MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 255 [255] Men should be self-improvement

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  Chapter 255 [255] A man should be self-improvement

  As the saying goes, "everyone has the love of beauty".

   As the saying goes, men conquer the world, women conquer men. This sentence has two meanings. The first is that it is difficult for women to conquer the world, and the second is that it is far less difficult for women to conquer men than the former. Since ancient times, there are indeed many such examples, but the famous successful cases do not seem to have a good reputation, such as Baosi, Daji, and Yang Yuhuan.

Among the three conquered emperors, King You of Zhou and King Zhou of Shang did not discuss it, but Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was an outstanding man of his generation. matter.

  After dinner with the contented Lin Yiran, when he returned home, Zhang Yang called his mother back, chatted for a while, and asked about his mother's resignation. Fang Qianxue immediately asked, "Your father said that?"


   Zhang Yang confessed to his father without any psychological burden, and then heard his father's voice: "This child..." He seemed to regret having such a son.

  Fang Qianxue said: "It's just an idea, it hasn't been decided yet."

   Zhang Yang said: "It's very good, you can do whatever you want, and you will lose your son to support you."

  Fang Qianxue smiled and said, "You have to make money to marry a wife. Your parents haven't reached the time to let you retire." Even though she said this, her tone was very gratifying and happy.

  Paused, sighed, and said: "Your mother has been teaching for so many years, the book is not taught well, and she can't do anything else... What can I do if I quit?"

   "Always take it step by step, no one is born with it."

   Zhang Yang couldn't think of what his mother would be suitable for for a while. Although he had a certain foresight ability, he was actually quite one-sided. He couldn't let his mother do takeaway and delivery, right? But it seems possible to set up a courier station... He kept this idea in his mind first, and saved it as a final guarantee. If his mother really didn't know what to do in the end, he could make a suggestion.

Both Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue knew that "The Three-Body Problem: Past Events on Earth" went on sale today. Zhang Shouyi watched it during the winter vacation, and asked about the situation. He was a little disappointed when he learned that the sales volume on the first day was "only" 37,000. Zhang Yang had no choice but to brag about himself, saying that the data was already a record. Zhang Shouyi asked in surprise, "Is more than 30,000 yuan so powerful?"

  Zhang Wei said beside him: "Brother, you should tell Dad clearly, otherwise he won't be able to show off to others."

Zhang Yang has never done any investigations, and the so-called record-breaking is also based on what Chang Wei said. Naturally, there is no way to popularize science with his father. Anyway, few people pay attention to these data. There is a message from Zhang Wei, but the question is: "Why did you write that the protagonist is married? And there are children."

  Zhang Yang couldn't understand what she was focusing on, and replied: "It takes some age and qualifications to be the person in charge of a nanomaterials project."

  Zhang Wei quickly replied: "It's not romantic at all."

  She continued to send voice messages: "But Xiaoqi still likes to watch it very much. Do you still have a collector's edition, the autographed one? Send me a set, and I'll give it to her as a gift."

   Zhang Yang: "You are being generous to others."

  Zhang Wei: "Who made you my brother's."

Zhang Yang didn't bother with her, and found a collector's edition. In fact, according to his thinking, there is no need to release a collector's edition for a single volume. The price is clearly high, but there are always people with good money, so there is no objection. Ben insisted, so he chose to give in.

According to Zhang Wei, Zhang Yang took a photo of Tang Yanqi after the words "Zhang Yang presents Tang Yanqi as a souvenir" on the book. When I read it, it was the lyrics. The title of the song was "My Dream", and a few lines of it were quite familiar.

   "That is a mirage seen in a dream"

   "Keep going, keep going, keep going"

   "Facing the pain, through the night, to reach the sky with you"

   "Never Stopped"

   "Meet the wind you once blew along the way"

   "Embracing the starry sky in the cold night"

   "Reflecting your dream in the future"

   "Because you are my dream"

   "My dream is in the distance, in the eyes"

   "In the heart you never saw"


   Zhang Yang quickly remembered that Fang Shang sang this song when she was in the company not long ago. At that time, she said that she saw the lyrics on the Internet, so she composed the music and tried to sing it...

  He browsed through the lyrics, and Zhang Wei sent another message: "How is it?"

   Zhang Yang asked in disbelief: "Don't tell me you wrote this word?"

  Zhang Wei first sent an angry expression: "I can't write?"

   Zhang Yang: "I can't imagine."

  Zhang Wei: "Xiao Qi and I wrote it together. She met a sister on the Internet and composed a song for us."

   Zhang Yang twitched the corner of his mouth, thought for a while, and replied: "It's a bit jerky, but the intention is pretty good."

  Zhang Wei: "It's just that a girl is not good-looking, so it means she has temperament, right?"

   Zhang Yang: "You are very temperamental."

  Zhang Wei sent an emoticon showing teeth and claws, and Zhang Yang asked again: "Why do you suddenly think of writing lyrics?"

  Zhang Wei: "I suddenly wanted to write."

   Zhang Yang: "Okay, then you can continue writing, I'm busy."

  Zhang Wei sent another emoji showing teeth and claws: "Changing it!"

   Zhang Yang: "???"

   Zhang Yang: "What about after the change?"

  Zhang Wei: "There is no future."

  Zhang Yang thought for a while and asked, "I remember you said that Tang Yanqi wanted to be a star?"

  Zhang Wei: "Oh, you think too much. She promised her parents to go to school well. Even if she wants to become a star, it will be after college. It should be early."

Zhang Yang was a little relieved, he had a good impression of Tang Yanqi, and he really didn't want her to go into the big dye tank of the entertainment industry, and every year so many men and women flocked into the entertainment industry one after another. Can an individual take the lead?

  You can’t learn from me, a hacker!

   "I'll take a look after I finish this part."

   "Then don't forget."

   Dismissed the annoying younger sister, Zhang Yang made a video call to Lin Yiran, waited for a while to connect, saw her beautiful and refined face appeared on the phone screen, and asked with a gentle smile, "What are you doing?"

   "Do your homework."

While talking, Lin Yiran put down her mobile phone, mostly leaning on the pen holder on her desk, because the mobile phone slipped and fell quickly, and the camera could only take pictures of the ceiling, so she had to remind: "Didn't I buy you a stand?" ? You put your phone on the stand."

   "I forgot where I put it."

   "I can't see you, why should I play video?"

   "I just saw it."

   "Then why do you eat three meals a day?"

   "You don't have to eat it."

   "Okay, then I won't call tomorrow."

   "If you don't fight, you don't fight."

  Lin still hummed twice, with a nonchalant attitude, Zhang Yang said with a smile: "I won't hit you."

   "I don't fight either."

   "Then I will fight."

Lin Yiran hummed again, Zhang Yang thought about it, and felt that the gap between his sister and girlfriend was a bit big, so when he talked about Zhang Wei and Tang Yanqi's song writing, Lin Yiran became interested all of a sudden, and let him Send it over to have a look.

   "I think the writing is pretty good, but is this writing a dream? Or who do you like?"

   "I don't know, it's all possible."

   Zhang Yang was inexplicably guilty, and felt that he always liked to think too much, so he reflected a little in his heart. Fortunately, Lin Yiran didn't care about it. After chatting for a while, he was concerned about Fang Qianxue's resignation.

   "I hope that when I reach my aunt's age, I will also have such courage and courage." Her tone was quite fascinated.

   Zhang Yang said: "First of all, you have to have an excellent son like me."

   Lin who picked up the phone again still grinned at him on the screen: "Son, be good."

   "Are you looking for a fight?"

   "Are you here to fight?"

   "I'll write it down for you first, and I'll print it together later."


On Tuesday morning, Zhang Yang asked for leave to take the test of subject three. There was a test room in the driving school, which saved him a lot of trouble, including the convenience of the test. After passing the test, he finally got his driver's license. Excited, she sent Lin Yiran an upper line: The old driver just got a driver's license, so she asked her to answer the second line.

  Lin’s cognition of “veteran drivers” is still at the level of “proficient driving”, and he quickly replied: Primary school students are bragging.

  Bragging means bragging. Of course, Zhang Yang couldn’t bear this kind of ridicule. He wanted to send her another reply, but he couldn’t think of it, so he had to send her a voice: "I will show you my brother's skills in the future!"

Lin Yiran replied with an emoji of "Then I'm looking forward to it", which made Zhang Yang suspect for a moment that she actually knew the old driver's other meaning, and then felt that he was too nasty. What's the point of talking about such things without practice Meaning... true knowledge comes from practice!

Probably getting older, or falling in love and guarding such a charming beauty every day, made him feel a little ready to move recently. Unfortunately, Luoshen's existence is like a curse on Brother Hou's head. ... "The Legend of Condor Heroes" should be filmed early, and you will be relieved after filming!

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" is still in preparation, and the school sports meeting is coming next. On April 26th, Monday, the weather is fine and the wind is warm. The five-day school sports meeting officially kicked off. The entrance ceremony and The opening performances were all held in the West End playground, while the following sports events were distributed to another playground and gymnasium.

Huaxing University has a TV station to report on the sports meeting every year, and this year is no exception, and the number of reporters has increased significantly. Before the students arrived, there were many long guns and short cannons in the corner of the playground. Departments and classes line up and wait in the designated area.

Athletes entered the arena one by one wearing sportswear with the logos of their respective departments, and then there was the opening performance. In addition to the performances rehearsed by the departments, there were also performances declared by the clubs, but the number was relatively small. After all, the time was limited and the program Not many.

In recent years, most of the opening performances have been undertaken by art colleges, physical education colleges, or polytechnic colleges. The former two are traditional performing arts, while the latter is said to have benefited from a school girl who is about to graduate. She hosted the school sports for the first time as a freshman The program at the meeting was a blockbuster. Now that she is about to graduate, many students are looking forward to what "Yao Mozi" will be produced by this senior sister this year. However, the host announced that the opening program will be performed by the Faculty of Arts.

   "How did it become a liberal arts school?"

"do not know."

   "I thought it was either us or science and engineering this year. How did it become a liberal arts school?"

   "The Faculty of Letters is the Faculty of Liberal Arts, there is no difference anyway."

   "Why is there no difference? The opening must be more impressive."

Lin was still wearing a blue hospital uniform, listening to the noisy and trivial discussions next to her, she slightly pursed her lips and smiled secretly. She had heard from Zhang Yang that their program would start this year, although Yu Zhang Yang For me, this can only be regarded as a matter that is not worth mentioning, but I still feel a little uncontrollable joy in my heart when I hear people being surprised and talking about it.

There was not much time for everyone to discuss. On the performance stage that had been arranged two days in advance, tall and straight young people in white costumes filed in. The huge screen behind them showed close-ups of the faces of these performers, but The time was short, and it was not very clear under the sun, but even if it was only faint, the appearance of the ostentatious face immediately caused a certain degree of shock, and many people immediately woke up.

   "No wonder!"


   "Almost forgot, he's in the Faculty of Arts!"

   "You don't want to sing "Huo Zongxia", do you?"

   "I made money, I saved money for concert tickets..."

   "Uh...has he given a concert?"

   "Huo Zongxia is not suitable, should it be the Great Wall?"

   "This is a bit too much, you use professional bullying?"

   "These literary people are as shameless as ever."


Although some people slandered him, generally speaking, the vast majority of students are still kind and curious. Probably because Zhang Yang appears on campus almost every day, the students in the school are now less curious about him, and they don't meet a single one in a week. I want to take a group photo, but even in such a top university, students naturally have entertainment needs. There are still many "fans" and "passer-by fans" of Zhang Yang. The "probability" of people is far higher than that of ordinary people.

   After all, a celebrity who is truly willing to treat himself as an ordinary person can easily gain the favor of ordinary people.

If it wasn't for this reason, with Huaxing University's consistent style, it might not be able to start the program with publicity. In this regard, the arrogance of many schools in China in this world is always proportional to the background. Qingcheng No. 2 Middle School This is especially true for Huaxing University. It cannot be said absolutely, but at least they will never openly allow privileges and exceptions to exist, so that they will lose face and be polite in front of the public. For them, this is almost less painful, if not worse than death.

  Where is the confidence of the proud prince in white? Isn't that the breath? If the tone is gone, what else is there to pretend?

  However, as the bureaucratization of education intensifies, some aspects of the process seem to be unavoidable, at least to a certain extent, or at a stage, it is unavoidable.

The youths in white clothes who appeared on the stage filed in one after another, and soon formed a queue. Lin still stared into the distance, but he didn't see Zhang Yang's figure. He was slightly puzzled. Even if the program did not highlight individuals, Zhang Yang was the lead singer after all. Or, it is not possible to hide him, right?

  When I was in doubt, I heard a "dong" drum, which exploded like a muffled thunder.




   "Boom boom boom—"

The sound of the drums was interrupted at first, and then quickly formed a line, like thunder rolling, continuous. At the same time, accompanied by the shouts of "Ha! Ha!" Very standard horse stance punching, one punch at a time, it looks quite spectacular.

  Lin was still applauding secretly, when he suddenly heard his roommate Cheng Fanfan muttering beside him: "Aren't they from the Faculty of Arts?"


  The queue in white clothes parted from the middle, revealing the tall and straight figure beating the drum in the center behind, turned around, and returned to the rear queue, and then the whole queue quickly turned to the passionate pipa melody, turning him to the front.

  The sun was high and the sun was shining brightly, and dozens of young people sang in unison with heroic spirit spread all over the place.

   "Laughing with arrogance and arrogance"

   "Hot blood beats red sun"

   "The guts are like iron, the bones are like fine steel"

   "Big-minded, long-sighted"

   "Swear to strive for self-improvement..."

  Although it was a chorus, Zhang Yang's voice was still very clear, and Lin still heard someone commenting next to him: "It's really Zhang Yang..."


   "New song!"

The voices were not loud, and they were all very short, as if they were afraid of being distracted, and then they were quickly stopped by the voice of "Shh...", which made Lin still feel that his blood was boiling a little while listening to the passionate and exciting singing. He thought without complacency: "Sure enough, God rewarded us with food. Even if it's a chorus, my family... well, his voice is also the clearest..."

   Immediately discovered that it seems...probably...seems...he is the only one with wheat...uh...this also shows that the school is very clear about who is the main force...

  (end of this chapter)