MTL - Kendo True Explanation-Chapter 18

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   Ten days passed quickly.

  Since Lin Fei got some information about the inner world a few days ago, she has been completely concentrating on practicing basic swordsmanship and Qi training chapters. While clearly knowing the position of one's own strength, it is impossible to know the strength level of the enemy in the future. The only way is to keep practicing, practicing, and practicing.

  According to the records in the data, F-level is equivalent to a fully armed special forces soldier. Of course, hot weapons are definitely not included here. According to Lin Fei's own reference standard, some army masters he had met in his previous life, as well as Uncle Wei, Sun Chengbin and others he had met before, were used as references. It has almost determined his own strength level. Close to F-rated, but not quite there yet.

   You must know that there is no comparison between a professional fighter and a professional killer. The physical fitness of professional masters will definitely not be lower than that of special forces, but the fighting style determines their difference. More than 90% of professional-level masters cannot attack and fight with the purpose of killing people. Therefore, in the event of an encounter between the two, the person who dies first is likely to be a professional master. Life and death battles are often only decided in an instant. Indecision, hesitation, and shrinking will all lead to different final results.

"However, as a professional master, once you want to advance to F rank, it's quite easy. You just need to change your fighting style and get familiar with the life-and-death combat mode. After all, their physical fitness and reaction nerves are there." Lin Fei slowly Take a breath. Open your eyes.

  In the park in the early morning, the air is refreshing, and the green willow leaves of the willow trees hang down and move slightly with the wind. On the park square, a group of old men and women are twisting and twisting and dancing with swords. There is a long sword in his hand, and the red tassel is swinging with the movement. The tape recorder on the ground played the matching music rhythm. Very loud sound.

  Lin Fei occupied the position under a big tree in the inner part of the riverside park. There is a green lawn under the tree, and the morning sun is just covered by the big tree. Creates a cool shade. In this position, even if you exercise until noon, you don't have to worry about the sun exposure.

  However, although this area is not big, Lin Fei is not the only one. On his right is a bald old man who practices Wu Qin Xi. The old man's upper body was bare, revealing his strong muscles. His lower body was wearing black silk trousers and flat cloth shoes on his feet. A nondescript strange look.

  After this trip of visualization, Lin Fei felt his whole body throbbing with energy and blood, and opened his eyes. It was time to rest, and it was not easy to practice basic swordsmanship in such a public place. After standing still for a while, he leaned to the side to watch the old man play Wu Qinxi. On weekends, he would go to this riverside park to exercise his body and breathe fresh air. Cultivation also requires proper relaxation. Continuous high-intensity physical exercise requires one to two days of rest a week. This is a problem of muscle fatigue and cannot be ignored. So at times like this, Lin Fei only visualized and did not practice basic swordsmanship.

  Take a deep breath, the faint aroma of roasted sweet potatoes floats in the air, and a small cart not far away is selling roasted sweet potatoes. On the edge of the river, more than a dozen colorful mats are laid on the concrete floor. More than a dozen women sat cross-legged on it, clasped their hands together, and made some weird poses from time to time.

   "Yoga is good for exercising the flexibility of the limbs." Seeing Lin Fei paying attention to that side, the old man over here suddenly said.

   "Indeed." Lin Fei nodded, "Besides, this simple health-preserving exercise method is easy to popularize. It doesn't require a large venue."

   "Student, I see that you stand there for a long time without moving, and you are sweating profusely. What are you practicing?" The old man closed his posture slowly, his voice loud.

   "It's nothing, it's just a set of exercises left over from when Qigong was hot. I don't know if it's real or fake, but I just practiced it anyway." Lin Fei smiled.

"Qigong is hot." The old man sighed with emotion, "In those days, I also chased after it for a while. But because I didn't have time to practice, I left it behind. Looking back now, the above descriptions are too exaggerated. gone."

  Lin Fei smiled shyly, but she did not look like the Lin Fei before her rebirth. It was also during this time that he noticed this. Facing the strange eyes of his family and classmates, he also felt that his behavior had changed a bit too quickly. It's too abrupt. .

  The two rested for a while, and each picked up the water bottles placed on the lawn beside them, which were boiled water prepared in advance. It is convenient to replenish the water consumed after exercise.

   Swallowing the salt water in the cup, Lin Fei felt his state again. Since he practiced the first picture in the Qi training chapter and got the effect of quickly recovering his energy, he naturally set his sights on the second picture. After many failures, Lin Fei also knew that he hadn't reached the level of visualizing the second picture yet.

  However, after the incident of going to the countryside last time, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable change in himself.

  I have been honestly visualizing the first picture, but I have never tried to visualize the second picture.

   "It's okay to try it now. Anyway, if it doesn't work, you can only visualize part of it at most. It doesn't have any effect on your body." With this thought, Lin Fei suddenly became a little moved. Before, because I knew I was still far away, I simply gave up. But this time, I feel that I should break through, maybe there is a possibility of success.

  Sitting slowly on the lawn, Lin Fei closed his eyes and made a slight fingerprint on his hand.

  The second picture in the Qi training chapter immediately began to appear in his mind. At the beginning, it was blurry like countless fog covered in the middle, and slowly, as time went by, the pattern became clearer and clearer. Lin Fei seemed to be able to see the contents, and what appeared vaguely was a ferocious monster. It has a lizard-like body, bat-like fleshy wings on its back, a head and neck like a king cobra, and a pair of long curved horns behind its head. However, only the outline can be seen vaguely. Can't see the exact details. All I could see was the monster curled up in a circle, with its head raised, as if it was neighing and roaring crazily.

  ‘Midge, the fastest beast in the world. Visualizing its posture can greatly increase its speed. '

   A message slowly flowed out under the pattern.

   "Successful!" Lin Fei was overjoyed, and the pattern suddenly blurred again under the agitation of his mind. Obviously, the visualization failed because of lack of concentration. However, this success also confirmed that Lin Fei had indeed reached the level where he could visualize the second picture.

  Exiting the visualization state and opening his eyes, Lin Fei actually felt very clearly that the muscles in all parts of his body relaxed for a while, as if his weight was much lighter.

   "This feeling." Lin Fei felt it carefully, and it seemed that every movement and every muscle of his was a little more coordinated.

   "Is this the function of the second picture? Speed!"

   "Grandpa! It's time to go back!" Suddenly a crisp voice sounded from the side. Lin Fei's train of thought was interrupted.

  It was only then that he noticed that next to the old man who was exercising with him, a slim young girl was standing next to the old man, holding a black gown.

   "It's still early, what are you doing in such a hurry." The old man rubbed the fat on his stomach and said.

  Lin Fei noticed that this girl should be about the same age as herself, and she was wearing the school uniform of Shencheng High School, another key school in the city. Both being Ping City's key middle schools, No. 3 Middle School and Shencheng Attached High School naturally have a corresponding competitive relationship. Whether it is a leader, a teacher, or a student, when the two sides meet, they all have a little bit of hostility towards each other.

  The No. 3 Middle School is famous for having the highest enrollment rate in the city, while the Shencheng High School is famous for having the most wealthy students, which is commonly known as a noble school. The teachers of the Shencheng High School have high salaries and good benefits. When the school was first established, the teachers of the No. 3 Middle School naturally had a comparison. Although their grades were better than theirs, the money they received was much less. Those who want to change jobs. One or two doesn't matter, but three or four, five or six, the teaching class of No. 3 Middle School once fell into the embarrassment of no one available. As a result, the leaders suddenly became angry. Although the treatment of teachers was also improved later, this phenomenon was prevented. But this beam is knotted.

   As for the students of the two schools, conflicts are natural. Those in the attached middle school look down on the 'poor' of the third middle school, and those in the third middle school look down on the 'poor' in the attached middle school. Both sides are proud of their superiority over the other side. Look down on each other.

  The girl also saw Lin Fei wearing the No. 3 Middle School uniform. He glanced at Lin Fei. Finally, they stopped at a pair of white sneakers that Lin Fei was wearing. These sneakers were the cheapest kind of canvas sneakers. It is more than ten yuan a pair on the market. The style is not good-looking, and the only function is to be strong. Most of those who like to wear are children from poor families.

  Seeing the sneakers, a trace of contempt flashed in the girl's eyes.

  At this time, the old man next to him waved his hand: "You go back first, I will stay here for a while."

  Lin Fei stood up, holding a water glass, and smiled at the old man. "Master, I'm going back first."

  The bald old man responded with a smile, sitting on the lawn and sipping water.
