MTL - Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan-Chapter 18 New unit, new boss, new weather...

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Ming Lan has not always been so passively completed. I thought that she was also a good boy who was hardworking and hardworking, wearing a red scarf, entering the young pioneers, and entering the Communist Youth League. Every time she was the first batch, she was not good when she was young. After the squad leader, representatives of various committees were often elected. When the propaganda committee members were on the blackboard, they won the award. When organizing the committee members, they led everyone to visit the sick teacher. When the English class representative, they led everyone to read it every day. When studying the committee, she also Successfully organized a one-stop copying activity, except that when the civic committee member was slammed down in the fifth grade, she was basically a good student whose teacher liked the trust of her classmates.

I never thought of it here. Minglan’s encounter has plummeted. This time, when she moved from Wang’s to the old lady, there was only one who was more stupid than herself. She was willing to go with her. Others heard that they wanted to follow. Shou Antang, not to sue for sickness or leave, or to ask the family to talk about the item, the mother is not able to use the back pain in the early days.

"Little peach, why are you willing to follow me?" Ming Lanxi asked.

"Can you... don't follow?"

沧海桑田, a kind of emptiness of falling down, Yinglan pulled the hand of Xiaotao, leaving the gray face, she felt that this is a crime of non-war, like you were divided into a family-owned family business, how to work hard If you are a second-class citizen, why bother to go in, hey, let’s go see the new unit.

There are five rooms in the main room of Shou'an Hall. The middle part is called Mingtang. The two sides are in the past and the second and the second. There are several buildings in the front and back for the residence of the in-laws. This is a typical ancient courtyard building. Mingtang is somewhat similar to the modern living room. The tip and the second room are casual rooms or sleeping rooms. The old lady sleeps in the left tip and puts Minglan in the left, because the middle interval is the yellow pear wood carved fan, Minglan. The place to live is also called the pear flower cabinet.

Last night, my mother had just cleaned up. The furnishings were simple and simple. I used cool colors, stone blue, crow blue, navy blue... and only the warm tea in Minglan used a bright apricot.

Just settled, the old lady’s room, Tsui Ping, came to talk, saying that the old lady had to see Ming Lan, Ming Lan followed the past, and saw the old lady wearing a black koi with a black and white group of flowers. Lying on the raft, there are a scroll of books and a few hanging sandalwood beads on the plaque, and there is a small white jade plaque with a gold-inlaid gold-striped cloud.

She saw Ming Lan, and asked her to come over. Ming Lan asked me several times, knowing the number of rituals, first rituals, and then consciously stood next to the squatting at the 45-degree angle in front of the old lady, looking up and waiting for instructions, Mrs. Sheng Look at her small adult's stern look, smile and pull her up, warmly said: "You are the fourth child I have raised, the first three have no fate with me, I do not know how you? Let's talk You don't have to be rude. If you want to say something, you can say something. If you make a mistake, you won't be tight."

Ming Lan stared at her big eyes and nodded. She didn't plan to lie. Compared with the ancient women who spent the rest of her life in the house, her heart was really not enough.

“Can you read the book?” asked Mrs. Sheng.

Ming Lan shook his head and whispered: "The big sister had to teach me "The Enlightenment Enlightenment". Just taught the first two sentences, she was locked up and embroidered the dowry. Liu’s mother looked strict and the big sister slipped. come out."

In the eyes of Mrs. Sheng, she flashed a smile and asked: "Can you write?"

Ming Lan smiled in her heart, she would have written it, but it is not necessarily here, so Xiao Xiao said: "Only a few words."

Mrs. Sheng gave Mr. Cui Ping a pen and paper to let Ming Lan write a few slaps. The ink was already researched. Ming Lan smashed his sleeves on his short arm, and stretched out his small palm and shivered slightly. Pinch the pen. When she was a child, she spent two summers in the youth class, and only learned a bad word and a pen posture.

She used five short fingers to 'press, press, hook, top, and yoke', holding the pen firmly, writing a slanting 'person' on Susie, and then writing a few Simple words, 'Yes, also, no, already' and so on.

When the old lady looked at Ming Lan’s gesture, she first secretly admired that the child was young, but his wrist was in a very positive posture. The wrist of the wrist was hanging, his back was straight and his eyes were focused, but because of his weak strength, the word Not very elegant. Ming Lan wrote the words of the two or three strokes that he remembered. Finally, he wrote a group of inks that were horizontal and vertical. The old lady carefully identified it and turned out to be a complex ‘sheng’.

"Who taught you to write?" The old lady asked, she remembered that Wei Wei Niang was illiterate.

Ming Lan wrote a sweaty head, rubbed his forehead with a small hand and said: "It’s five sisters, she taught me to paint red."

Mrs. Sheng laughed out loudly: "Teach you to paint red? I am afraid that you will write for her, she is good to be naughty."

Ming Lan red face, do not speak, I thought that this group of ancient women is really powerful.

"Who is this "sheng" who teaches you? There is no such thing as a red sticker." The old lady pointed at the unidentified ink group.

Ming Lan thought for a moment: "There are all over the house, lanterns, seals, um... and the big sister's dowry box."

Sheng Laotai nodded with satisfaction, touched the small face of Minglan, and immediately frowned at the touch. The younger child of this age, who can eat enough, is cheeky and chubby. But I couldn’t screw out a piece of meat, so I said with a slap in the face: "In the future, I can eat and take medicine, and I don't want to blame."

Ming Lan felt that he had to defend himself. He whispered, "I am eating, and I have never left a meal. I just don't grow meat."

Mrs. Sheng’s eyes were warm, but she still had a face: “I heard that you often vomit medicine.”

Ming Lan felt very embarrassed, kneading his own clothes and whispering: "I don't want to vomit, but my stomach doesn't listen to me. I have no way. This... everyone who spits knows!"

The old lady smiled more in her eyes, went to open the small hand of Minglan, helped her to flatten her clothes, and calmly said: "Not only if your stomach doesn't listen to you, but you don't even listen to your words." I heard that only one little girl came with you this time?"

Mrs. Sheng was so lonely for a long time. Today, after a series of smiles, I couldn’t help but ridicule. I didn’t expect the thin little man in front of me to answer seriously: “I heard the big sister said that the water is flowing low, people But I have to go to the heights. No matter where I go, no one wants to follow me."

"Then why are you willing to come? I am vegetarian, there is no meat to eat here." The old lady asked.

"It doesn't matter if you don't eat meat, you can eat with peace of mind." Ming Lan shook his head.

The childish voice was childlike, and the rest of the mind was awkward. The old lady looked at the little girl for a while, then she shook her head and glared at Minglan: "There is only one bone left, or meat."

In fact, the old lady’s heart is that they are all the same.

Mrs. Sheng gave Minglan a new old mother, surnamed Cui, the round face of the group, not much words, but it was very kind, and it was very gentle when holding Minglan; the old lady looked at Xiaotao and Minglan. One is more stupid, and he gave Ming Lan to a little girl named Dan. When Dan Orange came, Xiaotao was immediately compared to her self-defeating form. She was only one year older than Minglan, but she was steady and careful, and Zhou Zhou, who took care of Minglan’s life, arrived. Xiaotao was bought outside, Dan Orange is a family, and her oldest son is in the outside of the Zhuangzi field. Because there are many children in the family, she can’t see it, so she entered the house at a young age. Fancy, pick Shou Antang to serve.

Mrs. Sheng is a resident of the government. Although his life is simple, his rules are very strict. There are rules in every word and deed. The little wife and wife here are more honest than others. Minglan is an adult soul and naturally will not be naughty. Naughty, Cui Miao just took over and said to her mother that the six girls are very good at serving.

Before going to bed at night, Dan Tang used Tang Pozi to warm the bed, Ming Lan let Cui mother change the coat, holding the bed directly into the warm ocean, and then gently squatting to sleep, thirsty at night Or if you want to be convenient, Ming Lan will call someone to serve. The next morning, Minglan opened his eyes and the warm towel was ready. A warm and warm golden silk jujube tea was placed in the warm cage. The towel and the cheeks were slightly applied to the towel. After God, Ms. Cui took the confused Minglan to drink, and then she washed her face and dressed her hair. Xiaodan Orange was on the sidelines, wearing a button and wearing socks, and then went out to the old lady.

A series of movements of clouds and waters, naturally appropriate, there is no blunt point, Xiaotao looked at the side of the stunned, can not be inserted at all, Ming Lan until standing in front of the old lady to salute before they have returned, intuition warm stomach The ocean is also thick, and it is not uncomfortable to get up early in the winter.

God Bodhisattva, Ming Lan came to this world for so long, for the first time enjoyed the honor of this kind of finger without any movement, corruption, degeneration, Minglan deeply regretted his decaying life.

After giving the old lady a tribute, the old lady took the Ming Lan 搂 and let her warm and wait for everyone to come and ask for it. After a short time, Wang brought the children, and there was no Molan and Changfeng in the middle. Said that it is ill, Wang's face is concerned, Minglan sneaked into the eye, I saw the old lady's look has not changed.

"Two of them are sick, isn't it cold? This disease is most easily spread. I have already sent people to the doctor. I only hope that the Buddha will bless, and the two children have nothing to do." Wang worried.

Ming Lan quietly raised his thumb in his heart. In the past year, Wang’s acting skills have been known. The expression of the eyes, I don’t know, I thought that Chang Feng and Molan were born to her.

Mrs. Sheng suddenly said: "Go back and let the lord kiss you, the two children are on the same piece, and it is easy to get sick if they get sick. The maple brother is also big. It is better to separate them earlier."

Wang was shocked, but his heart was happy. It was shocked that the old lady had not considered this for many years. How could it suddenly happen? The happy thing was that the old lady gave Lin Biao Niang a color, and she was better than her own. On the right side, I quickly said: "The old lady said that Feng Geer and Mo Jieer are the most cherished, and this time they are sick, the lord has to go."

Mrs. Sheng looked at her faintly, bowed her head and drank tea. Wang smiled and turned to look at Minglan. She saw her wearing a new pink feather gauze, standing neatly and warmly. A few words, Ming Lan talked about the feelings of moving to a new home. Hualan took a few more words. After everyone laughed for a while, they went back.

After the person left, the mother immediately led a string of octagonal food boxes to come in from the outside. She helped the old lady to kneel down. Ms. Cui led Ming Lan to the right tip and saw that we had put the food box. The breakfast in the room was covered with a black lacquered hexagonal table. After the old lady sat down, Ms. Cui took Minglan to the round pier; Ming Lan just sat up and saw the table early, and she got a big one. Jump - no, the shotgun is changed!

A large table full of rich, red jujube cake, purple yam cake, a steaming icing sugar millet cake, a crispy golden fried fragrant oil fruit, a steamed dumpling in the steamer, there is still one The bowl of buckwheat husks sprinkled with the end of the coriander, in front of the sweet scented jujube rice porridge, next to a dozen dishes of small pickles.

Ming Lan held the chopsticks, and some stupid. She was very impressed with the shabby breakfast of Shou'antang. She looked up at the old lady and said softly: " many."

The old lady didn't lift her eyes and started to savour the porridge. The mother's eyebrows opened her eyes and said: "Yes, this old lady suddenly wants to try." She advised that she would not listen for so many years, this time it is With the blessing of the six girls, the old lady will finally stop living so hard.

Ming Lan was moved, and looked at the old lady. The small mouth moved and lowered her head. She looked up at her and looked at her. She said lowly: "Thank you grandmother, granddaughter must eat more long meat and give you long A lot of meat."

When the old lady heard the first half of her sentence, she just smiled. When she heard the latter part of the sentence, she couldn’t help but smile. What ‘to give you a lot of meat,’ when she raised a pig? The room mother even turned her head and grinned.

After breakfast, the two grandfathers and grandchildren returned to the shackles. The old lady took out the "Three Character Classics" and let Ming Lan read two sentences to see how much she knew. Minglan took it with guilty conscience and decided to give herself Smeared, so an opening is: "People's knife, raw wood sheep, raw wood, Xi Muyuan..."

The old lady almost squirted out a cup of tea and coughed several times. Minglan was shocked. She quickly circumvented the squatting to slap the old man back, and while he was still innocent, he asked: "Old lady, I read is it wrong?"

The old lady took a few deep breaths and then slowed down. She looked at her granddaughter with a look of ignorance and strong support: "You read... very good, just a few words wrong. It may be a matter of course. Learn slowly." ”

Twelve words are only three, 25% of the correct rate, Minglan is very sad inside, I think she is a college student is easy to install illiterate?

On the day of grief, there was more than one Minglan. After the evening’s squatting home, Wang immediately reported the old lady’s original words and his own understanding. Sheng Sheng’s official uniforms did not change, and a black face I went to Lin Biao Niang, and after closing the door, I didn’t know what was going on inside. I only heard the crying, the roaring sound, and the crisp porcelain breaking.

About half an hour later, Sheng Hao’s face turned blue and came out to serve. When she found out that Lin Biao’s house was a mess, Lin Biao’s mother was kneeling on her knees, crying the sea otter with rain, almost fainted.

After learning this, Wang’s spirit was filled with three cups of strong tea, and then they were given a scent to Yuan Shi Tian Zun and Ruo Lai Buddha respectively. They even had words in their mouths, even if they knew that Sheng Hao went to the study room and could not reduce her. The good mood; the enemy of the enemy is my friend, Wang decided to double the filial old lady in the future.