MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 160 Split

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At the moment when he started to hang himself, Pei Ye was in the dead corner behind the carriage, and Wen Miao was in the car. The others couldn't respond, and he could only watch Ren Jinglei raise his hand, and the sword edge crossed his neck.

Suddenly there was silence at the gate, and almost everyone was still.

Staring at the blade on the neck, the crimson blood was slipping down the light-readable surface, and the entire sword body was instantly dyed red.

Pei Yue finally saw this scene, and he couldn't help yelling.

Wen Miao also rushed out of the carriage and exclaimed: "His Royal Highness!"

And the one who shouted louder than everyone was Pu Yangcheng, who shouted in an almost tone-changing voice: "Leadership !!!"

He not only shouted, but rushed up, holding Cui Min's wrist, anxiously.

Because the blood is not Ren Jinglei, but Cui Wei.

He was holding the sword with both hands, and the sharp blade cut into his palm fiercely.

The moment Ren Jinglei's Hengjian prostrated himself, he rushed up and had no time to pull the sword to stop him. He directly held the blade with both hands.

Everyone was stunned by this abrupt change, including Ren Jinglei himself.

As if I could not feel the severe pain of a split palm, for a moment, Cui Wei's face showed the sleepwalking general expression, and immediately turned into a fierce, staring at Ren Jinglei.

"Do you think it's okay to die like this?"

With such hard hands, Ren Jinglei tried to shake off his restraint, but he couldn't do it.

Because of this move, the blood flow in Cui Yi's palm is faster.

He didn't seem to feel the pain, staring at Ren Jinglei blindly.

Pu Yangcheng was even more anxious, and Hengzhang Suo Ren took Thunder's wrist, trying to make him abandon the sword.

Know that you can't do it. Ren Jinglei did not struggle, and let go of the sword handle fatefully.

With a sigh, the long sword fell to the ground.

Wen Miao rushed out of the car. "Your Highness, please don't despise yourself. How can you let the emperor be with you?" He was distressed and his voice was trembling.

Pei Yue also came up and Shen said: "The weakest act in the world is death. It can escape everything but cannot solve the problem. This is what you said three years ago. Now you do n’t even remember what you said. ?"

He stared at Ren Jinglei, his eyes complex and deep.

There was a bitter smile on Ren Jinglei's face. It turned out that so many people were looking forward to his survival. Want to escape by death, can not even die easily? He can do nothing, but a low life, so many things.

Pei Yue continued, "No one gives up, chooses what, in this world no one can beat me, everything goes without hesitation." He speaks slowly, but clearly and firmly.

He had already guessed why he chose to commit suicide. Ren Jinglei lowered his eyes and did not answer.

Pei Min raised his hand, as if trying to touch his forehead, as if he had met for the first time, but stopped in the air, and finally put it down in vain.

"Leave it, there is nothing more important than being alive in this world." He turned around and stopped looking at him.

Ren Jinglei's body shook, and the same words were like when he said goodbye to his elder Chen Chen.

"You can rest assured that you will be safe with me."

"Remember, living is the most important thing. Once a person dies, there is nothing left."

From the first encounter to the final departure.

The two most important people in his life were exactly the same promises to him and the same exhortations.

Ren Jinglei closed his eyes and finally gave up the idea of ​​sorrow.

With Wen Yi's support, he turned into the carriage.

On the other side, Cui Yan stared at him beside him, until he saw the carriage out of the gate, disappeared on the distant and winding official road, and was no longer visible.


Pei Hui returned to the mansion alone, and it was already dark.

Stepping into the gate, through the study, he entered the back garden.

The weather was getting colder, the autumn wind was bleak, and even the courtyard showed a loneliness.

He glanced eastward, right next to the back garden, the yard where Ren Jinglei was before. He used to live here most of the time in Beijing.

All the way to the east along the courtyard full of pine and cypress trees, he suddenly stepped.

Pei Tuo's figure was in the garden. He was lying on the cloister extending from the gazebo, with one hand resting on his face, covering his expression, and the dim moonlight covered his body.

Hearing Pei's approaching voice, he didn't get up.

Although it is only early winter, the early blossoming plum has bloomed.

Occasionally a cold wind blows, and a few petals are scattered. Fall on the handsome young body below.

It's like that person used to like staying here.

"Come back!" Pei Yue only said this. He did not ask how Peo Tuo got the news halfway, and returned back from the road to the northern Xinjiang. He did not blame him for breaking into the criminal department and talking to officials. Conflict.

Pei Tuo said "um".

Pei Yue did not bother him, and continued to walk towards the backyard.

As his figure was about to be submerged in a throng of overgrown plants, Pei Tuo opened his mouth suddenly.

"Uncle, I'm going back to northern Xinjiang." The voice was suppressed with a change of tone.

"Think it over, just go back." Pei Yue said softly, without stopping.


The carriage went fast, and after one day, it went off the official road to the bank of Sishui River.

Clippers have been parked there, waiting for the host to come.

Wen Miao and Ren Jinglei and the members of the ambassador boarded one of the boats. Zhao Ping, the escort, took the other five boats with the men and women of the camp.

Sailing, the ship quickly moved south.

Turned into the Anjiang River from Sishuihe, the water was calm and calm, and the rest was unpleasant.

At these moments, Wen Miao had been careful to accompany Chen Li almost every moment, for fear that he would never think again.

Fortunately, Chen Li seems to have calmed down and everything is back to normal.

Wen Miao gradually let go.

Finally arrived at the Songjiang water system, Zhao Ping, with several officers from the camp, boarded the warship and bid farewell to Wen Miao and his party.

That's it for the escort. Moving forward, Nan Chen's warships took over.

There were unexpectedly many ships moored to the shore. They were all elite battleships of the South Chen Shui Division. They had just finished the task of transporting 10,000 captives and stayed here waiting for the envoy to return together.

The effort to transfer to the warship, the two sides said goodbye politely.

Wen Miao salutes, "This is a hard general."

"It's only a matter of time. The talents of Wenda University have learned extensively, and the boy has benefited a lot from all the way." Zhao Pingyi immediately responded to the gift and said heartily, "I hope that one day, in my court of the Zhou Dynasty, I will have the honor to hear the teachings of Lord Wen. "

The emperor also praised the learned scholar, and if he can return in the future, it must be reused.

Wen Miao made no comment on the meaning of pull in Zhao Pingyi's words.

A few words were polite. Zhao Pingyi gave a complicated look at Chen Li next to him.

"His Highness Nine ... Take care, too." Saluting his fist, then turned and left.

Seeing Zhao Ping taking the ship with everyone in the camp, Wen Miao sighed, "It's a general, it's a pity ..."

"Within the five guards of the embargo, Zhao Pingyi's qualifications just barely caught his eye." Chen Li smiled, and resumed the laziness.

Wen Miao silently, in recent years, Chen Chen's campaign to fight and fell fell into a weak position. Among them, the soldiers and horses suffered fierce damage, and many outstanding young people had no time to grow, and they could only fall. On the contrary, there are so many talents in Da Zhou, which makes people feel more worried.

Not only did Wen Miao's expression not slacken, but he became more dignified when he transferred to a larger and looser battleship.

This trip to the north, the task of peace talks was not completed, which was expected, but another important event related to the war plan after Nan Chen, and it must not be neglected.

Dozens of boats were traveling slowly on the river, and stopped at a mountainous area after night.

"Is this the place where Yu Wencheng hides gold?" Chen Li asked, looking at the moving tools in front of him, and the engineers who hurried in and out.

"According to the information, there is indeed no mistake here." Wen Ying was directing the crowd to build a platform with tools and prepare to salvage.

Yu Wenche's hometown is in Qizhou, not far from here. Over the years, he has obtained several batches of gold and silver jewelry, sealed them in hemlock boxes, and then sunk into the bottom of the river, covered with sand. .

The terrain here is very complicated, and even local hunters have difficulty finding out the route, it is indeed a good place to hide things. And sinking into the bottom of the river, God is unaware of the ghost.

In Yu Wenche's idea, if the family declines in the next hundred years, or if there is a change of dynasty, it can be hidden into the mountains, and the Tibetan gold here can be returned to wealth.

The night was intense, with dozens of large ships moored outside the waters, covering the construction of the two central ships.

You can't stay here too long, or they will definitely attract the attention of the southern army, so they only have one night. Fortunately, some people have been sent to inspect the burial site in detail before, and all types of equipment and personnel are complete.

"His Highness Nine, the wind is cold at night. You are weak now, so go back and rest." Wen Yue whispered.

"Anyway, where can the wind be so weak?" Chen Li smiled, staring at the busy figures in and out of the distance, one by one, the dark boxes were salvaged from the bottom of the water, and every time they came up, it would cause a sound of joy on board .

Someone has already checked it. The box is full of pure gold and precious stones. A box is worth tens of thousands of silver.

Chen Li suddenly said, "Mr. Wen, do you think that even with this batch of gold, are we more likely to win?"

Staring at the construction ahead, Wen Miao heard Chen Li's inquiry, turned his head, and smiled: "His Highness Nine, what does this win mean?"

"Keep the national puppet alive and continue the bloodline? Or use Jianye as the capital to reproduce the glory of the dynasty? The former is easy, and the latter, even if there are ten times and hundred times more gold in front of it, it is difficult."

Chen Li laughed absurdly. "It turns out that Mr. Wen didn't like my South Chen Guozhen."

"Jiang Ye can't keep it up," Wen Miao whispered, with a sadness of fate. The moment he heard the fall of Kangcheng, he knew that it was doomed to come.

Cannes also fell into Da Zhou's hands. The original layout of Cannes as the new capital was planned and re-planned.

"After returning, the minister would persuade the emperor. Exchange Jianye City for the captives of the Great Zhou Kangcheng World War I, and strive to bring these children back to their hometown. Then retreat to the south, and then use this gold and silver to mobilize the help of Nanman. Naturally, it is best, if not, the land of the six counties in the south can still be preserved. "Wen Yan sighed.

This is the status before the counterattack. The Nanchen Disabled Party adhered to the six counties in the south, and Uli Country retreated.

"The battle for more than half a year came down, and all the strength accumulated for more than ten years was fully invested. Did it end in nothing? It still cost so many lives." Chen Li shook his head with a bitter smile, "Did Mr. Wen ever think that this time we retreat, we There is no chance of a counterattack in my life. "

Wen Yan calmly said: "Maybe it will be a long dormancy in the future, but as long as you live, you have a chance. In these years, the world has changed suddenly. Who knows what the situation will be in two years?"

"The current emperor of Beishuo is ambitious and martial arts has died. Since being beaten by Pei Yi a dozen years ago, in these years, Beishuo's strategy has focused on the Western Regions and the Dongchuan countries. The small countries are almost wiped out. Sooner or later, they will set their sights on the Central Plains. "

"There is also His Royal Highness, who is said to have great ambitions to go south."

"In short, the worst case, everyone has already experienced it. Retreating to the south, with this money, it will never be more difficult than it was then."

Hearing Pei Min's name, Chen Li felt sad for a moment. But quickly regained his spirit.

He smiled wryly, would it really go so smoothly?

Over the years, His Majesty the Emperor in the palace has always been shocking. From the very beginning of the epidemic situation, several careful plots have failed. Even if they have prepared for the worst, often even the worst outcome will become unrealistic expectations.

I just hope that next time, don't make yourself shocked.

At this time, the two were talking about the future planning and layout. They are both wise and intelligent. They lived in the power centers of the two dynasties for a long time.

However, with the wisdom of the two, it is impossible to predict that the situation in this world has changed drastically, far beyond the limits of their imagination.

It all started from this night.