MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 16

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Shen Yuhuai just finished his work and replied, "Ask Yan Kailin's friend, he told me."

Chen Qizhao's eyes returned to the phone, and he answered flatly: "Oh."

Yan Kailin's social circle really intersects with himself, so it's not surprising to ask for his mobile phone number.

He was surprised that Shen Yuhuai would look for him, not someone else.

After the two of them finished their meal, Shen Yuhuai drove him back to school. After arriving at the school, Shen Yuhuai returned to the institute.

Before Chen Qizhao entered the dormitory, he saw Yan Kailin standing downstairs in the dormitory and ran over quickly: "I'm going, why didn't I call you back?"

Too many annoying calls, and then he simply turned on airplane mode.

Chen Qizhao looked at his breathless appearance, and said strangely: "Is something wrong?"

"Of course there is something, your brother is upstairs, waiting for you at the door of your dormitory."

Yan Kailin heard the sound of the door after taking a shower and thought that Chen Qizhao was coming back, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Chen Shiming's big Buddha, not to mention too scary. He explained: "He has been here for more than half an hour. It seems that he has something to look for you, but he didn't answer your call, so he asked me about it."

Chen Qizhao looked up at the dormitory building on top, "He's still there?"

"Yes." Yan Kailin said: "Your brother Cha Gang is more fierce than my brother. I just invited him to sit in the dormitory, but he started to ask after a few words, exaggerating that it was the interrogation scene. , just asked what we were doing in the parking lot in the afternoon."

He said: "But I think he looks like he is here to ask for guilt. He made an excuse to come down and plan to tip you off. We can avoid it if we can. suffer."

Chen Qizhao snorted, ignoring Yan Kailin's obstruction, and went upstairs directly.

Yan Kailin followed behind without stopping anyone, so he had to follow to see the situation.

At the door of the bedroom, Chen Qizhao saw Chen Shiming.

The clothes on this man hadn't changed yet, and he was standing at the door in such a serious dress that the students passing by on the same floor couldn't help but look at him.

Chen Qizhao didn't speak, walked up and opened the bedroom door.

Chen Shiming looked at Chen Qizhao and saw that he had not closed the door, so he followed in.

Yan Kailin originally wanted to go in and join in the fun, but if there was a fight, he would have stopped him, but before he could go in, the bedroom door slammed shut.


His eyes wandered around, and finally stopped on the bookcase next to the computer desk, where professional books such as finance, business administration, etc. were placed in an orderly manner, and there were even a few folders full of materials.

Chen Shiming also experienced the reading period, the two differences between the bookcases that have been turned over and the bookcases that have not been turned over, he can't even see this, not to mention that there are still written books on the desktop The draft book, he didn't see what was written on it, but he could see that the owner of the draft seemed to have carefully calculated or prepared something.

In the past, Chen Shiming would only think that this computer was used by Chen Qizhao to play games and surf the Internet.

The situation is preconceived and misunderstood you."

Chen Qizhao took off his coat and threw it into the bathroom, hearing this and tilting his head slightly: "Will you still apologize?"

Chen Shiming ignored his tone and continued: "I should apologize for my problem."

Chen Qizhao ignored him, went directly to the bathroom to take a shower, changed his clothes, rolled them up in a random pile and threw them into the washing machine.

Chen Shiming was still standing when he came out, Chen Qizhao restrained the inexplicable feeling in his heart, he skipped the topic and said bluntly: "Ruizhen Electronics came to talk about cooperation again, saying that it is to borrow money from the Science and Technology Park. What kind of channel cooperation do the companies on the side do?"

There was something wrong with Qin Xingfeng. Chen Shiming originally planned to wait for the investigation to be clear before talking to Chen Qizhao. Seeing that he, Rui Zhen and Qin Xingfeng were so close, he could not help frowning: "The Qin family's Stay away, boy, he's not clean."

Chen Qizhao changed into shorts and short sleeves, and walked while wiping his hair: "Which friend of mine is clean? Isn't it all three or four? How about cooperation, you won't get stuck with me? ?"

Chen Shiming was rarely calm tonight, and was not provoked by Chen Qizhao's provocative words, or that Chen Qizhao in front of him became different at some point. It used to be just an adolescent child who would lose his temper at will, but now he seems to be a little more obedient than before.

"No, I won't interfere with your project. It's just that Ruizhen is not clean, I will let Xiao Xu help you..." Chen Shiming wanted to say more, but in the end he didn't say it, just said: "have you eaten?"

Chen Qizhao was stunned when he heard this sentence, "Eat."

"Eat early and rest." Chen Shiming stood up and wanted to leave, but suddenly saw the clear knife marks on Chen Qizhao's arm, and couldn't help but say another thing, "You play with modified cars, I will No opinion, I won't care about you if it doesn't involve illegal or life safety."

"I asked Xiao Xu to find a coach for you and took the time to take the driver's license test."

Chen Qizhao suddenly said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm not hungry." Chen Shiming looked at him, "Let's quarrel less, and I won't be full."

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on Chen Shiming's face, "After so much work, what else do you do besides work and overtime?"

He stood up and took the mobile phone on the table, "Apart from verbally asking others to have three meals on time, what else can you do yourself, do you really think that you are a robot that can handle work 24 hours a day? You are 30 years old. accepted."

Chen Shiming: "You..."

"What am I?" Chen Qizhao's tone remained the same, without even looking at Chen Shiming, "Sit down and order takeout for you."

"Powder or noodles?"


Yan Kailin looked at the next bedroom from time to time, listening to the movement outside and waiting for more than half an hour before he went to the next door to check the situation.

"Is your brother gone..." As soon as he opened the door of the bedroom, he saw that his brother Zhao's table with many books had been cleaned up, and Chen Shiming sat with his long legs bent. He was still holding disposable chopsticks that didn't quite match his identity.

Yan Kailin is not blind, he recognizes that the fried noodles is a night snack food stall that can be seen everywhere at the school gate.

"I got in the wrong door, let's go."

Chen Shiming: "I remember the Yan family's children were not like this before..."

Chen Qizhao caught sight of Yan Kailin closing the door and said, "Are you stupid?"

The walking Great Holy Father is as stupid as he used to be.

Not long after the meal, Chen Shiming left.

Chen Qizhao sent the person away, stared at the place where he just sat for a few seconds, and smirked: "It's nice to talk when you're younger."

He deleted the missed calls and text messages on his phone one by one, switched back to vx, and suddenly saw a red dot appearing at the location of the contact, he thought it was someone who added friends indiscriminately, I was about to click in to refuse, but I accidentally saw a familiar avatar.

—Shen Yuhuai.

Xu Te helped to work overtime late at night, not only to investigate the parking lot, but also to accompany the boss in the middle of the night to have a blast.

The difference is that the boss blows cold air into the bedroom, while he blows hot air outside.

After finally waiting until after eleven o'clock, he finally saw the figure walking towards the end of the parking lot. He hurriedly got out of the car and just wanted to open the door for his boss, when he saw the boss passing him and walking ten meters away In the open-air trash can, I threw all the things in my hand into the trash can.

It seems to be a takeaway box from somewhere.

Chen Shiming: "What?"

Special Assistant Xu: "No..."

He was hesitating whether to give the boss a piece of paper to wipe his hands, and the boss's serious voice suddenly sounded.

"Check Ruizhen Electronics." Chen Shiming's tone was a bit stern, "And the science and technology park, don't startle the snake."

Xu Tezhu was in awe, and put the tissue that was about to be taken out and put it back in his trousers pocket: "Okay, I'll make arrangements as soon as I get back."

Modern and sunny.

Qin Xingfeng was sitting in the office, looking gloomily at the news in vx, which was sent by his brother in Qin's family, and there were sarcastic words between the lines.

In addition to those words, the rest is a video that clearly captures the situation in the car yard outside Chen's house last Sunday. The video shooter's point of view is against Chen Qizhao's car, and he can clearly see him and Chen Qizhao in the windshield, and even recorded the scene where his legs were weak when he got off the car.

This video was taken last Sunday, and it was only after a day of hanging in the circle of friends that he found out and contacted the other party to delete it. The other party's voice was grinning, and it was a pity to keep saying that it was a pity to delete the video, but the time it took to hang up had made the video go viral, especially the moment when he left the car seat and his legs were soft.

& nbsp; It really embarrassed the Qin family.

"I know that the video was made by Liu Kai." Qin Xingfeng said angrily, "I have never finished this matter with him, isn't he planning to build a bar recently? Help me find a way to put His business has made me dirty. There is also Cheng Rong, who is indispensable for the video to the Qin family. You can help me with this matter, and I will help you handle the bidding for the A mall after it is completed. "

The person on the other end of the phone readily agreed.

Qin Xingfeng just hung up the phone and was full of anger. At this time, the person in charge of Ruizhen Electronics King called again.

The person in charge Wang said: "Xiao Qin, you have done a good job in this matter. Our people have connected with the science and technology park."

Qin Xingfeng was slightly startled, "What?"

"What can be the matter? As for Chen Qizhao, didn't you go to the suburban parking lot with him last week?" Director Wang's tone was full of praise for Qin Xingfeng, "Last time, you humbly told me that you couldn't do it well. Today, the people below will come to tell me that it's done. Chen Qizhaosong's mouth seems to be the password given by Chen Jianhong in the most critical science park, and the cooperation is very smooth."

Qin Xingfeng thought of Chen Qizhao's almost crazy behavior in the sports car, and said with lingering fear: "Yes... Is it?"

The person in charge Wang said with a smile: "You did a good job of this."

Qin Xingfeng was a little surprised, he only mentioned it at the time, but Chen Qizhao did not respond positively. Later, those things happened again. He didn't stay in the parking lot for a long time and came back. He thought that he would have to pull with Chen Qizhao a few more times, but he didn't expect Chen Qizhao to let go and everything went so smoothly...

Thinking of getting along with Chen Qizhao several times, Qin Xingfeng felt a sense of awkwardness in his heart, he asked, "What did Chen Qizhao say?"

Person in charge: "What can I say?"

"Chen Qizhao is very strange..." Qin Xingfeng said: "I feel that he is a little abnormal."

The person in charge of Wang was silent for a while, and said: "Isn't it a good thing that it is not normal?"

Qin Xingfeng: "I mean is there something wrong with his brain? I think his spirit is not normal."

The person in charge Wang added: "If he is normal, it will be difficult for us to deal with him. Which normal person of the Chen family is good?"

"Don't think too much about him. It doesn't matter if he is normal or not. It's best if he can honestly join us."

"Maybe I really think too much." Qin Xingfeng felt that he was making a fuss when he heard that from the person in charge of Wang.

Chen Qizhao is at best a kid who just entered college, with a strange personality, not a monster like Chen Shiming, what is he afraid of.

"The second-generation rich like them are crazy, and the kid in Li's family played extreme sports the year before last." The person in charge Wang said: "Besides, if he is smart, he will spend his life playing. So much money wasted to talk to us about the project, and if there was a problem, they would not have discussed cooperation with us in the first place.”

The two ended the conversation, and the person in charge Wang explained the next thing to Qin Xingfeng. Due to the contractual agreement, the family can only jointly undertake.

Everything went according to their plan, all that was left was to run the project into a lasting bottomless pit.