MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 330 Dandan (congratulations to Elvin2016 Silver Alliance!)

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  Chapter 330 Core Formation (Congratulations to Elvin2016 Silver Alliance!)

   "Mu Yu, the Supreme Elder of Xuanbing Palace, disappeared, and he declared to the outside world that he had been closed to death...and concealed it for nearly ten years."

   "If it weren't for several major incidents recently, Mu Yu would have to come forward... Maybe the Xuanbing Palace can keep concealing it."

   "If this palace cannot find a backer as soon as possible, there is a high probability that it will end up with Jin Jianmen..."

  Fang Xi put the jade slip back, thinking secretly.

   Immediately, he cleared the spirit stone and walked out of Wenfeng Tower.


   A few days later, Fang Xi, who had completed her purchases, continued to return to the cave for retreat.

   Wenfeng Tower.

  A man who looked like a servant stood behind the shopkeeper, and his cultivation base even had a foundation: "The shopkeeper... I have already inquired clearly. This person came to Fangshi ten years ago, and then rented a third-order cave for a long-term retreat..."

   "After leaving our Wenfeng building, I went to several pill shops one after another to sell pills and buy spiritual herbs. I was suspected of being an alchemist... Then I went back and continued to retreat. I am a person who is dedicated to asceticism."

   "As for the origin... Yuan Kingdom has a vast territory and there are too many foundation-building monks, so I really can't identify it... Maybe the other party has used a fake identity."

   "I see..." the shopkeeper touched his chin.

   "The shopkeeper... this person's net worth is really rich, much higher than the average foundation establishment..." The servant seemed a little unwilling.

   "We, Wenfenglou, only do business for information transactions..." The shopkeeper sighed: "What's more... In this Baiyuanfang City, there is still Ancestor Jiedan watching, what do you think?"

  When the boy heard this, the light in his eyes couldn't help dimming, and he became quite depressed all of a sudden.

"I think this person has a firm heart and is desperate to rent a third-tier cave for a long time. Maybe he is preparing to cultivate to the alchemy in one go. It depends on his success or failure. If he succeeds, he will naturally skyrocket. ...tsk tsk."

  The shopkeeper shook his head and sighed.

  He also knew in his heart how difficult it would be to successfully form an alchemy without the assistance of an alchemy spirit, relying only on his own little chance of alchemy?

  The geniuses who have always successfully formed alchemy on their own are all Nascent Soul seeds!

  Even in the Hunyuan Sect and the Red Blood Sect, there are not many of them.

  The man rented out the cave to form alchemy, so he must not have a big force to rely on, but a casual cultivator.

   How difficult is it to form pills in casual practice?


  Of course Fang Xi didn't know, he just sold some resources that were slightly richer for the later stage of foundation establishment, and he was targeted by many interested people in the city.

  But even if you know it, it's just a matter of laughing it off.

  After closing the cave, he fell into a state of penance to practice at a fixed time every day, occasionally refining alchemy, and comprehending formations.

  Three years later, in the Ice Cave Mansion.

   On the futon, there were actually two people sitting face to face.

  Fang Xi withdrew the last seal and looked at the incarnation outside her body in front of her: "Not bad... You can actually cultivate the 'Dao Dao Fa' to such a level. The next step is to cultivate the alchemy, right?"

   "Exactly..." The avatar outside the body replied with a slight smile.

  He has made great progress in practicing the "Magic Attraction Jue" and "Spirit Distraction Art". After all, the "Magic Attraction Jue" attracts some Qi-refining-level foreign demons, which are snacks for incarnations outside the body!

   And having a strong spiritual consciousness is also quite good for practicing the 'Divine Distraction Technique'.

  As for the 'Tao Dao Method'?

   Transformed into the body of a demon corpse outside the body, used the ability to devour souls, captured some powerful evil spirits and devoured them, and the progress was also quite rapid.

   Not to mention, a large part of Fang Xi's refining pills also entered the belly of the avatar outside the body.

   Now, after more than ten years of hard work, he has reached the critical point of forming an alchemy!

  Fang Xi naturally didn't plan to waste it, let the avatar outside her body condense the golden pill in the world of cultivating immortals in the southern wilderness!

  In this way, he has a high-ranking cultivator who can no longer really become a "star formation celestial phenomenon", which is enough to upgrade this status to an "initial alchemy stage".

  The avatar outside the body has long been a Daoist real person in the Red Sun Realm, and if it triggers the celestial phenomenon of forming alchemy, it will inevitably be a little strange if it is discovered by outsiders.

  Finally, it is the process of congealing the golden elixir of this method, and Fang Xi has to let the avatar outside her body carry it out under her nose to prevent possible risks!

"I'm building foundation and forming alchemy...Even if my family background is not very clean, it's not bad. It can be ignored under the cultivation of alchemy. At that time, don't attract too many forces... Naturally, there will be a high-level spiritual vein cave. up. '

  Fang Xi had made up her mind, and a smile appeared on her face.

  He touched the storage ring, and two jade boxes fell to the ground.

  After opening it, two rays of light, one blue and one red, instantly filled the entire cave, and they were indeed alchemy spirits—'Xuan Jingying' and 'Skyfire Glass'!

   "The secret method of water and fire alchemy pill is not so rare... It has been backed up in the library of the Holy Son."

   "The most important thing is, what is the difference between the Golden Elixir of the Law Cultivator and the Golden Elixir of the Cultivator? Will there be any conflict?"

  Fang Xi looked at the two spiritual creatures and fell into deep thought.

  These two spiritual creatures are not too rare in the Mystic Witch Realm, that is, the world of fragments.

  At least every demon disciple will prepare a copy for himself even if he dare not covet the 'Five Elements Spirit Fruit' after entering the secret realm.

  Therefore, in the storage bags of the disciples of the devil, the probability of opening them is very high...

   In addition, the storage bags of the disciples of the Demon Sect generally have a much larger capacity than that of the Jindan cultivators in Nanhuang.

  Most of the storage tools for monks are in the shape of storage bags, but the capacity is different.

   In addition, there are also some special shapes, such as belts, gourds, rings, bracelets, etc. It all depends on your preference.

   Whether the storage props are advanced or not depends only on the size of the internal capacity, not the shape.

  However, like the holy son 'Mountain Sea Pearl', who can form a world of its own and allow monks to come and go freely, it is undoubtedly the top!

  Fang Xi released her own spiritual consciousness and entered it all into the externalized body, experiencing the difference of the 'Tao Dao Law'.

  ‘This method is very mysterious...Almost all focus on spiritual practice...The final condensed golden core is not in the sea of ​​qi in the dantian, but in the sea of ​​consciousness...'

  ‘Although I don’t know where the golden pills formed by other red sun realm exercises are located, this method does not seem to conflict with the method of cultivating immortals in the southern wilderness...’

  Of course, it seems that there is no conflict, but Fang Xi is not completely sure of the hidden dangers afterwards.

  As long as his deity practiced the "Kurong Jue" step by step, he would be able to transform into a **** and ascend to the sky in the future, so he would naturally not practice any messy exercises indiscriminately.

   But the incarnation outside the body does not have this problem.

   "I don't have a good vision, but at least at the level of Faxiu Golden Core, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

"In case…"

  Fang Xi took out the jade box containing the 'Nine-Eyed Bodhi', placed the Bodhi seed in the palm of his hand, clasped his hands together, and began to comprehend.

  A moment later, he opened his eyes and looked at the nine-eyed Bodhizi whose green light had dimmed again. A look of pain flashed across his face, and he carefully put it away.

   "I didn't expect... There are still some omissions... If you directly form the alchemy, there may indeed be conflicts..."

   "But it should be fine now, let's get started!"

  By relying on the enlightenment provided by the Nine-Eyed Bodhi, Fang Xi has already figured out many obstacles, and suddenly understood the difficult and obscure points in the original scriptures of the "Dao Dao Method".

  At this time, no longer hesitate, let the "incarnation outside the body" hold the mysterious crystal hero in the left hand and the sky fire glass in the right hand, and start refining with the secret method.

   "Water and fire, yin and yang also...Water and fire unite, dragon and tiger hug together, golden elixir will be achieved!"

  Fang Xi, who has had the experience of forming alchemy once, is naturally familiar with forming alchemy again.

  His deity closed his eyes, and began to assist the "incarnation outside the body" to condense the golden pill...


   Outside the Ice Cave.

  Unknowingly, two years have passed.

  Except for the group of people who have been silently paying attention to Fang Xi, few people still remember such a closed-door ascetic.

  Fang Xi paid the rent of the Dongfu for 30 years in one go before, so naturally no one came to bother her during the retreat.

   Until this day.

   Wenfeng Tower.

"The shopkeeper... that guest just now is inquiring about the Xuanbing Palace again. It seems that the Xuanbing Palace has been since the previous Supreme Elder passed away, and the elder who completed the foundation two years ago recklessly attacked and failed to form the alchemy. , is about to fall..."

   Behind him, Zhu Ji spoke, his tone was filled with embarrassment.

"The group of female cultivators can still survive for a while with the help of the third-order formation... But the Ice Fiend Sect has long been ready to move, and took the opportunity to take all the benefits of several mine veins into their arms... Now, I am afraid that they will look at the spiritual veins of the Xuanbing Palace itself. Already."

  The shopkeeper touched his chin, showing an expression of watching the show, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "What happened to that man?"

   "I've been retreating, and now it's been five years... Are you really going to practice until the lease expires?"

  The Foundation Establishment cultivator behind him showed suspicion.

   "It's really rich..."

  The shopkeeper just said something, and wanted to add something, when his expression suddenly changed.

  He exchanged a glance with the Foundation Establishment cultivator behind him, and then turned into two beams of light, rushing out of the 'Wenfeng Building'.

   Within a radius of tens of miles, the aura of heaven and earth was fluctuating violently, converging towards a certain cave.

  The sky was gloomy, and a large amount of spiritual energy could be seen converging in a form visible to the naked eye, as if forming a funnel, continuously pouring into the cave in the center!

  A powerful spiritual pressure emerged, causing the nearby Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment monks to feel as if they were carrying a heavy weight.

   "This is... the celestial phenomena of forming alchemy! You can't be wrong... it is alchemy!"

  The shopkeeper lost his composure, with a look of strong envy and dejection, obviously thinking of his own hopelessness in forming an alchemy.

   "In Fangshi, there is actually someone forming an alchemy?!"

  The monk who built the foundation behind the shopkeeper was equally shocked, and looked at the direction where the aura vortex was concentrated: " seems to be the rented cave in the market...Looking at the direction, it is the man's cave!"

   "It turned out to be him... he actually formed a pill?"

  The shopkeeper seemed to think of something, couldn't help but shuddered, and patted his chest again: "It's really dangerous... Fortunately, we just collected information silently and never offended this person... Judging from the celestial phenomena, the probability of this person's golden alchemy is very high..."

   "Shopkeeper, do we want it?" Behind him, Zhu Ji was full of jealousy, and his voice trembled.

   "Don't think about it... Since that person has formed an alchemy, how could he not be prepared? In the current market, no one can stop this person except the "Red Leaf Immortal"!"

  The shopkeeper shook his head, and his voice was stern: "You are already greedy for profit, I will apply to the higher-ups to transfer you away, so as not to cause me trouble again!"

  (end of this chapter)