MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 17 : Liu Fengjin, who does not understand high technology

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"Boss, can hair dyes be wholesale here?"

"Can, can have more." Business is on the door, the boss quickly threw down the playing cards and ran from the side: "What color do you want, what price?"

"It's cheaper, it's not easy to fade." Ye Qing doesn't know much about hair dye type: "Probably black, I don't know color nouns, that is the color of black skin."

"You can tune! You open a barber shop, can't you adjust the color?"

Ye Qing shook his head: "You help me adjust, the ratio tells me to be."

The boss made a snap and a confident expression on my body.

The boss did not brag, wait for him three or two times, mixed with several hair dyes to get the color that Ye Qing wanted, Ye Qing slightly wiped his finger.

After drying it, it was exactly the same as the black skin on TV.

Three different color hair dyes, Ye Qing had 50, and bought a few large rechargeable hair clippers, and several sets of the largest in the market, specially prepared for the obese people.

Drilled into the car, Ye Qing threw the hair clipper to the two giant laborers, let them shave the excess mane.

There are more than a meter of giants in the hard work. If the space of the Wuling Light van is large enough, the seats are all removed for loading, and the two giants are not allowed.

Taking advantage of the two of them shaving their hair, Ye Qing found a piece of plastic cloth, squeezed a large amount of hair dye onto the top, and stirred it evenly with chopsticks.

Give the roast duck the same sauce, use the brush from head to toe, and give the two giants a hard work. After the dyeing agent, the two giants work hard, and they are separated from the monster and become black people who seem to have no evolution...

"Get it!" Ye Qing lost the brush and was very satisfied with her masterpiece.

The hair dye has a very strong adhesion ability and is not afraid of washing at all. As long as they have added "paint" to them for half a month, Ye Qing believes that people who don't know the truth will only think that these two hard work are from the black twin brothers who have been smuggled from the tribes in Africa. There is absolutely no way. Think on the monster.

After all, a person has a face, a long ugly, and some of the country's appearance is long and rough, and the two are still chilling.

When the hair dye is completely air-dried, Ye Qing replaces the two with the bought clothes. Even if the biggest number is picked, the two of them are still not fit and tight.

Smaller, it can highlight the two strong limbs, the discus like the chest muscles.

The shoes are directly fifty-size basketball shoes, specially prepared for basketball players, so it still doesn't fit.

The final dress is two large sunglasses.

When the two sunglasses covered their opaque eyes, even Ye Qing could not associate him with the two monsters.

This is basically the black man of two NBA athletes, and they have long muscles on their tongues. Even if they look at the bad guys, they have to slap their legs.

This is an overwhelming gap between body shape and strength, like more flocks, and dare not fight with hungry wolves.

And they are tigers, jumping into the flock of tigers.

"Perfect!" Ye Qing could not help but admire his masterpiece.

With a cow and a cow, what are you afraid of?

Not afraid of playing the third world war.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Ye Qing, the Liangjiang Road, was parked in a natural parking lot.

Natural homes are not top notch, but the history is long enough to specialize in seafood. At this time, the parking spaces in the parking lot have been fully filled, and there are many luxury cars.

A black Jaguar passed through Ye Qing, and the young car owner with acne in the lowered window was holding the steering wheel with one hand and one side.

The restless right hand, the deputy driving a shawl long hair beauty, holding a small mouth, giggling and asking for mercy.

The owner of the car rushed to the green and smacked his eyebrows and slammed his eyes.

Locking the car, Ye Qing looked at the car key in his hand without the remote control function, and then looked at the decoration of the advertising paper on the light of Wuling.

Then look at the front and rear bumpers because of some small collisions, and reluctant to repair the potholes.

A thick fighting spirit, rising from Ye Qing's heart.

Beautiful car beauty, even yachts, private jets, these will be under their own efforts.

Time problem, Ye Qing looked at the van, the two giants inside the hard work, let yourself be confident.

Work hard to make money!

Taking a confident step, Ye Qing walked into the natural gate.

"Hello, please, is there a reservation?" The welcome girl in red cheongsam eagerly stepped forward and bent over to ask Ye Qing.

“Mingyue Hall, on the floor?”

"Good sir, please come with me, I will take you up." Yingbinmei does not know what evil winds to send, let the guests not welcome, to personally lead Ye Qing up.

On the way, I was respectful, and even the elevator buttons were rushing.

At the end of the antique wooden decoration on the third floor, Liu Fengjin and Sang Qing are sitting on the jujube lacquered wooden chair. Next to them, Yan Yanyan also made a few beautiful girls, hot girls.

These girls, Sang Qing spent a lot of money, from the top card of Dingshang Entertainment Club.

Liu Fengjin is full of light, and the leader of the Jiangshan Stone Factory, Sang Qing, is very weird and beats the blood of the chicken. He speaks with a trembling voice, a strong excitement, and even the box can not be closed.

The three-month grand transformation of Zhongyun City has made many bosses who are building materials city facilities have made a fortune.

Sang Qing was originally one of them. I didn’t expect that the order that was stable and stable was actually robbed by Jiang Long.

Ten million, for this order, Sang Qing also specially recruited 50 employees, bought a new granite ore mining right, and purchased several large mining stone sawing machines.

Everything was ready, and Liu Fengjin called to tell him that the director personally made the decision the day before and gave the curb stone supply order to another boss.

Who, who dares to grab the order with Sanqing?

In the early years, I mixed up with the society. Nowadays, Sang Qing, who has raised two hundred and three young employees, is almost as good as anything.

The entire Zhongyun City has the largest scale of Jiangshan Stone Factory. He has always only bullied his peers. When is it his turn to bully him?

However, angry and angry, Sang Qing still patiently asked about the cause of the incident, and then, Sang Qing was completely shocked...

Not even a peer.

Others are not robbing him of the kerb stone business, but innovatively introducing a new technology that he has never heard of.

A technique that can engrave arbitrary patterns on curbstones with exquisite carvings and the price of jumping off the building.

Sang Qing began to strongly doubt this. When it comes to stone processing, who is better than him?

The stone carving curbs were not strategic materials, but they were placed in the yard of the road construction unit under the Urban Construction Bureau. Sang Qing took a look at the unbelief.

The result is this one, and at a glance, the whole person of Sanqing is struck by lightning.

Stone carving, stone carving!

Until today, Sang Qing really understood, what is stone carving.

To put it bluntly, the stone carvings produced in large quantities in the stone factory of Sangqing are inextricably linked to the eyes, such as the masters of art, and a piece of art that is engraved on the scale.

Even the clam shells under the pig manure are not as good!

The more people are desperate to suffocate, the more they understand this line, the more they understand the art in front of them, and how much gold they have.

After the shock, it is a strong desire to have nothing to add.

in case……

If you have this technology yourself, then don't talk about Zhongyun City. Throughout the province of Jiangnan, there is one count, who dares to compare quality with my Sanqing?

Lost sesame, and accept Jinshan!

Before Sang Qing, he was still trying to jump off the building in order to lose the big orders. At this moment, he was caught in the ecstasy of being difficult to extricate himself.

As long as you buy this high-tech machine tool, what kind of curb, what order?

In several nearby cities and counties, all curbstones, all orders for stone carving, are not all of their own?

The other party is a high-tech technology company that can manufacture such cross-generation machine tools, and naturally has numerous technical patents and strong strengths.

Will you compete with the bitter haha ​​that they sell for these stones?

People just introduced a new cross-generation machine tool, eager to find something to prove their products, so that they can advertise their products.

Nowadays, many companies do not do this. When the new products come out, the first thing is to promote the famous reputation.

I have to say that this product advertisement is too loud.

Sang Qing just glanced at it, and gave birth to even the tens of thousands of such machine tools, but also the strong desire to buy a piece of iron to buy a piece back.

Fast, fast! !

in case……

If the kerbs are put into use, the peers who have been doing stone processing in the vicinity of hundreds of miles are not all coming in, and they have a cheque in their hands.

"Sell it to me, sell it to me, this is a blank check, and you can fill in the numbers!"

At that time, there are still some opportunities for myself. This kind of machine tool function is so bad, it must not be like a bean sprout, and it will come out in a few days.

In the face of absolute interests, Sang Qing still manages what face is not face, immediately turned into a candy, and sticks to Liu Fengjin.

Because Liu Fengjin once revealed on the phone, he was recommended to meet with the boss, but he did not tell Sang Qing in advance, which was the technology that the company introduced.

Liu Fengjin’s meaning was heard by Sang Qing. This old slicker is nothing more than a show in front of himself. The orders are not yellow.

The other party is only a manufacturing company that produces machine tool equipment. It has no ability to exploit the curbstone processing, and it has to buy a curb.

As long as he stammers, he can let him recommend the boss to know, buy the curbstone from Jiangshan Stone Factory.

Sang Qing mouth sneer, you waste this life, do not know what is called high-tech stone carving machine.


The curb stone is what his mother is, and Laozi’s tens of millions of orders have been robbed.

That is the honor of Laozi, the opportunity of Laozi!

As long as Laozi saw the boss, he screamed and pleaded with tears and said that the order was originally his own. He described his own scene as a bit miserable. Without this order, more than N workers would have no food. .

The owner of the machine tool production company who mastered the technology of the times, slightly moved his fingers, pity himself, sell the machine tools in his hands to two of them...

Then the mother is not developed, and the order is too large to call another thousand people.

Need a hairy curb stone order?

Laozi directly gave 250,000 kerbs to their company, and it was the money to buy machine tools.


Fortunately, Liu Fengjin, an idiot, doesn't understand the doorway, otherwise he will not kill himself this time, and he can't resist.

For this meeting, Sang Qing can be said to be the best in the blood. The big price invited the head model of the night market to say no. The wild sea red grouper that was shipped from Vietnam was naturally slain by more than 8,000 pieces.

At this time, the box waiter knew through the headset that there was a customer downstairs, saying that he was scheduled to be in the Moon Hall, and this time he was led by the welcome guest.

"Come on!" Sanqing's fingers trembled, excited to do it from the seat.

Today, he deliberately wore a suit, and the big gold chain was all down. It was replaced with a beaded jade pendant. These seemingly gentle things.

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