MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 17 Xue Ye Desolate Temple! Evil Covenant!

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   Chapter 17 The Desolate Temple in the Snowy Night! Evil Covenant!

   "Li Erlang! It's Li Erlang!"

   In the chaotic and frightened crowd, some calm people recognized the identity of this head.

  Li Erlang, the casting master in the Black Iron Villa, disappeared yesterday like Yang Chao, but now his head appeared at the door of the Black Iron Villa and was brutally murdered!

   "Who did it? So ruthless!"

  Some people were frightened and full of anger in their hearts. The perpetrator killed Li Erlang and sent his head to the Black Iron Villa, which was undoubtedly intentional.

   "The village owner is here!"

  No one acted rashly, and the owner of the village, Mo Tie, rushed over immediately when he heard the movement.

   Mo Tie was equally surprised and angry when he saw Li Erlang's head on the ground.


   But Mo Tie was obviously more stable than the others. He came to Li Erlang's head with a sullen face and checked the head. Soon his expression moved slightly, and he saw something in Li Erlang's hair, it was an envelope!

  Mo Tie opened the envelope without saying a word, checked the contents of the envelope, his face became increasingly ugly and gloomy.

   "The village owner... what happened?"

   Director Liu asked cautiously.

  Mo Tie came back to his senses, he said solemnly: "Nothing... Let's go back to rest first, I will handle Li Erlang's affairs."

   "This...isn't it better to report to the officer?"

   "Go back... go back first."

   Everyone looked at each other, some suggested to report to the official, and some did not want to get into trouble, so they left obediently.

"Someone killed Li Erlang and sent a letter. Looking at the face of the villa owner, it seems that he came to the Black Iron Villa? There is also Master Yang Chao, most of whom also fell into the hands of the murderer. I don't know if it is Dead or alive!"

  Su Changkong witnessed this scene, and he guessed in his heart.

   Su Changkong didn't know what was written in the letter, but looking at Mo Tie's appearance, most of the people who killed Li Erlang were to threaten the Black Iron Villa and achieve some purpose.

   But since Mo Tie said he would deal with it, Su Changkong only hoped that Mo Tie would be able to deal with it successfully.

   Li Erlang's death undoubtedly caused waves in the Black Iron Villa, and many people were worried about their own safety.

In the evening, after taking a bath, Su Changkong sat on a chair in the yard, stretched his limbs at will, breathed in and out, and the turtle's breath infuriated in his body. Every week, the infuriating became pure and pure. point.

  The practice of Turtle Breathing Gong is gradual and requires long-term accumulation!

   In the process of breathing and breathing, Su Changkong's five senses also became extremely sharp, and he couldn't hide the troubles within a radius of more than ten feet.


It was night time, and winter had not yet passed. Today's night was extremely cold, with thin snowflakes flying. Su Changkong heard the sound of the door of Heitie Mountain Villa being pushed open in the snowflakes, as well as the low voice of conversation. , which made Su Changkong open his eyes.

   "Go and see..."

   After hesitating for a while, Su Changkong recovered from the state of meditation, stood up, and walked towards the door of the Black Iron Villa.

   At the entrance of the Black Iron Villa, there were several men in strong suits, and the leader was Mo Tie.

"Yes, I understand."

   Mo Tie was explaining something to Director Liu at the moment, Director Liu was worried, but he could only nod his head in agreement.

  Mo Tie and several others wore weapons around their waists and were fully armed.

   "Let's go." After explaining, Mo Tie greeted the others, and a group of four or five walked through the open gate and disappeared into the Black Iron Villa, as if they were going somewhere.

   "Could it be... the village masters are going to see the murderer? And with weapons, most of them are dangerous."

  Su Changkong saw this scene from a distance.

   It must have been Li Erlang's business during the day. The murderer sent Li Erlang's head and a letter, which made Mo Tie quietly leave the Heitie Villa at night with a few cronies of the Heitie Villa to meet the murderer.

   stopped for a long time, Su Changkong sighed: "Forget it... Let's follow up and have a look."

  Mo Tie has a lot of kindness to Su Changkong. Su Changkong just came to this world, he is still young, and he is not familiar with life. If Mo Tie took him in, he would not necessarily starve to death.

   Now that Mo Tie is going to see the murderer, it is conceivable that the other party is a very vicious person. Maybe Mo Tie will be in danger.

  Thinking about it, Su Changkong couldn't just watch Mo Tie die, so he followed up to see the situation, and regarded it as repaying Mo Tie's kindness for taking in him!

   However, Su Changkong did not act immediately, but went back to his room, quickly put on a black suit, and took out a mask from the cabinet, which was the ape mask that he had used in the Zhao Family auction before.

   Not only that, Su Changkong also used the bone shrinking technique in the Turtle Breath Technique!


  Su Changkong's bones rang out, his height was half a foot shorter out of thin air, no longer tall than before, and even his own aura became restrained.

   "Let's go." After doing all this, Su Changkong took the knife and quietly left the Black Iron Villa, following the footprints left by Mo Tie and others on the snow.

   A barren forest twenty miles away from Hei Tie Villa.

  Mo Tie said to the other four people with a solemn expression: "Zhang Gan, you guys just wait outside, I'll go in and have a look."

   Hearing this, a dark-skinned man immediately said excitedly: "Zhuangzhu, are you still talking about this at this time? Come in together, you will meet these bastards!"

In the evening, Li Erlang's head was thrown outside the Hei Tie Villa, and there was a letter. The content of the letter was very simple. He named Mo Tie and threatened him that if he didn't come here to make an appointment, it would not only be Li Erlang but Yang. The head of the Chao will also appear at the entrance of the Black Iron Villa!

  Mo Tie couldn't ignore the life and death of the members of the village, not to mention that even if he really ignored the life and death of Yang Chao, most of the other party would not give up, and would continue to entangle the Hei Tie Villa, only the location in the letter to see!

  Mo Tie and several other strong members of the villa entered the deserted forest.

   In the center of the barren forest, there is a temple that has long been abandoned and dilapidated, and you can vaguely see the light of the light.

   Taking a deep breath, Mo Tie pushed open the gate of the temple and entered the temple.

  In the main hall of the temple, candles were lit, and in the center of the main hall, there was a fire, and three men in different shapes and costumes were sitting around the fire, drinking wine and eating barbecued meat.

   When they saw Mo Tie and others coming, a sneering smile appeared on their faces.

   "Zhuang... Zhuangzhu..."

A hoarse voice sounded, Mo Tie and the others looked and saw a strong man bound with five flowers on the side of the pillar. There was a lot of blood on his body, and his clothes were dyed dark red, as if he had been exposed. inhuman torture.

   It was none other than the missing Yang Chao. When Yang Chao saw Mo Tie and the others coming, he was both excited and worried.

When Mo Tie saw that Yang Chao was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes returned to the three people by the fire, he said solemnly: "Three, believe that I have seen it, Yang Chao and Li Erlang collided with you, I am making amends on my behalf, and I also trouble the three of you to raise your hand and let Yang Chao go."

The letter Mo Tie found next to Li Erlang's head in the daytime, the content of the letter is very simple, probably because Yang Chao and Li Erlang offended them and asked the manager of Hei Tie Villa to come here to apologize to them, otherwise Yang Chao's head will also be Delivered to Black Iron Villa.

  The time stipulated that one or two hours later, in the evening, the reporter could not catch up, so Mo Tie had to bring a few cronies here to make an appointment.

   "These two **** who don't know what to do, bumped into us. As their leader, you want to give up with an empty apology?"

   Among the three people, the one on the left spoke. It was a man with a face full of flesh, a slightly fat body, and a vicious man. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Zhang Gan and the others beside Mo Tie were about to burst into flames. The specific situation was still unknown, but it was a fact that the three of them killed Li Erlang, and now Mo Tie had to make amends on his behalf. They were arrogant and lawless. pole!

   (end of this chapter)