about getting up, he went to the place he had been to just now, without even hearing Shao Jingyu calling him.

Nangong Ye hurried back the same way, but the more he searched, the more panicked he became.

To others, it was just a few candies, but to him, it was all the proofs that that person existed and liked him. As time went by, it even became an obsession.

Nangong Ye didn't want to think about what to do if he really lost it, so he could only order people to look for it over and over again, until someone called him, Nangong Ye raised his head a little annoyed, and Yan Yiming held a coin in his white hand. The exquisite purse said lightly, "The prince lost this thing."

After Nangong Ye quickly snatched the purse away and held it tightly in his hand, the flustered emotions just now gradually calmed down.

In front of so many people, he carefully tied the purse back to his waist, and then he smiled again and said, "Thank you Captain Yan, but how did you know that I lost this thing."

"The material of the purse is not something that ordinary people can have, and the embroidery is extremely exquisite. I can't think of anyone other than the prince and the general who can have such a purse. I have followed the general for a long time, and I have never seen him have such a thing."

Shao Jingyu, Yun Xiao and others came from a distance, and happened to hear Yan Yiming's words, Yun Xiao said in surprise, "Why don't I know how many purses you have?"

Shao Jingyu looked at Yan Yiming, controlled his obvious smile and pretended to be reserved, "Maybe it's because Yiming cares more about me than you do."

Seeing Nangong Ye leave in a hurry just now, he already guessed that he might have lost something, so he came to take a look when he was worried, his eyes fell on the purse on Nangong Ye's waist.

This purse seemed extremely important to Nangong Ye.

Shao Jingyu had heard some gossip about Nangong Ye back then, but he had only heard about it. After all, he had already left the capital at that time, and all the gossip came from Yun Xiao when he returned.

Shao Jingyu was curious, but King Yue's private affairs were not something he could ask if he wanted to, so he could only restrain his curiosity and put his hands on Yan Yiming's shoulders naturally, Xin Dao Yiming's height was actually just right, he could be taller It's a bit inappropriate.

Yan Yiming glanced at him expressionlessly, Shao Jingyu pretended he hadn't seen it, and said to Nangong Ye with a smile on his starry eyes, "Seeing you leave in a hurry, I guess you must have lost something", and then turned to talk to Yan Yiming. Ming said, "You are smart."

This was for Nangong Ye to hear, and it was obvious that he was helping Yan Yiming to ask for a reward with the King of Yue.

Nangong Ye understood what Shao Jingyu meant. Before, he discovered that Shao Jingyu was asking for rewards for Yan Yiming and His Majesty, and now he was helping Yan Yiming. Nangong Ye couldn't help but glance at the two of them before facing each other Shao Jingyu laughed and cursed, "Who is smarter than you."

But having said that, if Yan Yiming could help him get back the purse, Nangong Ye would naturally reward him without Shao Jingyu asking, and even allowed Yan Yiming to ask for the reward by himself.

Yan Yiming said calmly, "The last general doesn't ask for anything, and this matter is nothing more than a little effort."

"Even so, this king owes you a favor. In the future, Yan Xiaowei will come to look for this king again if he wants to."

How can a reward compare to a favor from King Yue? Even Shao Jingyu was surprised that Nangong Ye made such a promise.

Yan Yiming finally raised his head and glanced at Nangong Ye. She didn't want to owe Nangong Ye any more favors, but she remembered something again, and after thinking about it for a while, she didn't refuse again. After thinking for a while, she said, "In this case, can I have a private talk with the prince?" words."

Shao Jingyu was taken aback, and Nangong Ye was also surprised, but in an instant he smiled, "You can go with me, of course."

Shao Jingyu: "..."

As if burned by fire.

Yan Yiming came back from the outside when he was resting at night. Shao Jingyu lay on the couch and watched Yan Yiming silently tidy up the small couch in the distance.

After waiting for such a long time, finally came back, and saw that Yan Yiming's expression was strange for some reason, Shao Jingyu couldn't sleep anymore, turned over and sat up and called her.

Yan Yiming raised his head when he heard the words, "General?"

"I said you don't need to call me general in private." Shao Jingyu stared at her. He actually wanted to ask what you guys said, what can you say to the King Yue who you have never met before, but for some reason he was a little too timid to ask directly. So I asked another question that I had been curious about before, "You said before that you don't want to get married, why?"

The movements in Yan Yiming's hands couldn't help slowing down, thinking that Shao Jingyu's big brotherhood is not really just brothers, Yan Yiming's heart moved slightly, but the expression on his face was still the same as before, he paused and said, "...I don't want to, why did the general ask about this?"

Shao Jingyu lied with a flushed face, "I have a cousin who is as beautiful as a flower and a jade, and now she has just reached the age of ji, and she is a good match for you."

"General, don't make fun of your subordinates."

"What are you talking about, I can't hear you. I know my voice is so low and I'm so far away. Sit over here." Shao Jingyu leaned on the couch and patted the seat next to him. When Yan Yiming walked over, he moved back and said, " You know it's a joke, but you don't know how to smile, and you're depressed all night, what are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything," Yan Yiming didn't answer Shao Jingyu's question, and after a while he suddenly said to Shao Jingyu without a clue, "I just think the prince will stay for a few more days."

Why would he jump on Nangong Ye for no reason?

Shao Jingyu stared at Yan Yiming's brows and eyes for a moment and said slowly, "It will probably take another three days."

"Oh", Yan Yiming lowered his eyelashes and said nothing, but Shao Jingyu was shocked to find that Yan Yiming was obviously disappointed just now!


What are you disappointed about?

Disappointed that Nangong Ye can only stay for three days?

Could it be that Yan Yiming's depression today is all because of Nangong Ye?

Shao Jingyu was dumbfounded.

It's only been a few days, and the melons I have painstakingly planted for so long have been picked by others without knowing whether it is bitter or sweet?

He was still thinking day by day that if Ruoyan Yiming wasn't a broken sleeve, wouldn't it be abrupt if he was too blunt.

But looking at Yan Yiming's performance now, it seems that Yan Yiming is not so straightforward?

This should be something worth celebrating, but Shao Jingyu was depressed.

Because Yan Yiming seemed to be as abrupt as himself, but the object of the abruptness seemed not to be himself.