MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 13 You wait

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Don't be fooled by me, continue to punch the list for a ticket, there is still a little distance from the list, only rely on everyone, and one vote per person.


This sentence is said to be a fried pot. Countless people immediately turned their attention to Su Mu, and the eyes were unbelievable.

That's it! Yang Xinzhong suddenly realized that he had been guessing what the purpose of Sumu was, but he only thought of two possibilities when he thought about it. One was for profit and the other was for his name. I didn't expect that I guessed it all wrong. He turned out to be beautiful.

He Bo’s daughter, Yang Kai, also saw that the little girl was born with a spirit of water. Although she did not have the capacity to pour the country, it was also Xiaojiabiyu, eyebrows and eyes, and her body was awkward. This year is only fourteen, and she is also famous in Wumei Town.

I used to think that such a young girl was actually stared at by Su Mu, and this is why it’s a trouble.

"You have to talk nonsense!" Su Mu's face is very red, and he wants to argue.

The man continued to sneer: "I have no nonsense. Although my brothers are somewhat unbearable in character, they often do some swearing things, but they are filthy and ruined in the rice. But you can't do it. You must know that the young and old are also the parents of my brothers. Breaking the people's financial path is tantamount to self-satisfaction. Where can I do this kind of thing? All this is directed by this kid."

The sincerity of this statement made a group of people laugh.

Yang Kai asked in a timely manner: "After the incident, he promised to give you a lot of thanks?"

"The silver is fifty-two!" Dahan replied.

"Fifty two, a lot." Yang Kai nodded gently.

When Boss listened for a long while, he naturally understood the beginning and the end of the matter. Now he glared at Su Mu and looked at him. "You are a despicable villain who plays such dirty means. Where can my daughter see you? Actually, you have lost such a scum, and it has completely ruined the good doorstep of the Lingxiaoge. It has a good skin in the white and white, but the character is not as good as the younger brother of Yang Xiao. It’s really a hundred people, I’m all for you. I feel embarrassed."

Those merchants are also a bit of a slap in the face, spurning the despicable behavior of Sumu.

Su Mu’s face was a burst of blue and red. After knowing that today, I will come back to Wumei Town later, I am afraid I will come.

And the source of all this is in front of this... brother! If it weren't for him, he would be able to win the boss's goodwill today. He will come and go in the future. It is also convenient to contact with his daughter. He is the name of chivalry. When he is near the water, he will get the moon. If he is not good, he will be able to hold the beauty.

But now, all this has become a bubble, not only has the plan been unsuccessful, but the reputation has also been ruined.

Su Mu was so furious that his face calmed down and looked coldly at Yang Kaidao: "What is this brother, how to call it?"

"You guess!" Yang Kaichong squeezed his eyelids.

Su Mu took a deep breath: "If you don't say that I will know your identity, I have been in the middle of more than three years. Now I haven't broken through the quenching situation. That is the trial of my disciples. The whole Ling Xiaoge tried the disciples but the number of fingers. You are waiting, I will find you in this account."

After all, he turned and walked out. Sumu had some hard work in his body. Even if someone stopped him in front of him, he was pushed away by him, and he left the scene without a human being.

When Sumu left, the talents remembered the two men who were labeled as pigs. Where can they be seen at the scene? They sneaked away when Yang Kai and Su Mu confronted each other.

This farce ended in this episode, but Yang opened his eyes as a torch and dismantled this fake trick, which made these merchants full of praise, especially the boss, who was grateful to Yang Kai.

The younger two-year-old shop is also looking at Yang Kai with a look of worship.

The crowd gradually dissipated, and the proprietress also came over. He took Yang Kai’s hand and let it go. The more he saw it, the more he liked it.

He Boss is worried about the color of concern: "Yang Xianzhen, today you offended the Sumu, he may be in trouble in Zongmen."

After today’s event, Bo’s name for Yang Kai has become more cordial.

"Not afraid." Yang Kai smiled slightly. "Zongmen has his own rules of the sect. He can't take me if he remembers me again."

"While saying this, you must be careful when you are good. If it is because of the evils that this day has brought to Yin Xian, then the uncle is also uneasy."

"I will be careful." Yang Kai comforted.

He and his wife were grateful to Yang Kai for helping him today. He had to stay with him for dinner. Yang Kai wanted to agree. The boss refused to scare him away.

"Xiao Yang, what can your parents live in? Where are you living this year?"

Looking at this situation, the boss is afraid to want to upgrade to become her own mother. Yang Kai vaguely rushed to the soles of his feet.

When I left, I carried a large bag of white rice, far more than the weight that a dozen silver can buy. This time, the food for a month does not have to worry about it.

Originally, Yang Kai also worried that Su Mu would ambush himself on the road. After all, Su Mu looked like the Yushu was in the wind, but the small intestines were intestines, the yin was ruined, and it was not impossible to ambush himself. He did not appear until Yang Kai returned to Lingxiaoge.

When you think about it carefully, he does not attack himself. He still counts on the road. Although the disciples of Ling Xiaoge’s internal challenges also ruined many people, the stipulations of the sects must not allow the unidentified shots to kill the same door, especially the fratricidal killing outside the sect. If he dares to ambush himself outside the Lingxiao Pavilion, once the matter is revealed, Su Mu himself will also have a big disaster.

He wants to deal with himself, and he will definitely make a fuss about the challenge! As for whether he can detect his identity, this is beyond doubt. The number of disciples in Lingxiaoge was scarce. Even if Sumu didn't know himself before, he would understand his identity if he asked.

The real strength of this man Yang Kai did not see through, but certainly also quenched the body, that is, he did not know how many layers he had in the quenching environment.

It seems that you have to hurry to practice, or you can't really stay in the Lingxiao Pavilion.

There was something in his heart. Yang Kai hurried back to the hut and started to practice after a little rest.

At this time, it is impossible to cultivate the quenching body, but it can cultivate the basic skills of the Lingxiao Pavilion. These basic skills are used for quenching the body's external skills, and the other homes use their own physical strength to achieve the purpose of quenching the body.

For example, the long fists and whip legs that Yang Kai used to display when he was challenged are the basic skills. The long fists and whip legs do not enter the martial arts. That is to say, they cannot be regarded as real martial arts. Every kind of martial art and family is a must.

On the left side of Yang Kai's hut, there is a wooden man who is tall and tall. This is his own production. The material is a hundred-year-old banyan tree. The texture is hard and it is best for cultivation. This wooden man has a little bit of pits, and even some faint bloodstains. It is the trace left by Yang Kaiping’s cultivation.

Pulling the posture, Yang Kai hit the table with the ping-pong pong, the fists tried their best, the legs and legs were as fast as the wind, and the wooden man was shaken for a while, and the sound of bumps and bumps came.

However, only after a moment of cultivation, Yang Kai felt that something was wrong.

Today, this fist and leg strength seems to be a lot bigger than before. The amplitude of the swing from the wooden man and the muffled sound that can be heard can be clearly compared. Moreover, as time goes by, my bones and bones under the flesh and blood, also gave birth to some warm and numb feeling, which is clearly the feeling that came from the meridians, the sensation that came out in the morning gradually became clear, and encouraged in the body.

The four layers of the quenching body begin to produce a sense of gas, and the meridians in the body can be quenched. The feeling of warmth and numbness is the movement of the meridians.

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