MTL - Mistress, I Was Wrong-Chapter 14 Magic pet

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I was mistaken for the oriental Minghui in the belly of the snake beast. At this moment, she was born with no love. She was tied by the rattan and hung on the tree, swinging and swaying.

Woke up that day, the Oriental Minghui was frightened by the green vines that were filled with caves. She couldn't see the body of this plant, but she could feel a huge and full of vitality flooding the entire cave.

Under such a fierce pressure, her third-level spirit is not enough to see.

Forgot to say, just before she was stunned, the loose spiritual power probably met a magic plant that nourished her, so she upgraded silently.

The root of the red peony is useless.

Oriental Minghui wants to cry without tears. She feels that keeping a small life is a task that is extremely difficult and impossible to accomplish. Not dead in the hands of the female host, is about to die in the hands of this magic plant, she is probably the most sad reminder of the world, a female partner who died in the hands of plants, hehe.

"How about considering?"

A very old voice suddenly screamed in the cave.

Dongfang Minghui was unmoved, and she gave up treatment to die. From the first day she was trapped here, this metamorphosis was turned over and beaten.

She woke up and was soon stunned again.

When she woke up again, she was almost scared by the words of the magic plant.

"If you are willing to be my stove, I will let you go."

Hey, is this a magic plant that should be said? Still, I am going.

It is impossible for Oriental Minghui to promise, but anyone who has done a good job has been engraved with a mark, and in the end there is nothing to end. Anyway, this metamorphosis magic plant turned over and over again, she did not agree, the metamorphosis magic plant to toss her in various ways.

For example, now two times when the inverted swing is one of the tortures.

Every time her mind is congested, she will suffocate and die, and the metamorphosis will hang her bucket on the top of the cave. Oriental Minghui has been numb to his whole body pain.

"&#¥#%......¥%......&&&#¥" In addition to cursing, she has had a mouthful of addiction every day. In fact, there is no way to take this magic plant.

I don't know why, the magic plant seems to take her no way, otherwise she has probably been given ooXX by this old metamorphosis for a long time, hehe.

Being trapped for so long, what she thinks every day is that she eventually dies, there are many kinds, such as bleeding and dying; being swallowed by the magic plant; or being the last one to be sucked dry...

In the end, she actually felt that the death of the female lord to her was not terrible, and she was still abused.

"You are an immortal metamorphosis." Oriental Minghui feels whirlwind, dizzy, probably because of excessive blood loss, she muttered a low curse, and finally stunned.

The long vines slowly lowered her, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. If Dongfang Minghui opened her eyes, she would probably praise it beautifully, but she knows nothing about it now.

"you win."

When she woke up again, the vines of the entire cave disappeared, just as she saw it, it was clean and nothing left.

Oriental Minghui touched his shoulders. Before the perverted vines tortured her, she used the branches to penetrate her shoulders and lifted her up and whipped. It hurts too much.

The means is really poisonous, in order to force her to become a stove, it is all right.

"Weird." Oriental Minghui looked down and found that there was no scar on his body. What happened before was like a dream.


She couldn't help but marvel, she was innocent, not only that, but the spiritual power in her body was full of a realm. She took a closer look and found that she actually jumped from a small three-level spirit to a first-level teacher. .

Spirit teacher! Her level has risen.

"Scorpio, I am really dreaming." She licked herself and hurt.

"If you want to be beautiful, if I am not hurt by the thunder of the body, I know that the limit has arrived, you think that good things will fall in the hands of your waste." Just when the Oriental Minghui was ecstatic, a young voice Suddenly came out.

"You are - that metamorphosis magic plant." Oriental Minghui almost jumped, packed up the bag and rushed out of the cave at the fastest speed.

"Oh, waste material, do you really think that I left you a cave, I can't take you?" The tender voice was still ringing in my mind, and I continued to replenish the knife in the mind of the Oriental Minghui. "We have concluded a contract, you will never think about it." Get rid of me. Hahahahaha."

Dongfang Minghui was a sly, and she sat directly on the ground. She was completely dumbfounded when she heard this magic plant.

There are three ways to conclude a seven-color continent, one is a slave, and this kind of contract generally belongs to the death of the main slave, but the slave does not hinder. One is the blood deed, the master and slave share the life together, die together, and have the same blessings. The last one is the equality contract, also known as the temporary contract, which can be solved.

Dongfang Minghui asked for a half-sound, "What contract."

"Blood deeds."

Oriental Minghui eyes a flower, almost fainted, dare to love her in this life also want to get rid of this magic plant, with a plant every day want to catch people to do the magic of the pot, this day can not be happy to go on ?

She walked back without a soul, and there was no one in the cave. The herbs outside the cave saw her, and they shook like a ghost.

She would have liked to ask the situation of the female hostess, and saw that they were huddled like a little daughter-in-law who was aggrieved. Simply sitting alone on the stone pier.

Until the Eastern Saitama dragged a huge Warcraft back, her soul came back.

"Seven sisters."

Oriental Saitama looked at her and frowned slightly.

"Be careful, she has a fierce body." The cold voice reminded me.

Oriental Minghui looked at the female hostess and took out the long whip. The long whip smashed and there was a pit on the ground. The depth of the pit was even worse than before. It seems that the days when she is not there, the spiritual power of the female host has improved a lot.

"Seven sisters."

"What stupid thing did you do?"

"Wow, this woman's aura is so rich, it is more suitable for me to be my stove." Not to wait for the explanation of the Oriental Minghui, the sound of the potholes in my mind came out again.




#How to get rid of a pit 爹魔宠#

How to do, online urgent #¥%%¥%

Oriental Minghui seems to foresee the days of his future shackles. She cried and looked at the female hostess. "Seven sisters, help."

After listening to her entire narrative, Dongfang Yuyu laughed and shook her long whip and appease the road. "The magic pet has signed a blood contract with you, and will definitely not hurt you again."

She is worried that this metamorphosis will kill her?

The female lord completely misunderstood her meaning. She was more worried that this scorpion was planted to death and she was killed together.

Oriental Saitama cuts Warcraft into a paragraph, "Come on, first solve the problem of food and clothing."

Speaking of eating, she was trapped in the cave for so long, every day is eating a sweet juice to fill her stomach, and now see the meat, can not help but swallow.

Peeling, cutting, tandem, firing, racking, a series of movements are very skilled, she is roasting, thinking about how to constrain this dead magic plant.

"I am the highest-ranking existence in the magic plant. Is it necessary for her to make a slap in the face and grievances?" The immature voice in her mind has been harassing the Oriental Minghui.

I am jealous.

Oriental Minghui directly put this scorpion into the cold palace and refused to answer any questions.

Although Dongying Yuyu stared at this side, she was also silently communicating with the cold voice in her mind. Obviously, it was a strange thing for Oriental Minghui to sign a magical plant with a fierceness.

"If it's as simple as your nine sisters said, I don't believe that a fierce magic plant will take the initiative to sign a contract with her, and sign a **** contract. There is something weird here, I think you still have to be careful. "The cold voice comes from the mind of the oriental Saitama. He is a soul that has already passed away. The soul is attached to the colorful stones. The chance is coincident with the hands of the Oriental Saitama.

Oriental Saitama can go to this step today, and most of the credit is due to him.

"Qing Mo, can you see the level of the magic plant that signed the contract with her?" When Oriental Yuyu was close to Oriental Minghui, he could feel a heart-warming atmosphere.

Qing ink said bluntly, "It doesn't reveal the body, I can't see it. From the current feeling, the level of this magic plant is no less than middle and high, and may even be higher."

The two of them ate barbecue together, but they had different minds and each had their own plans.

"Get some rest early, and we will continue on our way tomorrow."

Hurry? Oriental Minghui is a bit dumbfounded, she just came back, the female master is going to leave the Purple Devils Mountain?

"Seven sisters, are we going to change places?"


The plan of the Oriental Saitama is to try and walk along the way, and go all the way to the Royal Academy.

Located in the Venus Empire, the Royal Academy is a gathering place for geniuses in the seven-color continent. The three empires are rushing to the place where people want to send people.

Oriental Saitama wants to go to the Royal College to study, and check out the little secrets of his own body.

As for the Oriental Minghui, it is a self-contained oil bottle, an accident. But now, there is still something to be discovered in this accident, she is still useful.

Oriental Minghui has had a certain psychological shadow on the Purple Devils Mountain. Hearing the female hostess said that he wants to go, quickly prepare everything, and stay up all night with excitement.

On the next day, Oriental Minghui wanted to say goodbye to the herbs outside the cave, but as soon as she approached, the herbs shivered and shrank.

Don't talk about communication, even getting close is a little difficult.

Needless to say, this situation is naturally a good thing for her devil.

"Can you converge all of your breath?" Oriental Minghui tried to communicate with the potholes. She felt that the magic pet was not only a pothole, but also a bad one. It deprived her of the only pleasure in the world.

"It can be, but there is a condition."

The magic pet actually talks about conditions with the owner.

Oriental Minghui does not have to listen to know what the potholes want to do.

"I want your seven sisters to be my stove, and you won't step in the next time I start with her."

Oriental Minghui: "..." The dog is gone. Let the female master know the mind of her demon pet. Two hundred percent will feed her into a meat sauce.