MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 18 The moon is dark and the wind is high! Bad guys come!

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   Chapter 18 Moon Black Wind High! Bad guys come!

Mo Tie was equally angry in his heart, but he didn't lose his mind. He took out a few silver notes from his arms and said sincerely, "This is one hundred taels of silver, so you should invite the three heroes for a drink. That's all for today. Reveal it."

Hearing that, among the three, the fat man with a face full of flesh ate away the chicken thigh meat in two bites, threw away the remaining chicken bones, rubbed his hands on his clothes at will, stood up, and came to Mo Tie. , You are welcome to take the silver note, count it and put it in his arms.

   Then the fat man looked back at an old man in the middle of the three, who was the head of the three.

  The old man has gray hair, but he is tall and tall, tougher than the young man, and he exudes an extremely cold aura, like a wolf.

  The old man said lightly: "You want to send Yan for one hundred taels of silver? I think your Heitie Villa is quite rich, three thousand taels of silver, let's finish today's business!"


   As soon as these words came out, even Mo Tie's face changed, and the eyes of the other people accompanying him even showed anger.

   This old man is even darker than the Black Riders! One opening is three thousand taels of silver!

   This is undoubtedly a huge sum of money, even if Mo Tie takes out all his savings, it may not be enough. He needs to borrow it from some familiar friends, which will make him empty all his hard-earned savings over the years.

   "Do it! Kill them! Avenge Li Erlang!"

   The hot-tempered Zhang Gan roared unbearably at this moment.

  The old man surnamed Yan and others brutally killed Li Erlang, and now they are still talking loudly and blackmailing the Black Iron Villa.


A cold snort sounded. Before Zhang Gan and others could make a move, among the three people beside the fire, a man in Tsing Yi who had not spoken abruptly sat up. His body was as fast as a whirlwind. Move with the knife and pass by in a flash!


   In the sound of tearing flesh, accompanied by a groan of pain, before Zhang Gan and the others drew the knife, they felt a pain in the wrist, and a blood line appeared.

   And the figure of the man in blue clothes returned to the original place, and slowly retracted the sword into the scabbard, as if it had not been moved!

  The old man nodded with satisfaction: "Lin Yu, your practice of Huiyan Movement is good!"

  The Tsing Yi man known as Lin Yu smiled lightly: "Master's instructions are good."

   "These three... are all powerful warriors!"

  Mo Tie clutched his **** wrist, and a chill rose in his heart.

   Lin Yu, the man in Tsing Yi just now, if he doesn't keep his hand, at least one of their arms will have to be chopped off at the wrist!

   They are all members of the Black Iron Mountain Villa. They work iron on weekdays.

   "Did you hear what my master said? Three thousand taels of silver, today's business is over, and the grievance is written off!"

   The fat man laughed and said jokingly.

The master and apprentice, including the old man surnamed Yan, were all vicious villains. They passed by the vicinity of Qingshui City and knew that the Black Iron Villa was quite rich, so they caught Yang Chao and Li Erlang in order to get rid of the Black Iron Villa. Make a fortune!

  Mo Tie's face changed, three thousand taels of silver, which was enough to make his years of hard work come to nothing, and if he didn't agree, judging from the way the three killed Li Erlang, they couldn't think of leaving safely today.

  The three old men surnamed Yan all had smiles on their lips. In today's world, even if you are rich, if you don't have the strength, you can't keep your wealth, and you will be plundered and squeezed by the stronger!

   In their eyes, Mo Tie is undoubtedly a fat sheep, and he can live happily for a long time with one vote.

   Zhang Gan and several others were clutching their wounded and bleeding wrists, and their bodies were cold. The man in Tsing Yi cut their wrists with ease, so fast that they couldn't react.

   "Three thousand taels... I can't take it out for now." Mo Tie gritted his teeth.

   "It's okay, I can give you two days. I will contact you again in two days. You can also report to the official... But in this case, I will kill your whole family."

  The old man surnamed Yan did not ask Mo Tie to take out three thousand taels now, he said slowly.

   These words made Mo Tie's heart sink. The old man surnamed Yan was very confident and let him raise money. He even bluntly said that he could report to the officials. As for the consequences, his relatives and friends would naturally be implicated!

   "Can I take Yang Chao away? He needs medical treatment..." Mo Tie glanced at Yang Chao, who was tied to the pillar, and pleaded, Yang Chao was in a very bad state and needed medical treatment.


   The man in Tsing Yi swung his machete and cut off the rope tied to Yang Chao's body. He lost his restraint. Yang Chao stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He was tortured by these people before, and he was very tired.

   "Go, remember, I'll give you two days! The old man hates people who are not punctual!"

  The indifferent voice of the old man surnamed Yan sounded.

   "Go... go first."

  There were two people who helped Yang Chao up, Mo Tie lowered his voice, no matter what, he left here first.

   A group of five or six people went outside the ruined temple, but the three masters and apprentices, the old man surnamed Yan, did not stop them.

   Until they left the ruined temple several dozen meters away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and saved their lives for the time being. Zhang Gan said with a sad face: "Zhuangzhu, what should I do?"

Mo Tie didn't say a word and went to report to the official, but the government might not take care of it, and even if it really did, the three old people with the surname Yan could probably hide for a while, to avoid the edge for a while. Pay attention to Hei Tie Villa again, and then the old man surnamed Yan will definitely take revenge!

   Judging from the means of killing Li Erlang, the three old men surnamed Yan are a group of outlaws with high martial arts! This outlaw is the toughest!

   "Would you like to... find the Black Riders for help? We paid the protection fee!" Someone suggested, thinking of the Black Riders, the Black Iron Villa also paid the protection fee to the Black Riders.

   "Hehe...the bandits won't bully you at most after receiving the money, how could they possibly protect you?" a man sneered, not thinking that the Black Riders would care about this.

   "It's all my fault..." Yang Chao, who was covered in injuries, said with guilt.

In fact, Yang Chao and Li Erlang cannot be blamed at all for this matter. The three old men surnamed Yan set their sights on the Hei Tie Villa. In order to make a fortune, they arrested Yang Chao and Li Erlang. Li Erlang was even used as a chicken to warn the monkeys, and his head was cut off.

   "Go back first, and then take a long-term view."

  Mo Tie sighed, and he didn't know what to do for the time being, so he could only go back to Hei Tie Villa first and then think of a way.

   "Hey! The area around Qingfeng City is really heaven! The Black Iron Villa is a group of iron workers, and they don't have much armed forces. Who won't they rob them?"

  In the temple, the old man named Yan was drinking wine, and the fat man smiled.

   They have done this kind of kidnapping and extorting money more than once. They specially choose wealthy businessmen with weak guards, kill a few people and threaten them. They usually choose to be obedient and compromise. Money is not important!

   "Senior brother, close the door." The man in Tsing Yi who was sitting beside the fire felt the cold wind blowing into the hall, his body was slightly cold, he said.

   "Yes." The fat man replied, got up and went to the door to close the door of the temple hall, but he was suddenly stunned.

Outside the temple, in the snowstorm, a figure in black walked towards the temple. The soles of his feet left footprints in the snow. He was slow and slow. The strange thing was that this person had a funny face on his face. The ape mask of , adds a bit of weirdness to this snowy night.

   "It's snowing heavily outside, can I go in for a drink and warm up?" The black masked man stared at the fat man, his hoarse voice sounded.

The   comer is naturally Su Changkong who has followed along!

   (end of this chapter)