MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 125 125

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Cheng Yang is big and big, he has to stick his back against the wall so that he can walk on the narrow window sill.

Because he fell down in the morning, Cheng Yang walked very carefully.

Lin Yi asked him to go to dormitory 204, this is the only thing left in his mind. When passing by dormitory 203, he didn't even glance inside, nor did he see a cat from the door of dormitory 203 The jumping time stopped, and when Cheng Yang passed through the 203 dormitory, the cat continued to jump toward the 202 dormitory.

"204 bed, 204 bed..."

Cheng Yang meditated in his heart.

Finally arrived in dormitory 204, because he was facing downstairs with his back to the window, Cheng Yang could only push the window with his backhand. Fortunately, he deducted talent points in his studies, and he did such a thing with ease.

With little effort, Cheng Yang pushed open the window of bedroom 204. When he opened the window, he seemed to hear the sound of something falling to the ground, but he was full of Lin Yi's advice. .

In order to strengthen the memory of the brain, Cheng Yang murmured silently:

"Immediately lock the windows after going to dormitory 204."

"Immediately lock the windows after going to dormitory 204."


The muffled sound of the fleshy floor was ignored in his repeated murmurs. Cheng Yang did not dare to make too much noise. Then he slowly moved his legs and turned around, and when he was facing bedroom 204, he landed on his feet and entered bedroom 204.

"Immediately lock the windows after going to dormitory 204."

He said again, turned around and closed the window of bedroom 204, pressed down the buckle, and locked the window of bedroom 204 according to Lin Yi's words.

Not only did he lock the window, he also lowered the curtain.

Then Cheng Yang let out a long sigh of turbidity, and his legs have not stopped trembling since nightfall. The second generation of the rich does not worry about eating and drinking to grow up, the daily trouble is thinking about how to play today , Solve troubles with money, if you can't get rid of it, then double the price. Now he has encountered a problem that can't be solved by double the price or even ten times, a hundred times a thousand times the money, the first time he was so close to death, Cheng Yang has actually been out of control for a long time.

"Grass mud horse, Cheng Yang." Cheng Yang held his head: "My hope for you is not to **** pee your pants, otherwise I look down on you, you coward!"

After stimulating himself so much, Cheng Yang stabilized his mind, and he raised his head to look at bedroom 204.

204 Bedroom 204 was lit up with black lights, and it was a dark mass when entering the eyes. The layout of the dormitory was the same, and even the furniture of the tables, chairs, and beds were exactly the same. Cheng Yang followed the dormitory layout in his memory. , smeared and walked towards the corner of the bedroom wall.

He still remembered what the teacher said about escape. If you encounter an earthquake before you can escape, you should hide in the angle between the two walls. It is a triangle area, which can save lives.

Cheng Yang thought that it was all escape knowledge anyway, and he urgently needed escape now.

Eyes can't see very much, Cheng Yang waved his hands slightly to rub the road ahead. Because of the unclear vision, the road from the window to the triangle area seemed extremely long. Cheng Yang's heart was hanging in his throat, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Fortunately, he finally reached the triangular safe area formed by the wall safely. When he leaned his back against the wall, Cheng Yang finally felt a sense of security.

He slumped on the ground and rested for a long time.

Muscle habit, he reached out and touched his trouser pocket to take out a cigarette.

After touching for a long time, Cheng Yang was shocked.

He is still in the 8-4 rule world and can't bring anything in.

Because the sense of security brought by the back against the wall disappeared in an instant, Cheng Yang suddenly remembered, isn't the bedroom 204 Xia Hui's bedroom?

Suddenly, an unbearable rancid stench poured into her nostrils.

Bedroom 204 is Xia Hui's bedroom!

Just now, all he thought about was listening to Lin Yi's words and going to dormitory 204, but he didn't think about it at all. What he heard when he pushed the window was the muffled sound of something falling to the ground, that is, the corpse stuck to the window was thrown to the ground by the action of pushing the window.

The rancid stench in the nasal cavity is not new. The 204 bedroom had rancid smell from the very beginning. It was because of his extreme fear that he ignored this rancid stench!

He is now in the same room with Xia Hui's rotting corpse!

Cheng Yangyang thought so, his breathing became short, and the suffocation was overwhelming.

He could feel that he was breathing out but not breathing in, Cheng Yang felt that he was about to faint.

He shivered and pinched his own people.

In the 2-6 rule world, every time he fainted, Lin Yi used this method to wake him up.

He couldn't faint, Lin Yi was still in dormitory 202.

If he fainted and something happened to Lin Yi, he would not be able to exchange rooms with Lin Yi. And if he fainted at this time, it would only drag Lin Yi back, and maybe even cause Lin Yi to be killed by those things.

Cheng Yang himself knew that he was surrounded by friends and friends. If they were eating, drinking, and having fun, if something really happened, those grandsons would run faster than rabbits.

Lin Yi is Cheng Yang's friend who has known him the shortest time. If there was no Lin Yi, he would have taken him long ago. He really regarded Lin Yi as a brother, not just talking about it.

So although Cheng Yang has no strength now, he still held his breath and pinched his own people.

The pain spread from the person to the whole face, Cheng Yang felt that his whole face was numb.

However, the mind is finally clear and the rhythm of breathing has eased.

He was all awake, until he heard a very faint rustling sound.

The triangular safe area that Cheng Yang chose was on the left side of the bedroom door. .

Inside the house.

In this 204 bedroom full of rancidity and corpses!

The cognition of the sound in the room made Cheng Yang close his eyes tightly, and he didn't have the courage to follow the sound to identify the source of the sound.

The strength of his eyes closed almost made both eyes sink into the skin of the face. When people close their eyes, other senses will be amplified. The more Cheng Yang closes his eyes, the more his sixth sense becomes The more certain it is, something is staring at you!

Cheng Yang's body became more and more stiff.

He suddenly remembered that in Lin Yi's exhortation to him, not only 'lock the windows immediately after going to dormitory 204', but also the second half sentence that is longer than half a sentence - 'No matter what you see or hear in dormitory 204, don't make a sound. ’

This morning he also glanced in through the window of dormitory 204, and he saw Xia Hui's body covered in blood on the window.

Lin Yi must know that he saw Xia Hui's body, why did he fall from the second floor, with Lin Yi's IQ, you don't even need to think to know that he was frightened after seeing Xia Hui's body As soon as his legs were soft, one fell unsteadily.

But now why did Lin Yi specifically instruct him again, no matter what he saw in dormitory 204 and heard nothing?

Cheng Yang's breath was trembling.

After entering dormitory 204, did he make a sound?


He just called himself a coward.

Cheng Yang wanted to call her mother in fear.

He thought that he should have been with Lin Yi for a long time, so the IQ of the near Zhu Zhichi has also improved a lot. He was able to sip the meaning of Lin Yi's exhortation.

It means that what he can see in dormitory 204 is not only Xia Hui's body, he can also see other things and hear what sounds.

For example, the rustling sound that sounded again at this time.

Compared with the first rustling sound Cheng Yang heard just now, the next rustling sound became clearer.

Maybe it was because he closed his eyes and amplified other senses, but Cheng Yang still didn't dare to open his eyes, he could only cover his ears with his hands.

Covering your ears will indeed create a barrier to block high-frequency sounds, but low-frequency sounds will still reach the eardrum. Cheng Yang can still hear the sound, and then he desperately recognizes this rustling. The sound was like something was crawling on the ground.

What's more frightening is that the rustling sound is getting closer and closer to him.

At last it came to him.


Cheng Yang was about to vomit.

Because of the extreme fear, Cheng Yang was irritated.

That thing was about to come to his face, Cheng Yang thought, anyway, if he was going to die, he had to die. He was timid when he was alive, and he should be bold before he died.

To see what this thing is, if possible, he would like to leave some clues for Lin Yi.

Thinking about this, Cheng Yang's brain became hot, and he slammed the things in front of him.

It felt sticky and disgusting to the touch, but Cheng Yang had no time to care about what was on his palm. After pushing the thing in front of him, Cheng Yang stood up with a thump, and he rushed to the bedroom lamp to turn on the light place.

The light turns on with a 'pop'.

Cheng Yang was stunned.

The room was empty and there was nothing, including Xia Hui's body.

The impulse dissipated, Cheng Yang looked down at his hands.

The rotting meat residue and green pus in one hand exudes a disgusting smell.

After glancing at his hands, Cheng Yang looked inside again.

Having these things on his hands proves that his senses are not wrong. There was indeed something staring at him just now. What is it, Cheng Yang has an answer in his heart.

His eyes searched the bedroom, and then settled on the bottom of the bed.

Under the light, under the bed

Cheng Yang did a lot of psychological construction before he squatted down little by little. When his eyes were at the same level with the bottom of the bed, Cheng Yang saw something under the bed, and his heart, liver and lungs suddenly changed at this moment. trembling.

The missing corpse was reassembled with sticky blood and pus, but not the head, then the neck torso and limbs like a human being.

The corpse was randomly mixed together, and the four fingers in the front and back were supporting the corpse, and an arm was glued to the tail of the corpse, as if it really had a tail .

The head is Xia Hui's head, Xia Hui looked at Cheng Yang vigilantly, and then: "Meow—"

The other side.

Bedroom 202.

Lin Yi closed the window, but he didn't dare to lock it, so that if something happened, he could escape from the window.

After closing the window, Lin Yi got directly under the bed, then stretched out an arm from the bottom of the bed, and dragged the table and chair that Cheng Yang had just moved over to block him.

What he thought was that there was a table and chair here, which could block the sight of that thing. If he were not Cheng Yang, he would not be so easily discovered by that thing. Although Lin Yi thought so, he actually knew very well that this set of desks and chairs really had little effect.

Even Lin Yi can't be directly determined until now, he is hiding here in place of Cheng Yang, if that thing finds him, will it kill him directly as Cheng Yang.

But Lin Yi still intends to give it a try. If others are infected with the breath of the person cursed by the note, they will be killed, so it seems that the procedure is cumbersome and redundant.

After all, it is easy for them to get the smell of the cursed person. For example, when they pass through the door of the cursed person, will the paint smell with the name written on the door stick to them? If I touch the paint on the door out of curiosity, and directly touch the source of the breath, will it be easier to get the smell?

With this idea, Lin Yicai risked his life to switch positions with Cheng Yang.

Actually, he can't follow Cheng Yang to dorm 204, or just wash off the smell from his body. But Lin Yi and Qin Zhou have experienced so many times in the world of rules, and more or less subtly learned Qin Zhou's stability.

If Cheng Yang could not be found anywhere, would he put his eyes on the 204 bedroom?

Lin Yi thinks it is possible, after all, in the public toilet, the thing pretended to leave to set a trap, so it seems that the thing is wise, it wants to hide It's not just those cats who sniff the scent to show it the way.

Now Lin Yi has the smell of Cheng Yang, he can rely on the smell to attract that thing, all he has to do is hold it back

Just wait until dawn.

There are cats scratching at the door constantly, and the sound of cat nails scratching the iron door is chaotic vibration, the frequency is high and there is no fixed regular pulse period, people just feel cold all over the body, Lin Yi is not sure about the sound Not sensitive, and feel uncomfortable at this time.

He thought of what he had seen in the book, some scientists explained that humans felt uncomfortable when cats scratched iron gates as 'atavism', because when orangutans encountered danger, they would A shrill cry like this will be issued to prompt companions to avoid danger.

So scientists believe that the human aversion to this sound comes from the fear of danger in the bones. 1

Danger looms.

As the frequency of the cat scratching the iron door increased, Lin Yi sensed the approaching danger.

Lin Yi under the bed began to look for an angle. This is an iron bed, and the bottom of the bed is higher than ordinary beds. He wanted to find an angle where he could see the situation at the door. The thing didn't know he was hiding under the bed, but he knew that the thing must be breaking in. At the moment when the thing broke through the door, it was definitely impossible to see him directly under the bed, so he could see clearly what the thing was before it cast his gaze toward the bottom of the bed.

He has the advantage of poor information.

Just before he could find an angle, the cat scratched the iron gate and disappeared suddenly.

The shrill sound made people feel uncomfortable, but the sudden eerie silence also made people panic.

Fortunately, the silence did not last long.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da.

The sound that rang outside the public toilet door just now came again, from far to near, and finally stopped outside the door of dormitory 202.

Lin Yi focused his attention on the door.

It's just that he couldn't find the angle, and the upper limit of his field of vision is at most the doorknob of bedroom 202. This is the result of his almost sticking the back of his head to the floor.

In the field of vision, Lin Yi saw that the door handle was manually moved.

It was something outside pressing the doorknob.

The crisp sound rang several times in succession, and the door handle fell to the ground and flicked again.

The moment the door handle hit the ground, the door was pushed open.

But not completely, just a small gap.

The thing is searching for people in the house.

Determine whether the eye belongs to a human, because the eye he sees from this angle is like a picture with a compressed width, which is distorted.

He didn't expect that the thing did not come in the first time after breaking the door, but peeped at the crack of the door, which caught Lin Yi a little by surprise, and wanted to use the information difference to see the appearance of the thing clearly Plan outright bankruptcy.

And because of this, his advantage in poor information was directly wiped out. At this time, it was the thing outside the door who had the advantage.

That thing's field of vision is different from his, Lin Yi's field of vision is fixed and limited, while that thing is not, it can widen the field of vision by exchanging the left eye and the right eye, if it has two Only eyes.

Aware of this, Lin Yi immediately looked away.

It looked towards the bottom of the bed.

It saw Lin Yi. The pop-up window is very powerful recently, you can click to download to avoid the pop-up window