MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 36 he is about to lose her

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After Lester came out of the study, he said goodbye to Yao Zhi with a British salute.

Yao Zhi felt a little flustered in her heart, so she went in to find Shen Xu nervously, and saw him sitting by the window in a daze, when he saw her coming in, a smile appeared on his face, and he opened his hand to Yao Zhi: "Zhi Chi, come here."

Seeing him smiling, Yao Zhi finally felt more at ease, and asked, "What did Mr. Lester say?"

Shen Xu put his arms around her, gently pinched her white and soft fingers, his voice was soft but deep: "Mr. Lester said, I just had trouble venting because of too much pressure, and I was stimulated, which led to some problems. In the future, relax and take some medicine together."

"Really?" Yao Zhi's voice was full of joy.

"Yes, really." Shen Xu's tone seemed very relaxed, "In the future, when we are together with Zhizhi, brother Shen will not be in a bad mood, and this situation will not happen again."

Yao Zhi was very happy, and smiled sweetly with her face up.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Shen Xu asked her, "Brother Shen will cook for you every day from now on, whatever Zhizhi wants to eat, Brother Shen will do, okay?"

Yao Zhi was very happy, counting with her fingers: "I want to eat fried ham, fried ham, boiled ham, um... and roasted ham, and..."

Shen Xu raised her finger and took a bite: "The little girl knows how to eat ham."

"Ham is delicious." Yao Zhi said in a muffled voice, "Isn't it possible?"

"Eating too much is bad for your health." Shen Xu gently rubbed the mark-like tooth mark he bit just now, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

"But I just want to eat, I don't want to eat too much, I always have something." Yao Zhi said.

Shen Xu regained his senses for a while, and compromised: "Okay, brother Shen will do it for you."

Yao Zhi burst out laughing, got off him, and followed him to the kitchen to watch him make ham.

"Be obedient, the smoke is heavy, wait outside." Shen Xu skillfully lit a fire, raised his head and smiled at Yao Zhi.

Under the warm yellow flame, Yao Zhi saw a little silence in Shen Xu's eyes for some reason.

Her heart trembled: "Brother Shen..."

"Be good, be obedient." Shen Xu pushed the wheelchair to her side, Yao Zhi was sitting, his hands were dirty and he couldn't hold her, so he leaned over and kissed her soft and pretty face, "Wait outside .”

In Yao Zhi's eyes, there was only the gentleness floating on the surface of his eyes. He listened to his words and went out obediently.

She stood at the door and watched Shen Xu busy inside, leaning her head lightly on the door frame and laughing.

— That's great, this is the rest of her life with brother Shen.

For the rest of her life.

The sky and the earth are long and the water is long, and the fireworks are curling up at dusk. This is her whole life, which is great.

Sensing her gaze, Shen Xu smiled, still with the same mouth shape, be good.

Looking at him is not happy yet. Only watch him if you like him!

Yao Zhi's naive little girl got emotional again, she thought - if brother Shen doesn't come to coax her, she will ignore him.

Angrily went to the restaurant, after waiting for a while, Shen Xu brought over the dishes, three dishes and one soup, and a plate of fried ham, which was very generous.

Zhao Yue also sat down to eat together, Shen Xu put the ham in front of Yao Zhi, coaxed the little girl who was inexplicably angry for a while, then coddled her again, telling her to eat well.

Yao Zhi was annoyed that the bit of affectation in his heart didn't exist at all, so he started to eat ham with puffy cheeks.

The two had a sweet dinner, and Zhao Yue believed that Shen Xu's illness was not a big problem, and the smile on his face did not come down all night.

Until midnight, when Yao Zhi fell asleep, he had finished washing. Shen Xu knocked on his door.

Zhao Yue opened the door, and the young man rested his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair. Zhao Yue couldn't see his face clearly due to the dim light. He could only vaguely see a smile on the young man's face, but it seemed to be numb.

"Zhao Yue..." Shen Xu said, his voice was unbearably hoarse, with a bit of suppressed crying, "Looking for a house, ready to go..."

Zhao Yue was stunned: "...Sir." He saw the young man raised his face, and the expression on his face, which had always been impeccable, was so fragile that he was at a loss.

He said, "There's no way... I don't know, what would I do to her..." Hurt, or—kill her by accident.

"Sir, isn't your illness a serious problem?" Zhao Yue roughly guessed the truth, but he still wanted to persuade Shen Xu, "Didn't Miss Yao say that she won't..."

"I can't control myself." Shen Xu murmured, "I will kill you understand?"

Zhao Yue clenched his fists, and he saw that Shen Xu seemed to have been drained of all his courage, and the boy's always straight and straight spine was slightly bent. He turned his back, pushed the wheelchair and walked slowly.

Zhao Yue's words were all stuck in his throat. He watched Shen Xu step from the light into the darkness, and swallowed him faintly. Not seeing his youthful spirit anymore, Shen Xu bent down.

—He is doomed not to have his god.

Shen Xu still opened the automobile factory, but Zhao Yue could clearly feel that Shen Xu had lost the arrogance of wanting to work hard before.

Looking for a house, Shen Xu made Yao Zhi a plate of ham sausage every day, fried ham, fried ham, roasted ham, boiled ham...

He kisses Yao Zhi's face every time, and earnestly promises: "Brother Shen will make ham sausage for Zhizhi for the rest of his life."

Zhao Yue always lowered his head, not daring to blink. After a meal, his eye sockets were swollen and sore from tears.

Day by day, the new house was found, it was already bought, and after a few days of careless cleaning, it was ready to move in.

Shen Xu first handed over the trustee of the new address to Dr. Laishde, and then called Chen Qianzong and Li Jikai respectively, asking them to help conceal the matter.

"You just broke up like this, you call someone a girl..." Chen Qianzong couldn't believe it.

"Shen Xu, have you made up your mind?" Li Jikai also asked him, "You can really bear it, she fell in love with others, got married, had children, she..."

"I love her." Shen Xu finally said, "I can't help it."

In the end, the wording agreed upon was to say that Shen Xu had cheated on her, and that she would empathize with another.

Shen Xu really knows his girl too well, she is proud and dazzling, she can smile sweetly, and she also loves to lose her temper. She can tell him to give her his heart, and she will give it to you.

Of course she loves him, but how can there be sand in her eyes.

From the moment he made this decision, he had made a plan to push himself to a dead end.

Shen continued to think, maybe...he was going to push her to Li Chen.

On the last night of his departure, he sat blankly at the door of Yao Zhi's room in the middle of the night. He listened to the sound of fallen leaves "swirling" and pressed his face against the small yellow door. move.

—he was about to lose her.



### Author Testimonials

The second watch drops, where are your tickets? Porridge needs tickets! By the way, do you think this chapter is sweet or abusive?
