MTL - Hunting College-Chapter 16 This fat guy again

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"Look at this book. The bound book of Bologna in the seventeenth century is half lighter than that of Venice. The bound is also very beautiful. Camilla's top layer of skin is embedded with Aegean mermaid tail scales, dipped in flower mouth, and on The story of Poseidon and the four little angels. On the back of the book, five golden threads are ridged, and the head is left empty for you to engrave your symbol. The title page is the prayer of Athena, and the linen paper of Khatifa, touch it It makes people feel relaxed and happy."

"how much is it?"

   "Chenghui twenty-three jade coins." Manager Xiaoyuan was about to smile a flower on his face.

   "Too expensive, too expensive." Zheng Qing returned the book carefully.

"Then this book, a bound book by Ashmore in the eighteenth century, is simple and heavy, with North Sea Brent shark skin, delicate in hand, golden mouth, continuation of the pale blue aftertaste of shark skin, simple and clean. Ice silk texture The bookmark tape of "The inner page is translucent fishskin paper, which is most suitable for frequent recording of spells."

"how much is it?"

   "Fifteen jade coins are honored."

   "It always feels too bloody." Zheng Qing reluctantly touched the cover and returned the book.

   I read several sample books one after another, the prices are a bit staggering.

  The number of scholarships is very limited, and they cannot all be used in one book.

   He decided to pick more and more.

   followed the shop assistant around a bookcase, Zheng Qing saw a familiar figure.

   The fat man in Yun Xiangyi.

   At this time, the fat man did not hold the roast chicken in his hands, and the clothes hanging on his shoulders seemed to be much cleaner.

   He was frowning, and followed the clerk with a bored look on his face to select the books.

   Zheng Qing didn't like this guy with an ostrich egg head.

   He put his feet away, planning to go around to another cabinet booth.

   But the ostrich egg moved a bit and saw Zheng Qing's figure.

   "Oh, government-funded students are here." The fat man broke the quiet atmosphere in the bookstore with his loud voice: "I forgot to ask just now, are you a public-funded student this year?"

   The guests who had been leisurely picking books in the bookstore looked up and turned their eyes on Zheng Qing.

   Zheng Qing seemed to hear some whispers.

   "Yes." He replied briefly.

   His ears are a little hot.

   He felt embarrassed.

   The experience of seeing a doctor as a child made his personality a little sensitive. He hates being different, hating mavericks, hating others looking at him with strange eyes.

   After reading, one of his favorite words is'Harmony with Light and Dust', water conservancy and all things are indisputable, and with its light, with its dust, the world cannot compete with it.

   However, the fat man’s big voice greeting showed Zheng Qing under the scrutiny eyes of everyone, which felt very bad.

   "No wonder you don't have a Fa book. My brother is also a public-funded student at the first university. The school gives him a stack of paperback books as a prize every year. It is the one I just used." He patted the coat.

   Zheng Qing remembered his swollen khaki soft paper.

   Stacking up three soft-covered books can perfectly restore this fat man’s chin.

   Thinking of this, Zheng Qing feels a little better.

"But I want a new book. When I go out, I can't get a simple book. I told my brother that there is always a classic book in hardcover so that he won't lose his face. You know, he It's also a public student." Ruo had no one next to the fat man, and continued to yell with his loud voice: "He entered the school last year, and only five of them received a full scholarship in that year, unlike this year. You know how many full scholarships were received this year. Are you a public student?"

   Zheng Qing shook his head and said nothing.

   Those interested eyes around him are still patrolling around him, and he feels very uncomfortable.

   "I don't know either." The fat man grinned, "I'm actually cheating you. It seems that public-funded students don't know much better than ordinary students like us."

   There were a few chuckles around, and it seemed that the fat man said it was funny.

   Zheng Qing tried to ignore these disturbances.

  He is here to buy Dharma books.

   He needs to use his instinct to choose a suitable book for himself.

   This book will accompany him for a long period of time. It is one of the basic conditions for him to successfully survive in Wizarding University.

   He took a deep breath, smiled and looked at the bookstore manager Xiaoyuan next to him.

   Manager Xiaoyuan approached very wittily, pointed to a gorgeous book in the cupboard and asked, "How about this? As far as I know, public-sponsored students buy this book every year."

   Zheng Qing tightened the soft leather gloves on his hands, and took the sample book that Xiao Yuan handed over.

"This is a bound book from Paris in the 19th century. It is flashy and close to the modern style. Although it is a two-layer leather, the Romanian fire dragon skin is always thick and can be cut into five or six layers. If the second layer, the feel and texture are just right. .It is also a golden mouth, above is the seventh chapter of the "New Testament Matthew"-you have to enter the narrow gate. Because there are many people who go in the wide gate highway, it is leading to destruction; the people found on the narrow gate path Less is the path to eternal life." He chanted in a deep tone.

   "How about I buy this?" The fat man squeezed into the two of them, grabbed the book in Zheng Qing's hand, and exclaimed: "I remember my brother bought this one by a classmate. How much is this book?"

   "Chenghui thirteen jade coins." Xiaoyuan smiled and praised the fat man for his unique vision.

   Fatty's original shopping guide manager gloomily looked at the customers who ran away halfway, and said nothing.

   Zheng Qing pouted and didn't speak.

   He wondered if this fat man could walk through the narrow door like the gospel said. U U Reading

   And he felt that this sloppy fat man, no matter how gorgeous the book he took, he had the impression that he was holding a swollen earthy yellow soft paper book.

   "Which college do you belong to?" Watching the bookstore's manager pack the Paris bound book, the fat man suddenly turned his head and stared at Zheng Qing with his small eyes: "I almost forgot to ask."

   "Jiuyou Academy." Zheng Qing replied quickly.

   He hoped that this fat man would disappear into his sight quickly.

"I guess so, nerd's academy." The fat man nodded, with an expression like this: "Looking at your dress, it must not be from Alpha and Atlas. If you are from the Star Academy, I was in Yun Xiangyi before, even though If you don’t have a Fa book, you will rush over with your fist."

   Zheng Qing silently looked at the other heavy sample book at hand, not sure whether to throw it over and smash it on the three-layer chin.

"My brother belongs to Atlas, but I was assigned to Alpha Academy this year." The fat man is still chattering: "Relatively speaking, it can be tolerated. After all, Alpha Academy are some very educated students. If you let me I’d rather drop out of school when I entered the Nine-Year College. My brother once said that a wizard who is very strong in exams is not a really powerful wizard."

   "Then your exam must be bad." Zheng Qing nodded affirmatively.

   The fat man frowned, always feeling that Zheng Qing's answer was logical.

   "Hello, guest, your book has been packed, please check it." The clerk in the bookstore invited the fat man who was struggling to think to the front desk.

   Zheng Qing put the Western-style hardcover book in the display cabinet, and turned to look at Manager Xiaoyuan.

   "Are there any Chinese style books? These western styles still feel a little impetuous."