MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 5 Advanced Human Martial Arts

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Wuming Wuhun is divided into low, medium and high grades, and each grade is subdivided into three grades.

Most of the martial arts' destiny martial arts souls are between the lower one and the third grade. Only real geniuses can achieve the medium martial arts soul.

As for the high-level martial arts souls of seven to nine grades, that's nothing in the world.

And in the rumors, there is the Supreme Wuhun who is beyond the nine grades, but the world has never seen it.

"Grandpa, I must be able to wake up the medium martial spirit this time."

"Oh, so sure?" Upon hearing Cheng Feng's response, Cheng Wutian asked with a smile.

"Grandpa, my sister is Jiuqiaolinglong, which can improve the rank of Wuhun. Even though I am awake to a lower Wuhun, but through the transformation of my sister's Jiujing, you can reach medium.

After hearing this, Cheng Wutian smiled, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After walking for a few minutes in Zibing Grotto, the three of Cheng Feng finally came to the core of Zibing Grotto. In the center of that core, there is a platform, and on this platform, there is a one meter square purple. ice crystals.

"Feng Er, this is the Jiuxing Purple Ice that can warm up Bing Wuhun."

Cheng Wutian pointed to the purple ice crystals and said to Cheng Feng, "You will sit on the nine-star purple ice later, absorb the flavor of purple ice, and nourish your soul."

"As for Qingxue, you sit under the Jiuxing Purple Ice and cross your Jiuqiao essence into the Jiuxing Purple Ice to enhance Fenger's Wuhun rank."

Cheng Feng and Cheng Qingxue nodded and acted in accordance with Cheng Wutian's instructions.

After a while, when Cheng Feng sat on the Jiuxing Purple Ice, immediately, a icy and bitter scent, followed his thousands of pores, went straight into his body.

As the breath of Jiuxing Purple Ice penetrated, the cold breath in Cheng Feng's body immediately increased.

Especially with the inflow of Cheng Qingxue's Jiu Jiu Jing Qi, the cold breath on Cheng Feng's body increased sharply, forming a vague ghost image.

And among these ghost images, it is exuberant and angry!

"Not good. The breath of the nine-star purple ice, plus the exquisite essence of nine tricks, has made my awakening speed of Wuhun soared several times. I'm afraid it won't take long for me to wake up."

Wu Hun quickly awakened, which was originally a good thing.

But for Cheng Feng now, it's a bad thing.

Because Cheng Feng awakened Wuhun's main purpose is to hold grandfather Cheng Wutian and others, if Cheng Feng's Wuhun is awakened at once, the plan to destroy Tiemu Dengke's marriage contract will also go bankrupt.

Therefore, at this time, Cheng Feng must not let Wu Hun immediately wake up, at least, it must be dragged to Timu Dengke impatient, postponing the marriage contract.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately shouted in his heart: "Senior, senior ... I was awakened too fast by my soul, so please come out and think about it."

As Cheng Feng shouted, the old voice appeared: "Boy Cheng Feng, the speed of the awakening of your destiny Wuhun, I can control the slowing down. As for the extra nine-star purple ice and the exquisite spirit And there is no need to waste, just to promote your cultivation. "

"Promote?" Cheng Feng said for a moment.

"Yes, your current cultivation is really weak. It's a middle-level martial art. Then Tiemu Dengke can point you to death with a finger."

After hearing the words of the old voice, Cheng Feng kept silent.

This is indeed the case. Although Cheng Feng has a good talent, he has not cultivated diligently, resulting in a weak and weak one.

And if you want to take revenge, slay Tiemu Dengke, Cheng Feng's strength is far from enough. You have to study hard and improve to improve.

"I listened to my predecessors, and this began to cultivate." Cheng Feng groaned a little, but he had a decision.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, your level of martial arts is too low to achieve success in practice. In this way, I will teach you a martial arts called Cold Ice Tianchen, which can absorb the power of the nine-day Taiyin star, which is in line with your martial spirit attributes , Complement each other. "

"Cold Ice Tianchen decided? What level of martial arts is this." Cheng Feng asked.

"This is the first-level martial arts of the gods, which is much better than your martial arts of the Cheng family."

There are thousands of martial arts on the earth dome continent, which are roughly divided into four levels, Xuan level, God level, Emperor level, and Heaven level.

Each level is divided into elementary, middle, high and top four levels.

The old voice passed to Cheng Feng's Hanbing Tianchen, although it was the first stage of God, but it was already quite good.

Because on the dome continent, heaven-level exercises have never appeared, just a legend.

There are few emperor-level exercises and they are collected by the Super Zongmen, and ordinary people have not even heard of them.

It can be imagined that a god-level elementary martial art is absolutely valuable!

"Mr. Cheng Feng, Hanbing Tianchen decided I would just say it once, as much as you can listen to," said the old voice.

Immediately, Cheng Feng listened intently.

In about ten minutes, several thousand words of Frozen Tianchen were remembered by Cheng Feng without fail.

After that, Cheng Feng didn't delay too much. It was directly the operation of the ice and ice. The nine-star purple ice and the nine exquisite essence were all refined and poured into the major meridians of Cheng Feng. in……

The human body has three main meridians, nine major meridians, and eighty-one basic meridians.

These ninety-three meridians are generally blocked, and the cultivation of human martial arts is to open up the ninety-three meridians step by step, so that vitality can flow.

The first stage of human martial arts opens up the three main veins; the middle stage of human martial arts opens up the nine branch meridians; the high order of human martial arts opens up the 81 basic meridians.

As for the peak of human martial arts, the vital energy in all meridians should be highly concentrated and condensed into a liquid element.

What Cheng Feng needs to do at this time is to open the eighty-one basic meridians with the spirit of the nine-star purple ice and the exquisite essence of nine tricks, thereby promoting the advanced level of human martial arts.

Time passed quietly, and three hours passed unconsciously.

And at this time, Boom ------

A muffled sound suddenly passed away from Cheng Feng's body, as if a stone gate had been broken.

In fact, it was Cheng Feng who broke through a basic meridian with the help of Jiuxing Purple Ice.

In this way, Cheng Feng rushes through a basic meridian every one or two hours, and waits for three days and three nights ...

Banging ~~~

Only a sound of waves was heard, and the eighty-one basic meridians in Cheng Feng's body were all opened up.

At this moment, all the meridians in Cheng Feng's body are connected, and the Yuan current flows together, which makes Cheng Feng's strength soared a lot, and he was successfully promoted to the advanced level of human martial arts.

In the Zibing Cave, Cheng Wutian's closed eyes suddenly opened and stared at Cheng Feng like a nail: "Feng Er, your cultivation is ..."

At this time, Cheng Feng also opened his eyes and smiled, "Grandpa, my cultivation has been broken, and I have been promoted to the advanced level of human martial arts."

"Okay!" Cheng Wutian was very pleased, and then asked: "Where is Wu Wu? When is your destiny Wu Wu awakening?"

Compared to Xiu Wei's breakthrough, Cheng Wutian is more concerned about Wu Soul's awakening.
