MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 697 Molested (one more)

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  Chapter 697 Molested (one more)

   Liu Tan and Liu Tan were sent away again with great aggrievedness, and Sheng Shijing only looked at the last Fu Yunting after the two of them walked away.

   It was an understatement, but the hairs on Fu Yunting's back stood on end, and he took a step back involuntarily again, and said vigilantly: "What do you want?"

  Sheng Shijing raised her eyebrows and asked, "What can I do?"

  Fu Yunting drew three black lines on his forehead, wanting to say, "Why don't you look at me like that, you're so scared", but he didn't dare to say it.

   After quickly adjusting his expression, he got down to business and said, "Where is my boss, is he really asleep?"

  Speaking of this, Sheng Shijing glanced at him coldly again: "You don't know the intensity of her work these days, do you think she really fell asleep?"

Fu Yunting was a little guilty, but looking at the time displayed on the wall clock not far away, he still had to say: "Boss met at Fox at seven o'clock this morning, and it's past nine o'clock now, let's talk about business if we don't go there , I’m afraid I’ll offend people to death.”

   Sheng Shijing frowned: "It's more than two hours late, does it make a difference if you go or not?"

   That's still there.

  Fu Yunting said: "Yesterday, the other party contacted me because they had something to do, so they postponed the meeting until ten o'clock."

  He pointed to the wall clock on the wall: "There are still forty minutes, and now I can barely catch up."

  Sheng Shijing glanced at him dissatisfied, and said angrily: "We've got in touch, and if the other party can postpone the time, can't you postpone it?"

  Fu Yunting shrank his neck, not daring to refute.

  Sheng Shijing lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, and finally turned around and went back to the second floor.

   Xie Xihe mentioned to him about meeting the black fox.

  The so-called transaction is just a cover, the real purpose is the black fox himself, who wants to find the destruction space of the sky through the other party and eliminate hidden dangers.

   This matter is very important to both Xie Xihe and the international, and it is really not easy to delay.

  The sound insulation of the room is very good, so even if the movement downstairs is not too small, it has been completely filtered out upstairs, and it didn't disturb Xie Xihe's rest at all.

  Sheng Shijing sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him quietly for a moment, especially staying on her faintly blue lower eyelids for a moment longer, feeling a little distressed.

   After a long while, she finally leaned over and pressed her red lips against hers, grinding them gently.

  Xie Xihe wanted to ignore him, but he didn't intend to leave after a while, and finally bit him back unbearably.

  Slightly raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and said in a confused voice, "What are you doing?"

  Sheng Shijing's hand was on her waist at some point, and she clasped it tightly: "If you want to do it, can you?"

  Xie Xihe: "..."

  This man is poisonous, right?

   "No." Getting up angry, Xie Xihe kicked the man in the stomach, kicked him out, turned his back to him, and said angrily, "I want to sleep, don't disturb me."

  Sheng Shijing was kicked onto the carpet, looked down, and couldn't help laughing.

   Originally, I just wanted to wake her up, but I didn't expect to put myself in it instead.

   Blame him for overestimating his endurance.

In fact, Xie Xihe had already been kissed awake, but she was not full of sleep and was unhappy. Hearing the laughter behind her, she became even more annoyed, turned over abruptly and sat up, staring at him with wide eyes: "Laughing? "

  Sheng Shijing immediately stopped laughing and admitted his mistake: "I was wrong."

  Get up from the posture of sitting on the ground, change to the posture of kneeling on one knee, take her hand and admit the mistake again: "I know I'm wrong, madam wants to punish me to kneel on the durian or the circuit board?"

   "I can do it."

  The serious look made Xie Xihe angry and funny, so he couldn't help but gave him another kick, but Sheng Shijing grabbed his foot.

  Jade feet are white, small and delicate, each toe is slender and rounded just right, with a light red color, and the hands are as warm and delicate as warm jade.

   Sheng Shijing could see it as soon as he lowered his head, and couldn't help rubbing it lightly a few times.

   Just touched the soles of the feet, Xie Xihe flinched reflexively, his jade feet arched instantly, and the insteps were stretched tightly.

   Sheng Shijing's eyes were fixed, and he subconsciously tightened the strength in his hands.

  Xie Xihe's cheeks were hot, and he said angrily, "Sheng Shijing!"

  Sheng Shijing returned to her senses, lowered her head and kissed her instep as if nothing had happened, then slowly stood up, and said solemnly: "Okay, let's not trouble you, let's talk business."

  Xie Xihe was ashamed and annoyed, and gave him an angry look.

  A smile flashed across Sheng Shijing's eyes, bent down and hugged her into her arms, and walked to the bathroom while saying, "It's almost too late, I'll talk while I wash up."

  Xie Xihe: "..."

   Now I know it's too late, why didn't I think it would be too late when I molested her before?

   I complained in my heart, but I still speeded up to wash and change clothes, so only about ten minutes had passed by the time the two of them went downstairs.

  Fu Yunting took a look at his boss, and felt that there was something wrong with her red eyes, but he didn't think too much about it. He immediately talked about the agreement with Heihu, and said: "The plane has been arranged, should we leave now?"

  Xie Xihe has been completely awake from the trouble. Although he only slept for more than an hour, his spirit has improved a lot. He said directly: "Let's go."

  Before, all the supernatural beings on island 872 died at the hands of Sheng Zhichen, but those international fugitives who were gathered by Sheng Zhichen for their own interests were fine.

  Except for the three groups that were led to the explosion site and died, there were nearly two hundred fugitives left.

  TISO dispatched almost the entire army, but only captured or killed about 70 people, and more than 120 fugitives were still hiding on Island 872, ready to rush out of the encirclement arranged by TISO at any time.

  So Sheng Shijing didn't go with Xie Xi and Fu Yunting, and after sending people to the helicopter, he turned around and boarded the helicopter to Island 872.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, they must catch all these evil fugitives!


  It was exactly ten o'clock when Xie Xi and Fu Yunting arrived at island 198.

  The plane stopped above the agreed place, Xie Xihe jumped off directly, looked at his makeup at the glass door of the coffee shop, and walked in after making sure that there was no problem.

  Island No. 198 is a very special island, unoccupied, but almost every force in the independent zone has a station on this island.

  Well, in the situation of various stores.

  Coffee shops, western food restaurants, Chinese food restaurants, hot pot restaurants, barbecue shops, jewelry shops, snack shops... as long as there are shops outside, you can find them here.

   And here is often the central place where various forces exchange information.

   The coffee shop that Xie Xihe and Heihu made an appointment with is under the name of the Palace of Guardians, and it is considered the most secure and hidden place on the entire island.

  As soon as he entered the door, someone handed him a mask. After asking about the reservation, he led Xie Xi and the two inside without saying a word.

see you later



  (end of this chapter)