MTL - General, You’ve Lost Your Inhibitor!-Chapter 16 decided to fight

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"Jin Chi... lieutenant general."

The one who appeared in front of Gu Huan with pomp and circumstance was Jin Chi himself who hadn't seen him for a while. Hearing Gu Huan's indifferent call, Jin Chi spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Since I left last time, I've been wanting to see the general again. I didn't expect such a coincidence."


They have been training for so long, and he has never added Jin Chi to see it.

The students of the Second Military Academy had just left, and the back foot came, how could no one tipped off the news. When he is stupid?

Gu Huan stood silently on the spot, his graceful eyebrows slightly frowned, and looked at him coldly, to see what kind of ivory he could spit out from his dog's mouth.


This time Jin Chi obviously came prepared, with an extremely confident expression.

He lit a cigarette, held the cigarette between **** in one hand, folded his arms in one hand, and raised his jaw slightly with a hint of complacency in his expression that couldn't be concealed.

"The last time I came to invite, I didn't investigate the situation clearly and made a joke. I don't think the general will refuse this invitation again."

Gu Huan didn't know why he had such confidence.

Yueyang just sent him a stream of information.

[General, something happened. ]

Within two hours after the opening of the mutual selection interface for the optical network military training exercise today, more than a thousand military academies that chose the First Military Academy as the opponent for the exercise suddenly withdrew from the selection.

Although there were still more than 300 military academies who had not withdrawn, it was such a coincidence that so many military academies withdrew at the same time. Transocean immediately asked several familiar military academies why they withdrew.

Only after asking.

It turns out that this situation has something to do with this morning's news.

Duke Chu Fengyuan just invited this general Jin Chi to his mansion. I don’t know what they discussed. The news on the optical network immediately broke the news that Chu Fengyuan valued Jin Chi very much. The chief instructors are all high-level military officials, and these people all have the ability to see the direction of the wind.

The old marshal Gu Zehai is already getting old, and sooner or later the position of marshal will have to be replaced by another person. Whether the future of the military department lies in Gu Huan or Jin Chi, it does not depend on who the future master of the empire is.

The emperor has only one child, the prince. The prince was supposed to inherit the throne in a legitimate way, but now that the prince is missing and the duke is getting stronger, it is really uncertain who is the future of the empire.

They knew that Jin Chi had always been worried about Gu Huan becoming a general before him, and the Second Military Academy had repeatedly threatened to defeat the First Military Academy to prove that Jin Chi was more capable of commanding than Gu Huan, but Gu Huan just ignored him .

In the past, there was nothing to worry about.

Now knowing that the Duke valued Jin Chi very much, it was different. Any sensible person would give Jin Chi a face, after all, such an exercise object is just a trivial matter.

So for a while, many military academies who had invited the First Military Academy as the target of military exercises all dropped out of the election, leaving only a few sporadic ones who didn't care about this kind of thing and stayed neutral, didn't want to offend Gu Huan, or really supported it. Prince's Military Academy.

Seeing Yueyang's report, Gu Huan knew that he could not choose other military schools that were still choosing their No. 1 military school as their opponent.

Because even if they didn't retreat, they would probably be trembling, afraid of offending Jin Chi and being put on by the young master of the Jin family.

It is impossible for Gu Huan to choose them again to embarrass them.

Looking away from the information flow, Gu Huan raised his eyelids slightly, looked at Jin Chi with a pair of platinum eyes, and said calmly.

"I didn't expect you to be so impatient."

It never occurred to him not to fight Jin Chi.

He was simply trying to frustrate people.

I don't know who gave Jin Chi the illusion that he is afraid of him?

As soon as the words fell, Gu Huan ordered the light brain without any emotional ups and downs without waiting for Jin Chi to react.

"Xiao Ling, log in to my authorized account."

"Yes, Admiral."

After logging in to the authorized account of the Chief Instructor of the First Military Academy, the handsome black-haired general flicked his finger, and simply opened a stream of information, and a golden scroll-like introduction to the Second Military Academy was projected between the two of them. , Gu Huan slid to the bottom without even looking at it, and lightly touched the challenge with his fingertips.

The moment the fingerprint falls.

A line of words appeared on the screens of the entire warship.

[Military training exercise target established: Second Military Academy. 】

Not far from here, Nie Chuan's class also learned the "good news" through the instructor. It was silent for less than a second, and immediately burst into deafening cheers.

Amidst their cheers, Gu Huan looked sideways slightly, and then quickly turned his gaze to Jin Chi.

"As you've heard, my students have never been war-defying, and neither have I."

"It's you, standing in line so fast, be careful about somersaults."

The prince had only been missing for half a year, and he couldn't wait to surrender to others.

Has Jin Chi and the entire Jin family represented behind him lost their minds?

"Oh." Jin Chi sneered.

"It's not a one or two day decision."

He has long recognized that with old marshal Gu and the crown prince present, he will never be able to surpass Gu Huan to take the highest position. If he wants to take the position of marshal, he must support someone who may make him a marshal emperor.

The right person is Chu Fengyuan.

It's a matter of mutual benefit.

Jin Chi waved his cigarette butt.

"You still worry about yourself."

"Who doesn't know that you are a member of the prince/son/party. Once the prince dies, you, an admiral who has not completed the conferring ceremony, will be able to serve for a few more days." Jin Chi sarcastically.

He didn't notice that the two generals opposite him were silent at the same time.

Gu Huan looked at Jin Chi, and his slender golden eyelashes trembled slightly. After a long while, his indifferent expression showed some subtle changes.

He is the prince's man? How could he not know.

Gu Chi was thinking, anyway, the person next to him is the real prince's subordinate, Jin Chi's behavior was noticed by others, and he will be calm in the future.

As for what Chu Xinglin was thinking.

Chu Xinglin no longer sees the person in front of him, but he is still thinking about Jin Chi's words, Gu Huan is his.

He really wants to rob Chu Fengyuan recently.


Back in his living room on the warship, Chu Xinglin opened the optical brain's secret information flow communication channel, and soon a video projection information flow came out.

he asked, after a quick brief greeting.

"What happened to Chu Fengyuan recently?"

"Chu Fengyuan funded an extremely dangerous experiment with the energy stolen by the pirates he raised, and the money invested in it is not small. But so far there is no news about what the experiment is about."

"Is it a biological weapon?"

"No one in the research institute mentioned this, it should be a secret research room."

"I've asked someone to investigate."

"I'll leave it to you." Chu Xinglin murmured.

"I asked you to investigate about Gu Huan, what did you find out?"

The person on the other end of the communication touched his head.

"I've been busy investigating the Duke's affairs recently, but I haven't found anything about Gu Huan's. It must be true that Gu Huan is Chu Fengyuan's spy by the old marshal's side. Last time you searched his house in person, you can find any evidence. To prove this, there is no doubt that the specific reason why he betrayed you has not yet been found out."

In fact, he didn't understand why he had to investigate this reason. According to the previous actions, shouldn't it be enough to deal with the traitor directly? When he and others received His Highness's order, they were really confused.

"Oh, by the way, there is a very gossipy thing, I don't know if I should say it, it seems to be okay if I say it, it seems to be okay if I don't say it."

"Say it straight." Chu Xinglin's forehead burst out with veins.

"It's the needle tube you picked up at his house last time, which contains omega pheromone inhibitors."

The black-haired alpha frowned slightly with sharp eyebrows.

Why does an alpha family have omega pheromone inhibitors? Chu Xinglin was wondering, and the video gave him a very reliable answer.

"Just in case, there are quite a few Omegas who want to climb into bed these days."

"Well, there was an accident at the banquet he went to last time."

It seems... also right.

Seeing Chu Xinglin's silence, beta, who was wearing big black-rimmed glasses, didn't know why His Highness was so concerned about this, so he directly changed the topic.

"Your Highness, I think all the interstellar pirates have been wiped out. Since there is nothing else to do, why haven't you come back yet?"


"Are you fascinated by the omega over there?"

"But how do I remember that the Omega in the First Military Academy is exempted from military training, and you can't get in touch with it normally."

Chu Xinglin frowned, and Beta sued him.

"Of course it's impossible. Since when did you treat Omega differently? If you look at Omega right, the other party must be an Alpha."

"You talk too much."

Although the other party was just joking, Chu Xinglin inadvertently recalled what he said to Gu Huan today, that he could try it with him.

Thinking of Gu Huan's disdainful and cold evaluation, the man couldn't help but raise the corners of his cold lips slightly.

It never occurred to him before that making someone angry could be so much fun.

"If you don't go back to the capital, it will be the same as staying anywhere."

Of course, it's better here.

There is also a small goal, let Gu Huan work for him in the future and become his man.