MTL - Mistress, I Was Wrong-Chapter 13 good fortune

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Every day, the sky is clear and the waves are cloudless.

Dongfang Daiyu had a very early morning. When she felt that she had some itching on her body, she gently scratched it twice. I didn’t expect that the old scars that had just grown out would fall off and reveal the new meat.

When she went to touch the scar, she could not feel any pain.

She picked up the medicinal juice that Dongming Minghui had applied to her yesterday and gently sniffed. "This medicine is quite effective."

Oriental Minghui went to the river and took some water. When he came back, he could not see the female host.

She fixed the two animal skins tied with straw rope yesterday with four trunks to fix the corresponding four corners, and propped up a small piece of heaven and earth for the herbs outside the cave.

After doing all this, she took her bag and walked out.

Since the birth of the house, Oriental Minghui has been using his weak spiritual power to convey emotions to the flowers and plants around him. It is probably more diligent to use the spiritual power. She has a faint feeling that her second-level spirit has a breakthrough.

It is a good thing!

But she is not prepared to say to the female host.

The whole world, no, the background of this book is based on fantasy, with Wu as the respect, most people will awaken their spiritual power, children like her who wake up before the age of ten will generally be valued by the family, but her The attribute is a bit special and belongs to the semi-waste attribute in the book.

Spirituality from the Spirit, the Spirit, the Great Spirit, the Spirit, the Spirit, the Spirit, the Emperor, the Spirit, the Spirit, and finally the Spirit.

There are ten lines of spiritual power, namely wind, water, fire, earth, wood, gold, ice, thunder, dark and light.

Before the female hostess shot in the woods, she had already awakened the dual attributes of the soil system and the Lei system. In this regard, she could only pretend that she did not know anything, otherwise she would be ruined by the female host.

Most of the spiritual awakening can be engaged in warriors, pharmacists, alchemists and other partial occupations.

Looking at it, the three empires did not see the birth of a spiritual emperor.

Dongfang Minghui has no concept of upgrading this. The most senior Lingdi does not even think about it. She feels that she can break through when she can break through and let it be natural. It is a key task to hold the legs of the female hostess and keep a small life.

This time, she needs a flower of a third-grade red peony, or a pair of lianlianlianlian, although the red peony is an ordinary flower, I am afraid to find some in the market. In this World of Warcraft, the difficulty is not that big. And Tilian is even more difficult to find, Oriental Minghui suspects that the whole piece of Warcraft forest may not be able to see a plant and Tilian.

Dongfang Minghui asked all the way, with the help of flowers and plants, she successfully escaped the pursuit of many high-level Warcraft, and circumvented many trails. Finally, she saw the red peony swaying in the wind under the guidance of a small grass.

"it's beautiful."

In this land, the red peony is a single plant, like a safflower born above the high ridge, swaying its wonderful shape. It is a pity that the sky is not pity, the sky is clear in the clear sky, the clouds are densely covered, the rainstorms are pouring, and the raindrops of the beans are said to go down. With the thunder and lightning, the whole piece of Warcraft Forest does not seem to mention how scary it is.

The red peony, which was still dancing in the sun, experienced the wind and rain, and immediately turned into a frosted eggplant. The squid was overwhelmed and there was a tendency to bow down.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Dongfang Minghui rushed over and solved his bag's own clothes in the top of the red cockroach medicine, which slightly covered the wind and rain.

Fortunately, she made preparations early, or she would have to pour the chicken.

The red peony medicine intermittently issued a mourning that belongs to it. Dongfang Minghui also informed his heart that an agreement was reached without a single planting.

"Our root system is difficult to transplant once it is implanted on the ground. It is better to give your seeds to me. When I settle down, I will plant you in my garden. What do you mean?"

The roots of the oriental Minghui dug the red peony found the situation under the ground, and the roots were intricate. If her level of spiritual power is higher, she might be able to break it out of the middle.

Unfortunately, she is now difficult to protect herself.

The red peony nodded and handed the seeds and stamens to Oriental Minghui.

The storm scoured the entire World of Warcraft, and there was no point in stopping. Lightning thunder, Oriental Minghui watched as the towering tree in her one meter was smashed into two halves by the same thunder. The other half of the tree fell to the ground and overwhelmed another tree, almost killing her.

She was so scared that she was hiding in Tibet, and when she saw a cave in the distance, she rushed over in desperation.

For her, trees everywhere mean that they are going to be thundered, and there are dangers everywhere. Caves may be safer.

Probably the rush is more urgent, she did not carefully look at the surrounding environment. A hundred miles away from the cave, don't mention animals, not even a flower or grass.

"This rain is too big." Oriental Minghui shook the animal skin that was draped over his body. Even if he made some preparations early, his clothes were still drenched.

She looked at the cave and found that there was nothing in the cave. It was clean and clean so that her heart was horrified, and the heart was agitated. I don’t know if it was because she had sprinted 800 meters or the depth of the cave. I heard the sound of the cable.


Oriental Minghui wants to pretend to die. The cave is often taken care of at a glance. It may be occupied by people. Maybe it is a high-level Warcraft?

No matter which kind of result, she can have her life.

Under the balance of power, Dongfang Minghui immediately picked up the animal skin on the side, slowly lifted his legs, crept his hands and walked step by step. I have to say that she has always had a precise sense of intuition about danger.


Just as she was still a few steps away from the cave, she suddenly stopped her feet and stood in the distance. A vine that was thicker than the outer trunk pulled her into the depths of the cave.

When Dongfang Minghui was pulled deep into the cave, he was severely scared and continually hit, and he immediately fainted in the past.

Since coming to the Purple Devil Mountain Range, the Oriental Saitama has never seen such a large amount of rain, and it is awkward to say that in the next rainstorm, due to the use of Thunder spirits to penetrate a third-level Warcraft was thundered by a foreign Jiao Li Nen The whole person almost died.

"This rain is simply tailor-made for you. It is a great creation that God gave you. I will take this opportunity to upgrade your five-level thunder spirit to the spirit." The cold voice in the mind of the Oriental Saitama Proposed.

The Oriental Saitama was only hesitating for a moment, sitting on the mountain peaks cross-legged and accepting the thunder and lightning attack in the sky. The spiritual power of the body opened the absorption mode and absorbed the essence of the lightning.

The whole process is extremely thrilling. Fortunately, there are several treasures in the oriental jade body that can be used at the same time. While resisting the lightning attack, she can collect the essence of the thunder in her body, and when she is forging, These lightning refineries are used by themselves.

The essence of thunder and lightning violently smashed in the oriental jade body. On several occasions, it almost broke out. The meridians were expanded to burst, and they were forced to suppress it. They washed the marrow in the meridians again and again, and tirelessly over and over again. The ground compression, after nine hundred and eighty-one, the essence of Leizhong was stabilized, and the violent factor in the essence was completely refining.

"Congratulations on your exit." The sound of the cold is just right.

The first thing that the Eastern Saitama wakes up from the entrance is to pull out a thunder and lightning. The five people in the distance, surrounded by clouds, are easily smashed into slag, and there is a place in the place. Great pit.

"A light master can achieve this kind of realm, not bad." The cold voice is rare to praise once.

"How long have I been closed?" Dongfang Yuyu looked at herself with a look of disappointment. The clothes were not wrapped, and the clothes on her body were smashed by the Thunder.

She took out a set of clothes directly from the space and put them indiscriminately.

The World of Warcraft that she killed was a bunch of skeletons under the lightning attack, and nothing left.

"Five days."

The heavy rain lasted for half a month.


At this time, the Oriental Saitama remembered the Oriental Minghui in the cave, and she said that she seemed to have forgotten something.

When she rushed back to the cave, she suddenly found two hermaphrodite snake beasts occupying the cave, and the eastern jade jade hand fell from the knife, and a thunderbolt blew the snake beast into several segments.

The snake beast struggled on the ground and there was no breath.

The smell in the cave is unpleasant, and there is a stench that belongs to Warcraft. Although the display has not changed, there are more things that do not belong to the cave.

The herbs outside the house are still crazy, all of them are a little wilting, probably because of the unattended.

Before the Ming Minghui had blocked them for a few days, they were blown away by the wind. They were hit by heavy rain and almost died under the heavy rain. Naturally, they were embarrassed.

"It seems that you are quite kind to the nine sisters." The cold voice suddenly popped up.

Oriental Saitama looked at the cave in a mess, there was an impulse to destroy the cave, and when she heard the ridicule in her mind, she even rushed out without any reason.

It is unrealistic to say someone. The rainstorm has been going on for so long, and even if there are any traces, it is washed away by the rain. What's more, she even went to the East Minghui, but she was still unclear.

The Oriental Saitama searched for two days outside, aimlessly, and saw the Warcraft blocking the road directly killed, the body's breath changed, like a sword that was just opened, very fierce.

Going back at night, she even broke the belly of several snake beasts to see if I could find the shadow of Oriental Minghui.

"A weak chicken like her, it is normal to be swallowed by a snake beast. It is useless to look at it again. For so long, it is enough for two animals to digest." The cold voice was very unsmiling.

Dongfang Daiyu does not believe that Dongfang Minghui is so dead, because the purpose of Dongfang Minghui’s stay with him has not been reached yet. How can it be easy to die?