MTL - Heroic Wife Reborn-Chapter 17 Zhao Xiang can not kill

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Zhao Qiu-ming hasn't spoken yet. Wang Hao has already held Gu Zun in one hand, and rushed out of the door of the back house with one hand, and still shouted with the high voice that went straight to the sky: "Princess, it's not good. Zhao Xiangye has burned your new house!"

Zhao Qiu-ming directly spit a blood, this must be discussed with the master servant!

Wang Hao shouted and ran to the front door to see the scenes of numerous banned troops lying outside the door. He took a moment and then cared about his own princess and said, "Princess, you, are you not hurt?"

Everyone is silent, this fat, you have not seen your princess stepping on Zhao Xiangye?

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the two small things that Wang Hao was holding, and asked: "Gu Xinglang?"

Wang Wei said: "Yu Maye and the second young master are all fine. Princess, Zhao Xiangye, this is to kill them. So a good new house will be burned by him. Oh, yes," Wang Hao looked around. Said: "What about Zhao Xiangye?"

"Looking down," someone reminded Wang Hao.

Wang Hao knows that her princess is stepping on a person, but this person has a **** face. She did not see the person’s appearance. After reminding people, Wang Hao looked down and looked at it. This person is not only a **** face. The face is swollen like the pig's head, so that Wang Hao can't recognize Zhao Xiangye.

Yu Xiao's novel: "What is the crime of setting fire to kill?"

Wang Hao said: "The death penalty."

Yu Xiaoxiao said nothing, waved to Zhao Qiu Ming's neck.

Zhao Xiangye looked at the knife and snorted and fainted.

"Slow!" Yingnian allowed to see the Princess Linglong really want to kill Zhao Qiu Ming, and shouted when he was busy.

The blade is still a centimeter away from Zhao Qiu-ming’s neck. Yu Xiaoxiao was stopped by Ying Ying’s permission and looked up at the British university student. Xiao Xiao’s novel: “Why?”

Ying Nianyun said: "His Royal Highness, you can't just kill him."

Jade is really a human being who does not understand the world. Is this not an enemy? Can't kill for Mao?

Ying Nianyun said: "His Royal Highness, Zhao Qiu-ming's life and death can be determined by the Holy Spirit."

"He is faint..." Yu Xiaoxiao wanted to say, what do you expect to be able to do?

Wang Shu coughed twice and interrupted Yu Xiaoxiao’s words in public.

"Father!" Zhao Beicheng finally ran in blood at this time. After being thrown away by Yu Xiaoxiao, this dare not come up to play with Yu Xiaoxiao. He could only yell at the scorpion: "Father, you How's it going?"

Gu Xingnuo snorted with disdain, this kind of daring goods, but also the meaning of his own efforts to force the retreat of the White Tigers tens of thousands of iron ride?

"Can't kill," although Wang Hao wanted to watch Zhao Xi's Laozi die, but Wang Hao also understood that he was not sentenced to the doctor, and he was so unruly to kill the bad kind. They also became unreasonable, so Wang Hao could only shake the head with a small jade.

"I don't bother to kill him," Yu Xiaoxiao said.

There are more people coughing in the crowd. Everyone wants to say, Your Royal Highness, is that a country's phase? Not a dog, murder is as light as killing a dog, is this really good?

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the expression of everyone, and finally threw the knife on the ground. She knew this way, she found a place where no one was playing.

Zhao Beicheng saw Yu Xiaoxiao throwing the knife, and he would ask for the father from the little feet of Yu.

Yu Xiaoxiao took the lead in Zhao Beicheng and put Zhao Qiu-ming, who was still in a coma, in his hand and said, "That, then I will take him to see me, my father."

"Prepare the sedan!" Wang Hao was busy shouting a scorpion, this trip, the matter went to the palace, let the holy look at it.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the horse parked outside the door, glaring at Zhao Xiangye, and he was on the horse. Yu Xiaoxiao will ride a bicycle, have a driver's license, drive the plane, that is, did not ride the horse, went up behind the horse, and directly smashed the horse.

The white horse ate a pain, snorted, and hooves in four hooves. He ran as crazy.

"There are people on the ground!" This is what the banned army is shouting.

"The horse is shocked!" This is the family and friends of the family shouting.

"Princess, you wait for the slave!" This is Wang Hao shouting.

"Do you still want to kill my father?!" This is Zhao Beicheng shouting.

After everyone heard the shouting of Zhao Dagong, they suddenly silenced together. The princess of the long princess sat on the saddle and looked at it. It was only the one hand holding Zhao Qiu-ming, let Zhao Xiangye’s body run up and down with the horse. Reversing, like flying a kite, can Zhao Xiangye live to the gate of the palace?

"Whose horse is that?" Someone asked.

Zhao Beicheng looked at the horse in front of the door, and once again, it was his horse!

At this time, Gu Xingyan ran out of Gu Xinglang from the back house, and had no time to look at the situation in front of the door. He asked directly: "How is it?"

Gu Xinglang looked at the crowd without the girl wearing the red wedding dress. She was panicked and asked, "What about the Princess?"

Everyone turned back and looked at the prince, and his eyes were complicated and unspeakable. He was so fierce as a daughter-in-law. He always felt that the days after Gu San’s young master, hehehe, everyone together.

To the reader:

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