MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 18 : Naturally located on the road

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Several girls also stood up. They had been told by Sang Qing long ago, and they had to entertain the guests who came in and waited.

When the beautiful welcoming guest slowly opened the antique wooden door that was hollowed out in the box, Sang Qing was standing at the door and his hands extended with enthusiasm.

Ye Qing’s hands were behind her back and she appeared on the soft carpet in front of several people.

"Well?" This guest is so young, this is the first thought of several girls.

Just wearing a good ordinary, a few nights and beautiful women looked up and down Ye Qing again and again, but did not find a trace of a famous brand.


When Ye Qing entered the door, waiting for the side, the face of the smile of Sang Qing, but like a Transformers grabbed the egg.

Shocked, panicked, puzzled, doubtful.

Ye Qing, he didn't recognize it. A few days ago, he was very cool. He tore the order of several of the guy's machine tools and refused to pay the last piece of the machine.

There are a lot of orders to tear up Ye Qing. It is one of the first for the workers. I don’t want to take orders, and then seeing Ye Qing is not pleasing to the eye.

A young man who has no right to have no money, bullying will be bullied, and Sang Qing is not on the mind.


Give Sang Qing ten heads, he did not expect that the big boss who dreamed of meeting, the high-tech company, would be Ye Qing!

Isn't his factory making a very crappy cutting machine?

The heart was shocked, and Sang Qing’s life was a ghostly expression. The outstretched hands immediately retracted: "How are you, what are you doing here?"

"Sang Boss, did you know?" Liu Fengjin pretended to be a very surprised look, and introduced them to each other: "That's better, everyone can sit down and drink. Sang Boss has the ability to produce curbs, and Ye boss has the ability to process and make money together."

"What am I doing?" Ye Qing saw that Sanqing was eating a sly look. He was very comfortable in his heart: "Isn't you doing East, let Director Liu ask me to come?"

"I invite you?" Sang Qing almost slammed the table: "I am asking the big boss who can make high-tech machine tools. I invite you, drink more?"

"Coughing ~" Liu Fengjin looked at Sang Qing very innocently: "This is the boss who personally makes a cooperation with the director. It should not be wrong."

At this moment, Sang Qing became the embarrassment of getting the Olympiad exam paper, and it was completely ruined.

A few days ago, Ye Qing was still working on his side to repair the machine tool. The remaining six machine tool orders were torn by himself. The expression was ugly than losing a million.

Why in just a few days, I was able to grab 10 million orders first, and then master an unheard of high-tech machine tool manufacturing technology?


“Do you really have that kind of high-tech carving machine?” Sang Qing spent a lot of effort to suppress his shock and anger.

"Do I have anything to control you?" Ye Qing coldly cut off Sanqing's fantasies: "Even if I have, you feel that I can sell you this virtue, can I sell it to you?"

"Can!" Sang squinted: "It's not a picture of money to be angry. If you have money, you can earn it together and eat it alone. I am afraid that you can't eat it alone."

"Right, everyone is seeking for money." Liu Fengjin saw the atmosphere is wrong, feeling the gag, and giving a few beautiful women a look.

Next to the three very hot girls, they quickly owe themselves, walked to a few people, smiled and held their arms, saying that something is more important than drinking?

Several bosses came and came and let the sisters accompany you to drink.

These girls who look at the night are very likely to grasp the man's heart, make full use of their own advantages, and concentrate the attention of men on themselves.

Beside Ye Qing, there is Zhang Qingchun's pleasing face, and she smiles very sweetly. She greets Ye Qing while sitting down, and waits for the waiter on the side to inform the outside.

Accompanied by beautiful women, Ye Qing feels very cool, he has never enjoyed this kind of treatment, and his heart is getting faster and faster.

It’s just the two faces of Sang Qing and Liu Fengjin, so Ye Qing really has no appetite for doing anything.

Perhaps it was a big blow. After Sang Qing re-settled, she stunned the liquor in the gold-plated porcelain cup.

Two or two white wines were smothered by Sang Qing, and the girl next to the rushing vomited.

Liu Fengjin also picked up the glass, and he wanted to have a drink with Ye Qing.

"Director Liu, Sang Boss. Let's not go around so much, just say something." Deeply took a breath, Ye Qing said.

Sang Qing’s eyes were red and his face was red.

If you have a big family, your natural expenses will be big. In order to get the order, Sang Qing invested so much, and the light large-scale mining stone saw machine bought eight sets. These things will cost a lot of money if they are idle for one day.

Nowadays, no matter whether Ye Qing is the mysterious boss who masters high-tech carving technology, it is impossible to let go of some blood.

"I will give you 37 pieces of curb stone. I have a price of 20% for the engraving machine."

Sang Qing opened a condition that he thought was very difficult to refuse.

"I am very sorry Sang boss, Luyuan stone I have already found a good home, and signed a contract." "Ye Qing sighed with regret: "As for the high-tech carving machine, you don't think about it. ”

"Everyone is asking for money, don't have to do it thoroughly." Sanqing's face was gloomy.

"Ha ha ~" Ye Qing laughed very ironically: "When it comes to thorough, Sang boss should understand better who is doing it thoroughly."

"At the beginning, Sang boss was very angry, tearing up the order, let me sue, how can I ask me to come now?"

"Yes, I just deliberately grab your curb stone order." Ye Qing stood up from the chair and took off the white hand that was resting on his arm: "Sang boss, you have the ability to sue me, I am afraid I am afraid?" ”

Ye Qing’s choice is difficult for some businessmen who have been smoothed out by their lives to understand. For the sake of wealth, Sang Qing could promise to reduce the price of the curb to 37, and buy the machine at a big price.

What kind of gas before that was counted, and if you endure it, you can earn more than one million.

Can be partial Ye Qing is not able to swallow this breath, the original six machine tool orders were torn, so Ye Qing's heart is full of powerlessness and humiliation. If you want to make more money, you have to endure the humiliation that you have endured.

That Ye Qing is willing to not make this money, but also to get back to the original scene.

As for the background of Sanqing, whether the situation will cause the snowball effect to lead to more trouble, it is the future, it is something that cattle and cattle need to consider with their fists.

Sang Qing was almost mad and the order was robbed. At the beginning, his own words were now returned as they were, but they did not have any countermeasures.

This sense of powerlessness built on the huge technological gap has caused Sanqing to anger.

What do you think, I don’t know if I have got a few high-tech engraving machines, can I put my face on Sang Qing under my feet?

In the eyes of Sang Qing, he did not see Ye Qing. The solid strength and the social experience of the early years have made Sang Qing not put Ye Qing, a young man who has no power and no power.

"Let's walk, you will pay for the choice of today." Sanqing said a word.

"Don't wait, now." Ye Qing, Da Ma Jindao sat down again: "I know that you have mixed up with society, and I know that you have a big ticket to the young and strong employees."

"I am afraid to grab your order from Sang Qing. Naturally, I will consider the consequences clearly. But I don't believe in evil, especially if you don't believe in the evil of Sanqing."

The atmosphere in the box instantly solidified, and the three night-time girls looked like a deer who heard the gunshots and immediately jumped up.

They came to accompany the wine to make money, not to come here to see people fighting, being smashed and pond fish.

They see men as more than fortune-telling, and the boss who asked them to come over at a big price is not a good businessman.

As for Ye Qing, the bloodiness of young people is vividly expressed in him. There are no other people in the private room. They both fight, it is definitely not as simple as seeing red.

The opening of Liu Fengjin’s mouth is larger than that of the hippo.

He has been pampered for many years, and he has encountered such a smashing scene. At this point, he still managed to take care of both sides and ensure that he was not crushed into two-sided pigs.

"Hey, my stomach is not comfortable, first go to the bathroom." Liu Fengjin did not need to use the special toilet in the box, hurriedly pushed open the box door and ran.

Sang Qing also stood up from the seat. The rough movements, the fine porcelain tableware on the table, and the seasonal cold dishes of fruits and vegetables were all shaken. The scared box waiter also ran.

His eyes were fierce, and his blue veins on his forehead shook.


A ringtone unique to Apple's mobile phone breaks the suffocating atmosphere in the private room.

It was the phone in Ye Qing’s pocket that rang.

"I took a call." Ye Qing hard out the phone to show the strange local number.

The old apple 4, or the apple 4 with the screen broken, let the girls next to me almost smashed the beautiful.

"Who?" Ye Qing tried to adjust her tone.

The phone was silent for a while, and then a gentle and hoarse female voice was heard: "Is Ye Qing, I am Zhang Zhi."

If it is not the current scene, it is too serious and too nervous.

Ye Qing will definitely talk to Zhang Zhiyi for a while and tell the story.

The current scene is really inappropriate~

"How come you have my number?" Ye Qing asked a question she had already guessed.

"I just returned to Zhongyun, do you have time tonight, can you come out and get together with the junior high school students?" Zhang Zhijun's tone is very sincere.

"I am sorry, I am afraid I have no time tonight." Although the original thing Ye Qing was in mind, but after so many years, he was too sloppy.

"You can't do this. I will be the East tomorrow. Please join today's classmates again."

"The things that smashed you in the past, you are still in your heart." Zhang Zhiyi has some resentment: "Since then, you have not said a word to me for eight years. I will ask you tomorrow, I will be with you."

"Tomorrow must arrive." This is really not a chat time, after agreeing to the invitation, Ye Qing directly hangs the phone.

Several dressed in overalls, the male waiter with a flat head squeezed in, and their alert eyes jumped back and forth between Ye Qing and San Qing.

"Sir, we are a restaurant here. If you want to fight, please go outside on the road." The foreman with a tie did not humble and made a gesture of asking.

"You are waiting for me." Sang Qingyi said a word, and did not go back and squeezed a few male waiters.

Sang Qing’s footsteps are fast and the diameter goes into the underground parking lot. A brand-new black Mercedes E400L, with the approach of Sanqing, the drops rang.

Ye Qing started the Wulingzhiguang van. At this time, the monster factory has been upgraded. Ye Qing didn't have time to look at it. He first recalled Niu Yi and Niu Er to the monster factory.

Then it was not slow, followed by the new black Mercedes.

Sang Qing naturally recognized Ye Qing's van. His face was gloomy and watery. He took out his cell phone and called out.

The content of the phone is very simple, let the person at the other end of the phone hurry and drive over, there is something to deal with.

On the Liangjiang Road, where the lights were stunned, Sang Qing glanced through the mirror, and the dilapidated light of Wuling actually fell behind.

"You kid wants to have fun, can I still not you?" Sang Qing squirted a drink, laughing.


The van behind the Mercedes-Benz suddenly switched between the lights and the lights, and then the van was loaded with a clockwork, and suddenly it accelerated.

Sang Qing thought he was going to overtake. When he was about to let the Mercedes snarl, Wuling’s light slammed from his side.

The same sound as a thunder!

This brand-new Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan, even with the decorative stickers, has not yet been rushed to tear, and was lighted by a light of Wuling, which is worth only a few dollars.

The huge impact caused the Mercedes' left two doors to deform and the tempered glass window to be broken.

Sang Qing has never had the habit of wearing a seat belt, but the good safety performance of the Mercedes-Benz and the safety air curtain that popped up instantly above the cab door made Sanqing not suffer any harm.

Poor Wuling's light, the front bumper broke into the sky and the girl did not say, the hood also sag into the car, the lights shattered.

"You are **** sick, Laozi's Mercedes-Benz invites you to provoke you."

The new Mercedes-Benz was damaged, and Sang Qing’s distressed crying. Men usually look at the car as much as a small lover, let alone a high-profile lover with nearly a million?

Ye Qing smashed some of the dizzy heads that were shocked, got out of the car, and walked to the Mercedes.

Ye Qing didn't waste anything with him. He directly pulled out his mobile phone and dialed three numbers: "Hey ~ 110, I had a car accident at the natural gate of Liangjiang Road."

"On the road next to the natural residence, the driver of the car I know is the owner of Jiangshan Stone."

"Right, I was in a natural home just now, watching him drink a lot of white wine, drunk and talk nonsense, you have to come over and deal with it." Mobile users please visit