MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 254 [254] My house is too

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  Chapter 254 [254] My family is also

When Zhang Yang watched "The Three-Body Problem", he had already watched the complete works directly. Frankly speaking, compared with the various unconstrained and amazing ideas in the two films of Dark Forest and Immortal Death, his impression of the first part was bleak. In addition, it is really difficult to estimate the appeal of "Zhang Muzhi" to science fiction. Even though Lin Canghai and others who have read the first book have given good reviews, he still has no confidence in the release.

Of course, having said that, there is still a dream. Since the nationwide simultaneous release at 9:00 in the morning, he has been paying attention to the evaluations on the Internet. Frankly speaking, if he could have expected so many positive reviews, he probably would not use Her own account was touted. As for Lin Yiran, she was definitely not flattering, but telling the truth.

In the evening, the sales data of the first day was sent back, and a total of 37,000 copies were sold. Although it is not as good as "Shooting the Condors" and "Sculpture", but under the current situation of the declining physical book market, it is still a book that has not been sold before. As far as domestic sci-fi novels are being promoted and warmed up, this is already a jaw-dropping achievement in the industry, setting a sales record for domestic sci-fi novels on the first day of release.

Chang Wei, the editor-in-chief of the Old Man Publishing House, is the chief editor of Zhang Yang. Like Wang Qiyuan, he was once a student of the old man, but he has never been in contact with Wang Qiyuan after graduation. He and Wang Qiyuan are still friends who occasionally contact each other, starting from "Shooting the Condors" I chose to cooperate with the old man's publishing house. Apart from the strength and favorable conditions of the other party, this relationship is also an important reason.

Chang Wei has been in the industry for many years and has a sharp eye. When "Shooting the Condors" was published, it was he who resisted the public opinion and gave Zhang Yang a tax rate of 15% at the lowest and 25 at the highest. According to Wang Qiyuan, it was a "rumor". It was questioned to a certain extent, but soon, with the continuous and lasting popularity of "Shooting the Condors" and "Shen Condor", this has become a clear proof of Chang's editor-in-chief's insight and courage.

However, as far as Chang Wei was concerned, he was quite optimistic about this "Three-Body Problem" in advance, but when he got the sales data on the first day, he was still overjoyed. Cognition, however, at this moment, still feels that his influence should be reassessed.

Zhang Yang is now a well-known talented young man with superb talent in poetry and music. Zhang Muzhi is the "Wulin leader" who is firmly seated at the top of martial arts novels. A "Zhang Muzhi" has such a huge influence Li, if one day in the future, he makes public that Zhang Muzhi is Zhang Yang, and the two add up, it will definitely not be a simple one plus one... At that time, this young man who has just turned 20 will have a reputation of harmony?

This made him very grateful for Zhang Yang's preferential treatment from the Old Man's Publishing House during the long-term cooperation. Not to mention the benefits brought to the publishing house by the three novels "Shen Condor", "Shooting the Condor" and "Three-Body" Such a network with inestimable potential is a huge resource.

Due to Zhang Yang's "low profile", the publishing house did not do much publicity before the release, but seeing that the first volume is about to become a hit, the next step is to strike while the iron is hot and do some publicity. The publishing house has a plan for this, Zhang Yang Previously, the "low-key" was purely worried that the market feedback would not be as expected, and the status would be lowered. Naturally, there is no reason or necessity to oppose it at this time.

  According to Chang Wei's experience, as long as there are no major accidents, it should be a certainty that "Three-Body: Past Events on Earth" will sell 150,000 this month, which is enough to compete for the best-seller list this month.

  Of course, for this list that few people pay attention to, it is not important or rare to be on the list, but sales are real income!

  In addition to Fang Tang, Zhang Yang also went to Weibo to check it out. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t see related topics on the hot search list. After searching, he saw someone recommending it, so he thought about it and liked it.

In the evening, Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran had dinner together. Hearing her talk, Zhang Yang realized that the real identity of "Zhang Muzhi" had started to be discussed online again, and a breakthrough had been made. The clue was the preface he wrote. .

   To be precise, it is the list of people he thanked.

   Someone deliberately checked the identities of Ge Hongyi, Wang Yu and others, and found that although these people were involved in different fields, including mathematics, history, and astronomy, they were all professors at Huaxing University.

  What does this mean?

   It shows that Zhang Muzhi has a high probability of being related to Huaxing University!

  Combined with the summary of previous guesses about Zhang Muzhi's identity, Zhang Muzhi's real identity seems to have been locked within a certain range, and there is a high probability that he is a teacher of Huaxing University!

When Lin Yiran talked about this, she found it interesting, and there was a faint sense of joy and pride. She also felt this kind of emotion when she saw someone discussing who Zhang Muzhi's "elder" was. She enjoyed this kind of emotion very much. Feeling, but ashamed to let Zhang Yang see it, after saying this, she pursed her lips and smiled lightly, changed the subject, and said: "Yu Ting said that her grandparents have watched it, and she praised you."

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback. After hearing Lin Yiran say the words of praise from her grandmother relayed by Yang Yuting, he felt a little guilty and worried that he would be "interviewed" suddenly in the future. Although everyone is equal in modern society, employees and bosses cannot be equal. , not to mention the identities of the old couple?

In Zhang Yang's view, the most exciting part of "The Three-Body Problem" lies in the descriptions of human nature, society, and even certain plots, in addition to the amazing ideas that are so numerous that they can be used to "smash" people. They can all be called some realistic "prophecies", which are vividly shown in "Dark Forest" and "Eternal Death"... Even if the praise at this time is watery, the two old people will probably be true by then. I think this novel is good and has a level...

Lin still didn't know that he would "prepare for a rainy day" to this extent, but seeing him in a trance, he could understand that for any author, it was an honor to be praised by those two, and he was about to speak. Zhang Yang's cell phone rang, and he stretched his head out of curiosity to take a look, seeing that the name displayed on the phone screen was "Dad", so he remained silent.

   Zhang Yang glanced at her, connected the phone, said "Hello", and heard his father ask, "Zhang Yang, are you busy?"

   "No, I'm having dinner with Yiyi."

Seeing Zhang Yang mentioning herself to his father, Lin Yiran glared at him angrily, and then noticed that Zhang Shou paused on the phone and did not speak. She heard Zhang Yang talk about the character of the future father-in-law, and immediately realized that he might be on the phone. He hesitated whether to say hello to himself, so he leaned slightly and said sweetly, "Hello, Uncle."

   "Hey, you too..."

Zhang Shou still had a good impression of Lin, but he was not good at expressing, and he couldn't show much affection when answering. He probably knew it himself, so he immediately added, asking "Didn't you have class today?" "What did you eat?" nonsense.

  Lin still answered one by one in a soft voice before Zhang Yang asked, "Dad, what's the matter?"

  Mom usually calls after dinner. If they call at this time today, they probably have something to do.

  Zhang Shouyi hesitated for a while before saying: "It's nothing...that's right, your mother said today that she wants to resign..."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, remembering that in his previous life, his mother never mentioned that she wanted to resign until she was approaching retirement, but it was just an idea, because she didn't like working in the system. Because of the old man and father, from the real point of view, my mother doesn't like it.

However, in the previous life, there were two "burdens" of myself and Zhang Wei. Although my mother didn't like it, she continued to work on the podium. Zhang Yang remembered that she once said that when she was young, she wanted to open a shop, or A small business is better than a dead salary.

In all fairness, Dad's temperament is suitable for learning and being a teacher, not for business, but Mom's usual performance, if he can start a business early, maybe he can also become a rich second generation, that is another story .

  In this world, my mother would "earnly" so long and bring up the matter of resignation, obviously because of her early "progress". Without the pressure of two children, my mother dared to propose the matter of resignation.

Lin still didn't expect to hear such news. He put a piece of winter bamboo shoots into the bowl, opened his eyes slightly, and glanced at Zhang Yang's expression. Seeing that he was not surprised, he rolled his eyes and chewed the bamboo shoots lightly. , while pricking up his ears to listen to the conversation between the father and son.

  Zhang Yang already "guessed" what his mother was thinking, but naturally he couldn't say it clearly, "Did my mother explain the reason?"

  Zhang Shouyi sighed, and said, "Your mother said that she wants to start a small business by herself..." The tone didn't seem to be very supportive, which was the same as his previous opinion. The purpose of making this call was probably to get Zhang Yang to help persuade him.

   Zhang Yang smiled and said: "That's pretty good, did my mother say what she wants to do?"


  Zhang Shouyi paused again, apparently not expecting his son to have such an attitude, Zhang Yang continued: "My mother doesn't like being a teacher anyway, so she can resign if she wants to, and she can do whatever she wants."

  Zhang Shouyi sighed: "Hey, how can business be so easy..."

My father has always been a bit afraid of difficulties, and he has no major pursuits. He feels that the current life is quite good, and he has no intention to change. As for his wife's thoughts, he is not incomprehensible, but he always feels that it is unnecessary, so it is very good. Why quit your job and do something else?

  Hmm... Zhang Yang felt that when he was in the hospital, he seemed to have found a way to get rid of Luoshen's entanglement when he was in the hospital... heredity.

   Zhang Yang smiled and said: "It's okay, your son can make money now, and it's okay to lose money, our family can afford to lose money now..."

Zhang Shouyi didn't know whether he was relieved or depressed, and he didn't say anything for a long time. Zhang Yang knew that if his mother insisted, his father would definitely compromise. Try to shorten dad's entanglement time as much as possible, and dad will definitely be happy if mom really makes some achievements, and there is absolutely no reason to be unhappy about it.

  He simply didn't give his father a chance to express his objection, and continued: "What does my mother want to do?"

  Zhang Shouyi: "I don't know yet, I'm hesitating."

   Zhang Yang said: "Then you give the phone to my mother, and I will tell her."

   Zhang Shou said: "Call her later, I'll hang up first."

   Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh, "Are you still secretly calling me behind my mother's back?"

  Zhang Shouyi seemed a little embarrassed, and explained: "Wow, why are you behind her back... It's okay, I'll hang up."

  I know, this is called "A matter between a husband and wife, can it be called behind the scenes?"

  Zhang Yang held back a smile and hung up the phone. Seeing that Lin still wasn't eating well, he was still staring at himself, looking very gossip, "Doesn't uncle want auntie to resign?"

   Zhang Yang shrugged, "It should be, but it's okay. In my family, my dad's opinion is generally not important."

  Lin still stared at him with bright eyes, nodded slightly, "My family is too."

   After the two finished speaking, their eyes met. Zhang Yang slowly opened his eyes and puffed up his chest. Lin Yiran immediately followed suit, puffed up his chest, and opened his eyes...

  (end of this chapter)