MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 159 parting

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He was standing in the middle of the room, with the prison door open, and several officials from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs were surrounding him, removing the shackles on his feet.

He heard the sound and turned around.

He is very thin and lean, but his eyes are still clear.

But when he saw Pei Tuo, he shuddered suddenly and moved away unnaturally.

Pei Tuo's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the anger, suffocation, and pain that soared into the sky ... At this moment, they seemed to be silent in this dark and cold space, frozen by the raw.

Pei Tuo opened his mouth, but did not know how to speak. He looked at the people in vain.

Ren Jinglei is calmer than him. After the first glance, he has recovered his cold expression. Waiting for the jailer to remove the shackles on his hands and feet, he slowly walked out of the cell door.

Passing Pei Tuo's side, Ren Jinglei didn't squint.

Pei Tuo's body was stiff and trembling, and in an instant, he finally found his own tone.

"You lied to me, for the past ten years, you have been ..." He clenched his fists and stared at him.

"Yeah." Ren Jinglei turned his head and smiled frankly: "You are stupid, and you lie to you without pressure."

Pei Tuo seemed to be flicked hard, and his body was shaking, "Why?"

"Everyone seems to have to ask me why, I'm a little bored."

He laughed, still looking like a heartless, but stinging Pei Tuo's eyes.

He rushed forward, holding Ren's thunder on his shoulders.

Ren Jinglei was like paper, under such a fierce collision, he retreated.

Until his back hit the wall fiercely, at that moment, his face was pale, and he couldn't help showing his painful expression, but quickly suppressed it.

"Your martial arts ..." After pressing people on the wall, Pei Tuo was stunned.

Ren Jinglei raised a hand and wanted to push him away. Pei Tuo took a step back, letting him push himself, although the pushing force was weakly almost absent.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Ren Jinglei's hands again.

Ren Jinglei was too late to take it back, and he grabbed his wrist.

"Your hand ..." Pei Tuo stared at the slender fingertips. The original dexterous and flexible fingernails were gone, leaving only red marks and mottled scars.

Ren Jinglei pulled out vigorously and smiled lazily: "What's surprising, the usual methods of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, do you think they invited me to drink wine?"

Pei Tuo noticed that Ren Jinglei was wearing a plain high-necked shirt, covering almost all the skin except his face.

He held up his placket.

"Get off!" Realizing what he wanted to do, Ren Jinglei gave a low sigh, and then struggled violently.

Pei Tuo was caught off guard and even got rid of him.

Pei Tuo stepped back and looked at him.

"Don't show such a girly expression, OK, it will only make people laugh." Ren Jinglei sneered and stopped watching Pei Tuo.

Looking at his figure walking slowly out, Pei Tuo growled suddenly: "Why ?!"

The sound was so loud that the entire prison wall was rattling.

Tang Chen rubbed his ears. Is Nanxiang Hou planning to use the lion's roar to tear down the prison of the prison?

Ren Jinglei stopped and turned to stare at him coldly. "Just do whatever you want. I've been tired of helping you with the aftermath, and now I'm finally relieved."

"Grow up quickly, Pei Houhou, officialdom is not that simple."

"Forget it, you have a little head, I'm afraid I can't figure out such complicated things."

Leaving a mocking look, Ren Jinglei turned and left, no longer attached.

After walking out of the long corridor, after being detained for seven or eight days, I saw the sunshine outside for the first time.

Ren Jinglei narrowed his eyes and turned to Tang Chen next to him: "Would you go directly to the execution ground or execute it here?"

Tang Chen glanced at him, "Congratulations, you don't have to die, and there is a way to live. The emperor agreed with Nan Chen's exchange request."

Ren Jinglei stepped in a footstep, "What price did it cost? Don't tell me it's the 20,000 Southern Army waste dim sum. The emperor should not look at these people."

Tang Chen wanted to laugh a bit. He had been in contact with Ren Jinglei many times because of his work needs, but he didn't really see that this kid was so poisonous. Of course, there is also a hard mouth. These days, the law department's methods have been exhausted, and no useful information has been slid out of his mouth.

To this kind of people, Tang Chen still admired a little.

"It was the 20,000 disabled soldiers that disappointed Mr. Yao Guang. Maybe because in the eyes of the emperor, it is about the same value as the 20,000 waste snacks." Tang Chen teased.

"Then I'm really ashamed." Ren Jinglei laughed. The smile twitched the chest injury, and the broken two ribs had not been healed, almost to the point of strike. Just tossed by Pei Tuo just now, it is even more painful, but this pain is nothing compared to the days in the hands of the Ministry of Justice these days.

"Mr. Yao Guang need not be ashamed. Of course, in the hearts of the emperor and the court, you certainly have more than that."

Department of Justice Shang Shu Huo Donglai brought several officials to the opposite side and explained his doubts.

In Ren Jinglei's eyes, Huo Donglai smiled and said:

"In addition to Nanchen's 20,000 Southern Army captives, General Pei also used Gyeonggi's military power and positions on his body in exchange for your life."

Ren Jinglei suddenly changed his face, he shivered slightly, as if he couldn't believe the result.

I thought that if he was caught and then executed according to law, that person would not have much blame. But he ...

If he knew this was the result, he would rather die in the ruined temple from the beginning, or in the jail of the Ministry of Justice.

Huo Dong came to stare at him, shaking his head with a bitter smile, "I really admire you a bit, so many things can be done by one person."

A life that affects the sentiments of the powerful in both countries. There is also Pei Yan, an old opponent, who originally thought that there was nothing to knock him down. Unexpectedly, a heavy blow from the inside made him whole.

By the way, he glanced at Nanxiang Hou in the back. Through the long martyrdom, it was vaguely visible that he was still standing there, motionless, almost to merge with the shadow of the gloom.

Recalling a few months ago, before the death of his father, he sighed that one day, Pei Yue would fall more miserably and ugly than them.

That cursed word came true, only a few months later.

I'm afraid it's hard to imagine even his father in the spirit of heaven.

Only a few months after taking charge of the entire Korean political power, they were forced to give up. From this perspective, the Huo family should really be grateful to the young man in front of them.

In the end, Huo Donglai took a long sigh and personally took Ren Jinglei out of the penalty department.

Ren Jinglei will leave Beijing with Wen Miao's team.

The mission of the ambassador to Beijing did not reach a satisfactory result for both sides, but only confirmed the stubbornness and uncoordinated contradictions between the two sides.

Qin Nuo has understood that there is no other way for the Southern Chen Emperor who is too strong to be almost paranoid.

At the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Zhao Pingyi, who was in the tactical camp, had prepared a carriage. He escorted Wen Miao all the way into Beijing, and now he was also responsible for escorting people all the way back.

Seeing that Master Shang Shu sent the person out in person, Zhao Ping had a complex look and was also a colleague of the Five Guards of the Imperial Army. He and Ren Jinglei had a very good relationship.

In fact, not only him, Ren Jinglei was straightforward and upright, with a bright personality. Throughout the Five Guards of the Imperial Army, he was well-connected, even if it was a sacred battalion or a sacred soldier camp.

Almost all the officers and soldiers who followed followed looked awkwardly at Ren Jinglei.

Wen Miao stepped down from the carriage and stepped forward to hold Ren Jinglei's hand.

"His Royal Highness ..." There are thousands of words, but I don't know where to start. Chen Zheng and Bai Guangxi went to visit him as a teenager. He used to bring the little child, but he was just a young boy. He also used to serve him with scones in the house.

So there was so much intersection between the two before. I did not expect that after the fall of the country, there would be no further encounters, but the connection between them became closer instead.

In the past few years, Wen Ye has contacted him several times for the layout.

Caring and eager for Wen Yong, Ren Jinglei looked coldly and lowered his eyes.

Wen Miao understood that this was not the place to speak, and helped Ren Jinglei to return to the carriage.

Sitting on the carriage, Ren Jinglei suddenly asked, "Master Wen, the 20,000 captives have not yet begun."

"No." Wen Miao shook his head with a bitter smile, and the emperor Da Zhou unexpectedly generously, without receiving the released prisoners, readily agreed to release.

Perhaps he understood that Nan Chen could not break the contract on this matter.

Ren Jinglei's eyes dropped and he didn't speak.

The carriage went all the way,

All the way to the city gate, the team leaving the city was stopped by a team of soldiers and horses.

Cui Yun was riding on the horse, and his cold eyes stared at the carriage.

Zhao Ping reluctantly stepped forward and arched, "General Cui, please give me face."

Cui Wei ignored him, sneered, rolled over and dismissed the reins. Then walked quickly to the carriage.

Ren Jinglei had heard the movement outside, he pushed the door of the car calmly, and looked at Cui Wei standing in front of the car.

"It's okay to go back." Cui Min looked at him proudly, and said coldly, "But one day, you will fall into my hands again, and I swear that I will definitely catch you back again. There is a second time. "

"At that time, I will put you and your good brother together in a cage and bring them back to this city."

This sentence was extremely rude, and Wen Miao's face suddenly appeared angry.

"General Cui!" Zhao Ping whispered next to him, and he felt too much. As a warrior, he must first respect his opponent. Even if Nan Chen is the enemy and the king of a country, is there such a humiliation?

Ren Jinglei's face was cloudless and light-hearted: "Then wish General Cui wish everything is done."

Cui Min punched the cotton cover with a punch, his cheeks flushed.

Ren Jinglei didn't bother to care about him at all, was about to close the door, and suddenly acted, staring at the opposite side.

Along his line of sight, Zhao Ping looked over.

Pei Yue did not bring any attendants, and she was dressed in a Tsing Yi suit, holding a horse in the shadow behind the gate.

People came and went around, and the flow continued, but he seemed to be standing on the other side of the distant world, only staring silently.

Touching Ren Jinglei's gaze, he finally moved forward.

Ren Jinglei supported the carriage and got out of the carriage.

"General." He whispered.

"The general shouldn't be here." He held back his slightly wet eyes and lowered his head.

Because of him, Pei Yue has already caused trouble, and coming back to send him will definitely make the courtier look sideways.

Aren't these troubles caused by him? At this moment, here and there were hypocritical anxieties.

Standing in front of him, Pei Yan looked at him calmly and didn't look at him, but said to the void: "Within Gyeonggi, I can go wherever I want, who can put a beak?"

"General ..." Ren Jinglei laughed. Do you have to give up the great advantage you just got? Is the life of a traitor worth his memory and pity?

He is not Ren Jinglei, but a thief who stole the name and identity!

Pei Min's gaze finally fell on him, "Don't fight and kill again when you go back, live honestly."

"Since then the thunder was just a disused man. Where can I kill and kill?" Ren Jinglei smiled. From the first day he was jailed in the sentencing department, he was dismissed from martial arts.

Zhao Ping was a little admired next to him. As a warrior, Dan Tian was destroyed, all his martial arts were completely useless, and he could still laugh. I never knew Ren Xiong was so open-minded.

"Either it should be abolished. I was originally taught by the general and it was my deception." Ren Jinglei whispered.

Then, he knelt solemnly, and bowed his head respectfully to Pei Yan.

"The grace of the general's upbringing is beyond consideration, and it can only be repaid in the afterlife, if there is any afterlife."

Then he stood up and whispered, "Father, goodbye."

Pei Wei's body trembled slightly. Since he raised Ren Jinglei, the child has been observing etiquette, calling him a general, and never willing to call him a righteous father or a master. He used to be a little surprised, but he gradually got used to it. The unfamiliarity of the title did not affect the relationship between the two. Maybe the child misses his father and family too much, so he doesn't want to have a second father.

Pei Yue gradually let go, but did not expect that at this moment, he heard this long-lost title and spoke from his mouth.

Suddenly his nose was sore, and he looked away. "If you leave, don't come back."

Ren Jinglei murmured, turned and left Pei Yue.

He didn't mean to get on the carriage. It was walking on the road, dull and slow.

The gate officer of the capital city is still his old subordinates of the Five City Soldiers Division, and for a moment he didn't know what to call the person in front of him. As a low-ranking officer, he did not know why Ren Jinglei was suddenly jailed for being dismissed, but he was instinctively panic ...

Finally, Wei Wenuonuo said: "General Ren ..."

Ren Jinglei smiled at this loyal and cautious elderly veteran and smiled, "It's going to be winter right away, and you don't have to stay too late at the gate, or your old cold leg will start again."

The gate officer nodded strongly.

Ren Jinglei continued to move forward, and the team was slowly moving forward.

No one called him to the carriage, and all seemed to understand his mood at the moment.

In front of it is the city gate. Under the setting sun, the huge city gate casts an arched shadow on the wide bluestone slab official road.

Out of the capital, his life that belonged to Ren Jinglei has ended completely.

Step by step, simpler than expected, but also heavier than expected.

Passing by the city gate officer, in a blind spot that Pei Ye and Wen Ye could not see, Ren Jinglei suddenly reached out and pulled out the sabre on the waist of the veteran opposite.

Be caught off guard. Although the work is exhausted, the agile skills are not what ordinary soldiers can resist.

His movements were smooth and fast, and the sharp blade swept across his neck.

This short-divided life is at this junction, and it's over.

Looking up at the sky, the pale blue color is becoming red, and the bright sunset light is warm and brilliant.

At the last moment, I saw such a landscape, which is also good ...