MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 99 The last time I responded to wages and prices, I have concerns.

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Chapter 99 is the last response to wages and prices. If you have any doubts, please come and take a look!

I saw some people in the book review section questioning that the price of this book has skyrocketed. Some people said that the wages of the vat masters in the tile factory cannot be so high. They also took the example of an eighth-level fitter in Siheyuan who only paid more than 100 a month.

 Here, the author first responds to the wages of vat masters. The author's father graduated from high school in 1979 and started working in the vat and tile factory in 1980. At first, he was picking mud from morning to night, earning 1.5 yuan a day. Then there was the mud-driving, earning two yuan a day.

At that time, he saw people working in the big vat industry. They only worked half a day a day and could easily earn a few dollars. They ate meat and drank alcohol every day. In pursuit of progress, he used his free time to watch the vat masters at work and watched a video. After a while, I took some clay and tried to make it.

Here, I have to say that my father’s talent in this area is really a gift from God. It only took him more than a month to successfully master the technique of making a large tank, but even if you understood it at the time Make a big tank, but if you don’t have a teacher, no one will accept you when you go out to work.

 So, my father specially went to worship a master. To put it bluntly, it was just a matter of name, and there was no need for him to teach anything.

Since then, my father has become a vat master. Because he is really talented and his hands and feet are much faster than other vat masters, others can only earn six or seven yuan a day and at most eight yuan, but my father can make He earns eleven or two yuan, which is half more than other vat masters earn.

It was a rare highlight moment in my father's life, so he told us countless times since we were young. When the author wrote this book, he also asked my father in detail, so please question the wages of the tile factory. Boss, you can shut up now.

After all, I am also an old author who has been writing books for fifteen years. I don’t write a book without doing research and just slap my head on it.

There are also other things that have skyrocketed in price. The author doesn’t know what he is referring to specifically, but he guesses that it refers to seafood. The author has clearly written in the book that sandworms and squid sell for more than three yuan per pound. That’s dried seafood. One pound of dried sandworms requires ten pounds of fresh sandworms. One pound of dried squid requires five pounds of fresh squid. On average, one pound of fresh sandworms only costs 30 cents per pound. How much does this cost? Jumped? This is cheaper than eggs! Even squid costs an average of more than 70 cents per pound, which is cheaper than pork. I really don’t understand where it comes from?

These prices are calculated by the author from the prices in Bobai County Chronicles in 1988. At that time, the price of dried squid was 70-90 yuan per kilogram, which averaged out to 40 yuan per kilogram. Now in 1980, it sells for more than three yuan. One pound has been reduced by more than ten times. It is simply ridiculous to say that the author is writing about prices in the 1990s.

As for dried sandworms, it cost 50-70 yuan per kilogram in 1988. The average price is 30 yuan per kilogram. Now it sells for 3.3 yuan. Although it has not reduced by ten times, it is still nine times. If anyone doubts this price, just show the evidence. Come and slap me in the face!

 You say that the price of this book has jumped sharply. I really don’t know what your basis is?

The author does not dare to say that all the prices in the book are 100% true, but even if there is a gap, it is only a small gap, because for each price, the author has checked countless materials to get the price, among which the most important reference materials are , is Bobai County Chronicle, because the book is written about Bobai County, so Bobai County Chronicle is the most standard reference material.

Some people questioned the county annals before. The author just wanted to laugh after reading it. If the prices in the county annals cannot be used as a reference standard, what other information can be used as a standard?

 Does it mean that if you don’t believe the official history, you have to believe the unofficial history?

Also, the big guys who came out to question, do you really understand the prices of that era? I'm afraid your doubts are just "taken for granted", right?

 That's all for now. If you still have doubts, you can provide evidence. Don't just say that prices have jumped sharply without saying what it is. It's like guessing a riddle.

 (End of this chapter)