MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 17

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Shen Yuhuai's initiative to add friends was a surprise to Chen Qizhao. When he saw the friend application, he agreed without hesitation.

It's just that the chat between the two people stayed in the simple and polite greeting when they added friends that day.

Chen Qizhao didn't ask Shen Yuhuai why he took the initiative to join, and Shen Yuhuai didn't explain it, as if he just knew each other and added a friend logically.

But Chen Qizhao was a little satisfied with the result. Originally, he was still thinking about what reason to add friends, but now he saves time to think.

If it wasn't for that incident when he saw Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends, he thought that he might keep a distance from Shen Yuhuai until he solved all the mess and re-acquainted with his friends more easily.

Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends did not block other people. Originally, he wanted to ask Yan Kailin for it. After adding a friend, Chen Qizhao immediately went to copy the previous photo and sent it to Xu Special Assistant.

Xu Tezhu was still confused when he received the news, but he quickly checked the people in the photo according to Chen Qizhao's instructions.

An ordinary ** is very easy to check, and the other party's information will be sent to Chen Qizhao's mailbox the next day.

The man's surname is He and his name is He Shuhang. He is a junior majoring in chemical engineering at S University. In addition to He Shuhang, special assistant Xu also simply checked the information of other people in the photo, and also let Chen Qizhao recall the whole story based on this information.

This is a scandal of a laboratory leak, and the laboratory that happened is Shen Yuhuai's project team.

The incident happened a long time ago, and Chen Qizhao learned about it from his mouth only after he knew Shen Yuhuai in his previous life. Shen Yuhuai participated in an important laboratory project during his postgraduate period. In the middle and late stages of the project, technical secrets were leaked. Due to the wide range of influence, it spread in the circle of colleges and universities at that time. The result of the preliminary investigation was that the students leaked secrets.

The situation was more serious. The project at that time was a key project in cooperation with the research institute, which involved a wide range.

After the incident, all the students who participated in the experiment were called for questioning. For a period of time, three students including Shen Yuhuai became important suspects of the project team leaking secrets. It was only after a long investigation that there was no clue, and the commercial company that stole the secrets used this technical data to apply for relevant copyrights, and finally the entire project was forced to suspend.

Until several years later, a piece of monitoring data that should have been corrupted appeared on the official forum of S University.

It turned out that the students who collaborated to commit the crime had a disturbed conscience, and finally chose to expose it on the Internet, so that the truth of the matter was revealed.

When Chen Qizhao heard about this, the friend happened to be a graduate of S University, so he saw the photo of He Shuhang at that time. It is said that his project at that time and Shen Yuhuai's project were fighting for an important award, which was related to his recommendation in S University, so he took the risk to cooperate with an outside company.

Shen Yuhuai never told him about this, but Chen Qizhao knew from his friends that He Shuhang was a junior that Shen Yuhuai had better friends with during his graduate semester.

He Shuhang's recommendation to postgraduate students is only a matter of junior and senior year. Now Shen Yuhuai is also a graduate student.

No surprise that this lab leak should have been two years, but he is not sure when exactly.

Shen Yuhuai helped him a lot in his last life, if possible, he didn't want Shen Yuhuai's hard work to be wasted.

"He Shuhang is indeed working on a project recently." Xu Te assistant was a little puzzled when he received the call, but still told him the redundant investigation materials: "This project seems to be very important to him, I heard that I have been preparing for more than half a year, and I will participate in the competition at the end of the year without any accident. I forgot the specific competition."

Chen Qizhao just got off get out of class, and the students around him were all coming and going.

The school track was full of people, so he had to find a corner with few people to stand, and continued to ask: "Is he going to participate in that competition because of the walk?"

Xu Te helped stop for a while: "There seems to be this saying. Why is the second young master suddenly interested in him, He Shuhang doesn't seem to be a finance major."

"I know a friend who just wanted to mix up his resume, and wanted to find a suitable project to mix with, and he fell in love with He Shuhang." Chen Qizhao lied nonchalantly, "Is his game high in gold? What competitor, you help me check."

Since being asked by his boss to help Chen Qizhao with project matters, he has added another errand to his daily work.

The scope of business is so wide that Chen Shiming's assistant group often receives various requests from Chen Qizhao, such as the second young master who suddenly wants to invest in a project, the scope is so wide that he suddenly jumps to the next city C , after the evaluation, he thought the investment amount was too large and chose to give up; another example was Er Shao who wanted to recruit assistants and asked him to go to headhunters to check the talents of certain companies, but suddenly he didn't want to recruit...

Now, Second Young Master wants to check something else.

It is very common for children of aristocratic families to mix their resumes with universities. Xu Tezhu felt a little headache, but he did it honestly: "This is easy to check, I will check it later and send you an email."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something, thinking of his boss's instructions, and mentioned it euphemistically: "Second Master, the contract between the Science and Technology Park and Ruizhen Electronics..."

Chen Qizhao said in a relaxed tone, "I know, didn't I let you go and do it? The legal affairs side looked at the contract and added a lot of conditions, which is very beneficial to our side."

Xute's help is embarrassing, it's just too beneficial, there's no such thing as a pie in the sky.

During this time, the boss also found out a lot of things, but it was more involved, and it took a week or two to prepare the evidence. The boss didn't want to startle the snake, and he was worried that Chen Ershao would be deceived by Qin Xingfeng and other villains during this period of time, so he let him stare at the person, and let him say a few more words euphemistically.

It's just that he mentioned it to the second young master, which means nothing. The second young master still has the attitude of doing nothing. He is not prepared for the people around him, and even helps his friends with college resumes.

Assistant Xu thought for a while, "Second Master, I just found out something about Qin Xingfeng's side recently."

Chen Qizhao wanted to hang up, but when he heard Xu Tezhu's words, he became interested again: "Tell me."

Xu Te assistant said: "Qin Xingfeng also took a fancy to the project in City C that was investigated earlier, and added a large amount of investment to it."

Chen Qizhao snorted, "I don't invest anymore, he can just invest if he wants."

Special assistant Xu: "...that project has good prospects. It's a pity that Second Young Master didn't vote at that time."

Second Young Master wouldn't think that the project might be cut off!

Chen Qizhao laughed when he heard the words: "Really? But I think that will be unlucky."

Special assistant Xu did not understand.

In order to let Er Shao know clearly that Qin Xingfeng is not a person who can be deeply friends, Xu Special Assistant can only take a recent incident that he found easily as an example: "This person Qin Xingfeng is not a good friend. Good contacts, I heard that he secretly found someone to engage in other people's projects, you know that person, the Cheng family who often play with you, his name is Cheng Rong..."

Chen Qizhao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, smiled and said: "Really?"

There is a lot of people coming and going after class at S University, and it happens to be lunch time.

Not long after Shen Yuhuai came out of the library, he noticed a slightly prominent figure. The man was standing in the shade of a tree not far from the library, leaning slightly against the bulletin board on the side, his head half-down, as if he was on the phone.

The man was wearing a hat and coat, and from time to time he glanced back at the students passing by.

Shen Yuhuai looked sideways slightly, as if judging something.

The boy next to him who came out of the library said, "Senior Brother Shen, let me treat you to a meal, thanks to your help these days." a bunch of information.

Shen Yuhuai retracted his gaze briefly and spoke to the people around him: "It didn't help much, you can use more snacks for the rest of the data."

The boy said again: "I still have to thank senior brother, if it weren't for your help, I hadn't found such a good breakthrough..."

Chen Qizhao was still listening to the gossip of the special assistant Xu on the other end of the phone, his eyes glanced at random, and he suddenly located the location of the library. The teaching building where he took classes today is not far from the library, and he just happened to be on the same road back to the dormitory... With this random glance, he saw the entrance of the library.

There are not many people at the entrance of the library, and it is clear who is standing there.

He was too familiar with Shen Yuhuai's black and white coat, and saw it when they first met in a bar.

"Hang up." Chen Qizhao said suddenly.

Xu Te assistant said halfway, "Wait..."

At the scene of a bidding meeting in City C, Chen Shiming was in a high-rise building in the exhibition hall, looking down at the situation below. The bidding has ended, with some expressions of dismay, others of joy.

Assistant Xu came in after finishing the call, Chen Shiming looked at him: "Finished?"

"After the fight, Second Young Master asked something about the school." Xu Te helped: "I mentioned Qin Xingfeng, Second Young Master should be more vigilant."

Chen Shiming retracted his gaze: "It's better to listen."

After he finished speaking, he said with a blank expression: "The show is's almost time to close the Internet."

"Okay." Xu Tezhu looked down at Qin Xingfeng below, looked at the complacent appearance of the man below, and lit three candles for him in his heart.

It is easy for the uninitiated to be delighted by a little result. Hearing that Qin Xingfeng had robbed Ershao Chen's project, the boss thought of a way to raise Qin Xingfeng's bid price, quietly stirring up the muddy water.

It's not good to provoke someone, and you have to touch the little bully of the Chen family. Do you really know that the Chen family is protecting their shortcomings?

Chen Qizhao hung up the phone and immediately ran to the door of the library.

Shen Yuhuai is not alone, there is another person standing with him, the closer he gets, Chen Qizhao directly confirms the target. He also recognized at a glance who this well-dressed person was like a good student.

"Brother Huai."

Shen Yuhuai tilted his head, Chen Qizhao had already taken off his hat, revealing his trimmed bangs and those particularly eye-catching eyes.

Seeing the student who just came, He Shuhang couldn't help but be attracted by the other's face.

The boy wears a coat, has fair skin, and has a delicate and handsome face. After reading it for a while, Yu Guang glanced at the book in the boy's hand. It was a textbook for the general education course of the freshman year. He took the initiative to say, "Senior brother, do you still know the elementary school brother in our school?"

Chen Qizhao wondered if this school only knew you? It's too much to think of yourself too.

He didn't show his face, and politely said: "Hello."

He Shuhang was a little unhappy, probably because he was used to calling his senior brother politely when they met him, he always felt that this little junior brother seemed polite but always cold to others, he said: " What major is Junior Junior Brother...?"

Chen Qizhao spoke with him at the same time, and the topic turned directly to Shen Yuhuai, "Have Brother Huai eaten? I'll invite you to dinner."

He was worried that Shen Yuhuai would refuse, so he had to say one more thing: "I'm sorry to ask you to invite me. The school has a cafeteria that is delicious."

He Shuhang said, "That's right, we just planned to go to the cafeteria..."

"Let's have dinner next time." Shen Yuhuai said: "You should be able to get the rest of the data. If you have other questions, let me know at vx."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Qizhao, "Is the get out of class over?"

Chen Qizhao nodded: "Just after class, I happened to see you here when I was passing by. Come and say hello."

He Shuhang was a little embarrassed to hear this, but still said: "Okay, I can solve the rest of the data."

Seeing that Shen Yuhuai was already talking to Chen Qizhao, he didn't consciously stop there, told Shen Yuhuai to go first, and left soon.

"Did he just want to invite you to dinner?"

Seeing people leave, Chen Qizhao suddenly asked, "Did I disturb you?"

"I don't agree." Shen Yuhuai looked at Chen Qizhao, "I'm more curious about the cafeteria you mentioned, let's go."

Chen Qizhao: "...Oh good."

The two were walking side by side, Shen Yuhuai wanted to ask which cafeteria it was, and looked sideways to see Chen Qizhao playing on his mobile phone, as if he was chatting with his classmates, and the other party replied quickly.

He has no interest in peeping at other people's chats, but just said: "The stairs ahead, pay attention to the road."

"Okay." Chen Qizhao was chatting with Yan Kailin. The excuse of the cafeteria was nonsense. How could he know which food stall in the cafeteria was delicious. He usually ordered takeout directly in the bedroom or went out They eat outside. The most recent dine-in was the small restaurant that Shen Yuhuai took them to eat on the day of school.

Yan Kailin: You ask this suddenly, I didn't eat in the cafeteria!

Chen Qizhao:…


Chen Qizhao had to find a random one in those recommended links: "We went to the three cafeterias to eat, and there is a chicken rice that does a good job."

Shen Yuhuai heard the words and looked at him, "In the case of the three cafeterias, we just passed the corner."

Chen Qizhao: "...I'm not very familiar with the way of school."

Shen Yuhuai looked at the next road, and said, "Go this way and turn around."

When I got to the three cafeterias, the cafeteria was full, and the chicken restaurant was full of people.

After ordering, the two of them barely found a place to sit in the corner.

"Brother Huai was in the library with that senior brother just now?" Chen Qizhao pretended to inadvertently asked, "From the same institute?"

"Almost." Shen Yuhuai handed the sterilized bowl and chopsticks to Chen Qizhao, "He's not my junior brother, I met him elsewhere before, but this time I just met at the research institute."

Chen Qizhao asked: "He also went to the research institute?"

"The Ninth Research Institute has a laboratory jointly established with S University, which is also very close. Some projects will be done in the laboratory of the Ninth Research Institute." Shen Yuhuai explained briefly: " It's close, he asked me for help today."

Chen Qizhao was thoughtful after hearing this, he couldn't judge Shen Yuhuai's attitude towards He Shuhang, but at present it seemed that the two had a general relationship.

Yan Kailin was still bombarding news in vx and learned that Chen Qizhao went to the cafeteria to eat, he begged Chen Qizhao to go back and bring him something to eat.

I haven't stopped after sending the news, but continue to gossip with Chen Qizhao about things in the circle. The biggest thing recently is that Liu Kai's bar has gone yellow. Yan Kailin was talking about waiting for the bar a few days ago. After a good meal in the past, it's not going to work now.

Chen Qizhao clicked to open the group, and sure enough, he saw Liu Kai frying in the group.

He rolled his eyes, suddenly remembered something, and typed a few words at random in the group.

Chen Qizhao can type very fast, and can hear the sound of fingernails hitting the screen when typing with one hand.

Shen Yuhuai raised his eyes slightly.

There is no extra space around, and they even put books on the table. Chen Qizhao, who was sitting across from him, was wearing a hat, with a stab of hair sticking out of the hat button on his forehead. As the air-conditioning in the cafeteria blew, the upturned hair fluttered.

There is a kind of smart cunning in a pair of eyes.

When Chen Qizhao looked up after typing, he met Shen Yuhuai's gaze.

Shen Yuhuai asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at others..."

Chen Qizhao blurted out unconsciously, and changed his mouth in the next second: "Seeing others discussing homework, it will be handed in this afternoon."

His eyes fell silent, watching Qin Xingfeng's name appear in the group chat.

Ordinary bad luck is just a trivial matter, but some people have big bad luck and go bankrupt and have nothing.