MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 4 Awakening of Wuhun

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"Xiaomu Tiemu Dengke, see Grandpa Cheng, and see his father-in-law." The giant eagle arrived at Cheng's compound, then Tiemu Dengke gently fell like a feather, and then saluted to Cheng Wutian and others, and looked elegant.

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a few days, you have a strong spirit!" Nine elders Tiemu Zhengxiong squeezed a smile and arched.

"Where and where, Xiong Xiong is the hero."

A few words from the guests of the Tiemu family, Cheng Wutian is about to ask Tiemu Zhengxiong to enter the chamber.

At the same time, Tiemu Dengke walked towards Cheng Qingxue with an affectionate and gentle smile.

But just then ...

what! !! !! !! !!

With a loud yell, suddenly from Cheng Feng's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng's eyes appeared a touch of ice-blue. Immediately, a chilly cold breath erupted suddenly from Cheng Feng's body, and then spread toward the Quartet!

"What happened, what happened !?"

"It's Cheng Feng, he's so terrible, his body is cold, like an ice cellar!"

This sudden change made the scene just lively, and it was suddenly deserted, especially Cheng Wutian, the youngest child of Cheng Feng, who left the nine elders of the Tiemu family directly, and came to Cheng Feng. .

"Well, this ... this seems to be a sign of the awakening of Wuhun, a cold soul Wuwu, isn't it? Fenger wants to awaken the Wuhun!"

Cheng Wutian was well-informed, only glanced at Cheng Feng, and saw the clue.

That's right, Cheng Feng is now trying to awaken his soul.

This is an important part of Cheng Feng's destruction of Tiemu Denko and Cheng Qingxue's marriage contract.

You should know that Tiemu Dengke and Cheng Qingxue were married, which seemed to the Cheng family at the time to be a match made in heaven.

Although Cheng Feng knows that Tiemu Dengke is a wolf's ambition, the Cheng family is not clear, so if they want to destroy this marriage, they must not be reckless, they must go step by step.

The first step of Cheng Feng is to let the marriage contract that is about to be held stop first, and it is better to postpone it.

Only in this way can Cheng Feng have enough time to collect all the dirty signs of Tiemu Dengke, expose his true colors, and then destroy the marriage contract.

And want to delay the relationship between the two future marriage contract, unless a big thing happens.

And Cheng Feng's awakening of his destiny Wuhun is barely a major event, at least for Cheng Wutian, Cheng Xinghe, and Cheng Qingxue.

Because the destiny Wuhun is too important for the warrior.

It should be noted that there are only two chances for a warrior to obtain a martial arts soul in his life.

Once was the awakening of the destiny Wuhun.

Generally speaking, martial arts soldiers have a destiny martial spirit, but this martial spirit, dormant deep in the blood, will not be awakened unless it is a vertical wizard or a blood vein change.

The second time was to reach the pinnacle of Heavenly Martial Realm, and the day after tomorrow gave birth to a martial spirit.

Therefore, those who can awaken the soul of Wushu must be a martial arts wizard and a hope for family rejuvenation.

Cheng Feng, as Cheng Wutian's only grandson, suddenly awakens his destiny Wuhun at this moment, which is naturally a big thing and cannot be lost.

Therefore, almost without hesitation, Cheng Wutian made a decisive decision to send Cheng Feng to Cheng Zi's forbidden area, "Zibing Cave," and in order to make Cheng Feng awaken the growth of the Wuhun rank, Cheng Qingxue, who possesses a delicate body, Naturally accompanied by the whole process.

And this time, it was directly inspiring Tiemu Dengke and others, the smile suddenly solidified.

But they still said nothing and had trouble.

As the so-called "aunt" of the Cheng family, wouldn't he not want to see a martial arts wizard in the Cheng family?

Therefore, Tiemu Dengke and others, although they hate their teeth itchingly, still have a slightly stiff smile on their faces, and follow him, hushing and warming!


Zibing Grotto is an ice grotto where Jiuxing Zibing is stored.

This nine-star purple ice is a kind of spirit that has a nourishing effect on the cold spirit Wu Wu soul. It is very rare.

The Cheng family used the power of the entire family to obtain about one cubic meter, which has been stored in the Zibing Cave.

Today, it comes in handy.

At half a column time, Cheng Feng and others arrived at the Chengjia Zibing Cave.

"Big brother, third brother, Xinghe, you guard Zibing Cave, don't let anyone approach."

Cheng Wutian looked at the three Cheng Xinghe and instructed, "Qingxue and I sent Feng'er into the Zibing Grottoes. We must not let Feng'er Wuhun wake up and be interrupted."

"Rest assured, everything is with us." Cheng Xinghe said in unison.

Cheng Wutian nodded, and was about to help Cheng Feng enter the Zibing Grotto, suddenly remembering that he seemed to have left Tiemu Dengke aside for a long time.

Cheng Wutian looked at Tiemu Dengke and was about to say something.

But Tiemu Dengke took the lead and said sincerely: "Grandpa Cheng, look after Xiaofeng first, he is the most important now."

Hearing Tiemu Dengke's words, Cheng Wutian showed a satisfied smile on his face and felt that Tiemu Dengke was of good character.

But he didn't see it, the annoyance deep in Timmudenko's eyes.

You know, this marriage contract Tiemu Dengke planned for a long time, this time about to be successful, but never thought, halfway out of Cheng Feng this moth.

At the moment, Tiemu Dengke hated Cheng Feng.

But he couldn't show it, his face was twitching!

Looking at all this, Cheng Feng, who planned the whole event, had a faint smile on his face.

Because everything is going according to his plan ...

In fact, as early as the moment of rebirth, Cheng Feng had already begun to think about which way to postpone Tiemu Dengke's marriage contract.

After careful screening, Cheng Feng selected three plans.

However, all three plans have huge loopholes. Once they are caught by Tiemu Denko, all of Cheng Feng's plans will be lost.

At that time, the old voice made a suggestion to make Cheng Feng awaken the soul of Wu Ming, so as to attract all the attention of the Cheng family and force the marriage contract to be postponed.

This plan is perfect, but there is a key problem, that is, the destiny Wuhun.

It is important to note that the destiny Wuhun can not be awakened by anyone. All the people who can awaken the destiny Wuhun are all natural wizards.

Although Cheng Feng's talent is good, it is still far from the awakening of his soul.

However, since the old voice has a way to change Cheng Feng's life against the sky, it is naturally easy for Cheng Feng to wake up his soul.

Therefore, at that moment, all the plans are really taking shape ...

Zibing Grottoes are cold and extremely cold.

Accompanied by Cheng Wutian and Cheng Qingxue, Cheng Feng headed deep into Zibing Cave.

"Fenger, are you cold?" Cheng Wutian asked suddenly while walking.

"It's not cold, but it's very comfortable, just like taking a bath."

Hearing this, Cheng Wutian smiled on his face: "Fenger, it seems you really want to awaken the destiny Wuhun, I hope that Wuhun can reach the middle level after awakening."
