MTL - Hunting College-Chapter 17 Private order

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   Dharma book is a vehicle used by wizards to transcribe spells.

   Just like wood can hold fire, pottery can be filled with water.

  Different spells have different functions, and their requirements for the carrier are also different.

  For example, the burning fire spell, if it is recorded in a book made of fish skin, it will affect the effect of the spell because the yin is too heavy. Therefore, Ashmore's bound books are often used to transcribe the spell of water travel, the Paris bound books are used by Catholic monks to eulogize the holy, and the Venetian bound books often appear in the hands of dark creatures.

   Zheng Qing knows nothing about these details.

   But his instinct allowed him to abandon the gorgeous, exquisitely decorated books he had seen before.

   So, after he made a request, Manager Xiaoyuan led him to the display cabinet of Chinese-style Fa book.

"Pre-Qin bamboo slips, two feet four inches long, millennium bitter bamboo cuts, green halo patting, and seven-color deerskin braided. The outer slips are carved with a whole set of'Uncle Zai Tau' fire spell, and the lining is a design that can be replaced many times. We have equipped a set of inner linings of different materials, including mulberry paper, Shushan silk, two-layer fox fur, gold and silver articles, etc. After using the inner lining, customers can renew their comfortable materials in the shop."

"And this, Han and Tang dynasty silk scrolls, five feet three inches long, one foot eight minutes wide, woven with millennium amber silk, the silk is beautiful and soft, and the luster is delicate and bright. The scroll is made of Ryukyu red sandalwood, which feels warm and refreshing. The scent of dharma, and the mantra of “the east is bright, the moon rises” is engraved on the bottom of the shaft, so that even in the dark night, it will not affect the use of the book at all."

   "There is also a Song version of the Fa book. The style is simple and elegant, and the materials are exquisite and strict. From threading to binding, all reflect the historical charm of the East. What kind of guests do you like?"

The manager of   Bookshop displayed these Chinese style books one by one and explained them in detail.

   Manager Xiaoyuan’s attitude has become more friendly since the fat man with the three-tiered chin called Zheng Qing's public health student.

   "What about the price." Although he was embarrassed, Zheng Qing did not hesitate to open his eyes and gain insight.

   The soft leather gloves on his hands were replaced with white linen gloves. The bookstore also intimately provided a pair of monocles, allowing him to carefully examine the patina on the bamboo slips, the lines on the silk silk, and the beginning and end of the Song book binding.

"Pre-Qin bamboo slips start at fifteen jade coins, depending on the configuration of the lining, there is room for floating up and down; the price of ten jade coins in the Han and Tang silk and silk books starts, and the scrolls can be replaced, and the price is not fixed; the five jade coins in the Song version are unified price."

   "What type of books do you sell most?"

"University standard style, top layer deerskin cover, silk bookmark tape, brass inscriptions, book corners, blank title page, mulberry paper." Manager Xiaoyuan said quickly: "Because it is a standard format, the durability is limited, so Students are changed once a semester, and one jade coin is accepted."

   "That's it." Zheng Qing weighed it.

"Since you are a public-funded student, if none of these can meet your requirements, the shop can also make a tailor-made book for you, which will definitely satisfy your customers." It seems that Zheng Qing hesitated, Xiao The manager of the source actively recommends: "Shangyuan Bookstore has a master book maker certified by the Wizarding Alliance, you can rest assured."

   "It must be expensive."

   "The price starts from a golden bean, and there is no cap. The price of the law books is different according to your materials and requirements. You are a public student, and you can get a 30% discount on labor."

   "I'll take a look." Zheng Qing felt happy in his heart and wondered if he could buy the book with three or five golden beans.

Jade coins, golden beans, silver horns, and coppers are several currencies in the wizarding world. One jade coin can be exchanged for ten golden beans. If you use three to five golden beans to solve the problem of the book, you can save at least six or seven. Golden beans.

   According to Thomas, a handful of copper is enough for Zheng Qing to eat three meals a day in college. Six or seven golden beans are estimated to be enough for him to live on for a month.

   His full scholarship is only ten jade coins, and he needs to buy all the necessities for school on the list, as well as some other expenses after the school starts.

   Zheng Qing felt a little nervous on hand.

   Since knowing the currency exchange rate, he has given up his plan to ask for money from his family.

   Since there is no way to open source for the time being, then we must learn how to compare.

   "Please here." Manager Xiaoyuan led Zheng Qing to a small door deep in the bookstore.

The    cyan double-leaf wooden doors do not match the overall dark tone of the shop. The door frame around the wooden door is engraved with runes to ward off evil spirits, and the door leaf is hung with a New Year picture of God Tuyu. The New Year picture is a bit old and the color is a bit whitish. The two great gods of Shen Tu Yu Lei leaned on the painting feet, sitting lazily, playing cards, and seeing someone coming, they just waved to indicate that they knew.

   Zheng Qing swallowed.

   "According to the regulations, I can't go in." Manager Xiaoyuan opened the door, made a sign of inviting in, and smiled apologetically.

   The door is a little dark inside, and the threshold is a foot high.

   Zheng Qing looked up and carefully crossed the threshold.

   The wooden door closed gently behind him.

   Dim and quiet, coupled with the fragrance of heavy wood, Zheng Qing's nervous heart gradually calmed down.

   The house is very large and empty.

   There are burning torches on the walls around.

   In the middle of the room, UU Reading has a huge counter. This is the most conspicuous thing in the house.

   There was a pile of gray hair on the counter, shaking in the fire.

   "Is anyone there?" Zheng Qing's throat was a little dry, and her voice was trembling.

   swallowed, he walked to the counter, ready to say hello again.

   Before he spoke, the pile of gray hair floated up suddenly.

   A dry, wrinkled, old man's face appeared in his sight like a dried walnut.

   Zheng Qing was taken aback, reached out and grabbed the gray cloth bag in his arms.

   The old man's sluggish eyes rolled and slid across the cloth bag. Then he lowered his head, and the shriveled walnuts disappeared behind the wide table.

   "Hello," Zheng Qing moved back, away from the counter.

   Then he hesitated and bowed slightly.

   Raised his head, the old man had already moved up again, his wrinkled face almost stuck to Zheng Qing's body, and the dark eyes seemed to stare at him firmly without a trace of vitality.

   "Hello, that..." Zheng Qing was startled, and he wanted to move back, but the old man did not put out his right hand vaguely, grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him to the front.

  Although he looks like a skinny old man, his hands are like iron tongs, strangling Zheng Qing's neck with pain.

   "Yes, yes, I understand."

Before Zheng Qing could speak, the old man’s murmur sounded in this quiet room, and it seemed very ethereal: "A very powerful soul, very powerful. Although chaotic and complex, it contains a pure breath. I I have never seen such a powerful soul before. This feeling has never happened before. Don't worry, I have everything ready, and you will have a powerful wizard book."