MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1152 Draft plan

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The first one hundred and fifty-two chapters to draw up the plan

Of course, Longchen couldn't be assured, but the arrow had to be sent on the string, and he had no choice.

Takuno said nothing more and continued to retreat.

The power of the Holy Path is beyond imagination, and he only hopes to pray for the jade and the gods.

Takino can have today's achievements. It can be said that he relies on the gods and the gods. He has been repairing the jade, and now he has repaired five cracks and can use the punishment. Once the day is fined, the strongest people below the Golden Wonderland will be wiped out.

However, to deal with the strong king level, it is impossible to repair the five cracks. It is necessary to repair the six cracks and display the lightning penalty to deal with the strong king level.

However, it is more and more difficult to repair the cracks in the back. The amount of lightning power is definitely not good, and a lot of treasures are needed.

In order to repair the fifth crack, Takuno has consumed a lot of high-grade fairy materials, which made him feel bad for a long time.

In order to deal with the Holy Path, he has no choice but to repair the sixth crack, even if it consumes more fairy materials.

He took out a lot of high-grade fairy materials, let the gods punish the jade, and as a result, the sixth crack of the jade sentence did not react, and the difficulty of repair was beyond his imagination.

"Even high-grade fairywood will not work, the difficulty of using God-level treasures in order to let the gods to repair the jade to repair the sixth crack." Tuo wilderness dark road.

To be true, it seems that it is not easy to repair the gods.

On the one hand, he continued to let the gods punish the jade to engulf the high-grade fairy, first look at the situation, and on the other hand, let the gods swallow a lot of elixir, accumulate strength, and can come in handy when the war is over.

Shendu Yufu swallowed a large number of high-grade fairy materials, and the results only repaired a little, and it is estimated to be one percent.

Time does not wait for people, so it is impossible to slowly repair the gods and jade.

Takuya has considered it over and over again, and decided to take out the god-level treasures to let the gods punish the jade, and strive to repair the sixth crack of the gods with the fastest speed.

Moreover, the amount of lightning power generated by Raytheon Wood has not met the needs of the gods.

Takuya had to let the sacred tree of life to ripen the thunder wood as soon as possible, and let the thunder wood become a ray of wood.

Previously, Raytheon Wood has been absorbing the life energy of the sacred tree of life, and the growth rate has been very fast. The distance has become much worse than the tens of thousands of years.

This time, Takino asked the life tree to train Raytheon wood. It is also trying to make Raytheon Wood a Thousand Years of Thunder Wood as soon as possible, so that it can help the gods to repair the sixth crack.

During the evolution of Raytheon, Takuya took out the treasures at the bottom of the pressure box and prepared to let the gods devour the jade.

These years of adventures, coupled with the help of the power of God, Takuya has collected a lot of God-level treasures, and even more than many of the large sects have accumulated for many years.

After he thought carefully, he first took out the tailbone of the dragon strongman.

The tailbone of the dragon strongman does not have much effect on him. It is better to make a force for the repair of cracks.

God's penalty jade devours the tailbone of the dragon's strong, and the repair speed is much faster.

When a tailbone is swallowed up, the sixth crack of the sacred jade is actually repaired by two tenths.

This situation has made it difficult for Takuno.

The sixth crack of Shendu Yufu is to be completely repaired, and I don’t know how many god-level treasures I want.

The god-level treasures in his hands are also relatively limited, and I don't know if I can completely repair the sixth crack.

He also refused to take care of so many, and took out the bones of the saints for the gods to devour the jade.

The bones of the saints are much larger than the tails of the dragons. After the devotion of the gods, the sixth crack is repaired in half.

"Look at it, still have to continue." Takuya has made up his mind to repair the sixth crack of the gods.

There are many god-level treasures in his hands, but he is really reluctant.

In the end, he took out a piece of Sycamore Shenmu, and Sycamore Shenmu has been cultivated to survive, and the next cut will not affect the Sycamore.

Shendu Yufu devoured and began to swallow the phoenix tree, continue to repair the crack.

Takuya found that the speed of the cracking of the scorpion scorpion sacred tree was obviously slowed down. He knew that this was too anxious. The repair of the sacred jade is not a one-off process. There must be a passing scene. Time to repair yourself.

When the phoenix tree was swallowed up, the sixth crack of the sacred jade was repaired by 60%.

Takuya did not dare to continue, he went to see and found that Thousand Years of Thunder Wood has been promoted.

Takino has more than one million years of Raytheon wood, and the minefield formed by Thousand Years of Thunder Wood has helped a lot of God's punishment.

He immediately arranged for the Shendu Yufu to absorb the amount of lightning power in the minefield formed by Thousand Years of Thunder Wood and carry out self-repair.

As for when the Shen Yu Yu Fu can be completely repaired, he is not known for the time being.

During this time, Shengen also swallowed up a lot of treasures and elixir, and the result was still no reaction at all.

It is hoped that Takino will play a role, so that his pressure will be much reduced, but unless Takuno is in danger, the roots will not be moved, and he will be helpless.

As for the extent to which the gods are strong, it is not clear that Takuya is too clear, which makes him very boring.

Nothing, he only has to devour all kinds of good treasures for God, hope that the roots can accumulate more energy, and sometimes it will save lives.

After the placement of the gods and jade, the extension of the wilderness also refused to take care of the other, and began to enlighten the secrets of the Buddha. I hope that the body of the Buddha can be cultivated as soon as possible, and the cultivation of the body of the Buddha is successful, then his strength will inevitably increase and dock. The battle that came down is very helpful.

His understanding of the secrets of Buddhism is very fast. Perhaps it is because of the cultivation of the sacred palm and the Buddha's edge. It may also be related to his understanding of so many secrets of ghosts, and it may be that he has swallowed the consciousness of night secluded.

Anyway, this is a good thing for him.

However, there are so many secrets of Buddhism in the Ice Palace to get a thorough understanding. It still takes some time. He does not dare to be too anxious in order to get the most benefit. Otherwise, he can now integrate the secrets of the Buddha who have already enlightened, because Devouring the consciousness of night secluded, he is equivalent to enlightening the secret of Buddhism learned by the night.

At night, he is the lord of the buddha. The secrets of the Buddha he learned are not only many, but also the grades are very high.

Even if the enemy is present, Takuya is not in a hurry. He made up his mind to thoroughly understand the secrets of the selected Buddhism, and then integrate it.

The more solid the foundation, the greater the benefits of successfully cultivating the body of the Buddha.

As he became more and more aware of the secrets of Buddhism, it was even easier for him to understand the secrets of the Buddha behind him.

Time passed by, and the retreat of Takino was more than two months, and I learned many secrets of Buddhism.

Nowadays, there are not many secrets of Buddhism that have not yet been enlightened. Once all the enlightenment is thorough, he can be integrated.

However, he had to stop enlightening the Buddha's secret, because Long Chen was looking for him.

Longchen knew that he was practicing in a retreat, and he was eager to find him out, indicating that something happened in the holy world, and maybe the saints were under the city.

Takuya did not dare to delay, and immediately went out.

"Master, what is the situation now." Takuya asked.

"The holy sects are very embarrassed. The seven-way army they sent out, the five-way army against the five major sects was slow to advance, and the other two roads have arrived in the places not far from the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City. The saints are not eager to attack. I don't know what they are waiting for." Long Chen looked worried.

"Master, it seems that Shengzong wants to persuade the five major sects, let the five majors go to the world. If the five major factions are against the water, it is extremely unfavorable to us. We must act to let the other five sects see our strength. Otherwise, the five major sects really have May repent." Takuya wilderness.

Long Chen asked: "Xuan Yu, what are you going to do?"

"Of course, it is the strongest of the saints, and strive to destroy them all the way. Then the five sects have confidence in us, they will not betray us, and they will rely on the saints." Takino decided to take the initiative.

It is very difficult to defeat the saints. It is necessary to play a beautiful sly. It can boost morale and convince the five sects.

Otherwise, the alliances they have formed will be scattered and how to deal with the saints.

The reason why Shengzong did not enter the site of the five major sects was that it was sent to the strong, trying to convince the five major sects to keep the five sects neutral, which is not good for Tiancheng City and Tiandan City.

And destroying the army of the Holy Land, not only can boost morale, but also weaken the strength of the Holy Family, while strengthening the strength of the Tianyu League.

Tiancheng City and Tiandan City could not take the initiative to send troops, and only the strong players of Tianyu League attacked.

Tianyu League is still in the dark, and they will not cause the attention of the Holy Family, and they will have the effect of sneak attack.

Once the strongmen of Tiancheng City and Tiandan City have been mobilized, Shengzong will definitely know the first time.

Then they will not only fail to attack, but they will probably fall into the trap.

However, the saints are also prepared for the extension of the wilderness. The strength of the exhibitions that they showed before has already caused the saints to attach great importance.

Even if the strongest of Tianyu League goes to attack the saints, it is possible to count.

Fortunately, the Holy Family does not understand how powerful the Tianyu League is. This is an opportunity for Tianyu League. Once the Shengzong clearly understands the strength of Tianyu League, it will not be so easy to attack the Shengzong Powerhouse in the future.

This is the easiest to succeed. Takuya is very up-to-date, repeatedly scrutinizing, and comprehensively compiling all aspects of intelligence before deciding to start the goal. Originally, the two giants of Tiancheng City and Tiandan City have been the easiest to start. of.

Takuno did not choose the two forces, because he would confuse the enemy for the time being, so that the enemy could not understand the enemy.

First of all, the two-way army near Tiancheng City and Tiandan City will be shot. The top of the Shengzong high-level will definitely think of the strongmen of Takino and Tianyu League.

Originally, they had doubts about Xuan Yu. Once they first helped the Tiancheng City, or the Tiandan City to solve the problem, then let the Shengzong high-level determine the fact that Xuan Yu is the extension of the wilderness.

Takino has carefully considered it. For the time being, the enemy cannot be seen at a glance. Let the enemy continue to touch the situation and it is more beneficial to the next war.

He told Long Chen about his ideas and plans, and Long Chen helped to point out the shortcomings.

The detailed plan was finally finalized, and the implementation plan was the strongest of Tianyu League, and all of them were the strong ones without exposure.

He didn't want the enemy to detect clues, so the enemy couldn't figure out who was doing it.

Picking out the strong shots, Takino wildly left the Tiancheng City and went straight to the Shengzong strongman not far from the Xuan Mo Zong site.

This time, he mainly used the magical powers and magic objects to shoot, on the one hand, the enemy could not find out the situation, but also let the Xuan Mozong and the holy sects have the same fire, so that the Xuan Mozong had to fight with the holy.

There is no way to blame the Xuan Mozong. If you don’t do this, it’s really possible to abandon the alliance and remain neutral, in the style of the Xuan Mozong.