MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 331 Heart Demon (Congratulations to the Silver Alliance!)

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  Chapter 331 Heart Demon (Congratulations to the Silver League!)

  Ice Cave Mansion.

  The external power of the large array is fully activated.

   And inside the cave, there is also a hidden third-order formation, in which the thunder is faint, and countless powerful restraints are ready to go.

  Fang Xi held the 'Qinghe Sword', secretly sensing the outside world, and suddenly smiled: "I didn't expect Yuan Guo to be really simple and honest... No one came to bother me?"

  Using this formation to cooperate with his deity, even a monk who has successfully formed alchemy will have to kneel when he comes!

  Actually, Fang Xi also knew that she was overthinking.

  The real Hongye who was stationed in Fangshi was a stranger to him, and had no grievances or enmity... He came to interfere with his alchemy when his head was showing off, and smashed the signboard of his own Fangshi by the way.

  However, Fang Xi still used to play it safe, just in case.

   "This supernatural really different from ordinary alchemy."

  Reminiscing about the process of forming the alchemy of the incarnation outside the body before, Fang Xi had some insights.

  The ancient method of cultivation, condensed a natal art as the foundation, and thus entered the realm of "foundation".

  When it comes to forming pills, it is natural to continue to sublimate this 'natal art' and turn it into a 'supernatural power'!

  This is the true meaning of supernatural alchemy!

  Practice the 'Magic Attraction Art' with an incarnation outside the body, and the natal art is the 'Divine Art of Distraction'!

  The supernatural power that is now condensed is naturally - Duoshe!

   "However, even if you become a natal supernatural power, and a monk who practices the 'Dao Dao Method' to form alchemy, he only has three chances to seize the house in his life..."

   "Also, even if you lose your youngest body, you can't increase your lifespan by a single ounce."

   "So for monks, the method of seizing the house is only a last resort after the Tao body is damaged."

"However, this 'Seizing Dao Method' is ingenious... Breaking through the iron law that monks can only seize monks, it should be able to seize monsters and the like... Although it is impossible to obtain the longevity of those long-lived demon cultivators, it is only a tyrannical body and talent. Supernatural powers are huge benefits.”

  The body of the incarnation outside the body is extremely strong, and it is the practice of the "Tao Dao Method" from the beginning to the end. It is not formed by seizing other people's Dao foundation. The foundation can be said to be very solid.

  In addition to the help of the spiritual energy of the third-order spiritual veins in this cave, combined with the water and fire alchemy pill and two alchemy spirits...

   It took two years, and finally passed the step of forming the pill without any risk, successfully aroused the celestial phenomena, and condensed the embryonic form of a 'Heavenly Demon Relic'!

  At this time, in the sea of ​​consciousness of the incarnation outside the body, a strange black golden pill is floating up and down, absorbing the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

   "Consciousness forming alchemy... This supernatural ability to form alchemy is really mysterious."

  The avatar outside the body sat cross-legged, with his eyes closed, and he was refining the aura of heaven and earth, groping for the supernatural power of this 'Heavenly Demon Relic'.

   "The devil is ever-changing, it is really mysterious."

  However, at the next moment, something unexpected happened to Fang Xi.

  Transformed outside the body, the body and mind were lost, and fell into a state of 'entering concentration'.

   And beside his ear, there was a strange laugh faintly.


   "Sure enough, when condensing the 'Heavenly Demon Relic', there are heart demons disturbing when forming the alchemy... This should be the special feature of the 'Demon Attraction Art'."

  The figure flashed, and Fang Xi came to face the avatar outside her body, with a more relaxed expression: "Just in time... the heart demon at the time of alchemy must be weaker than the Nascent Soul Demon... you can practice it in advance."

   This is a situation that Nine-Eyed Bodhizi has deduced a long time ago, and Fang Xi, who has a countermeasure, is not in a hurry.

   "Let me see first, my Dao heart is firm..."

  However, at the next moment, Fang Xi's mouth twitched slightly.

  Because the 'incarnation outside the body' was full of magic power, one opened eye was bloodshot, as if he was going to go crazy at any time.


  Fang Xi was speechless, even with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect my incarnation outside the body to be so vulnerable under the evil of the heart..."

  Actually, he had already expected this point.

   After all, he is just an ordinary mortal, lucky to have a golden finger, mana practice can also use various spiritual objects and exercises to top it.

   But in terms of Dao Xin, hehe...

   This is why Fang Xi paid special attention to 'Disillusionment Xinlan' before.

   "The current incarnation experiment... also proves that I can't survive the Nascent Soul Demon Tribulation with a high probability on my own."

  Seeing that the avatar outside the body was about to explode, Fang Xi finally didn't dare to test her weakness of Dao heart, but stepped forward in front of the avatar outside the body, pointing at his eyebrows.

  Straps of dark green mana enveloped the avatar outside his body, binding him firmly.


   Then, two rays of light, one blue and one yellow, entered from his pupils, and began to "assimilate" him with the "secret method of incarnation outside the body"!

  The so-called 'assimilation' can actually be 'formatted', clearing all the memory of the incarnation outside the body!

  Make it a blank sheet of paper!

  The inner demon also comes from experience, since the memory is gone, the inner demon will naturally cease to exist!

   This is Fang Xi's secret method of breaking the catastrophe that he enlightened from the nine-eyed bodhi seed!

  Of course, this is also because of the existence of his true self, so he dares to do so.

  If this deity is going through the catastrophe of the heart demon, he will never dare to entrust this important task to the "incarnation outside the body".

   After all, the reason why the deity is the deity lies in the 'unique'!

  Fang Xi absolutely doesn't want to wash away all her memories and emotions... Even if she can recover later, it's not him anymore.

  But to the incarnation outside the body, this is all indifferent.

   Sure enough, as the secret technique began to "assimilate", the expression of the avatar outside the body immediately became confused, the bloodshot eyes in the pupil faded, and turned into a childlike innocence...

   Then, as Fang Xi began to infuse various memories and information, he restored the memory of the incarnation outside his body, but the inner demon had long since ceased to exist and was directly eliminated!

   "The devil is ever-changing, and I am the only one!"

  The avatar outside the body had clear eyes, and suddenly made a gesture.

All the aura in the cave was empty, and after devouring so much spiritual energy from heaven and earth, a black golden elixir in his sea of ​​consciousness was finally completely perfected, and there was no longer any risk of degeneration, but a light leap , crashed into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and disappeared...

  The Heavenly Demon relic is successful!

   Incarnate outside the body and step into the realm of Dharma Cultivation Alchemy!

  He opened his eyes, showing a trace of rejoicing: "Fortunately, when I crossed the catastrophe, I was guarded by my deity... Otherwise, even if I could condense the golden core, my temperament would change drastically, and I might even defect..."

   "Okay, now that you have become a golden elixir, it's time to retire."

  Fang Xi waved her hand, and the avatar disappeared, and she was sent into the Red Sun Realm.

  Fang Xi sat cross-legged on the futon, using the secret method of the 'Kurong Jue', raising her aura to the level that had just broken through the early stage of alchemy...


   After January.

  The closely watched Ice Cave Mansion finally opened its doors.

  The vicious Fang Xi strode out, saw the sound transmission symbols hovering outside the formation, and couldn't help showing a smile.

   He grabbed it with a big hand, and a big blue hand lightly scooped up all the sound transmission symbols.

  Fang Xi smiled slightly, turned back to the cave, and continued to close the door tightly.

  Backing back to the living room, after flipping through the sound transmission notes one by one, he had a good idea of ​​He's outside.

   Among them, the highest status is naturally Hongye Zhenren, the garrison of Honfang City.

   Besides that, they are the representatives of Xuanbing Palace, Ice Demon Sect, and several families stationed in Fangshi.

   At the end there are some messy congratulations and invitations.

  For example, some small foundation establishment forces directly invite them to serve as the Supreme Elder.

   This kind of Fang Xi glanced at it casually, and ignored the rest except for two extra glances at the sound transmission symbol of 'Wenfenglou'.

   "Now... I can also be regarded as a newly promoted alchemy, making my debut in the nearby world of cultivating immortals."

   "There is such a real alchemy celestial phenomenon to testify...I guarantee that no one will be able to connect me with the murderer who killed the two mid-stage alchemy outside the mountain..."

  Back when Fang Xixuan killed the two great pills outside the mountain, he was also included in the information of the Wenfeng Tower, which was quite a stroke.

  Even the identity was disclosed as 'Fang Xi', who came from the world of cultivating immortals in the Three Kingdoms, and there was a picture of her appearance...

  Fang Xi was speechless after seeing it.

  At this moment, after thinking about it, he took out a sound transmission talisman and said a few words, and threw it casually, and the sound transmission talisman turned into a flame, and flew out of the cave in an instant.

  A moment later, a red ray of light fell in front of the Ice Cave, and a tall, red-clothed female cultivator of alchemy appeared.

   "Hongye... I'm here to meet fellow daoist, and congratulate fellow daoist on his alchemy!"

  Before she came to the Frost Cave, she waved the dust whisk in her hand, smiled and transmitted voice with her spiritual sense.

   "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Hongye. I am receiving my merits. I can't greet you far away. Please forgive me..." A rough voice came from the cave.

   "After I formed the alchemy, it will naturally take some time to get familiar with the spiritual power of the golden alchemy... I think I have been familiar with it for a whole year when I formed the alchemy..."

  Reverend Hongye didn't take it seriously, and waited for a while, then saw a flash of light from the cave, and a thick and strong man came out: "I am 'Yun Jiezi', I have met fellow Taoists!"

   "So it's fellow Taoist Yun Jiezi..."

There was a flash of light in Hongye's hand, and a jade bottle emerged from the storage bracelet: "Fellow Daoists are delighted to have become an alchemy, and Hongye will congratulate you with the 'Mishen Pill'... This pill is for the Daoist who has just condensed the golden elixir. Friends, there are quite some benefits."


  Fang Xi's smile was a little stiff, and she accepted the familiar medicine bottle.

   Immediately afterwards, he calmly invited the Hongye real person in the early stage of alchemy into the cave, and patiently asked for some issues that should be paid attention to in the early stage of alchemy.

  Master Hongye really knows everything, but it's a pity that his opinions seem to be a bit weak.

  However, Fang Xi still respectfully expressed that he was taught... Several hours later, a red light flew out of the cave.

  Fang Xi flew out a few more sound transmission symbols to determine the next order of receiving guests.

  The congratulatory people sent by these Golden Core forces are mostly in the foundation establishment realm, so there is no need to be too polite.

  Fang Xi only met one by one, and after hearing a few words about the terms of the win-win, she dismissed them casually.

   After a few days.

   "Xuanbing Palace Jiang Ling, I pay my respects to senior 'Yun Jiezi', congratulations on the success of the golden core..."

  A woman with long hair hanging down her waist and slightly blue eyes walked into the cave, and immediately saluted Fang Xi respectfully when she saw Fang Xi.

   I haven't seen her for more than ten years, and this woman has also established her foundation, but of course she won't find out that Fang Xi is the 'Sapphire Child' back then.

  (end of this chapter)