MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 126 126

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Lin Yi quickly turned his head to face the wall.

He is sensitive to sight, and he knows that the thing sees him.

Before he looked back, he heard a 'squeak' from the door, and the thing pushed the door and entered.

The thing slowly approached Lin Yi, the footsteps were no longer 'da da da', but were deliberately lightened, and finally landed on the bedside.

Listening to the movement in her ear, Lin Yi guessed that the thing was squatting down.

But he breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched his curled fingers.

The thing did see him, but did not see his face clearly, otherwise the thing would not come in, but would go to Cheng Yang, after all, it is not him who needs to hide his life tonight, It was Cheng Yang.

But now the thing pushed the door and walked in, crouching beside him.

This made Lin Yi even more certain, that thing didn't see his face, so it was now observing him and confirming his identity.

However, when being watched by that thing, Lin Yi couldn't turn his head back to see the appearance of that thing. Once the thing saw clearly that he was not Cheng Yang, he would turn around and look for Cheng Yang. There is still some time before dawn. Even if that thing has to find Cheng Yang for a bedroom, there is enough time to find Cheng Yang.

come over.

So Lin Yi confirmed a few guesses in his heart.

Cats don't kill people, the role of cats is to lead the way.

That thing has wisdom, but not much.

It will only kill the person cursed by the note, other people will only be chased by cats at night even if they smell the cursed person.

And this thing's eyes are not very good, at least not as good as his. The bottom of the bed and the crack of the door are diagonal lines. If he is a person peeping from the crack of the door, he can see the person under the bed at a glance, and he can also see the appearance of the person under the bed at one glance.

In the 7-7 rule world, Lin Yineng and Vase Girl faced off for a few nights, and now he just has a sore neck, which is hundreds of times better than the current situation when confronting Vase Girl.

Lin Yi didn't care, and even wished to spend it with himself.

Sleepless nights are commonplace for Lin Yi, and he is used to staying up all night with his eyes open.

After confirming that his life was not in danger, Lin Yi relaxed. He didn't feel how long the night had passed, and even felt that it would pass in a while.

When the sky was about to reveal its first blue light, the thing stood up.

I am leaving.

But Lin Yi didn't turn his head to look at the thing as it left, he was worried that the thing was walking backwards.

According to his previous experience in the rule world, even if the person found by the death rule survives the first night, he will still be found on the second night.

This thing has been observed beside him for a night, Lin Yi guessed that the thing has already recorded his body shape, if he turned his head to meet the sight of the thing, the thing found that he was not After Cheng Yang, the night after the day will not be fooled.

Lin Yi still maintained this action, and waited until dawn before he got out from the bottom of the bed.

After he got out, he went to dormitory 204, the sore neck was only a few simple rubs with his hands on the way.

Last night when he passed the 204 dormitory, he saw that the corpse was close to coagulation, and the corpse that belonged to the neck was shaking.

If it wasn't for him still seeing Xia Hui's face showing a weird smile to him, he would doubt whether Xia Hui would become an NPC, after all, in the 12-6 rule world, there are scrolls The entrants were selected by Dean Zhu to become the sub//body.

Only the person involved in the death would show him such a smile, so Lin Yi still let Cheng Yang go to dormitory 204.

The involved cannot attack the involved, this is the big rule that all rule worlds have to follow.

The only variable is whether Cheng Yang will scream because of the change of Xia Hui's body, which will lead to something that can really kill him, so he specially told Cheng Yang not to make a sound.

But that thing was squatting beside the bed last night, which proves that Cheng Yang spent the night without any risk.

The only thing Lin Yi worries about now is whether Cheng Yang will be frightened.

Cheng Yang survived overnight does not mean he is safe, on the contrary, he is more dangerous than others.

If Cheng Yang's mentality is destroyed by Xia Hui's body, tonight will only be more tormented last night.

Arriving in dormitory 204, Lin Yi was about to knock on the door to call Cheng Yang, but Cheng Yang opened the door first.

Both of them were taken aback.

Lin Yi glanced at Cheng Yang, although Cheng Yang was pale, with a thick black blue hanging under his eyes, he could still stand and walk, which surprised Lin Yi slightly, he thought Cheng Yang was Crawled over and knocked on the door for him.

Cheng Yang was much more emotional than Lin Yi.

First of all, it was a violent surprise. He originally saw the sky light coming from behind the curtain to confirm whether Lin Yi was still alive. Seeing Lin Yi so unexpectedly, he even wanted to rush up to give the brother in need a hug of pure friendship.

But Lin Yi saw his intention and took a step back.

Cheng Yang also stopped in time because of the thing on his hand.

Afterwards, Cheng Yang's mood changed to the happiness of the rest of his life, and the appearance of Lin Yi proved that he had survived.

After that, Cheng Yang felt aggrieved: "My mother, brother Lin, do you know how I got through last night?"

Of course Lin Yi knew that, he pushed Cheng Yang and pushed Cheng Yang into bedroom 204, and then he followed.

After closing the door, Lin Yi asked Cheng Yang, "Where?"

Cheng Yang pointed under the bed.

He can guarantee that the scene he saw last night was the most horrifying scene he had ever seen in his life.

If it wasn't for the combined corpse that stayed under the bed and didn't come out, Cheng Yang would have passed out, the kind of person who couldn't wake up even wearing an oxygen mask.

Seeing that Cheng Yang was intact and uninjured, Lin Yi estimated that the current 'Xia Hui' would not hurt anyone, so he squatted down and looked at the reassembled 'Xia Hui' under the bed.

Cheng Yang didn't dare to take a second look, and said next to him, "I swear, this must be the biggest shadow in my life, and I need to heal in my next life."

What Lin Yi saw in his eyes was the same as what Cheng Yang saw last night, the only difference was that Xia Hui's face was still grinning at him.

"Meow." Xia Hui called out and shrank back into the corner.

Lin Yi stood up after watching for a while, Cheng Yang shrank his neck in fright when he heard Xia Hui's voice, he told Lin Yi what he had thought last night: "Lin Yi Brother, the thing that killed Xia Hui was the cat."

Lin Yi was stunned and asked, "Did you see it?"

Cheng Yang said, "I didn't see anything, but isn't there an answer to Xia Hui?"

Lin Yi glanced under the bed again, but didn't understand.

"How do you say?" Lin Yi humbly asked for advice and was ashamed to ask.

Cheng Yang and Xia Hui stayed all night, and it is indeed possible to see something.

, but learned to meow like a cat, or was bitten to death by a cat."

Lin Yi: "…"

Lin Yi was distressed that Cheng Yang had wasted these few seconds, but he still discussed with Cheng Yang, mainly because there was no one else here.

Lin Yi said, "It makes sense."

These three words are just for Cheng Yang's words, 'Why don't you learn to bark, but learn to bark like cats'.

And why is it a cat and not a dog that sniffs the package at night? Obviously, in the public perception, dogs have a more sensitive sense of smell.

Then Lin Yi said: "But that thing should be a human, even if it is not a human, it is a humanoid."

"It pressed the doorknob, and its footsteps sounded like hard-soled shoes on the floor."

Cheng Yang said: "Cat demon?"

After saying these two words, Cheng Yang immediately said with certainty: "Yes, it must be a cat demon. Otherwise, why would those cats show it the way?"

Lin Yi thought and said: "If it is a cat demon, its sense of smell should be better than that of a cat, instead of relying on cats to smell and guide the way, its sense of smell is not good, otherwise it will be far away. I'm so close, I should be able to smell my own scent."

Cheng Yang's certainty disappeared: "It makes sense."

Lin Yi glanced at Cheng Yang.

He had a lot of bits and pieces in his head, but not one piece.

The cat, the mail room, the package, the female teacher, the five students with clear faces, and the missing student that has been emphasized by the female teacher.

Lin Yi suddenly missed Qin Zhou.

If Qin Zhou is here, he will definitely help him connect these ideas.

But on second thought, Lin Yi felt that he was too inauthentic. According to Cheng Yang, he seemed to be really a bit of scum.

The day he entered the 8-4 rule world, he secretly went to see Qin Zhou, and he saw Qin Zhou turn around and leave from the 8-4 launch site.

Qin Zhou was definitely angry, Lin Yi thought that at the time, probably because he didn't even say hello.

Seeing Lin Yi pursing her lips, Cheng Yang thought he was thinking, so he didn't dare to interrupt.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Yi said "uh", "I see."

Cheng Yang hurriedly said, "How do you say it."

Lin Yi said seriously: "I like seniors."

Cheng Yang: “…”

Cheng Yang was still frightened last night and was dispelled by Lin Yi's words, "Did you know?"

Lin Yi felt something was wrong with Cheng Yang's tone, he asked nervously, "Is it too late?"

"It's not too late, we'll confess when we go out." Cheng Yang gave Lin Yi a thumbs up and said, "My half-brother Lin went out and won't take down President Qin in one fell swoop? It's winter vacation in two months, doesn't it mean that you can leave school during the vacation? President Qin has worked hard for a semester. You can go out to play with President Qin, and I will cover all expenses in return for your life-saving. Well. Oh, by the way, don't you just want to eat crab pancakes? Go! Eat it with President Qin! Eat whatever you want, brother, I have money."

Lin said in a whim: "There will be a second death rule tonight, with a high probability of..."

"Wait, Lin Yixiong, I didn't mean to interrupt you." Cheng Yang was stunned and said, "But don't you think your topic is jumping too fast? It's not up to your rhythm."

Lin Yi said, "I think it's fine."

"I see! Lin Yi brother!" Cheng Yang suddenly laughed, used his shoulders to rub Lin Yi's shoulders, and coaxed: "Oh, end early and confess early, right?"

Cheng Yang's mind was completely broken, Lin Yi pretended to be calm: "There will be a second death rule tonight."

Cheng Yang nodded: "Well, what is it?"

Lin Yi said: "The high probability is another sentence of the note."

Two lines in the note.

First line, it's your time to hide.

The rule of death is, can't be found by that thing.

The second line, if you want to live, pass it on.

"So the death rule didn't pass down the note?" Cheng Yang asked.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

He said: "The essence of the curse letter is called 'transmission' in alchemy."

Cheng Yang 'oh': "What do you mean?"

Lin Yidao: "That is to say, people who know the knowledge put the curse of filth in the first letter, and then send the letter. The person who receives the curse letter is out of self-protection and will spread. This curse letter, for example, spreads from 10 to 10, 100, 100, 100, 100. The filth on the cursed letter will also spread, and then attract people's fortune. Finally, this person who knows the knowledge is the one who wrote the first cursed letter. People will use some soul-harvesting tools to recover the filth that has spread, and use the fortune they have absorbed as their own.”

Lin Yi said: "In the alchemy, in fact, the content of the curse letter has no real ability. The person who receives the letter and doesn't take it seriously will usually be safe, but the person who forwards it will be caught. Sucks luck. 2"

Cheng Yang is the same as listening to the story: "Fuck, Lin Yixiong, you no longer know astronomy and geography, how do you even know the art of Qihuang? So why?"

Lin Yi scratched his head, and was too lazy to correct the meaning of Qihuang's technique, he said: "There is a saying, 'Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door', the person who forwarded it did something wrong. so the ghost knocked on the door."

Cheng Yang decided: "Then I won't send it."

Lin thought for a while: "But the first line of words is not deceiving."

The first line of the note clearly told Cheng Yang to hide his life. Cheng Yang hid it, so he didn't die.

Cheng Yang was stunned: "So should I send it or not?"

Lin Yidao: "To find out whether the person who wrote the first curse letter wants to be sent by the next person."

Cheng Yang was about to say something when someone knocked on the door of bedroom 204 a few times.

Lin Yi stopped the conversation, Cheng Yang also put the words into his stomach and asked, "Who?"

Outside the door, "Zeng Nannan."

Cheng Yang asked Lin Yi in a low voice, "Are you open?"

Lin thought to himself, "Hmm."

Cheng Yang went to open the door for Zeng Nannan. Zeng Nannan was about to come in, but she was forced out by the rancid smell of the house. She choked with tears: "I'm sorry...I..."

Lin Yi said, "Go next door."

The door of bedroom 204 was closed, and the three went to bedroom 203.

After entering the house, Zeng Nannan said, "It's nothing, I saw it last night...I just wanted to check if you...are still alive."

Lin Yi also guessed that Zeng Nannan was here for this matter. After all, Zeng Nannan wanted to open the window and put him in last night.

But Lin Yi still asked, "Are we loud?"

Cheng Yang didn't hear Lin Yi's voice, Zeng Nannan understood, Lin Yi wondered how Zeng Nannan knew they were in dormitory 204.

Zeng Nannan quickly explained: "I didn't overhear anything, but I knocked on your bedroom, both of your bedroom doors were open, I guessed either you were in 204 The dormitory is going to the teaching building, so I just tried to knock on the door, but I didn't expect you to be there." Before Lin Yi asked her the basis for her guess, Zeng Nannan took the initiative to say, "Because you can't be in another dormitory."

Lin Yi didn't understand what Zeng Nannan meant.

Cheng Yang didn't understand.

Zeng Nannan said, "Brother Ren Li seems to suspect that there is something wrong with the two of you. I think others should not dare to take you in."

Cheng Yang said: "He has a problem, he really has a problem."

Lin Yi pursed his lips and asked, "Brother Ren Li said directly that we have a problem?"

Sure enough.

"Neither." Zeng Nannan said: "Everyone sees it."

Lin Yi asked: "How do you see it?"

"One of us is missing." Zeng Nannan said: "Everyone knows that he is dead, so after school, someone went to see Brother Ren Li, hoping that Brother Ren can teach us a living person. Method."

Lin Yi had a bad premonition, "Brother Ren Li said?"

"Yeah." Zeng Nannan said: "Ren Li was very impatient at first, but at this time face is not important to survive. Under everyone's entanglement, Ren Li told us that if There are couriers sent by Cheng Yang, but they are rejected."

Cheng Yang's face turned pale.

Lin Yi followed suit.

From the very beginning of the 8-4 rule world, he deliberately kept Ren Li in the sight of everyone, so that Ren Li would have to weigh himself and Cheng Yang if he wanted to.

He overlooked a problem, the monster will lead the involved to break the rules.

For example, at this time, Ren Li's reminder was to guide those involved to violate the rules.

Zeng Nannan said: "I think you have no problem, so I want to be with you."

This sentence gave Lin Yi another message, and the people involved were splitting up.

Cheng Yang said gratefully: "The eyes of the masses are really sharp!"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No."

Zeng Nannan was very dangerous with them, and Lin Yi alone could not protect the safety of the two of them.

Lin thought for a while, and said euphemistically, "Classmate, are you willing to be an undercover agent?"

Cheng Yang thought he was lying, Zeng Nannan was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood. Cheng Yang and Linyi are the only two of them here. If she joins them on the bright side, it will also add a target of exclusion to everyone.

It's better to be an undercover agent, so that she can grasp the situation at the first time.

Zeng Nannan nodded: "Yes."

"Then I can't stay with you anymore, it's time for class, don't let them find out."

Cheng Yang: "Good Le!"

Lin Yi nodded and said goodbye to Zeng Nannan.

After Zeng Nannan left, Cheng Yang regained his dejected expression: "What should I do, should I send this letter?"

Lin Yi wasn't sure about his decision just now, but now he nodded: "Send it."

Ren Li is staring at the two of them. He will name and tell the surnames to prevent other involved parties from signing for the express sent by Cheng Yang. The death rule is: fail to send a curse letter.

Cheng Yang thought about sending the package to Ren Li at first, but Lin Yi rejected it.

The 8-4 monster in Ren Li's body is the creator of the rule world To be effective, they need to add filth to the letter.

The curse letter that Cheng Yang received smelled of paint and blood.

So the curse letter sent by Cheng Yang should have these two.

Not only that, the only way to spread the curse letter is by post, and the recipient can also refuse to accept the courier.

Ren Li's memory must be clear that Lin Yi would not do such harmful things, and Cheng Yang and Lin Yi are good friends, people are divided into groups, Cheng Yang will not forward the curse Trust people.

Lin Yi reckons that only Ren Li knows the method of rejection, and it is impossible for the monster to tell other involved people how to survive. Lin Yixiang, the main purpose of Ren Li's mention of rejecting the express delivery is to tell them side-by-side not to send the express delivery to him in vain. Find the difficulty of the main line and the replay.

Lin Yi felt troubled.

Indeed, when the monster selects a strong involved person, the difficulty of the entire rule world will increase.

But Lin Yi thinks it's okay, no matter how difficult it is, he has experienced it.

It couldn't be more difficult here, but Qin Zhou was possessed by 2-6 monsters, and he almost died at Qin Zhou's hands.

"To whom?"

Cheng Yang said: "Don't talk about Ren Li, now even other people won't accept the express sent by me."

"Can you send it to NPC?" Cheng Yanggang thought of this, but he denied it before Lin Yi could answer.

The involved person can't kill the NPC, although I don't know if this method counts as killing the NPC, but Cheng Yang dare not try it rashly, even if he dares, Lin Yi will not agree.

"There is someone who can send it." Lin Yi said.

Cheng Yang was pleasantly surprised: "Who is who?" The pop-up window has been very powerful recently, you can click to download it to avoid the pop-up window