MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 14 incense burner

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Still three, still ask for tickets, only one can be on the list ~~~


When he was practicing till the lamp, Yang Kai’s talents were still unstoppable. After a long period of exertion, I didn’t feel that I was tired, but I was mentally savvy and full of stamina. After winning the proud bones, this physical strength seems to have grown a lot. Today, I have not been tired after 20 miles, and carrying a large bag of rice is even lighter.

I am afraid that I will only feel the pressure when I practice the hardened body. When I think about the feelings of practicing the quenching body this morning, Yang Kai can't help but feel awkward. The feeling of pressing the body that day is very uncomfortable.

But there is pressure to make progress, and now there is no pressure, how can we cultivate.

People's potential is forced out, and the growth of the military is even more so, step by step to force their own potential, and beyond a little bit of their own limits, so that the strength can be improved.

But now I have played so many punches, I have played so many feet, I feel a little tired, where can I reach my own limit, how can I force my potential?

This can be difficult, and Yang Kai is also somewhat depressed. It is indeed a good thing to get the proud bones. With its strong resilience, the basic skills of Ling Xiaoge can no longer be cultivated. It’s hard to be a day later. Half an hour before the rising day?

Twelve hours a day, only half an hour of cultivation, what is the rest of the time? What is the hood? This is absolutely not good, Yang Kai did not want to veto the idea.

While cooking absent-mindedly, Yang Kai thought about how to feel the pressure. If this matter is told to be known to others, I am afraid I will laugh and cry.

Other warriors can't help but relax on the road of cultivation, but Yang Kai is now looking for abuse.

Thinking about it, I didn’t think of any good ideas. The main reason is that the current economic conditions can't keep up. There are many medicinal herbs that can be assisted in the cultivation of quenching. In addition to medicinal herbs, there are other methods of external force, but all these roots are in One word - money.

In Lingxiaoge, money means contribution, and poor Yang Kai has only 12 points to contribute. It is really more than enough.

After cooking the rice, Yang opened a few bowls and no vegetables. He ate it dryly, but Yang Kai was very satisfied. This is the only meal he has eaten in recent days.

After the meal, Yang Kai did not go to practice, went directly to take a bath, and then lay down on the bed. Continue to practice is just half the effort, it is better to think about the solution, and sharpen the knife.

Thinking about it, Yang was happy to move his head and summoned the black book without words.

The name of this black book, Yang Kai, has already been touched. Every page of the book is sealed with something, as long as its strength is reached, it can be summoned.

The first page of the arrogant body is the foundation and the root cause.

The second page is the quenching article, which is the cultivation of the proud bones.

The third page doesn't know what it is, because I didn't see anything at all when I spy on it last night. It is definitely related to my strength.

Now the second page of the first page is empty. Yang Kai’s careful study of the second half has nothing, but when he accidentally turned to the third page, he was in a hurry.

Yep? Yang opened his brow and stared at the third page.

Almost in an instant, the golden light flashed on the third page, and countless golden shadows broke out and directly broke into Yang Kai’s mind. Immediately, the third page of the text slowly appeared a whirlpool, and a whirlpool raised an antique Incense burner.

This change made Yang Kai slightly disappointing. After I understood it, I suddenly overjoyed it.

Yes, I have not broken through the four layers of quenching this morning? I couldn't see the mystery of the third page last night. Why didn't I try it after breaking through today?

Although it is only a level of difference, it is this level that hinders the way to pry into the third page.

After trying to understand this, Yang Kai couldn't help but regret it. If you look at it this morning, maybe you don't have to worry about it now.

Pressing the heart of the excitement, Yang Kai took the incense burner to his hand and carefully looked at it.

This incense burner is not big, it looks like something that ordinary people use for incense, but it is semi-closed, there is a lid on the mouth, and there are a few holes in the lid, which are not antique, not outstanding, no matter Nothing will attract the attention of others.

Yang Kai gently sniffed and found that this thing has no taste, and it is not sinking.

What is this doing? Some of Yang Kai’s time couldn’t understand, and he couldn’t just close his eyes and look at the information that had just poured into his mind.

Not a moment's effort, Yang Kai opened his eyes with a strange look.

According to the information just obtained, this incense burner actually assists in its own cultivation. But the incense burner itself has no effect, but it needs to add some herbs to it to burn the incense, and this smell is the auxiliary cultivation.

Different herbs require different herbs to be placed in the incense burner.

Some doubts about Yang Kai’s that the herbs that suit this realm are actually the three-leaf remnant flower and the deadland dead wood grass.

According to Yang Kai, the two kinds of herbs are not high in value, but they are rare, and they have some toxicity. Although they are not very toxic, if they inhale the medicinal properties of these two herbs for many years, they will also be harmful to people.

These two herbs really help your cultivation?

There are definitely two kinds of herbs in the contribution hall, but the price of the old man geese has been plucked, and the price is absolutely high. And Yang Kai itself has few contributions, where can I squander?

In this way, only you can find a way to find these two herbs. Fortunately, not far from Lingxiaoge is the Black Wind Mountain Range. Yang Kai has entered and hunted many times, but he is also familiar with it. Maybe there are herbs in it.

Go into the mountains tomorrow! Yang Kai made up his mind, and all his troubles dissipated and he quickly fell asleep. Before going to sleep, Yang Kai also specially checked the fourth page of the black book without words, so as to avoid the anecdote of today, but the fourth page has no movement, probably the strength of the four layers of quenching is not enough to snoop.

On the second day, Yang opened a early morning.

Yesterday, the practice of quenching the body has gained such a big advantage. He naturally knows the taste of the marrow, not to mention that he is not a lazy person.

As the eastern purple gas came to the east, the slow and full of heaven and earth to the rhythm of the body was gradually unfolding.

Although the level of cultivation is one level higher than that of yesterday, there is not much progress in the application of the quenched body today. After half an hour has passed, it still stays on the progress of one of twenty, but it is some of the backache that my body is tortured. Back pain, the roots of the bones burst, as if the beans are dense.

A purple gas inhalation, the body's light and gas sensation becomes clearer and clearer, and the meridians seem to have been developed a lot. The surface of the skin is exuding many acquired impurities.

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