MTL - General, You’ve Lost Your Inhibitor!-Chapter 17 cheers to friendship

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After learning that Gu Huan agreed to the exercise invitation of the Second Military Academy.

The students of the First Military Academy were extremely excited.

Because they can finally take a breath of anger. As the saying goes, beauty comes from distance, and when the distance is close, it is easy to make troubles. They have endured those evil neighbors for a long time!

The excitement of being able to punch someone annoying right off the bat keeps many students awake, so much so that they train with dark circles under their eyes.

But the instructors failed to comprehend their feelings. .

"Recently, the students are under a lot of pressure, and they all look like they haven't slept well. Maybe they are too worried about the next exercise."

Listening to the reports made by the instructors in front of him, Gu Huan quickly issued an order that all the staff should take a day off, but they were not allowed to leave the training camp.

Although the brainwaves of the instructors and the students were not in the same circuit at all, the children burst into laughter when they heard about the holiday, and no one explained to the instructors that they were actually not under pressure, so they just had the vacation.

Gu Huan thought that he could have a more peaceful time to deal with important matters on such a day when all the staff rested, but he was suddenly disturbed by the man with his hands on the table.

Gu Huan raised his jaw slightly, "Brigadier General Chu Lin, I remember I can rest today."


"Is your rest just staying with official duties? Admiral."

Chu Lin looked at herself with pity, as if saying something.

—General, you have no entertainment.

He frowned slightly.

No one can stand aggressive generals, especially... when he's really a general.

So, in the fringe area of ​​the entire star, at the entrance of a bar that can definitely be called a dirty and messy slum, suddenly appeared a black-haired man who seemed out of place here. He has a good demeanor, a calm and self-possessed look, wearing an ordinary white shirt and trousers, but his figure is extremely slender and perfect. Standing in the dejected beta that happened to pass by, he looked at him with malicious eyes, especially around his waist and hips.

Although...he looks like an alpha through and through.

Gu Huan could feel those overly enthusiastic gazes.

But he was very puzzled, why they looked at him like that, he didn't reveal his pheromone, and he wasn't in heat, why they looked at him with such explicit eyes.

When he was wondering. Suddenly, those explicit sights faded away, and the restless voice also faded away.

Gu Huan felt something in his heart and raised his head, looking straight ahead.

The black broken hair fell into his eyes, and he walked in front of him step by step.

Gu Huan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the tip of his nose was surrounded by the strong alpha pheromone with the aroma of wine, which made every cell of him want to stay away from the other party, but there was no superfluous expression on his face, only a faint road.

"you are late."

Chu Xinglin raised her lips lightly, looked at the calm eyes that were close at hand, suddenly raised her hand, lowered the other's neck, and hugged her directly in her arms.

Gu Huan's body was held stiffly by him, and the alarm went off all over his body.

He suddenly hugged something. "Let go."

"In this kind of place, if a person stands alone for so long, some people will think that you are here to use your body for business." A low-pitched laughter overflowed from his voice. Chu Xinglin motioned Gu Huan to look around.

Gu Huan looked to the side.

A few well-dressed and glamorous betas immediately cast resentful glances at him.

Not only did some people misunderstand that he was here to do business, but some thought he was here to steal business!

He just saw someone, but he thought they were waiting for someone, but he misunderstood.

Gu Huan had nothing to say, he tried his best not to be so stiff as Chu Xinglin hugged him and walked inside.

relative to him.

Chu Xinglin acted too familiar with the road, and even greeted the bartender in a friendly way.

He suddenly remembered the other party's self-introduction, a brigadier general from a remote planet, maybe it might be true. He is so familiar...

Gu Huan was silently carried by Chu Linxu and walked inside.

"Chu Lin."

Suddenly a young man's voice came from behind.

Gu Huan paused, and looked sideways at the person next to him.

Chu Xinglin let go of Gu Huan's arm, turned around, and recognized him at a glance.

"Fang Yue."

Standing in front of them was a well-proportioned and slender beta. His eyebrows and eyes were not beautiful, but they were definitely delicate. In this kind of slum, he stood out.

"You finally showed up again."

Fang Yue's voice started to cry a bit, but it stopped abruptly when he saw the people around Chu Xinglin, showing a scrutinizing and hostile gaze.

"Who is this person next to you?"

"Your bed partner?"

Fang Yue's voice was unbelievable. "You clearly said you didn't want a bed partner when you came last time."

Seeing the admiral's furrowed and cold eyes, Chu Xinglin didn't dare to be vague.

"only friends."

The boy living here has a sense of smell like a hunting dog in this respect. He didn't take Chu Xinglin's words to heart at all, and directly stretched out his hand to hook Chu Xinglin's arm, and stuck it against it.

"Since you can be with an alpha, it shouldn't be a problem to add me."

Anyway, if you do aa or ab, there will be no knots. If you don't have knots, there is nothing to worry about.

Fang Yue reached out with the other hand and wanted to hook Gu Huan's arm, but Chu Xinglin grabbed his wrist with such force that his wrist was pinched blue. He raised his head and wanted to say aggrievedly that he was hurt by the pinch. But he was frightened by Chu Xinglin's face.

"Don't touch him." Chu Xinglin's hoarse voice seemed to carry some kind of absolute authority, and the alpha pheromones scattered in an instant, and Gu Huan turned his head lightly to avoid being affected.

"What are you doing so fiercely? I'm just offering a suggestion." Fang Yue cast a sideways glance at Gu Huan, his eyes burning with blazing fire.

Every time he walked into a bar, everyone stared at him, which he took as approval.

But this time when he walked into the bar, everyone was staring at another alpha, which made him very upset.

Meeting Chu Lin is a trivial matter.

It's true that he came here once, he's generous, he's in good shape, and he has enough aura, so I want to date him, but after a long time, I don't think so anymore.

He just wanted to get back his place from Chu Lin, and when he made an appointment on the bed, he could naturally use his charm to make Chu Lin ignore that expressionless, fake and lofty alpha to the point where he had no sense of existence. Myself, that alpha must be as boring as a dead fish in bed.

"Since you don't want others to watch us, then throw him here and we'll find another place." Beta smiled.

The lights in the bar were dim, much more original than Gu Huan's celebration banquet last time.

Shining on Gu Huan's face, the golden eyes seemed neither happy nor angry, but Chu Xinglin could see the displeasure under the ice in Gu Huan's eyes.

So, out of the desire to drive away people, he moved closer and directly wrapped his arms around Gu Huan's waist.

"I said he was my friend, boyfriend, do you understand?"

This sentence just blurted out.

The whistle around has never been broken.

Someone made a coaxing kiss, but Gu Huan's eyes froze and he touched his nose.

Gu Huan raised his eyebrows and looked at the person standing opposite who was about to cry because of grievance. His teary eyes really didn't look like a beta's beta, he said coldly.

"It's just a joke, you can continue."

With that said, Gu Huan pulled away Chu Xinglin's hand that was touching him, turned around and left the spot, leaving Chu Xinglin alone.

Chu Xinglin raised the corners of his lips, smiling brightly, and ordered two cans of beer from the bartender.

"...My boyfriend is shy. You guys are drinking, I'll go find him."

Looking at Fang Yue's resentful wife.

Chu Xinglin caught up with Gu Huan who had gone far away, and chased him until he reached the balcony of the bar, only to find Gu Huan. He was leaning on the balcony and looking out. This is the only place this bar can praise—an open air with a wide view. From the balcony, you can see a piece of pure white snow. Chu Xinglin also felt that it was different from the chaos and filth just now. Such a clean scenery is suitable for the person beside him.

As the night fell and the wind eroded from all directions, Chu Xinglin spotted the position of the railing and just stood beside Gu Huan, passing a can of beer at an arm's length away. Beer, a primitive thing, can only be bought in this barren star bar, so he has come here because he is greedy for it.

"Are you angry?"

Gu Huan didn't look back, nor took the wine, just said.

"You have chosen a good place."



Chu Xinglin asked, but the other party didn't answer, so he shrugged, held a beer in his hand, pressed it against his face, and warmed it up.

"You don't like this place either, it has torn the fig leaf of the empire. But do you know why this place has become like this?"

Gu Huan frowned slightly, "The weather here has been bad since before, so it can't develop."

Chu Xinglin nodded in disbelief.

"Yes, that's right."

"But that's not the only reason it's making things worse here."

Gu Huan didn't interrupt, and listened to what Chu Xinglin was saying.

"It is those interstellar pirates who made this planet look like this."

"Long ago they poached and stole the energy here without end and sold it on the black market."

"They made a lot of money, but what they left behind was a desolate star with an even worse environment after losing energy."

"At a time when Zerg don't appear very often, they are the real moths."

"And the person who nourishes these moths is Chu Fengyuan." Chu Xinglin said this and his eyes fell on Gu Huan, and the word "Chu Fengyuan" was especially accentuated.

Gu Huan probably understood what kind of Hongmen banquet this time was.

It is possible that Chu Lin discovered through investigation that he had some relationship with Chu Fengyuan, which is why he treated him so badly.

In fact, there was no need for the other party to persuade him to recognize Chu Fengyuan's true colors, because he already knew that Chu Fengyuan was not a good person.

But now that the original owner has done that kind of thing to the prince, even if he wants to get away from Chu Fengyuan, he can't get away, because the other one won't make him feel better.

Even if it wasn't his intention.

When the prince comes back, he will take the knife from him.

He has no interest in apologizing for the original owner, he just did it, he has no guilt towards the prince, and he didn't do the white-eyed wolf, so what does the prince's hatred have to do with him? After leaving, everyone can die as the original owner. Anyway, he also died in the novel.

"I'm already on the cliff."

The young admiral lightly closed his eyes, and the snowy wind blew his long black hair up, like expensive silk and satin, which shimmered in the moonlight, and he lowered his head slightly. "I did the unforgivable thing."

"What if he is willing to forgive you?"

As he spoke, Chu Xinglin took the can of warm beer and handed it to Gu Huan.