MTL - Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan-Chapter 17 Prostitutes and prostitutes are also different.

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After Mrs. Sheng asked the words of the three granddaughters, she said that she was short, let the children and grandchildren go back to the house, and the old man had to rest. Sheng Sheng still wanted to say two words for Molan, and he had to go back to the house. It is.

Just returned to the house, not yet washing clothes, the mother of the old lady suddenly came, Sheng Sheng couple busy asking her to enter the house, the room mother is the old qualification of the house, she speaks eloquently, speaks in a few words - The old lady wants the Minglan girl to pass.

As soon as this statement came out, the two couples immediately went up and down in the sky. Wang was overjoyed. He hated not to burn two pillars of incense immediately. Sheng Sheng was somewhat frustrated. He felt that the old lady refused to see Lin Dai Niang after all.

"Master, your old filial piety has received it. The wife is thanking the old lady here....Mrs. I am tired of taking time to clean up the six girls. I will call back and I will pick you up."

The mother of the room has always been a good person. After she finished, she went back.

"What does the old lady mean? The girl in our family, except for Huaer, is the biggest child. It is natural that the long sister is taking care of her. Is it difficult for a child who is not sensible and sick?" Sheng Hao opened his arms and let Wang solve When he opened his clothes, he thought that Molan was more suitable than Minglan. "Not to mention that these days, Moh has been serving the old lady. Everyone is filial and appropriate. What is the old woman still hesitating?"

Wang is refreshing and refreshed. He smiled and said: "This is the old lady who is picking people. You feel that it is useless. I have to be willing to make it myself! I often tell Huaer that she wears bright colors and looks more tender. She prefers light-colored clothes; lord, everything can be favored by others, and you can't always feel good, just give it to the hard, and the old lady will lie on the face of the master, and will not refute you, but in her heart. It may not be comfortable. So, you relax your mind, no matter which child the old lady picks, not the niece of the old man? Now the old lady is talking, you are doing it, the old lady is also happy, you are also filial, not the best of both worlds. Besides, the old lady is kind and kind, she must be defying the defending mother to die prematurely, and she is sick and ignorant, and she may be able to lift her."

Sheng Hao feels that this reason is more reliable. The more he thinks, the more likely he is. He even wants to lift Molan, and he can't force the old lady to accept her. But Lin Dai Niang and her are really in love, and Molan is a love crystallization. For this crystallization, he plans to work hard again.

The next day, the old lady just got up, and the mother was holding a white porcelain open bowl with silver silk and a hundred-year-old grain. She waited for the old lady to enter the bird's nest porridge. The outside cockroach slammed inside: "The lord is here." Then open the indigo-colored thick velvet curtain to let Sheng Hao come in, Sheng Laowei slightly glanced at him, his mouth slightly raised, let the house mother remove the porridge.

"What do you do in the early morning? It’s cold in the morning, and you don’t sleep much.” Wait until the ceremony is completed, and the old lady.

Sheng Hao respectfully said: "After yesterday, my mom left, I thought about it for a night. I still feel that it is not right. I know that the old lady is a good-hearted person, but you still don’t see Daan, if you add another ignorance. Ignorance of the child, how can the son put it down? It is better to let the ink come, she knows things well, speaks and does things properly, and the old lady is also happy, what does the old lady say?"

"It's not right." Mrs. Sheng shook her head. "Your heart is good, but it is not thoughtful. The child is the heart of the mother. When I took Huaer, it was only three days, and the wife was thin." A circle, almost out of shape, she did not dare to say in her mouth, the heart seems to be fried. I am also a mother, how do you know? So even if you remember in my name, I still let spring My mother is raising you. Although the wife is the aunt of the children, but the flesh and blood family can not get rid of it, let the ink child leave Lin Biao Niang at a young age, I can’t bear it, ... you didn’t mean the flesh and blood By, did not call the wife to raise ink, how can I be reluctantly now?"

Sheng Hao pulled out a smile: "The old lady said, but she is her..."

Mrs. Sheng took a faint sigh of relief: "Now Minglan is naturally good at his wife, but the wife must be a housekeeper, but also to marry Huaer, but also to care for the children and the long cypress, it is too much to be too much. In the end, she is not Minglan’s mother-in-law, and she can’t help but act, just come to me, it’s cheaper.”

Sheng Sheng was blocked, and laughed and said: "The old lady is thoughtful, I am afraid that the ignorance of the child, tired of you, it is the sin of the son."

Mrs. Sheng said longly: "Ignorance?...not necessarily."

Sheng Yuqi said: "Oh? How do you say this?"

Mrs. Sheng sighed slightly and turned her head. The mother next door saw the color and smiled and picked up: "It’s pitiful. After coming to Dengzhou, the old man took his wife and children for the first time, and asked the old lady to come back. After breakfast, the girl next to her brother asked her mother to take it away. The mother of the six girls took care of the tea, but asked the girl to wait. The six girls walked around and touched the old lady’s temple, waiting for me. When I was looking for it, I saw the **** the futon facing the Guanyin like a girl, but she couldn’t help but cry out loud, only dare to cry with a sigh."

Sheng Laotai said: "I thought she was a stupid person. Who wants her to understand everything, but she is bitter in her heart, but she dares not say it. She can only cry to the Buddha."

Sheng Sheng remembered the defending mother, some sad, bowed his head and hurt himself, and the old lady stunned her eyes and said with a slight sarcasm: "I know that more than half of your heart has given Lin Dai Niang, but Mo is smart. There is such a mother-in-law, you are less about the heart and will not lose the meat, but the six-headed, weak and ignorant, squatting on the defending mother who died early, you should also look after her more, then that It is a helpless one."

Sheng Yu was said to be speechless.

After sending away Sheng Sheng, the mother helped the old lady to lie down on the window and couldn’t help but say: "It’s a pity that the four girls, and not to mention Lin Dai Niang, she is a good boy."

Mrs. Sheng smiled softly: "I was afraid of the clever and intelligent girls when I was bitten by a snake. Their minds are very thoughtful. I haven’t thought about it yet. They have already turned around in their stomachs. If you bend, it’s better to have a silly saver; it’s not that she’s stupid. You’re not saying that she heard her mother in front of the Buddha on that day, she will miss her dead mother, it’s a child of heart; let her ""

Wang Shi is refreshed and things are moving in the direction she hopes the most. The fox has not succeeded. For example, Lan does not have to leave himself, but also pulls out a mountain that is not hot. This is a good place in Dengzhou. Feng Shui is good, and she is prosperous! So the next day, she also got up early, commanding the grandmother to clean up Minglan, and I plan to send the person directly when I ask for it.

Everyone was busy, Hualan was sitting on the stern, and Xiao Minglan sat on a small pier and listened to the big sister to do the instructions - not to sleep late, not to be lazy and not exercise, not to be late, not to be bullied... Hualan To put it bluntly, she should say that she was sleepy in the morning, but Hualan was still endless with Tang Yan’s chanting. Ming Lan was puzzled, but a 14-year-old girl was actually more than the management of her female dormitory. Auntie is still awkward, and it is a wonderful thing.

"Do you hear nothing? What do you think about the whole day?" Hualan’s onion-like index finger points to Minglan’s head.

Ming Lan woke up and muttered: "He is really blessed, and the big sister is so considerate."

"Who?" Hualan could not hear.

"Big brother." Ming Lan tried to open his eyes and was very naive.

The busy grandmother in the house grinned, Hualan was red-faced, and wanted to tear Minglan away. She was ashamed to hide. Minglan was very innocent and glared at her, using her limbs. The language says: What happened? Am I saying something wrong?

Wang’s people’s spirits are refreshing, and the spirits are cool, and in order to show that she is actually a very kind and loving aunt, she brought Minglan with more than a dozen good materials, satin, suede, singeing. , thin silk, 绫罗, 刻 silk... Because it was taken directly from Hualan’s dowry, so it was very decent, and there were a few pieces of gold and silver jewellery that was given to Lan Xinxin. Lan, full of all over.

Please Ann, Minglan was led by his mother to see the new room, such as Lancome jumped and followed, and Wang and Hualan continued to talk to the old lady, Wang is like a home delivery salesman, worried It was returned, so I praised the old lady how to be honest and honest. How can she be obedient and sensible, and Hualan can’t sit still, smiled and said: "You are embarrassed, old lady, she is afraid that you don’t want six sisters. I can cheer up my sister."

The house servants of the house laughed. The old lady likes Hualan’s cool mouth. She smiled and said: “The little girl’s film, even her own mother and daughter are dispatched, beware that she deducts your dowry, you can’t go back. Cry!"

Hualan once again turned red and turned around and didn't talk. Wang's face was full of laughter: "The old lady said, I am worried that this girl is not used at home. I have to go back to my husband's house to be jokes. ""

Mrs. Sheng’s side was sideways toward Wang’s side. He said: “I’m going to say this. Since I’ve set up a marriage, I’m writing to the old sisters in Jingli, asking them to recommend a steady education. The kind of old man who came out of the palace, who knows the rules and knows the rules, let us come to our house, help teach the Chinese to make some rules, and only hope that the wife should not blame me for a lot of things."

Wang was overjoyed and immediately stood up and gave the old lady a deep fall. She said with a cry: "Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the old lady, I was worried about this. If the same bureaucrats are counted, it is a count. The government; although our family can be regarded as a family, but those public hospitals have a lot of rules and regulations, and most people learn what to do, let alone the loyalty of the house, that is, the friends and relatives in the future will not be the palace or the palace. Huaer is a straight child. I always look at her and don’t know how many rituals. In the future, it will make people look down! The old lady really solved the big problem in my heart today. I am here to give thanks to the old lady! Come, China Child, come over too, give the old lady a hoe!"

Wang said that tears came down. Hualan was busy, and before he left, he was dragged into the arms by the old lady. The old lady asked the mother to help Wang, while pulling the granddaughter, looking at him eagerly. She, choked and said: "You are a blessed child. You marry your marriage is to ask for more than the amount of money. The talents of the later generations are counted. You have the old guards on your head, and there are husbands underneath. My mother, I have to be sensible and obedient in the future. After a few days, I will learn from you. I will learn to do things and learn to do things. I will come to my husband’s house and have a respect. Ah... I don’t think you have a pillow at the time. Big, I have to marry now..."

Hualan endured, tears still smashed down: "The ancestors assured, I will be good, you have to raise your body, granddaughter will often come to see you in the future."

Mrs. Sheng’s heart was sad, and she nodded to her mother. The mother took out a huge flat wooden box from the inside. The wood looks like a new year, but the box’s four corners are inlaid with a golden dragon ring with a ring of gold. The mother sent the box to the donkey. The old lady took it and said to Hualan: "Your dowry was built in Quanzhou a few years ago. You are doing your best and there is nothing missing." This pair of ruby ​​red gold heads was accompanied by me when I first married, and I will give you this time."

The box opened, and there was a golden stream in the house. The gold was red, it was recently cleaned, and the red treasure was shining. Every one had the thumb, it was so hot, dazzling, and even the king of the rich family. Shi was also shocked, and some could not open his eyes, Hualan even took a sigh of relief.

The mother smiled and stuffed the box into Hualan’s hand: “Missy Miss will take it down. The red treasure on the top of the old man was brought from the Kiev country on the side of Daxueshan. The old lady who made the dowry, from the head, the body, to the hand, was full of eighteen pieces, carefully built with barefoot gold, and the two classes of craftsmen took three months to fight, that is, wearing the palace. It’s enough to see the nobles, Missy, this is the old lady’s heart, let’s take it.”

Hualan was so excited, buried in the old lady's arms and cried, and thanked and cried, Wang also wiped his tears on the side, this time the tears are absolutely genuine.

The old lady had to settle the six girls. It was spread all over the morning in Shengfu. After Lin Yi Niang heard it, she fell a tea bowl on the spot. Molan sat on the side and wiped her tears. The tears of tears rolled: "I can’t say Don't go, you don't let me go, hey, this time it's a shame!"

A few close-fitting cockroaches didn’t dare to scream. The whole Shengfu knew that Molan had been serving with the old lady in the past few days. He thought that the person who went there would be Molan, who knows that it’s going to change. It is.

Lin Yanniang stood in the house, the ring was scattered, the beautiful facial features broke a sigh, and hated the voice: "Hey, that dead old woman wants money and no money, and it is not the mother's mother, what stinks, she does not want You, we are not rare, walk around and see where she can go!"