MTL - My Girlfriend is a Zombie-Chapter 18 Life and death in the revolving door

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In the complex terrain, it is not difficult to get rid of the nearly twenty zombies. But in addition to the wide streets, this area has only the high-rise buildings on the roadside. And if you are not familiar with the route, you can easily die faster by rushing into the alley.

It’s not realistic to run with this group of zombies. Ling Mo, Ye Lian and Shana’s physical strength are very good, but Liu Yuhao has begun to pant, and others are even more likely to fall down at any time. If life is not threatened, it is estimated that it has already fallen.

The most important thing is that there are more and more zombies coming over, and they are getting closer and closer to them!

After all, in the process of running away, there are not a few zombies in front, as long as they are slightly delayed, they will be pulled closer. It will not take long before they will be attacked before and after.

"Go here! Take the cover and kill them!"

Ling Mo was really unable to open, and then turned around and looked at it, then pointed to a commercial building.

It seems to be easy to follow, but in fact, near that, the commercial building is indeed the most suitable bunker. There is only one revolving door, and the door is still relatively narrow. Even if there are other entrances, it doesn't matter, because they only need to solve these zombies and they can leave immediately.

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Mo rushed directly to the building with Ye Lian, and Xana also waved her hand and ran with the group.

The crowd just squeezed into the revolving door, and the zombies had already rushed to the front. Twisted face, no pair of emotions, full of blood-staining red eyes, and a strong **** suffocation. Despite the revolving door, so close to the ground so many zombies, still scared this group of people kept squatting.

The speed of this group of zombies is too fast, causing Ling Mo and others to just enter the revolving door and have to turn around to meet the enemy.

However, the angle advantage that Carmen created makes it a lot easier for them, at least not to face more than 20 zombies at once. At most, only three or four can be squeezed in at a time. Just after the outcrop, they were killed by Lingmo and others. If this situation is to let Ye Lian shot it is estimated to be faster, after all, she is directly hand-to-hand, much more convenient than Ling Mo and others who use weapons.

But getting used to her **** killing method is estimated to be only silent... Let Shana and others see that there is not necessarily any reaction.

But when Ling Mo and others guarded the door to the intense battle, they did not notice that after the front desk of the commercial building, two zombies wearing skirts and stepping on high heels suddenly burst out.

Their former status may be white-collar workers working in this high-end commercial building, but this time it has become a zombie that only preys on food.

But on the ten-cent heels, even the zombies couldn't run too fast, but when they approached the group, they were still found.


With a scream, the nearest girl was directly thrown down. She screamed frantically, but she couldn't struggle under the female zombie. And the first time she was thrown down, the zombie opened her mouth and bitten her carotid artery.

The blood immediately rushed out, and at this time another female zombie also rushed to a boy who was scared.

However, his reaction was much faster than that of the girl, and he went back directly. He just retired two steps but ran into the glasses male Wang Cheng.

Just like instinct, Wang Cheng pushed him out... but at this chaotic moment, no one noticed this detail.


The boy was scared in his heart. He was so pushed and immediately lost his balance. When he was crushed by a female zombie, he was still asking for help. In the next second, his voice was blocked in his throat.

This is a good time to counterattack, but everyone is stunned by the **** scene in front of them. The bitten throat of the classmate, the torn chest and abdomen, and the screams that have not been completely deflated are challenging their nerve tolerance.

The zombies will not give up their attacks on the prey because they have food. After killing the two students, they immediately pounce on the nearest survivors.

One of the female zombies rushed to the female middle school student who was not far from Ye.

At this time, the zombie attack from outside the revolving door was fierce. Although he heard the screams behind him, no one could pull back and help. As long as you relax a little, the main entrance will be broken immediately. At that time, the enemy will be attacked and the dead will be more.

The female student has been completely scared, and she can't do it with her fingers, and her head is blank.

Seeing that she was about to tear her throat in an instant, Ye Love, who had never touched her hand, suddenly flashed around her, grabbed the fruit knife in her hand, and flashed the moment when the female zombie rushed to the front. Shooting like this. The cold light flashed, the fruit knife directly cut into the neck of the female zombie, with the leaf love wrist twisted, the blood suddenly burst out, directly sprayed the female student's face.

The warm red blood finally awakened the rationality of the female student. She screamed in madness, her legs slammed, and a stream of heat flowed down the legs.

However, Ye Lian did not look at her at all, nor did she pay attention to the situation of the female zombies. She immediately rushed to another female zombie.

The female zombie had just pressed a male student to the ground, and the stinking mouth had just opened, and the tip of the knife passed through her hindbrain and emerged from her mouth.

From the appearance of female zombies to the killing of all the love by Ye, it is just what happened within a minute.

In just one minute, two students died. The male student was also scared and stunned, unable to climb for a long time, and even the body of the female zombie could not push it away.

And the leaf love that is so fast, was suddenly surrounded by this group of people. They have just scared their courage, but they have no thoughts to think about it. Why does this seem to have no special beauty, but it has such a ferocious skill. In short, she is now a protective umbrella...

In fact, the control of Ye Lian’s shot is still the silence of the zombie being slashed in front of the revolving door. And in order to conceal his identity, he also specifically let Ye Lian use weapons.

However, when the survivors were scared and shivering, Ling Mo discovered through the perspective of Ye Lian, two of the group were missing.

It should be scared to run upstairs... but rushing to escape is completely stupid. Lost asylum and die only faster. There are zombies in the lobby. Is there a small number of zombies upstairs?

Sure enough, after a while, a few screams were uploaded from the building far away, and listening to these people’s ears was inevitable.

After a few minutes of mad slashing, the zombies outside the revolving door were finally cleaned up. Whether it is Shana or Liu Yuhao, they are all sweating, especially Shana, who is desperately attacking. Even the arm of the knife is shaking.

Although Lingmo is a little more relaxed, his face is not good-looking, and his temples are also painful. This is a sequela of mental energy consumption.

Looking back at the scene of this **** scene, Shana’s expression is a bit complicated, as if she has both pain and self-blame...

And when I noticed this, I walked over and patted her shoulder and whispered, "Don't blame you. You left them there, maybe it's worse than now."

"Well..." Shana whispered, and then squeezed a smile at Ye Love: "Thank you!"

Although she did not see Ye Lian's shot, she could solve two zombies in a row at almost the same time. The fighting power of Ye Lian obviously exceeded her expectations.

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