MTL - Kendo True Explanation-Chapter 17

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  After returning to the village, Lin Fei stayed with his parents and sister for a day, and boarded the bus back the next afternoon. Although he only stayed here for one day, Lin Fei still firmly remembered the woodland where he killed someone for the first time.

  Back to school, life is still ordinary, Xu Xu still often comes over to have breakfast with Lin Fei every morning. However, Lin Fei noticed something unusual about her sister.

  Afternoon of May 28, 2004

   "I'm going out!" Lin You stood at the door and yelled loudly, helped the small bag behind his back, and without waiting for a response from the family, he slammed the door shut.

  Mother Jiang Feng was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen when she heard her daughter close the door before she could respond. He couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This child is mysterious all day long, and he doesn't know where he is going crazy?"

   After eating, Lin Jianguo lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the news broadcast. Lin Fei sat on the side, listening to the sound of her sister going down the stairs gradually, and looked at her father who was concentrating.

   "Dad, I'm going back to my room to read."

   "Well, go, today is quite good." Lin Jianguo fixed his eyes on the TV screen and responded casually.

  Lin Fei returned to the room, stood by the window, watched Lin You walking downstairs, looked around from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

   "Is there something wrong?" He glanced at the living room, where his father was watching TV unconsciously, and in the kitchen, his mother had already started washing the dishes while humming a ditty.

   "If you go into my sister's room and search it at this time, it should be fine if you hurry up."

  He carefully pulled out a thin wire from the desk drawer. This is a lockpicking tool prepared in advance.

  My younger sister's room is adjacent to his room, and you can touch the door as long as you walk a few steps out of the door.

  Lin Fei stood on tiptoe, trying not to make a sound, and carefully moved to Lin You's door, inserting the thin wire in his hand into the keyhole silently.

  By the sound of TV news, the wire slowly turns in the keyhole.


  After a soft sound, the door popped open automatically. A gap was suddenly opened. Under the cover of the sound of washing dishes and the sound of the TV, the parents did not notice the sound here.

  Lin Fei turned his head to look at the movement in the other rooms. After making sure that no one had noticed, he retracted the wire, gently pushed open the door, turned over and got in. Then carefully close the door.

  Lin You's room is very clean and tidy, with a faint fragrance. This is the scent of a girl.

  Lin Fei can usually only catch a glimpse of the scene when passing by this room. Now I have the opportunity to look at it generously.

  It is spacious and tidy, the windows are half open, and the white curtains are blown up by the incoming wind. There was a desk under the window, on which a pile of books were neatly stacked. Among them, the black notebook that Lin Fei was most concerned about was quietly sandwiched between these books. Same as normal notebook.

  Lin Fei stood up quickly, walked to the desk, and pulled out a black notebook from the pile of books. Gently open.

   With a hiss, a small pale yellow bookmark fell off the first page.

  The bookmark slowly fell to the ground. Lin Fei knelt down and was about to pick it up, when he suddenly found that there seemed to be a bamboo basket under the bed beside him. It is full of many things.

   But after taking a closer look, Lin Fei immediately looked away. His face was a little hot. Inside were some underwear that my younger sister Lin You had replaced.

   Not daring to read any more, Lin Fei picked up the bookmark and found a line of small characters clearly written on it: 7:00 p.m. on the 28th of Linxi Lakeside. Behind it is a string of ghost-like symbols, with Chinese characters corresponding to each other on the side.

   "This should be the code word of memory. I didn't expect that I got it so easily." Holding the bookmark, Lin Fei opened the black notebook again.

  I found that it was full of similar ghost symbols. Bookmarks should be used for corresponding translation.

  Lin Fei immediately became interested.

   "Finally, I have some clues. Unexpectedly, my sister has already started to contact the other world." Due to time constraints, I couldn't respond to the translation slowly, so I could only find the titles on the notebook and translate directly.

   "Ability... Corresponding level, Ice system... Control, basic common sense, precautions..." Lin Fei frowned and translated the above topic a little bit.

   "Sure enough, it's all about powers." He closed the notebook and clipped the bookmark back into it. Then he took it carefully to the door, gently opened the door, and quickly got out. Then close the door and go back to your room. .

   "Huh..." He breathed a sigh of relief.

  Lin Fei sat down at the desk. At this time, the sky was also a little dark, so I turned on the desk lamp with a snap. The white light just hit the black cover of the notebook.

   "This should be the equivalent of an introductory manual."

  Open the notebook, corresponding to the bookmarks, and translate all the recorded topics bit by bit. Lin Fei placed a blank notebook on the side again, ready to record important information with a pen.

  As time goes by, an unknown world is slowly revealed in front of Lin Fei.

"Awakening abilities can only mean that you have crossed the gate of F-level combat power. An ordinary person, without any talent, is just a special soldier who has been trained for many years, and his actual combat power is also F-level. So, don't underestimate anyone just because of the ability. An opponent. At this stage, we are still very vulnerable. A bullet or a knife can easily kill us." Lin Fei continued to translate.

"We supernatural beings, in ancient times, were called demons, pagans, wizards, devils and so on. But in fact, we are just a group of human beings who are slightly different from ordinary people. The world persecutes us, Separated and formed a unique circle. However, some geniuses who appeared later intend to change this situation. They put forward the so-called argument that they are higher than human beings and superior to human beings. As a result, some of them are oppressed and persecuted. Their brethren stood up. They tried to stand against the world, to stand on top. This is the pantheon. And our heretical view is that we are still subordinate to human beings, an extreme example of the human family, slightly different from Ordinary people, our essence is still a part of human beings. We are the elite of the human race. We are the new human beings who belong to the future. This is a miracle and coincidence of evolution...." The following text is all praising heresy Lin Fei skipped over the words of this organization.

  This text reveals the two major organizations of supernatural beings: Pantheon and Heresy. should be opposite to each other.

   "I just don't know which camp the red-haired man belongs to. However, judging from the records here, there is a high possibility that it should be the Pantheon." Lin Fei flipped through the pages. But most of them are irrelevant brainwashing content. Impatient, Lin Fei simply turned to the last few pages.

  There is an appendix table at the end.

   "Standards for the division of combat power?" This is the meaning translated from the code word.

  In the appendix, there are six levels of abcdef. According to the description inside, the lowest level of F is already equivalent to the strength of a fully armed special forces soldier. As for the above levels, there are no details in it, only weird symbols and patterns are given. Just right for these letter grades. do not know the meaning.

"F-level is equivalent to a fully armed special soldier? So, my current strength is not as good as that of a special soldier, isn't it even far inferior to the lowest level of F-level?" Lin Fei was stunned, but thought that he was only starting now I didn't stop for a long time to practice, but I just felt the strength of the supernatural world. Just continue to look down.

"At the beginning of the awakening of general supernatural powers, the future development potential has already been determined. We divide the perfection process of supernatural powers into three stages: entry stage, maturity stage, and those who cross the boundary. Generally speaking, 90% The above-mentioned ability users belong to the entry stage..." followed by a bunch of other symbols, which are completely different from the code words on the bookmark. Obviously another encryption method.

  Lin Fei flipped through it again, and after confirming that there was almost nothing to explore, he closed the notebook desperately.

"In this notebook, there are a lot of important information about the inner world. The level of combat power just gave me a perfect reference, knowing how the strength of myself and the superhumans compare. I also know that the organization has Pantheon and heresy Two organizations. These are enough." Lin Fei stood up, "Now I don't have the strength to get involved in higher levels, and I haven't even entered F-level. Regarding the entire supernatural world, I guess I am also an ant among ants. Now Now that I know the level of strength clearly, I don’t need to try it out in the future. Concentrating on strengthening my strength is what I should do.”

  Carefully out the door, father Lin Jianguo is still watching TV, mother Jiang Feng is knitting woolen slippers. Both were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

  Lin Fei used the same method to open the door of his sister's room again, and then carefully put the black notebook back to its original place. Then he quietly left the room. Go back to your room.
