MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 35 i love you too

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in the hospital.

Shen Xu was still wearing the blood-stained clothes. His wheelchair was broken, so he could only sit on the chair and stare blankly at the little girl who was sleeping on the hospital bed.

There was a little blush on her pale face, and she lay obediently, sleeping soundly. But Shen Xu stared at her exposed arm with a white bandage, unable to recover for a long time.

He couldn't deceive himself anymore, he was crazy, he was a lunatic, when he was crazy... unexpectedly, he wounded Zhizhi with a knife...

Him, how could he...Shen Xu, how could you...

His eyes were open, tears were streaming down his face, and his vision was blurred.

"Brother Shen." The little **** the bed woke up at some point, and softly called him.

Shen Xu came back to his senses and responded with a low "hmm".

Then the little girl stretched out her thin fingers, and gently wrapped them around Shen Xu's fingers: "I want to eat candy, brother Shen brought me candy."

Shen Xu sobbed, stroked Yao Zhi's face, and said hoarsely, "Brother Shen will bring you candy."

As he said that, he took out a big bag of sugar from the bag beside him, and Yao Zhi acted like a baby: "I want to feed." Then she opened her small mouth, and Crescent Moon looked at him like a little bird begging for food.

Shen Xu peeled one for her and fed it to her.

Yao Zhi leaned her head over and leaned on his shoulder: "Brother Shen, don't worry, I don't hurt, don't blame Brother Shen."

The root of Shen Xu's nose was sore, the muscles in his cheeks were convulsed, he kissed the top of her lovely hair, trembling and unable to speak.

Yao Zhi hugged him and raised her head to kiss him, but he avoided her. So Yao Zhi said in a crying voice that she wanted to kiss her, but Shen Xu still couldn't bear it and lowered his head to kiss her gently, coaxing her and telling her not to cry.

In fact, Yao Zhi didn't want to cry, she was afraid that brother Shen would cry.

"Where's my gift?" Yao Zhi looked at Shen Xu with her moist and pitiful eyes, "I want my gift..."

Shen Xu couldn't refuse her, so he had to hug her into his arms, bent down and took out a light blue box in the suitcase.

Yao Zhi took it and took the opportunity to ask for a kiss before unpacking it.

She saw the girl leaning over to kiss the disabled boy in the music box, flipped the switch, and the beautiful and sweet tune flowed out, and the snowflakes fell in the glass ball.

"This is brother Shen and me." Yao Zhi raised his face and smiled.

Shen Xu looked down at her, speechless.

"But even in the crystal ball, brother Shen didn't take the initiative to kiss me." She said aggrievedly.

Shen Xu finally couldn't help it, grabbed the back of her head, and kissed her seriously this time.

The jaw was pried open, Shen Xu wept and kissed his girl.

Yao Zhi also behaved obediently, and let him hug and kiss. The two mouths were full of salty tears, and Shen Xu's tears seemed to flow endlessly. He held Yao Zhi's face and kissed for more than 20 minutes. Stop, but the tears flow more and more.

After the kiss, Yao Zhi said to him: "You are not allowed to ignore me because of this."

Shen Xu shook his head, not knowing what he meant.

"Also, take a good look at the doctor, Brother Shen, it's not a big deal." Yao Zhi comforted him.

Shen Xu hugged her, and Yao Zhi felt that his whole body was shaking.

"Brother Shen, let's not break up because of this, okay? Even if something goes wrong with you, let's not break up, okay..." Yao Zhi was held tightly in his arms, and said softly, "Let's go to the doctor, Nothing will happen, okay..."

Shen Xu heard the girl in his arms gradually sobbing: "I'm not afraid...I won't break up..."

The idea that just popped up in Shen Xu's mind was suppressed firmly by her sob.

Just this once.

Shen continued to think.

He went to see a doctor, as long as he could control it, he couldn't break up with Zhizhi.

He reached out his hand to wipe Yao Zhi's tears away, and lowered his head to coax her: "Don't cry...don't break up." He said in a low voice, "Brother Shen will see a doctor tomorrow."

Yao Zhi responded in a muffled voice.

Zhao Yue also looked sad at the door. This world is so big, but this young man seems to have endured the suffering of the whole world.

Yao Zhi got out of the hospital that day, her arm was originally injured, but she didn't need to be hospitalized, but she fell asleep during the dressing, and she fell asleep deeply. Shen Xu couldn't bear to wake her up, so he opened a ward for her.

Back home, Chen Qianzong and Li Jikai also knew about it. Li Jikai speculated that Shen Xu had a mental problem. He had a lot of connections and knew an English doctor who had made great achievements in this area, so he recommended him to Shen Xu. Shen continued.

Yao Zhi also specifically told Chen Qianzong not to tell Cheng Yiman about this, for fear that she would be worried.

So while dealing with Qian Zhongming's follow-up matters, Shen Xu waited for the doctor to come to Shanghai.

About four days, a blond foreigner came here.

Shen Xu received him with a calm expression.

The doctor introduced himself as Lai De, and everyone sat together and drank a cup of tea. Lai De looked at Yao Zhi and asked in unfamiliar Chinese: "This one, is Mr. Shen's girlfriend?" ?”

Yao Zhi's arms were still wrapped in bandages, and the white glistening was very conspicuous. She was going to get the teapot, her hands shook, and some water spilled out, almost scalding her hands.

Shen Xu was so distressed that he held her in his arms, and while reaching out to help her pour tea, he replied, "Yes, it's my girlfriend."

Laisder's expression was meaningful: "Mrs. Shen is very brave."

Although Shen Xu and Yao Zhi didn't quite understand why he said Yao Zhi was brave, the word "Mrs. Shen" still made them blush a little.

"Mr. Shen, I need to know more about your situation." Lester continued to drink tea and said to Shen, "Is it convenient for you to have a private discussion?"

Shen Xu's heart sank, he put down the cup, and replied, "It's convenient."

He turned his head and kissed the little girl who looked a little frightened, and said to her in a gentle voice: "Wait here for Brother Shen, be good."

Yao Zhi nodded, and then Shen Xu led Laisder into the study alone.

In the study room, the large windows were open, and the light and shadow cast mottled light on Shen Xu's face. He showed a slightly smiling but inexplicably sad expression: "Tell me."

"When did Mr. Shen's situation start to appear?" Lester asked.

"It was a long time ago, but it relapsed recently. I have had it before, irritable or gloomy, and my behavior is out of control." Shen continued.

"Have you ever had auditory hallucinations or seen figures invisible to others?" Lester asked again.

Shen Xu shook his head: "No."

Laisder pondered for a while, and he said: "Your symptoms are very similar to schizophrenia, but they are a little different." He paused: "But your condition is very dangerous, that's for sure, and you are likely to be out of control. hurt those around you."

Shen Xu's mind was in chaos, and his heart sank little by little.

"I can see that you love your girlfriend very much, don't you?" Lester asked.

Shen Xu nodded, feeling a dull pain in his head.

"I've learned about your situation before. The next time you get sick, your girlfriend must not get close. Otherwise, you may hurt or even kill her because you can't control yourself." Lester Showing a little sad feeling, "I still wish you happiness."

Laisder prescribed the medicine, and the method of taking it was written on the box. He said: "It just so happens that my research project has also been transferred to China, which is in Shanghai. There is little hope for the treatment of your condition. If you get sick again, please come to me. .” He bowed his head, wrote down the address, and handed it to Shen Xu.

Before leaving, he gave his final advice: "When you are sick, don't let your girlfriend approach you."

The door of the study opened, and the autumn wind blew in the outside air, making Shen Xu's heart feel empty.

He said—I will, kill Zhizhi.

Shen Xu raised his head blankly, and through the window, the fallen leaves in the yard outside were falling.

Autumn is desolate and vast, and Shen Xu's heart is ashamed.

He will kill Zhizhi, right?

The purse tightly held in the palm fell to the ground and rolled into the corner of the table. This life is nothing but nothing, but he doesn't even leave him warmth.

What should he do.

Her crooked crescent eyes, her soft smile, and the corners of her lips curled up acting like a baby, she said that she loved Brother Shen the most.

Zhizhi, I love you too, but what should I do?


### Author Testimonials

Today's porridge is super happy, the first book in my life has rushed to the new book list! The debut novel, the first book, ahhhhhh, love everyone! Next is the time to thank: Thank you for the recommendation ticket of Sunshine Doll, the recommendation ticket of ~Quiet~Dian Wang, the recommendation ticket of Dai Mengying, the recommendation ticket of -Little Huya (I can’t do anything about that thing in front), the recommendation ticket of Xing Xing, Dad. (I seriously doubt that you are taking advantage of me), the recommendation ticket of Jing Bai, the recommendation ticket of Wang Junkai's Kai Meow (the handsome guy's meow haha), the recommendation ticket of the cola-flavored little fairy, the recommendation ticket of Candy Sweet, Recommendation tickets for Sleepy Sleepy (I am also sleepy every day), Xiaozhuangwei Junyue Xihan, Banished Star, Nanfeng, Xiaoyan, and Xing Yizhou (special kiss) ), recommended tickets for Daylily Hemerocallis, recommended tickets for why bother., recommended tickets for Sunny/Doll (kiss hard), the last little baby’s head portrait is a little girl with a big mouth, no name, porridge porridge It took a long time to find it in the book circle, and thank you for your recommendation ticket. Then thank you Xing Yizhou and Qingtian/Doll for their rewards. Thank you for the little cutie who helped catch bugs yesterday, it has been changed. Congee Congee loves you guys, today is also a day to compete in the rankings, and then the second watch will drop, everyone rush! New friends and old friends who have book coins give a reward, those who don’t have book coins give a ticket, and those who don’t have anything give a good review. I love you all. Go, go, go! I'm full of energy now!

2021-07-09 07:52