MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 698 Meet, Negotiate (2 more)

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  Chapter 698 Meeting, negotiation (two more)

  The door opened, Xie Xihe lowered his head and met the two people who were also wearing animal masks.

   Well, a fox and a cat.

   Inexplicably, I wanted to laugh.

   But thinking of the bunny mask on his face, he couldn't laugh anymore, and after a light cough, he took a step back, letting Fu Yunting beside him go in first.

  This negotiation is in the name of Fu Yunting, and Xie Xihe is currently his assistant.

  The two sides sat down facing each other, without even exchanging pleasantries, they went straight to the topic and said, "How many of the materials and accessories from before do you have? Can you show me the list?"

  Fu Yunting coughed lightly to suppress his guilty conscience, and tried his best to keep his voice steady: "Mr. Chu, first of all, I want to say sorry to you. I lied to you before. In fact, I don't have those materials in stock, but..."

  Fu Yunting's phone rang at the right time. He lowered his head, fixed his gaze, and immediately got up and said, "Sorry, there is an emergency call. Let my assistant explain the situation to you two first."

  Noticing the coldness emanating from the person opposite, he couldn't help but add: "Take it easy, both of you, and listen to us first."

  Hua Luo glanced at the phone again, and the anxious expression on his face became more and more anxious, and he immediately sped up his pace and left the box.

  The sound of the conversation gradually faded away, and the box quickly became quiet.

  The black fox took a deep breath before suppressing his anger, and said in a calm voice as much as possible: "Speak, but what?"

  Xie Xihe glanced at each other first, and a faint sense of familiarity rose in his heart for the second time, but he couldn't figure out his train of thought for a while, so he continued Fu Yunting's words: "But we can have it."

  She directly took out a document prepared in advance and pushed it to the opposite side, and said in a cold voice: "This is the information document of F-376 metal, Mr. Fox can take a look first."

   Heihu looked at the girl who couldn't see her face, and even her voice had been modified, and suddenly felt a little strange in her heart, but she didn't think much, nodded and opened the file.

   It was a shock to see this, and immediately looked up at the other party after suppressing the surprise and quickly flipping through the information: "What do you mean?"

  Xie Xihe: "That's what you think."

   "F-376, F-378, F-930, F-234... These are all materials that you have purchased from us, and we have complete information on these items."

   "Include source, production area, extraction method, production method, preservation method, etc."

   "If you need it, we can also send someone to guide you, and we must ensure that you can produce high-quality finished products."

   "Teaching fish is worse than teaching fish. We are willing to give you all the production methods. So, is this enough sincerity?"

   That's just too much, okay?

  Black Fox thinks that he is good at making weapons, but he knows very well that a large part of the reason why he has gained such international fame is due to the materials and accessories where he came into contact with weapons that far exceeded the level at that time.

  He only needs to use a specific method to match the raw materials that have been purified to the extreme, and after the reaction, he can make an amazingly powerful weapon.

   Later, as his understanding of weapon making deepened, he realized more clearly that he still hadn't been able to fully apply those raw materials at that time.

   At least 50% to 60% of the power was wasted.

  But when he wanted to buy the production again, the other party's ID never lit up again.

  Why can he notice immediately when the other party goes online?

  That's because when he was determined to build a new batch of weapons, he asked people to watch the other party's ID, and contacted the other party as soon as he noticed that the other party was online.

  The original intention was just to buy, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly tell him the origin and production process of those raw materials.

   In this way, he can continuously obtain materials and accessories to make more and more powerful weapons.

  If it was changed to a few years ago, Heihu would definitely accept it without even thinking about it. No matter what excessive demands the other party puts forward, he will try his best to meet them.

but now…

  The black fox looked down at the document in front of him again, but half a minute later, he pushed the document back in front of Xie Xihe, sighing: "Your condition is indeed very exciting, but I'm sorry, I don't need it."

   Xie Xi and the brows hidden under the mask frowned fiercely. He didn't expect such a result at all, but he asked calmly, "Can you tell me the reason?"

  The black fox paused for a moment, then replied: "Time."

   "Whether it's mining, refining, research, or production, it takes a lot of time. It will take at least one to two years for me to have a mature technology, and then I can start making weapons."

   “But I don’t have that much time to spend on the process.”

   "Your condition is very good, but it is not what I need right now."

  He thought for a while, and finally he was a little moved, and said: "Your Excellency, you might as well tell me what you want to get out of these things. If it doesn't take too much time, I might think about it."

   Come on, she is also a person who is just short of time like her.

  Xie Xihe pressed his temples, and said with a straight face: "The destruction space of the sky, I want to destroy it, and I need your help."

black Fox:"???"

black Fox:"…"

   Without even thinking about it, he pulled the people around him to stand up: "Farewell, there is no need to send it off."

  Xie Xihe became even more expressionless: "Goodbye."

   Simultaneously said: "This matter..."

   "We won't tell anyone other than the two of us about this matter, you can rest assured." Heihu walked to the door and took over the conversation.

Just as he was about to open the door, he paused, looked back at the girl, and said, "For the sake of cooperation, let me remind you that that place cannot be destroyed by manpower or weapons. Once you enter, basically It’s ten deaths and no life, if you don’t want to die, Your Excellency should give up this idea.”

  Xie Xihe's heart moved, and he looked up at the past: "Then what about you, how did you leave alive?"

Some not-so-good memories appeared in Heihu's mind, and he turned his eyes little by little. After a long time, he pursed his lips and replied in a deep voice: "Because I still have unfinished things and people I haven't met. , so I survived."

  But the more than one hundred people who entered with him basically died.

  No bones left.

  Heihu felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, and said again: "This is all I have to say, and I will leave."

   After saying that, he tightly held the hand of the person around him, and knocked down the doorknob.

  But just before opening the door, he was held down by the woman beside him.

  The woman wearing the cat mask took a look at him, then turned around and leaned towards Xie Xihe.

  She stared at Xie Xihe for a long time, and finally, as if she had finally made up her mind about something, she suddenly reached out and grabbed the mask on Xie Xihe's face, and then lifted it off.

See you tomorrow.

   Alas, if I have the speed of these few days every day, four days a day is not a dream.

   Hey, stepping on the spot is indeed the strongest power accelerator.



  (end of this chapter)