MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 16 : The banquet is not afraid

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Choosing to recruit a lot of hard work, Ye Qingyi directly ordered seven.

When the white mist dissipated, when the seven giant laborers appeared, even if they were used to the leaves of these monsters, it was one of them.

Make the other three, just make up the integer.

10 heights are about one meter ninety-five, each weight is not less than three hundred and fifty pounds, and all the muscles are exploding, and the green-faced monsters with their teeth are still in their mouths.

What is the visual impact of standing in a row?

To be obedient, Ye Qing wants to take them to the account.

Even if it was repeatedly painted and glassed, the king of the king who was not paying back the money, but also had to be embarrassed, immediately, even spoiled all the money.

An intensive class of green-faced fangs, you are afraid of fear.

It is a pity that in addition to the ruin of Sanqing, no one else owes Ye Qing’s money.

It was Ye Qing who borrowed a few students’ money a few days ago and scattered 10,000.

Now that you have money, you have to pay back.

Don't worry about this time and a half, first upgrade the factory and then pay back the money.

After completing ten hard work, Ye Qing obtained the qualification to upgrade the factory. Without any hesitation, Ye Qing is right.

"System upgrade... 1%... 2%..."

It seems that I have to wait an hour, now there is no curb can be processed, Ye Qing simply directs this group of giant laborers to cut steel plates, machine parts, and then manufacture two stone cutting machines.

The remaining steel can also be used to make two machine tools. Ten of them work hard together, and the efficiency is not as simple as 1+1=10.

This is a strong and powerful beast with a lot of power and no laziness.

If you send them a big hammer to demolition, it is definitely faster than the excavator.

Of course, the giant labor is not a twenty-four-hour robot. They have a day to live, and they need to go back to the monster factory to rest and restore their fatigue.

Now Ye Qing has ten great hard work, and there is no problem in the 24-hour shift.

Taking this effort, Ye Qing logged into WeChat and returned the last borrowed money to her classmates.

Ye Qing’s popularity in the school was good. The last time I called the university classmates to borrow money, several of my classmates used WeChat to transfer them to him.

But the numbers are too few, no way, Ye Qing asked a circle in the junior high school class.

High school class is very powerful, high school is tired and become a dog, Ye Qing has forgotten the name of the name, and the junior high school classmates have a good relationship, there has been contact.

Two of the junior high school classmates borrowed money from him, one borrowed eight hundred and the other borrowed three thousand, which is the one who borrows the most from all classmates.

It is a female classmate who borrows three thousand pieces and is called Zhang Zhixuan.

Ye Qing is very strange to Zhang Zhizhi, and has not said a word since the second day.

The appearance of Zhang Zhiyu in that kind of mistake, the man will be softly forgive her fault level.

But in junior high school for three years, in high school for three years, she did not give a chance to a male student.

Because Zhang Zhiyi liked to read novels at the beginning, and it was the type of detective that boys rarely touch.

All classmates, including teachers. All know that Zhang Zhizhi’s ambition is to be a policeman. For this reason, she is also said to be dedicated to a local famous master to learn martial arts.

Students who usually like to read novels have unsatisfactory results, but Zhang Zhiyi is an exception.

She is a tyrant, and she has been able to borrow English-language detective books from the school library in the third grade.

In the third year of high school, Ye Qing listened to the classmates and said that she filled in the volunteers of the Huaxia Criminal Police College who needed [advance approval].

Most of the colleges that adopt advanced approval to enroll students are colleges and universities with special requirements.

It is a fierce person who dares to fill in the early approvals, because many colleges and universities, you fill in the early approval, as long as the score is accepted, it is difficult to choose the college in the first volunteer, even if there is Harvard.

Huaxia Criminal Police College, which was founded before the founding of the People's Republic of China, is the temple for all criminal investigations in China. It is also a college with comprehensive quality and strict requirements.

At that time, she was the only student in Zhongyun who was admitted to the Huaxia Criminal Police College.

All the people dealing with the criminal police are full of villains, so because of the special nature of the work after graduation, the Criminal Police College is particularly strict in the examination of female students, and even can be called nitpicking.

Zhang Zhiyi can be admitted to the Criminal Police College. It can be said that her physical fitness is stronger than most boys.

After graduating from this country, I am sure that there will be a lot of future. I can make a good relationship with her.

But to be honest, if Ye Qing did not have a way to go in the past few days, he would not want to deal with Zhang Zhiyu for the rest of his life.

The seeds of the mustard were planted in the second year of the second year.

It didn't take long for the second day of school to start school. The bicycles that were parked in the class carports were used by the old people to let go of the bicycles before and after the accident.

The murderer was very embarrassed, and the class had a good mix of day students, and they did not catch it several times in a row.

During that time, the students were flustered, and even many day students simply went to school with a pump.

The same as the chapter of the day student, said that after her careful investigation, the car is Ye Qingfang.

Zhang Zhiyi likes detective reasoning. The whole class knows and can understand English masterpieces. This English teacher can't do it. No one will think that she has a fake.

What's more, her appearance has determined that even if she is outrageous, there will be a large number of pure young teenagers who are inciting adolescence and are treated as imperial edicts.

When she was at school the next day, Ye Qing’s mouth was a little bruised. He played with a few of the students in several classes.

Grabbing the "murderer", but the car is still being released one after another, and finally the school security department personally went out, only to catch a few foreign cars.

Ye Qing’s grievances were washed away, and the classmates who were fighting also asked Ye Qing to eat a barbecue to pay for the crime.

But during that time, Ye Qing’s grievances and the students’ fingertips were unforgettable even after many years.

If Zhang Zhiyi is not a girl, Ye Qing will be with her on the playground early, and she will not stop.

Naturally, Zhang Zhiyi has been blacklisted by Ye Qing since then. She read the apology letter publicly in the class, and Ye Qing just nodded and pretended, and never said a word to her.

This time, Zhang Zhixuan took the initiative to lend money to Ye Qing, Ye Qing was in a real accident, and Ye Qing, who couldn’t think of it, only took it with a hard scalp.

"Thank you!" is the only sentence that Ye Qing said to her in recent years, or on WeChat.

Taking advantage of the hard work and hard work, Ye Qing returned all the money he borrowed, and thanked him with a phone call. Finally, the turn of the chapter, Ye Qing WeChat transfer, tangled for a long time, do you want to call to express your gratitude?

"Forget it, other students are calling to thank, she borrowed the most, or play one."

Ye Qing took a deep breath and simulated the half-day rhetoric in his heart before opening the address book number.


Ye Qing turned to the sky and remembered that he had no mobile phone number at all.

Zhang Zhiyi has not confirmed the collection of money, Ye Qing wants to wait for her to go online to receive the money, and then send a few words of thanks.

Looking at the upgrade of the monster factory, it has reached 68%. At this time, the Apple 4 mobile phone rang, and someone called.

The number is a stranger, and Ye Qing suddenly has a suspicion. It is a call from Zhang Zhijun.

Calculating the time, Zhang Zhijun should graduate from the Criminal Police College. She wants her own phone number and asks her classmates.

Deeply took a breath, Ye Qing connected the phone, the voice is very stiff: "Hey, are you?"

"I, Ye boss." There was a slightly treacherous voice on the phone: "I am the Director of the Urban Construction Bureau, Liu Fengjin of the Municipal Engineering Office. We have met. On the same day, in the conference room on the top floor, you will show the stone carving road. The day of the stone."

Ye Qing was a little wrong. Liu Fengjin knew that when he was in the conference room, Ye Qing gave some directors a business card, but he called to find out what he was doing?

"Remember to remember, I can't remember Director Liu." Ye Qing was a ghostly and perfunctory. This guy heard that he had a good relationship with Sang Qing. He didn't have business contacts. Ye Qing was too lazy to take care of him.

"Is the leaf boss available tonight? I have set a table for the banquet in the natural restaurant. I want to ask the boss Ye to come together to gather together. I wonder if Ye boss can enjoy a face?"

Please eat yourself?

Ye Qing, the second monk of the second husband, couldn’t figure it out, and his career was just getting started. Didn’t even have the director of the department, who had a lot of discourse power, to invite himself to eat and come to the end?

"This... Director Liu, I have dinner with my classmates at night, and I haven't seen each other for many years." Ye Qing casually took a reason to perfuse him. This meal Ye Qing does not think it is a simple meal.

"Must come, must come, Ye boss can bring a classmate, I will introduce you to a big boss."

Liu Fengjin's politeness is unstoppable: "The natural sea-fishing spot is not every day, you don't come to the boss, the stone is not white."

It’s a big deal, and Zhongyun is by the sea. Seafood is naturally the love of the local people. And in the sea, the stone traps in the hotel, how to get thousands of dollars, if it is those rare varieties, turn a few turns is no problem.

Liu Fengjin said that he would introduce a big boss to his own understanding. Ye Qing has already guessed that the eighty-nine is not far from the ten.

"Well, Director Liu, I will arrive later." Escape is not Ye Qing style, hiding this time, Liu Fengjin must have another invitation.

Of course, the final outcome of this meal must be discordant.

Therefore, Ye Qing should prepare for it and leave a hand.

The time is set at 7 o'clock in the evening, Ye Qing has two hours to prepare.

"The cow is a cow and two, you two come over." Ye Qingchong worked two powerful laborers in front of the machine to raise the beckon, and took the remaining eight laborers to find the rest in the monster factory.

The cow and the cow swayed over the shirt. Ye Qing handed the hand-held angle grinder in the toolbox to the cow one, and let him both smashed two fangs and saw each other.

Two monsters, you see me, I see you, there is a reluctance in the eyes. Only the boss spoke, they had to do it.

Their fangs are open to the outside, like the orcs in the Lord of the Rings, making people suspect that they will be smothered by this stuff, even if they wear a chain armor.

The hand-held angle grinder rotates madly and cuts the cavities a little bit.

Ten minutes later, two giant laborers without fangs, you look at me, I look at you, there seems to be an impulse to cry.

Not to mention, when they have no fangs, the light looks like humans from the five senses. Just the skin color is wrong, the facial features are ugly, and it seems that even the face is full of muscles.

Some are like very strong blacks, but their chests are full of mane. If you are interested in basketball, you will feel that there is a place for them on the NBA basketball court.

Ye Qing let them get into their own Wulingzhi van, and then carried them to the wholesale market of Workers Road.

The dark glass film is attached to the van glass, and the inside is not visible from the outside. Ye Qing does not have to worry.

Even if there are unexpected things, they can immediately take them back to the monster factory.

At the Workers Road Wholesale Market, Ye Qing found a quiet stop. After carefully locking the door, I went straight to a wholesale store that sells hair and beauty products. Mobile phone users please visit