MTL - Heroic Wife Reborn-Chapter 18 We killed this person.

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When Yu Xiaoxiao took Zhao Xiangye to the Imperial Palace, Yin Zong was sitting in the early Qing Dynasty of Zhao Wei, talking to Zhao Yan about the year of Princess Linglong. The daughter was married today, and the whole person was very sad at this time. Zhao Wei, who was lying on the bed, sighed: "The queen is gone, Linglong marries, hehe!"

Zhao Yu listened to the empress and said that the empress had a sneer in his heart, but his face also showed a sly look. He said with the sage: "Yes, it’s been a long time since the time passed. When the minister entered the palace, it was long. Her Royal Highness is still a little girl."

Xianzong said: "Linglong is still a child now."

Zhao Wei looked at Yin Zong with a gentle smile and said: "St. Shang, is that the courtier is not old?"

Yinzong bowed his head and looked at his love in the sick. Zhao Yan’s well-prepared makeup was gorgeous. Where is the trace of old age? Yin Zong’s face was on Zhao’s face and he said with emotion: “Fortunately, you are still there.”

Zhao Wei snorted, "Sheng Shang!" Estimated time, her father should have done a good job of family, Zhao Wei will wait to watch the good show of the family.

Looking at the temptation of Zhao Wei, if you don't worry about Zhao Wei still hurting, Xianzong will give Zhao Xiao this little girl this time! "Injury is like this, you still have to hang on, don't you go, huh?" Xianzong whispered in the ear of Zhao Hao, who was still saddened by the queen and his daughter, and now he was in the heart.

Zhao Wei whispered and said: "Chen Chen is afraid of the Holy Spirit."

Yin Zong’s hand touched Zhao’s chest and saw that the pair of towering soft meats had to be reached. A small **** broke the sound of the shouting outside the bedroom: “Shang Shang!”

Yinzong was shocked and his hand was shot on Zhao’s chest. “What’s wrong?” Xianzong asked, calling it like this. Is this going to be a country?

The little **** outside the bedroom said: "Son, the Princess of the Long Princess is coming back to the palace."

Yin Zong stood up and jumped up, and his niece married and went home again? "What happened?" said Xian Zong, who was going to bed and go outside.

Zhao Wei’s mouth flashed a sneer, this is the suffering of the husband’s family. The girl returned to the palace for help, but it’s related to the throne. Is it important for her biological daughter to have a throne?

At this time, the little **** said something outside the bedroom: "Zhao, Zhao Xiangye seems to be dead."

Yin Zong slammed into the door of the bedroom, Zhao Qiu Ming died? His daughter went back to the palace and died with Zhao Qiu-ming. Is the two connected?

"What do you say?!" Zhao Yi stayed and asked aloud on the bed.

The little **** did not stutter again this time, and said to Zhao Wei: "When Zhao Zhao Niangniang, Zhao Xiangye seems to be gone."

This is the death of the family, the killer, killing his father? Zhao Yan was shaking, she wanted to give her family a death, but she didn't want to kill her father. “Do you want to rebel?” Zhao screamed, and as he earned himself, he rolled from the bed to the floor.

At this moment, Emperor Xianzong had a mess in his mind. Looking back at Zhao Wei, "What does Zhao Xiang go to Gufu?"

Zhao Wei was asked by the sages of the sages, and he said: "I don't know."

Sinzon kicked the door of the bedroom and asked the little **** outside the door to say, "What about the princess?"

The little **** hasn't answered yet, and Zhao Qiu-ming's shouting has already reached the ears of Xianzong. "Sacred to save the minister!"

When Yin Zong looked into the courtyard, he saw that Zhao Qiu-ming struggled in the hands of his niece like a grasshopper. This picture was too "beautiful". Together with the sages, the people in the courtyard could not bear to look straight.

Yu Xiaoxiao stood next to the sage of Zhao Xianming and threw Zhao Xiangye to the ground.

Yin Zong's eyelids jumped and felt the same feeling. He felt a bit of pain. He said, "Exquisite, this, how is this going?" He knows his niece martial arts high, but why marry the niece who went to the family, can and surname Zhao Hit it up? Look at Zhao Qiu-Ming, this is not a light one.

Zhao Qiu Ming has not come and talked yet, Yu Xiaoxiao said: "He sent people to set fire to my new house!"

Sage slammed his ear and said, "What are you talking about?"

"St. Shang, Chen Chen!" Zhao Qiu-Ming refused to brew the tragic emotions again. He shouted with Xian Zong: "How can the minister dare to burn the new house of the Princess?"

Xian Zong asked Yu Xiaoxiao: "What does he do to burn your new house?"

Yu Xiao's novel: "I don't know, he brought more than a thousand people to Gufu to kill and set fire."

"Chen Chen, Sheng Shang," Zhao Qiu-ming picked up from the ground and gave the sage to the sage: "Chen received the secret newspaper, Gu Jiahui, the princess married, the opportunity to marry them to pass the enemy to judge the country, this is the only When people go to Gufu to check, Chen..." Zhao Xiangye’s words were only half said, and the head was smashed with a small slap in the head, which directly fainted.

"We killed this person," Yu Xiaoxiao said with a stunned look at his sage.

"My father?" At this time, Zhao Beicheng, who was chased in front of the palace gate, shouted at the banned general of the gate.

In the front of the palace gate, the 100th ban, and the general, look at the two horses that rushed to the front of the palace gate, all with their faces on the back of the tower.

Gu Xingnuo hurriedly said: "Speak!"

"The princess is squatting with the lord, flying to the tower and going to the palace," said the general of the Guardian Gate, as he said in his dream, he hasn't woken up yet? Well, it must be dripping!

To the reader:

In the future update time, it will be restored to the poisonous 妃 at that time, and it will be updated every day at 12 o'clock in the morning. The plum fruit will be placed in the manuscript box, and the author will automatically send it in the background. Whenever you look at it during the day, you can do it one hour at a time. what.