MTL - My Girlfriend is a Zombie-Chapter 19 The door can't be opened

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A short-handed encounter and four people died, so the tragic reality made the people present frightened.

The surviving people all regret their own decisions. If they stayed at that time, even if they were likely to starve to death, they would be much stronger than they are now. Being able to die at any time, and waiting to die in a safe environment, is totally different concepts.

A boy turned his head angrily and rushed to the glasses, Wang Cheng, and grabbed his collar with his hands: "It's all you! I blame you! I killed you!"

As he said, he slammed the knife in his hand and slammed it toward Wang Cheng.

Under the psychological effect of fear and resentment, the boy’s eyes were red, his face was full of murderousness, and his movements did not hesitate. Obviously, he was scared... The people in this state are very dangerous, and everything can be done under the impulse.


Although this scene came suddenly, but Shana was the first time to reflect, the wrist turned over, directly with a long knife to pick up the knife in the hands of boys.

Liu Yuhao was completely shocked. When he heard the sound of metal strikes, he suddenly recovered. He rushed to grab the boy, and then he punched him: "Are you crazy?"

At this time, Wang Cheng was already pale and his body was shaking involuntarily. After waiting for this breath, Wang Cheng looked at the boy’s eyes and suddenly became extremely bitter!

The boy who was defeated was obviously paralyzed. It took him a long time to stand up and look like a lost soul. When this impulse was over, he fell into confusion. It is no wonder that ordinary people suddenly experience close death and there will inevitably be a brief psychological collapse. However, people's ability to withstand is actually very strong. After the collapse, in the face of the reality that has to be accepted, such people will soon return to normal.

Ling Mo, who has been watching from the cold, noticed Wang Cheng’s eyes at this time, and he could not help but make a sudden attack.

This kind of look, appearing on a seemingly gentle student, really makes people feel that some of their backs are cold...

"Okay, let's go."

In such a short period of time, a total of five students were sacrificed. The expression of Shana was not very good-looking. At this time, she saw guilt, and her tone suddenly became cold.

Wang Cheng suddenly woke up, and looked at Shana nervously, and then showed a faint smile: "Go."

I was just killed by someone, and I was able to laugh out in a blink of an eye. The heart of this person is not in direct proportion to the age... Ling Mo secretly felt a sentence in his heart, turned and pulled Ye Lian, followed by Xia Na and others quickly I left this commercial building.

Temporarily leaving the most dense area of ​​the zombies, the next route is relatively safe. In the middle of the day, I even temporarily took a break in a supermarket. By the way, I searched for some food to replenish my energy. If possible, I would like to find some food for dinner.

Supermarkets in the city are seen as looting, and the tools that can be used as weapons, as well as the most important food, are robbed. Although there are leaks, it is often under collapsed shelves, or disgusting plasma residues, even bones.

But the living environment of the last days is cruel, and it is good to find food, so after entering the supermarket, these survivors immediately began to search.

Ling Mo saw that Xia was guarded at the door, and her heart relaxed, and she fell in a circle with a relatively large supermarket.

The supermarket is full of **** suffocation and rancid smell. The corpses can be seen everywhere. Many foods that can be used as raw materials, such as rice, are completely deteriorated in this environment and cannot be eaten at all. But even if you can find it, this group of people can't make a fire on the spot.

After the mental strength was improved, Ling Mo felt that his acumen was also much higher. For example, under the same visual conditions, the same observation method, I can notice many details that were only swept away. To be exact, although he still cares about these details, these details are immediately remembered when he enters his sight.

This is why Lingmo will notice the reason of Wang Cheng’s eyes. He did not care about this seemingly ordinary survivor. Before that, he just glanced at him casually...

At this time, hanging out in the supermarket, although there is no gain, but Ling Mo faintly felt something wrong.

It’s like being peeped by yourself!

But looking around, where is the person... Ling Mo frowned, carefully observing the environment inside the supermarket. When entering the supermarket, Shana and Liu Yuhao had already searched and found the zombies that had been solved. It is reasonable to say that no one is in them except them.

There are too many shelves, and the scope of sight is limited. It is difficult to really see all aspects of this supermarket.

But when he walked into a row of shelves with Ye Love, he suddenly became stiff and immediately showed a hint of happiness!

In the instinctual reaction of Ye Lian, there is a strong desire for desire and attack! This shows that there must be mutant zombies in this supermarket!

But why do you feel it now... Ling Mo’s heart suddenly has a strong unpredictable feeling.

"Ah! Help!"

Sure enough, a miserable scream immediately rang, and Ling Mo rushed in the direction of the voice of Ye Lianchao in the first place.

Of course, he is not trying to save people, but to mutate zombies!

After several rows of shelves in a row, Ling Mo’s eyes suddenly appeared in a **** scene. In front of a half-opened warehouse door, one arm was torn off, the intestines were pulled out, but the survivors who were still squinting at the slightest convulsions, and a boy who was madly rushing to himself, took a closer look. Lu Xin.

"Help! Help!"

Usually, hate is silent, but at this time, Lu Xin was frightened and rushed to Lingmo, seeking rescue.

Ling Mo has shrunk, but he did not look at Lu Xin at all. He directly controlled Ye Lian and directly copied the past from the side.

Followed by Lu Xin, but a big guy! At least one meter tall, the fat of the whole body, the red eyes of the red exudes the madness of bloodthirsty, but the movement is agile. In the blink of an eye, it rushes to Lu Xin, and the big fan-like hand reaches out directly. I listened to Lu Xin’s scream and was shot a few meters away.

"I rely!"

A big living person was shot directly in front of his own eyes, which was still very shocking to Lingmo. However, such a fast movement, such a powerful force, it is no wonder that people can live and dismember in the blink of an eye.

The situation was clear at a glance. Apparently Lu Xin and the survivor who had already died quickly opened the closed warehouse door and released the mutant zombies trapped inside.

In the end of the world, just open the door, this is simply looking for death!

PS: Seeking a collection for recommendation!