MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 98 Mudworm

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Chapter 98 Mud Worm

 At 2:30 in the afternoon, Deng Shirong came to Shankou Commune again.

Before going to the seafood shop, Deng Shirong specially bought two wooden barrels, which were used to hold prawns. As for the crabs, they could be put in the chicken and duck cages, and the mudworms could be put in the glutinous rice balls. No need to buy anything else to install it.

Seeing Deng Shirong, the owner of the seafood shop greeted him warmly as if he was seeing a relative: "Ah Biao, you came just in time, and I have just prepared everything you need. Come and see if you are satisfied?" "

 Deng Shirong parked his bicycle and went to check the quality and freshness of crabs, prawns and mud worms at the invitation of the seafood shop owner.

 The result was naturally very satisfying. The seafood prepared by the seafood shop owner was not only of good quality, but also alive and kicking. It was indeed top quality.

Next, the weighing was carried out. After reaching the predetermined weight, Deng Shirong saw that there was not much left of the three kinds of seafood, so he said readily: "Boss, I think you don't have much left, so why don't I just put them all in?" wanted!"

The owner of the seafood shop was overjoyed when he heard this. The big customer in front of him was really the most generous customer he had ever encountered. While smiling and saying flattery, he quickly weighed the remaining seafood, and finally spent a lot of money. A total of 39.5 kilograms of crabs, 27.3 kilograms of prawns, and 54.6 kilograms of mudworms.

 Poxin Village.

By this time, the second pig had been killed at home, and all the relatives and friends had arrived, chatting and doing things. They all greeted Deng Shirong when he came back.

Deng Shirong saw that there was no one around, so he put all his things into the system space, and then left easily on his bicycle.

Deng Shirong nodded, took out tobacco and matches from his pocket, and said, "Then go and greet your relatives and friends to prepare for dinner!"

Of course, we must recognize crabs and prawns. After all, these two things are also found in the river, they just look different.

Zhang Xiuping cheered up and said, "You can't say for sure. Ah Hua will start to help with the matchmaking after I get married. If everything goes well, we will continue to be neighbors. As for Ah Fang, I will too. I will help you look for someone in Naye Village or several nearby villages. Once there is someone suitable for you, I will also help you match him. I hope that after we three sisters get married, we can still get together at any time like now. "

 When the walker arrives, he only needs to say that he has picked up the seafood, and the delivery person will drive away, and no one will suspect anything.

“Dad, why did you come back so late?” Deng Yuntai asked while getting a chimney for his father.

Deng Yungui said: "This mudworm looks quite disgusting, but Uncle Jiu said it is delicious, so it must be true. I have to have a good taste tomorrow."

Deng Shirong said: "Tomorrow I plan to steam it. Don't look at it. It looks disgusting now, but after I clean it and steam it again, it will look completely different from now. I promise to let you see it. Have an appetite.”

"Uncle Jiu, what is this? Why does it look like earthworms?" Deng Yungui did not go home immediately after drinking. Instead, he stayed to brag and chat. At this time, he saw the mudworms in Guluo. , couldn't help but asked aloud.

 The seafood shop owner responded readily: "Of course there is no problem."


Then the owner of the seafood shop took out his abacus and started banging it. The crab cost 5 cents per catty, and 39 jins and 5 taels was equivalent to 19 yuan and 76 cents. Prawns cost 80 cents per catty, and 3 taels of 27 catties is 21 yuan, 80 cents and 4 cents. Mudworms cost 3 cents per catty, and 54 catties and 6 taels are equivalent to 16 yuan, 3 cents and 8 cents.

In the evening, Deng Shirong had a good meal with his relatives and friends. This afternoon he had the offal of two pigs. Although his eldest daughter’s cooking skills were not as good as his, after all, he taught her the food and the taste was good. Deng Shirong is destined to be very busy tomorrow. He probably won't have time to sit there and drink slowly with relatives and friends, so he has to have a good meal this afternoon.

Deng Shirong opened his eyes and lied: "We agreed to send it to the tile factory at seven o'clock. When the time comes, I will take someone to pick it up. Has A-Zhen started cooking now?"

So Deng Shirong drank with his relatives and friends from about five o'clock until dark, and the meal was not over.

 In the empty boudoir, Zhang Xiuping got together with her two little sisters for the last time before her wedding.

At almost seven o'clock, Deng Shirong took people to the cylinder tile factory to get the seafood back. Because he went there by bicycle, he was naturally much faster than people who walked. After he arrived at his destination, he took the seafood out of the system space. Get it out.

Ou Guofang sighed and said, "Sister Ping, you are getting married tomorrow. I'm afraid we three sisters will have few opportunities to get together in the future!"

 After transporting all the seafood back, there is no doubt that it caused a sensation among relatives and friends.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "This thing is called mudworm. It is used to cook porridge, soup or steaming. It tastes really good. I will make it tomorrow and let you try it and you will know!"

At this time, the three sisters were all in a low mood, because once Zhang Xiuping got married tomorrow, it would be really difficult for them to see each other again.

Only the mudworm that looks a little disgusting, as shown in the picture:

 No one knows it, and they don’t know what it is.


 When I got home, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.


 Twenty minutes later.

Although Naye Village is not very far from the sea in real terms, only a few dozen kilometers. In future generations, if you want to see the sea, you can get there in less than an hour by stepping on the accelerator. At that time, everyone was very interested in seafood. None of them are unfamiliar.

Deng Shirong took the chimney and said: "I also went to the mountain pass to have the seafood I ordered delivered, so I came back late."

But in this day and age, due to inconvenient transportation, even though Naye Village is not far from the seaside, the seafood that the villagers know is still very limited. It was only in the past few years that people from the seaside brought seafood to exchange for sweet potatoes, and they were introduced to dried seafood such as sandworms. .

No one present was dissatisfied with Deng Shirong's cooking skills. Those who originally had no appetite after seeing the appearance of this mudworm had high expectations in their hearts.

After the seafood shop owner added up the total, he said happily: "My cousin, the total is 57 yuan and 9 cents. Those 8 points will not be counted as yours, minus the 10 yuan deposit you gave before. Just give me another 47 yuan and 9 cents."

 “Well, I know!”

Deng Shirong paid the money with satisfaction, and then said: "Boss, after you help me pack my things, I have to ask you to help me deliver them to the road in front. I have to wait there for the bus to go back together, otherwise I can't use my bicycle alone." There’s no way to transport so much stuff back.”

Deng Yuntai said: "It's almost cooked. You can eat it in a while!"

Deng Yuntai also knew that his father ordered a lot of seafood at Yamaguchi, so he asked: "Dad, when will the seafood you ordered be delivered?"

Ou Guofang nodded and said: "Then it's up to you, Sister Ping. If you get married tomorrow, help me look for it carefully. Even if the marriage is a little bit worse, I'm willing to marry her. Otherwise, you two will marry the same person." It would be too boring for me to marry somewhere else alone!”

 Zhang Xiuping said: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you look for it!"

 (End of this chapter)